279673 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1�!� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII ��� � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 ��� BLUE - MA,NOR � Flle NO. Council solutio Presented LIGF�TSE � l� � ���� Y R ferred To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date RE.SOLVID: That licenses for peiznit to conduct bingo ga�nes, applied for by the follawing organizations at the addresses stated, for the day, date arxl hours indicated on the applications, be and the same are hereby grant�ed: Sacred Heart Church 835 E. 5th St. Bingo 49 Periods App. #5563 Renew Sylv�an Booster Club 900 Rice St. Bingo 51 Periods App. #5534 R�new Holy Childhood Church Club 57 W. 7th St. Bingo 49 Periods App. #5532 Renew Pro ity Heights Booster lub 1060 University Ave. Bingo 52 Periods App. #5599 Renew COU CILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: FI tcher nna�sanz In Favor Ni¢osia '(� scheibel _ __ Against BY Tetiesco Wilson J�N � � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a_s ounc' , cr BY B� App v by Mavor. Dat � JAN � 4 19$3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY ' PUBLISHED ,!A N 2 2 1983 'i ������� �' ��"�"'`° � CITY OF SAINT PAUL \�`�C 1 T T O'�11��''i =`�� �'* ' '' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �_ '`; �� iiii�iii�ii '� %,+• „= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,�,� Room 203, City Hall ''�;"=m��•.,....�"I,�`~� GEORGE LAI�IMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR iJanuary 11, 1983 I Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council i Saint Paul, Minnesota I Mr. President and Honorable Members: I 'I'he Sylvan Booster Club makes application for penni.ssion to conduct bingo games for 51 periods at 900 Rice Street, beg�nning Januaty I 14, 1983. 'I'he application has been made by Joseph Zschokke, Treasurer, and I Michael Welsh wi11 be managing the games, which will be played on i Thursday evenings between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 P.M. I This application has been reviewed by the License and Pernni.t Division and the City Attorney's off�ce. The rec�ndation is I for approval. I I Very truly yours, �� � I Jose h F. Carchedi I License Inspector I I I i I I � �`��� � �� � "'°�"�"""'^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL =-�s`�t T*„�;,'''•,. �o � �-; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES >� iiii�i ii�ii '� �,,+• �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,�,. `�,:' Room 203, City Hall J��''�m«•,..... GEORGE LAtIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOf� � January 11, 1983 i , � Mr. President and Honorable Members ' of the City Council ! Saint Paul, Minnesota i Mr. President and Honorable M�embers: i The Sacred Heart Church makes application for pern�ission to i conduct bingo gam�es for 49 periods at 835 East Fifth Street, i beginning February 1, 1983. � The application has been made by Fr. Donulus Wunderlich, Pastor, ! and Joseph Forliti will be managing the games, which will be I played Tuesday evenings, between the hours of 7:00 and 11:00 P.M. � This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's Office. The recamtiendation is for approval. i i Very truly yours, i �C� ` Joseph F. Carchedi License Tnspector i i i i O i _ � 2"���'�`� '"�������'"`° CITY OF SAINT PAUL -=tiP``'T,�.,,��°'/�:: �o ��; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ';� iiii�iii�ii •' _,�e ,s= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '`�, ,..• `�,` Room 203, City Hall ��m`° ���� 5aint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LA�IMER MAYOR �anuary 11, 1983 ' I . Mr. President and Honorable Nlembers of the City Council $aint Paul, Mi,nnesota I Mr. President and Honorable Members: �I"he Prosperity He�ghts Booster Club make� application for permission �to conduct bingo games for 52 periods at 1060 University �venue, be- qinning January 20, 1983. T'he application has been made by Gerald D. Jansen, �resident and Uacqueline L. Jansen will be managing the games, which wi11 be played I'I'hursday afternoons frcxnn 1:30 unti,l. 5:30 p.zn. �'his application has been revi�wed by •the License and Permit Division and the City At�torney's office. The recomrendation is for approv�al. IV�-Y �lY Y�'S� ��� ���-�-,� IJoseph F. Carchedi License �nspector I i , I I I O I I �. J ��s��� ""���"`°"'°��>>, C I TY O F SA I N PA U L `\�..�CI�,Y O. =~r` '���` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES >� ,; :o a, �_,. iii'inii '" ` „- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION , , _ `'e�, ,��� Room 203, City Hall ..,m�����.�..o°,��I�\ GEORGE LAIfIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR I I January 11, 1983 I I Mr. President and Honorable Me��rs of the City Council iSaint Paul, Minnesota i Mr. President and Honorable Members: I The Holy Childhood Church Cana Club makes application for pe.rnussion to conduct bingo games for 49 periods at 57 West Seventh Street, be- i ginning February 19, 1983. The application has been made by Janet A. Fritz, President and Jerame B. Krzmarzicic will be managing the games, which will be played on Saturday evenings between the hours of 7:30 and 11:30 P.M. I 'I'his application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's Office. The rec�ndation is for approval. I, Very truly yours, I %���4��� � Joseph F. Carchedi , I Li.cense Inspector I I � I I � I �