279667 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 LI ��
o il e olution
Presented By / - •� � � � l"
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Board of Water Comrnissioners and the City of Saint Paul
have been apprised of the fact that certain properties located in Anoka
County have filed of record perpetual easement held on behalf of the City
of Saint Paul and its Board of Water Commissioners for the purpose of di—
verting, taking and drawing water from Lake Baldwin in Anoka County for
the purpose of supplying water to the inhabitants of the City of Saint
Paul; and
WHEREAS, Upon investigation of this matter the Board and City Council
have been apprised that the City and Board do not possess or need an ease—
ment over this property and that the recording of such easements must have
been in error; and
WHEREAS, The Board and City Council have been requested to adopt a
resolution stating and clarifying the fact that such a perpetual easement
is not owned or possessed by the City of Saint Paul and its Board of Water
Commissioners; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for itself and
on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul,
does hereby declare that the perpetual easements noted of record on the
following described torrens property held by the City of Saint Paul and
the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to divert, take
and draw water from Lake Baldwin in the County of Anoka, State of Minne—
sota, to supply the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul be and is hereby
abandoned and released forever, the torrens property being described in
and contained in the Certificate of Title No. 27458, in Volume 88, page
94, all in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Anoka County,
Minnesota, and a certified copy of this resolution may be filed of record
in the County of Anoka.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher �
�""'°9 [n Favor
Scheibel _ __ Ag81RSt BY —
Tedesco Elmer A. Huset, eneral Manager
��1 4 �� Form Approv d t A rney
Adopted by Council: Date ��
Certified as e t{}� Co�ncil S cretar BY ,
gy, �lt. �
by Ylavor: t _��AN 6 �� Ap a for Sub i io 0 ouncil
By. _ s
�U��►Sti�.� J A�� � `� 1983
��- CITY OF ST. PAUL No._�—
WHE�tEAS, The Board of Water Comrnissior�ers �nd che Gity of Saint Paul
have be��n �pprised of the fact that certain propertfes located in Anoka
County hav� filed of reeord perpetual easeeaent held on behatf of the City
of Saint Paul anci fts Board of Wattr Gommi�sioners for th� purpose of di–
verting, Cakin� �nd drawing water fram Lake Baldwin in Anoka County for
the purpose cf suppl.ying water to the inhabitants af tha City of Saint
Paul; and
WHEREAS, Upon investig�tion of this roatter the Board enc3 'City Councfl
hsve been epprised thet the C1�q and Board do not posaeas or need an ��se–
,�ent over this property and that the recording of such easements a�usC have
been in error; and
WHEREAS, The Board �nd City Conncil have baen requested to adopt a
resolution stating and clarifying the fact that aaEh a perpetaal easement
, is nat owned or poasessed by the City af Saint Paul and its Board of �Iater
Com�aissioners; now, therefore, he it
RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Coeamfss3c�ners o£ the City of Saint
Panl, does hereby declare that the perpetual �ase�aenCs noted af record
on the follos�ing described torrens propertq held by the CYty of Saint Paul
' and the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of S�int Paul to divert,
take and draw water from Lake Baldwin in Che County of Anaka, State of
Mfnnesota, to supply the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul be and is
herebq abanQoned and released forever, the torrens property be�ing described
in and contained in �he Certtficate of Title No. 27458, ia Vol,ume 88, page
94, all in the Office af the Re�istxar of Titles af Anoka Counity, Mi�ne–
sota, and s certified copy of thi� resolution may be f iled ef 'tecard i.n
the County of Anotca; and be it '
FURTHER RESOLVEA, Tl�at the proper officers of the Citp o€ Saint Paul
be and hereby are requested to cancur in the abandoiunent and release cf
' the said record�d easeraent.
State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey � ss.
City of Saint P aul
I, Thomas D. Mogren, Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint
Paul, do hereby certify that T have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said $oard as
adopted by the Board on __ DeC@IIlb@Y' ],-rj 1982 , with the original thereof on file in
my office and that said copy is a true and correct �o Commissioners
py of said original and the whole thereof.
Witness the seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this
�-� day of _�ember , A.D. 19
' 19�.
___ _--__ Z�n���',�'�—
In favor�— Opposed�� - - G'i�il'r� �._---
� , . � fl � �7���'
water U�' ility EPART(�tENT
Elmeri . Huset ONTACT .
298- `ioo PHONE �
12- 7-82 DATE �v�� �
(Routi�g and Explanation Sheet)
Assi n Nu er for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si nature :
Dep rtment Director
Ci t ,' Attorney ��C�I�D
�r ctor of Management/Mayor Q���� �2/��, D�-� �; , .� �,?
1 Fin nce and Management Services Director L � �"°"
3 Ci t�` C1 erk � Mr��'Cr��; �'�;�FiCE
Bud et Director
��hat Will!' be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur os Rationale :
� � Complete execution of easement xelease by City of Saint Paul and
� Board of Water Commissioners
Financia , �ud etar and Personnel I acts Antici ated: �
Funding ��Source and Fund Activity Nur�er Charged or Credited:
Attachme�nts (List and Number all Attachmentsl :
II 1. Council Resolution
,I 2. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution #3360
x Y�s No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? "x Yes No
Y s x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? ,�„� Yes No
Y s x No Insurance Attached?
jRevision of October, 1982
!I (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions)