279665 M/HITE - C1TV CLERK COUIICII ���V. ■ PINK - FANANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �.R BLU� - MAVOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution � r / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the following House Drain Contractor, having met all of the provisions of Chapter 240 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul, and having made the proper application for a HOUSE DRAIN CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the said House Drain Contractor, upon providing a bond, insurance certificate and the payment of the one hundred seven dollars ($107.00) license fee, is hereby granted a license authorizing to engage in the business of HOUSE DRAIN CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul for the year 1983. A1 Webster, Jr. dba Webster Company, Inc. COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmen � Fletcher Ma�Z � In Favor P lic Wo k ` ± Nicosia Scheibel � Against BY '� ' Tedesco Daniel J. for , Man er Wilson Sewer U liti Division JAN A 1Ae.� Form Appro ed i y ey Adopted by Council: Date `t �?ry-s Certified P s� by Counci ecre BY By- � A r d by 17avor: e - _.lAN 6 1983 Ap co e by Ma r for S b ' ion to Council By BY FUBLiSHED �AN 1 � 1983 j� a .., .. . .. . i : '. . .. :. : � � :-' .� . � r "., ,. .. � . . , , � �.; -�� µ� e .5 '� . n1:. . . � jq (�y�'Y S 3 } 'S ���[.�)i� T�I.3�+'� '. � Q� � S ry� �� '� � . y � .. ' A �TI `�/�� � ' 1.+� �cas�ens ��,; : ,,��2-64t)1 � �� � ,s,', , ,.i, ' . .. - {�� ��j,~ '� • �� �# .. . . . . �. ,. . : � � .. . v..., .;. . .._� ._ .. �' ��� �_,�+�+���' �'�r, r.��� �����1� ������� �x� A�ss f A1u�+k�e r fur R�uti r� Orci�r Ct 1 Ai l �acati tms. �� ' ��� �'� n� "� : � �ep�rtn�r�t ai re�ctfl� � City Attorney � Gi rector of Management/b�ayc�r Fi nance and Manag�ment ��r�r��s ni r��tor � City Clerk _.a,...._ Budget Director ,»�... - �-y---=�- . ' . i�hat Wi i 1 be Aehieved b 'iakin `Aetft�n on ttte AC��r;�ed Ma'�er��t3�? .. Pur se Ra�i�naae : Section �40.07 of the 5t. Paul T�egi�lative C�c3e r�qu3,r�s :�.h�� City .�ot�?ncii apprave or reject applica�.ion for HQUSe Drain Contractors, �s� �oaxd i�� �caat�nex� have agprov�d the applicatian. Fi nanci ai , �udgetary and Perscmnel I�acts Ant'{Ci#�at�d: �a1C?7 License Fee credited ta Sewer Genexal Fu�cl �undi nc,�Source and Fund Acti vi t�t �tu�r, Charged or Cr�di ted: Attach�r�nts �List and N�nber aii Attaci�ments�: 1. Cauncil Resolution t}€PAR7MEMT REVIEW � �,��'Y AT�'���', ���� � Yes No Council Resotc�tian Requir�d? ��t�1u't�or� R�qui�:d? „�,�,,, Ye� ��! Yes x No Inswrance R��u�r�?' Ihsuran�� ��ffl�i�nt? �„ �+�� �., ��! Yes x No Insurance At��ci��d? R�vislan p�f i}ct��er, i9�� ' ��ee Rev�rse Sid�e far 't�strt�tia�s� � _ � , � . �.: ,.. . ���� , � ` . � 2'79665 �.�.�r� ,... ; , c�u►,�si , ,. ,, . � „ . . . . , . .±t �) I �I'Y O1'' �iA�. IN`l� ��:1l,TL. �'lle ND• . Couneil Resolutior� }'����;c��,<<• � '�4 ____. . .__. ..__ _.____. _..___._ _.' f<<•'t� r;��,' i�.� _ C`on7mitte,c>; C)ate ____ ___------.__..____ ��,�T ,,. , �:;�,:si�:,. ��� Date __. ____._.._.y____ -------------- WH�;R��AS, the Fo:1low:ing H��use Drain Contractor, having met aZl of the provisic�ns c�t� ;:;li�.ax>ce�r 2=�'�} ot ttle LegislatiLe Code of the City of St. Paul, and haviny ma3e tii� �,r::��>er. api:�licati�r. �Ur a HOUSE DKI�IN C:ONTRAC'TOF'S LICENSE, it is hereby ;:��.'SC`LVI:,D, th�t tr�e said House Urai.n Cc}ntractor, upon provi.ding a bond, insurance c�>r-tit=ic;�te and t.hc p<:�ymer�t af the one hundred seven dollars ($107 .003) lirer.se i Ge, �.:: ;i�:.-���k�y qra:;t�c� a license aut�iarizing to engage in the business of HOUSE 17It.>.I'; ����N'i'RA�"TOR ic� tli�: City of St. Paul for the year 1.983. � .� b4e�,:�ti>r, �f� . d;.��; 6v�ebst.ex� Com�;��r,�°, Szic. _. _ _._.. --K --._ __ _ _ - _ _ _-- -_.. ____ ___.__ ___.__.___ _ ... ----- i�%il�ti�+_�i;.l1��.^v { �,t, . , I� F2eque Sted lry Uep�rtm<�nt �aI �=�etcher � ! Levme �tl �':l�'U[ �j P3��l.S�.�O��S. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _. _._. _____ .. Masanz -- �-....__ I N�casta Scheibel _. __ r��8tt!`t I [3V _ _ _- Tetfeseo � Daniel T. �urifcai�ci� M��iiac�er _ _. . �"+�s+�r� i� Sewers & Utilities lai��isi�ri i ., _ _ �� ��orm A��p�avezf by C,'ity Attorney :\�i .E „ __ _ _ . � . ' , . .: � �I C:f-��.i ; � _ � ,.' � �;, �I E3v _�____ ____ . _ _ _ _. ... ___ __._____. __.._.. _._ ;. , � <<•:,:�r. , _. , .. . �� � �i �: . _ ; '! ;'��i(�r ;i F, *�loti•<it fn. S�_ihmi .:nr� ta (�.�:unr+,: t: i L � Public rks EPARTI,IENT V I, � /9s�j5 Harold stens ONTACT 292-6001;, PHONE � �� D ' r 14 �9s2 DATE ��� ecembe (Routing and Explanation S�eet) Assi n N �er for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si natu 1 De 'artment Di rector ���'� ��� 2�0 1982 d �i y Attorney CITI� ATTORN �` D� �ector of Management/Mayor o/C ���ZI�� /� � I - Fi ance and Management Services Director � 4 Ci y Clerk � Bu' get Director ; i�hat Wil be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur os Rationale : Section �,: 40.07 of the St. Paul Legislative Code requires that City Council approve or reject plication for House Drain Contractors. The Board of Examiners h�ve approved the appl','cation. I Financia , Bud etar and Personnel I acts Antici ated: ! $107 Lic nse Fee credited to Sewer General Fund �' Fundin ource and Fund Activit Nur�er Char d or Credited: ' � Attachme` ts List and Number all Attachments : 1. Coun il Resolution , DEPARTME T REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes; No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �,_ Yes No Yesl' x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No Yes' x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 19$2 (See Reverse Side for 'Ir�structions)