279655 N�H17E - CITV GLERK COURCII ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ou cil Resolution Presented By �'�' �'l�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and West Side Health Center whereby the City and County provide funding to West Side Health Center, subject to the te�ms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and bZanagement Services. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /� Requested by Department of: Fletcher (�� - �_ �_. � ��.�,,�<,�,�,ry S���,�Ps Masanz � [n Favor Nicosia Scheibe� _ __ Against By T ,r-,�- '�`�5` Tedesco Wilson QEC 3 0198� Form A prove Cit e Adopted by Council: Date �. Certifie Passe y Cou .il Sejretary BY r ' �1p o e by ;Vlavor: Da _.�t►� 5 1983 Ap rov d y Mayor for S iss on to Council By BY PUBUSHED �AN 81983 f I . Commu i Services ��" "��" EPART�,IENT a _......rCONTACT . 292-77 1 HONE ���� � . Decem r 21 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation S eet) Assi n N"mber for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si nature : ar t Di rector C Attorney i ctor of Management/Mayor 4 ` ance and Management Services Director 5 y Clerk 6 Bu get Director i�hat Wil be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur o e/Rationale : Appro ' I and signatures on ,contract to provide funding to West Side Communit� Health Center, Inc. I Financi l , Bud etar and Personnel Im acts Antici ated: West de Community Health Center will receive City funds in the total amour�t of $55,000.00. No p onnel transactions are involved. i Fundin ' Source and Fund Activit Number Char ed or Credited: Fundin" code: 03215 Attach nts List and Number all Attachments : 1 , iginal and 5 copies of the �reement ' 2. I urance Certificate DEPART NT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' � 'r d? � " Yes No X Y� No Council Resolution Required. Resolution Requi e X Y No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? J v Yes No X Y �s No Insurance Attached? � ' io of October 1�82 Revis n � (�ee Reverse Side for 'Instructions) , t " �`:-�J ` ' �t-` CZTY OF SAINZ` P1�.UL � � s:.�'" ��� �'�����'� �-- OFF'IC� OF` THF CLTY COII:TCIL �� b �='�"��,,, Dafe . Dece;r.ber �', ���3= `_ � T"'• ` - . V R T`J �� COMMIT i EE RE PORT �, � TQ t SQin? Pa � [ Cii`y Council F R O (�i� = C o rn m i I't e e o n FI��'��`cE, �•�a�„�cE�i��� � PFRSOC:�:�L C H Q I R James Sche ibe 1 � . I_ Approval. of minutes from cneeting held December 16, 1982..�� � 2. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 E ui ment Services Fire � Police Budget. (Police Dept_) �Q_;4CL���� - �s�t�.�,C� � 3. Resolution authorizing an Ag:ee�ent between ��he City of St. Paul and the ; U of l�i �ltiereby the City will providz an instructor to teach at the U of l�i's Divisiort of School Health Education_ (�fealth Dept.. `��.������-�+ • 4_ Resolution revising the fee schedule for emergency medical services, a fee for false alarms caused by malfunctioning electronic fire surveillance : - - _- ec�uipment, and a fee structure for certa,in fire- revention inspection services. Fire De t. ��� � �' . C P ) ���QV€�.������s.t�"c�€���� _ _ ✓ 5. Resolutions to ratify an avreement bett�een the City of St. Paul and the . Conmunity Clinics (5) . (Health Dept.) �._��; � 6. Resoiution approving securitie� �led�ed by Commercial State Bank. (Finance) , .. � � ', 7. Fesolution transferring funds from the Contingent Reserve Acct. to the � heighborhood Justice Center acct. to provide fundino for the I�JC. (City At : . � 8. Resalution authorizing additions to the 1982 Special Police Badges Trust Fund Budget_ (Police Dep�.) ������ ' 9. Resolution authorizing additions� to the 1982 Special Projects - Police Bud� � (Police Dept_) - �a � _ � - 10. Resolution adopting adjustments to the Se�:er Availability Charge Budget providing SAC fees collected to be entered on the City's financial records. ! (Finance) i j 11_ Resolution authorizing City officials to submit to binding arbitration witt � the St. Paul Fire_Fighters �21. (Office of Labor Relations) �,��� . � 12. Resolution transferring from Contingency Reserve to Training F, Development � i, to provide a fudning source for Quality Circle Training on a city-«id�b�si j i (I�tayor's Off i ce'� - _ n�. _ � ��kk"t��`uc�tQ��c i , 13. Resolution approving securities pledged by Summit h`ational Bank. (�inance� 14. Resolution authorizing City officials to submit to bindin� arbitration witl- ! � the St. Paul Police Federation_ (Office of Labor Relations) �� � ? ; I5. Recommendation from [he Budget Director on financing alternstives for the � � 1 1983 winter street rr,air.tenance prograr.�_ � � ' �� f�'D1JiTioNS. � 0� �� . . CfTY" f:.'.t_I. S�.`.'i_`� f Ft FLC.)OIL � �.1�`:; ;,(1 C.\ � f P:\L� . '