279654 WMITE - CITV CLERK 2�796�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By `�'GP�� . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and North End Health Center whereby the City and County provide funding to North End Health Center, subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUIVCIL�IEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: FletCher c O M.yi✓•v.J� SP�r✓i�PS Ma�Z [n Favor Nicosia � scneibel _ _ Against BY �S Tedesco Wilson _DEC 3 0 1982 Form rove Cit t ey Adopted by Council: Date �. Certifie assed y uncil ecret f y BY � B} �s �1 ov d by Mavor: Da _�AN 5 �98� Appr ve b Mayor for Sub uncil _ By PUBUSNED �AN 81983 . • � i Commu t Services EPARTh1ENT ��965� Gary� P ,&h2ai��ONTACT . 29 - 1� HONE D cemb' r 21 1982 DATE �v v� � • e � (Routing and Explanation S eet) Assi n r for Routin Order Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature : 1 p r ment Di rector I C' Attorney �i ctor of Management/Mayor F nce and Management Services Director ! 5 Cit Clerk 6 Bud et Director . What Will e Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale : Approvali and signatures on contract to provide funding to North End Health Cen#er, Inc. i Financial , Bud etar and Personnel Im acts Antici ated: . North En Health Center will receive City funds in the tota) amount of $45,000��00. No personnel' transactions are involved. ' Fundin So rce and Fund Activit Number Char ed or Credited: � Funding e: 03215 i Attachment List and Number all Attachments : 1 . Origi' al and 5 copies of the agreement II 2. Insur ce Certificate DEPARTMENT '�REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �jYe No X Yes No Tnsurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? "�Yes No X Yes , No Insurance Attached? II Revision of October, 1982 � (�ee Reverse Side for 'Inst�uctions) � ..-- ° , � � .;�: CITY OF SAIN7' PAUL ��(�,��/� :: �� - O�'FZC� OF` TFi� CITY COIIYCIL .,�..::.....: � :' M....�,. -='`-.- Dafe , . December 22, 198� � ':. COMM (T�" EE RE PORT TO = Sa�nt Pqu I City Counci ! F R O M = C o rn m i r t e e O h FINA��;CE, b1ANAGEb1ENT F� PERSONNEL C H A I R James Scheibel � � � + 1. Approval.. of minutes from meeting held December 16, 1982.� 2. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 E ui ment Services Fire F� Police Budget. (Police Dept.) � ' 3. Resolution authorizing an Agreement between �he City of St. Paul and the U of I�1 wliereby the City will provide an instructor to teach at the U of 1�1's Division of School Health Education. (Nealth Dept. • 4. Resolution revising the fee schedule for em�rgency medical services, a fee for false alarms caused by malfunctioning electronic fire surveillance - -- ec�uipment, and a fee structure for cert i i . revention inspection . services. (Fire Dept.) - . S. Resolutions to ratify an agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Conmunity Clinics� (5) . (Health Dept.) � ' 6. Resolution approving securitie�' pledged by Commercial State Bank. (Finance�3 � 7. Resolution transferring funds from the Contingent Reserve Acct. to the ,� Neighborhood Justice Center acct. to provide funding for the hJC. (City tty_ 8. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Special Police Badges Trust ' Fund Eudget. (Police Dep�.) �� 9. Resolution authorizing additions� to the 1982 Special Projects - Police Bud�et. i (Police Dep t.) � _ - � � 10. Resolution adopting adjustments to the Sei�er Availability Charge Budget providing SAC fees collected to be entered on the City's financial records. (Finance) � 11. Resolution authorizing City officials to submit to binding arbitration with the St. Paul Fire:Fighters� �21. (Office of Labor Relations) (�,�� 12. Resolution transferring from Contingency Reserve to Training F� Development to provide a fudning source for Quality Circle Training on a cit -wide basis. � (biayor's Office �:� 13. Resolution approving securities pledged by Summit h`ational Bank. (FinancC 14. Resolution authorizing City officials to submit to bindin� arbitration with the St. Paul Police Federation. (Office of Labor Relations� I i 15. Recommendation from the Budget Director on financing alternatives for the � 1983 winter street maintenance program. ! �� �1�D iT�oN S. . . OU��2 � , CITY Fi.\L(. SEVEN�fF{ F(.00R S.\I\'C f':\U1., �ti`�t�(1I'.1 S5I(