00-553ORIGINAL ��'��°�� ���� RESOLUTION Presented B; Refened To Council File # �0 " 55.3 Crreen Sheet # 1 o�'lR 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted a Resolution under Council File # 00- 2 209 imposing a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) against the auto repair garage license 3 held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G Auto Repair, for premises at 390 Western Avenue North 4 in Saint Paul; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 WHEREAS, Licensee was given thirty days from the date of the adoption of the resolution to pay the fine and was given notice of the Resolution and the date the fine was due by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; and WHEREAS, the Licensee was given notice by the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office that the fine had not been paid and that the matter would be rescheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for reconsideration of the penalty if the tine was not paid by Apri120, 2000; and WHEREAS, the fine of $500.00 has still not been paid; now therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the auto repair garage license held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G 17 Auto Repair, for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North in Saint Paul is hereby suspended 18 until such time as the fine of $500.00 imposed under Council File #00-209 has been paid�`and I9 written notice ofthe lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 20 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Z1 * and until such ti me as the property is brought into compliance with ement CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S� D o -SS3 4 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the original Resolution and 5 fi1e, the facts contained in the May 4, 20001etter of the City Attomey's Office requesting a 6 hearing before the Saint Paul City Council and such azguments as were presented to the City 7 Council at the public hearing. V���1��4 Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �T� �� .� Ar���/� � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: /�i/Lvc-G �r'K-/-� V Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] BY: 1�...�__ a. 1'� � ��/��,-��—"_.' By: Approved by Mayor: Date VJYl.� �� (.i�cY{/ By t ����� U Adopted by Council: Date —� City Attomey I May 10, 2000 �irg�uua�Pal�er 266-8710 � BE ON COUNLYLA(�P.IA BV (LNT� � hme 7, 2000 - Public Hearin �� � oxmt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET :._ � :��--:�� Oo - S$3 No 1 Q4' 337 � ��� ❑ u`r�naieav ❑ mraout _ �. � �.�� � ���a ❑r�vart�um.�x� ❑ {GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNAtilRE) Resolution concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by William Anderson, dba S& G Auto Repair, 390 Western Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE iNFOananow �ocawM RSONALSERVICE CON7RACTS MUSTIWSWERTNE WLLOWING QUESiIONS: NB61�116 P¢Ba�flll ¢KYNOI�(l'd Utld2! 8 COIIf18C[ f0( MIB d¢p31G112f117 rES ruo Has mis Pe�soMim ever 6een a alY amDbYee7 YES NO Ooes this persaNfi�m pasese a sidll no[ (nrma�bP� bY �Y cunent city empioyee? YES NO Is Mie peisoMrm a targe[ed veodaR YES NO CO3T/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton M. Robinson, Jr.. CiryAttorrsey Q ��,SS� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrt, Afnyor May 9, 2000 William Anderson S&G Auto Repair 390 Western Avenue North Saint Paul, MN 55103 f�AY 3, 0 20Q0 �__ - -��_..__...�_... . _.. RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by William Anderson, d/b/a S& G Auto Repair for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North License ID #: 19980000502 Dear Mr. Anderson: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Juae 7, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Euclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, vv � G� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey civit Divisioa 400Cit}�Hnf[ Telephone:65l266-87l0 15 West Ke!logg B[vd. Fncsimi[e: 651 298-5619 Snint Pau{ Minnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �� S� (;Q�qgf i� ���...� , cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Carmen Berg, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 ORIGINAL ��'��°�� ���� RESOLUTION Presented B; Refened To Council File # �0 " 55.3 Crreen Sheet # 1 o�'lR 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted a Resolution under Council File # 00- 2 209 imposing a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) against the auto repair garage license 3 held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G Auto Repair, for premises at 390 Western Avenue North 4 in Saint Paul; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 WHEREAS, Licensee was given thirty days from the date of the adoption of the resolution to pay the fine and was given notice of the Resolution and the date the fine was due by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; and WHEREAS, the Licensee was given notice by the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office that the fine had not been paid and that the matter would be rescheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for reconsideration of the penalty if the tine was not paid by Apri120, 2000; and WHEREAS, the fine of $500.00 has still not been paid; now therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the auto repair garage license held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G 17 Auto Repair, for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North in Saint Paul is hereby suspended 18 until such time as the fine of $500.00 imposed under Council File #00-209 has been paid�`and I9 written notice ofthe lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 20 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Z1 * and until such ti me as the property is brought into compliance with ement CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S� D o -SS3 4 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the original Resolution and 5 fi1e, the facts contained in the May 4, 20001etter of the City Attomey's Office requesting a 6 hearing before the Saint Paul City Council and such azguments as were presented to the City 7 Council at the public hearing. V���1��4 Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �T� �� .� Ar���/� � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: /�i/Lvc-G �r'K-/-� V Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] BY: 1�...�__ a. 1'� � ��/��,-��—"_.' By: Approved by Mayor: Date VJYl.� �� (.i�cY{/ By t ����� U Adopted by Council: Date —� City Attomey I May 10, 2000 �irg�uua�Pal�er 266-8710 � BE ON COUNLYLA(�P.IA BV (LNT� � hme 7, 2000 - Public Hearin �� � oxmt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET :._ � :��--:�� Oo - S$3 No 1 Q4' 337 � ��� ❑ u`r�naieav ❑ mraout _ �. � �.�� � ���a ❑r�vart�um.�x� ❑ {GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNAtilRE) Resolution concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by William Anderson, dba S& G Auto Repair, 390 Western Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE iNFOananow �ocawM RSONALSERVICE CON7RACTS MUSTIWSWERTNE WLLOWING QUESiIONS: NB61�116 P¢Ba�flll ¢KYNOI�(l'd Utld2! 8 COIIf18C[ f0( MIB d¢p31G112f117 rES ruo Has mis Pe�soMim ever 6een a alY amDbYee7 YES NO Ooes this persaNfi�m pasese a sidll no[ (nrma�bP� bY �Y cunent city empioyee? YES NO Is Mie peisoMrm a targe[ed veodaR YES NO CO3T/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton M. Robinson, Jr.. CiryAttorrsey Q ��,SS� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrt, Afnyor May 9, 2000 William Anderson S&G Auto Repair 390 Western Avenue North Saint Paul, MN 55103 f�AY 3, 0 20Q0 �__ - -��_..__...�_... . _.. RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by William Anderson, d/b/a S& G Auto Repair for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North License ID #: 19980000502 Dear Mr. Anderson: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Juae 7, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Euclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, vv � G� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey civit Divisioa 400Cit}�Hnf[ Telephone:65l266-87l0 15 West Ke!logg B[vd. Fncsimi[e: 651 298-5619 Snint Pau{ Minnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �� S� (;Q�qgf i� ���...� , cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Carmen Berg, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 ORIGINAL ��'��°�� ���� RESOLUTION Presented B; Refened To Council File # �0 " 55.3 Crreen Sheet # 1 o�'lR 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted a Resolution under Council File # 00- 2 209 imposing a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) against the auto repair garage license 3 held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G Auto Repair, for premises at 390 Western Avenue North 4 in Saint Paul; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 WHEREAS, Licensee was given thirty days from the date of the adoption of the resolution to pay the fine and was given notice of the Resolution and the date the fine was due by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; and WHEREAS, the Licensee was given notice by the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office that the fine had not been paid and that the matter would be rescheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for reconsideration of the penalty if the tine was not paid by Apri120, 2000; and WHEREAS, the fine of $500.00 has still not been paid; now therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the auto repair garage license held by William Anderson d/b/a S& G 17 Auto Repair, for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North in Saint Paul is hereby suspended 18 until such time as the fine of $500.00 imposed under Council File #00-209 has been paid�`and I9 written notice ofthe lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 20 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Z1 * and until such ti me as the property is brought into compliance with ement CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S� D o -SS3 4 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the original Resolution and 5 fi1e, the facts contained in the May 4, 20001etter of the City Attomey's Office requesting a 6 hearing before the Saint Paul City Council and such azguments as were presented to the City 7 Council at the public hearing. V���1��4 Requested by Depaztment o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �T� �� .� Ar���/� � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: /�i/Lvc-G �r'K-/-� V Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] BY: 1�...�__ a. 1'� � ��/��,-��—"_.' By: Approved by Mayor: Date VJYl.� �� (.i�cY{/ By t ����� U Adopted by Council: Date —� City Attomey I May 10, 2000 �irg�uua�Pal�er 266-8710 � BE ON COUNLYLA(�P.IA BV (LNT� � hme 7, 2000 - Public Hearin �� � oxmt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET :._ � :��--:�� Oo - S$3 No 1 Q4' 337 � ��� ❑ u`r�naieav ❑ mraout _ �. � �.�� � ���a ❑r�vart�um.�x� ❑ {GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNAtilRE) Resolution concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by William Anderson, dba S& G Auto Repair, 390 Western Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE iNFOananow �ocawM RSONALSERVICE CON7RACTS MUSTIWSWERTNE WLLOWING QUESiIONS: NB61�116 P¢Ba�flll ¢KYNOI�(l'd Utld2! 8 COIIf18C[ f0( MIB d¢p31G112f117 rES ruo Has mis Pe�soMim ever 6een a alY amDbYee7 YES NO Ooes this persaNfi�m pasese a sidll no[ (nrma�bP� bY �Y cunent city empioyee? YES NO Is Mie peisoMrm a targe[ed veodaR YES NO CO3T/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton M. Robinson, Jr.. CiryAttorrsey Q ��,SS� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrt, Afnyor May 9, 2000 William Anderson S&G Auto Repair 390 Western Avenue North Saint Paul, MN 55103 f�AY 3, 0 20Q0 �__ - -��_..__...�_... . _.. RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by William Anderson, d/b/a S& G Auto Repair for the premises at 390 Western Avenue North License ID #: 19980000502 Dear Mr. Anderson: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Juae 7, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Euclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, vv � G� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey civit Divisioa 400Cit}�Hnf[ Telephone:65l266-87l0 15 West Ke!logg B[vd. Fncsimi[e: 651 298-5619 Snint Pau{ Minnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �� S� (;Q�qgf i� ���...� , cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Carmen Berg, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104