279638 M/HITE - CI7V CLERK COURCII ��y��("� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL ��� ��� CANARV - OEPARTMENT BL.UE - MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented, By �' ..� + Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510 adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, Council File 278987 adopted July 20, 1982, amended the 1982 budget to include the expenditure for improvements to the 7A Ramp; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget to complete 7A Ramp improvements. CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Parking & Transit Fund 36102-0200 Reserved Fund Balance for Resurfacing of 7A Ramp $100,000 $40,000 $140,000 Net Increase $40,000 SPENDING PLAN 36102-898 Building Improvements/Resealing of lA Ramp $100,000 $40,000 $140,000 Net Increase $40,000 N�J, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget for lA Ramp improvements. � COUNCILME[V Yeas Nays Requeste� Department of: Fletcher � �� "e [n Favor Masanz Nicosia �j/� � �m scheibe� _ � __ Against �Y �= Tedesco � Wilson 0 �(,$'t �G� � Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �j G Certifi Passe by oun Se fetary By � ✓�- ��'ZZ�OZ � r �5 »83 Ap oi+e by Mayor f r rbmission to Council �lpprov d by Mavor: Da AH ,� _ � By � P L1S�1EO JAN 8 1983 I EPARTt,1ENT /� ' �`���V _� ONTACT HONE n � e � oATE ree (Routing and Explanation heet) Assi n mber for Routin Order Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature : `� � �' D� artment Di rector �' 3 � Ci�f y Attarney � __ _ �'� � Di ector of Management�Jayo� �, � 5 Fii; ance and Management Services Director 6 Ci'; y Clerk ' � � 1� B get Di rector , � D �Jhat Wil'1 be Achieved b Zakin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur o�e Rationale : Authoriz` tion to spend additional budgeted funds to complete the floor su face work at the 7` Parking Ramp (Municipal Ramp #1 - Science Museum) , to cover wnf�rseen costs. riginal authorization approved by�Council Resolution #278987, JuYy 22, 1982. , Financi l , �ud etar and Personnel I acts Antici ated: ', � Contract cost additions - 40,000 Budgeted� amount = 40,000 ' Fundin iSource and Fund Activit Number Char ed or Credited: Parking ' nd Transit Fund - 36102-0200 � Attach nts List and Number all Attachments : ; City Cou cil Resolution - Action City Cou cil Resolution - #278987 appeared, July 20, 1982 with approved b�dget line items. I DEPARTM NT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �' X Ye No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Ye X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? , _ Yes No Ye X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 19 2 (See Reverse Side for �Ijnstructions) - � „ - '.Y.. J . -_ ' ' - °' � �u�� .�,: .�,., t...� .r, .�.. � _,. . .. ..._., .�r . . ^ .. . . . .. � � . . n�. 1 �[.�, �����V . ot on the prepared agenda items: Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Neighborhood Assistance Program Budget. �. ,�•-Q ' �solution authoriza.ng the expenditure of additior�al #�dget�d f s to complete ie f3oor�s�rface work at the 7A Parl�ing �tamp to cover unforseen osts. � R#,D "Ta t0�1�CCC.. c�3�� 1Jn REC.uN►��cUDq'T1ow �3f� At��DA O� �ft�t3iZ.SDf��' ��.Cf..NI �� 30� Iq�, -