279632 M�H17E - C�TV CLERK COUIICII 2'�9��3� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• C uncil esolution . , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, St. Paul receives an annual allotment from the Minnesota Highway Users Tax Distribution Fund according to the rules for State Aid Operation under Minnesota Statutes 1978, Chapters 161 and 162 as amended. WHEREAS, A requirement established by the Municipal State Aid Screening Committee requires each municipality to prepare a construction program approved by the City Council. This construction program shall be updated periodically (not to exceed three years) . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul approves the attached Municipal State Aid Construction Program. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fle,�n p Traffic- R Masanz In Favor Nicosia _ Scheibel _�__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson DEC 3 01962 Form Appro d Iby ty At rney Adopted by C ouncil: Date — Certifi Passed by Counc' Se�retary BY � , � r• t � Ap ve b+� yor for S �ssion to Council tapp by Mavo . � a B a PUBUSHED �AN 8 �98� ' ������� ��'����m CITY O� SAINT PAUL ,,.� �.t. o:'�, ♦, _Re�' , �?�i� '; a� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS s� mu�mn ,= �� ���� �� �� �- DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ,,,,,o ��� �0j���, '°"��-'��� 600 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 mc��c: GEORGE UTIMER 612-298-4241 MAYOR December g, 1982 ' ������ �� L� � `. �:� , '. r.f .. �,.;� Honorable Mayor George Latimer �� }_;�� � ` �-s��w_ Room 347 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: The City receives an annual allotment from the Highway Users Tax Distribution Fund based on a formula in accordance with the Rules for State Aid Operation. A 12 member committee composed of one City Engineer from each of the 9 Mn/DOT districts and the City Engineer from the 3 cities of the first class assist in the development and interpretation of the rules governing the apportionment and use of these state collected funds. There was considerable concern by this committee and others about the steady increase in the unencumbered funds in the Muni- cipal State Aid Account. In an attempt to reduce this balance, a resolution was adopted requiring each municipality t�o submit � a construction program approved by the City Council before January ' 1, 1983. Failure to submit a construction program and implement the proposed projects or other acceptable projects would result in a penalty in proportion to the municipalities ' unencumbered balance. The attached program was taken from the 1984-1988 program for capital improvements and is an update from the 1979 approved program. This year, St. Paul' s unencumbered balance is near zero, so the resolution does not affect us. However, lwe have prepared the attached Municipal State Aid Program in the event we do have an unencumbered balance in future years. Tn�hile this �construction p�ogram must be approved by the City Coun�il, no �commitment for any individual project is given, and alll projects must advance through the normal citizen participation budgeting process. ,; . Sincerely, �1��C�Ui `; . � /�..7'� � � Donald E. Nygaard, Director Public Works Department DEN:RHR:DDT:kaj Attachment cc: City Council �O � . . ������ MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREET SYSTE�I 5-Year Construction Program For ,�'. ���, (State Aid Expenditures Only) REVENUE Present State Aid Construction Balance June 30, 19 O � _ $ � iZ �?� �sti�ated Annual Construction Allotment $ � lo � .Z x 4 = � ��f: ?b 9. � '�� �stimated Total State Aid Allotment for Programming Purposes � / 9 O �o� �i�T 7 ESTIMATED EXP:�I�ITURES Year Estimated of State Aid Exnenditure Termini Project Description Expenditure On ARLINGTON AVE. 1983 From HazelwOOd St. GRD/PAV To E. Shore Drive Length � ,,,,,`�4,,0 0 0 On ARLINGTON AVE. 1983 From Jackson St. GRD/PAV To Edgerton 5t. $ 351 ,00Q ___� Length pn BURNS AVE. 1983 From Ear St. GRD/PAV To Jo nson Pkwy. $ 342 ,000 Length ipn FRONT AVE. 1983 From Dale St. BIT. OVERLAY �9,400 To Western Ave. � Len�th pn KASOTA 1983 From T.H. 280 R/W � 250 000 To 700 ' �a, of Snellin ' Lenoth On D4INNEHAHA AVE. 1983 From Burr St. GRD/PAV To Payne Ave. � 246,400 Length ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES �����1� Year Gstimated of 5tate Aid Ex�enditure Termini Pro��ect Description Expenditu On PAYNE AVE. 1983 From Edaerton Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To C.N.W. RR. � 45, 800 Length On SIBLEY—JACKSON ; 1983 I'ror.i SWITCHBACK GRD/PAV 146, 3Q0 � To $ Len�th I On TEDESCO ST. 1983 From La ayette 5t. OVERLAY To Burr St. � 83,000 � Length ' On L�12NIFRED ST. ` 1983 Fror.i � we St. OVERLAY To Wabasha St. � 62 ,700 Len�th pn COMO AVE. 1983 From Western Ave. BRIDGE To Arundel St. � 849,OOQ Length � i On COMO AVE. 1983 FromWestern Ave. R/W fi 100 000 To Arundel St. ,� � Len;th �Jn PAYNE AVE. ' 1983 From Bush St. BRIDGE To Whitall St. $ 521,500 Length On PAYNE AVE. Fron Bush Ave. R/W To W �tal St. � 300,000 Len�,th $3, 941 ,000 . ESTIMATED EXPENDITtJIZES Year Gstimated of State Aid Expenditure Termini Pro ect scription Expenditure On FILLDZORE ST. 1984 From State St. BIT. OVERLAY g1,000 To Plato Blvd. $ Length On LAFAYETTE RD. � 1984 P'ror� rove St. GRD/PAV To E. t St. $ 43,000 Len�th pn E. 7 th STREET 1984 From Mendota St. GRD/PAV 353,000 To Johnson Pkwv. $ � Length On WESTERN AVE. 19 8 4 Fror,► Como Ave. GRD/PAV To I. S. 94 � 314, 000 Len�th ! i On FAIRVIEW AVE. 1984 FromSt. Clair Ave. BIT. OVERLAY 395 ,000 To Montreal Ave. � Length � i On LEXINGTON PKWY. 1984 From St. Clair Ave. BIT. OVERLAY � 232 ,000 To Fort R . Len�th �Jn TENTH ST. � 1984 From o ert St. GRD/PAV To ac son St. � 202 ,000 Len�th On ST. ANTHQNY AVE. 1984 Toom Fairview AvP__ _ BRIDGE DECK � 131,000 Length � ������t� ESTIMATED Ei{PENDITUP.ES Year Gstimated of State Aid Expenditure � ;nini Pro Lect Descri tp ion Expenditure On JEFFERSON AVE. 1984 From Short Line Rd. BRIDGE DECK To v 189,000 Length On LEXINGTON PKWY, i 1984 rror� Mi waukee RR. BRIDGE DECK ' To W 160�000 � Len�th On FRONT AVE. 1984 From Lexington .�kwy, GRD/PAV To Da e St. $ 328 ,000 Length � � On COMO AVE. 1984 Fron a e BIT. OVERLAY � To Ce ar � 304 ,000 ; Len�th I � EDGCUMBE RD. 1984 From Fairview Ave. BIT. OVERLAY ; To Munster St. $ 123,000 ! Length � i On KELLOGG BLVD. gIT. OVERLAY 1984 From St. Peter St. BRIDGE DECK To W. 7th 5t. � 147 ,000 Len�th � On CITY WIDE ; 1984 From RR. CROSSING To $ 50, 000 Len�th On KASOTA AVE. 1984 Fron Snellinct Ave. GRD/PAV ,� 500,000 To Gibbs Ave. � Length �STItfAT�D EXPENDITUP.ES Ye<�r Gstimated of 5tate Aid Gxnenditure Termini Project Description Expenditure On VICTORIA ST. 1984 From Dayton Ave. GRD/PAV To Summit Ave. $ 203, 000 Lenrth On SELBY AVE. 1984 rrom Fairview Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To Victoria St. � 314,000 Len�tr On JEFFERSON AVE. 1984 From ort ine R . BRIDGE DECK Te $ 189,000 Length On LEXINGTON PKWY. 1984 Fror� i wau ee BRIDGE DECK T� � 160,000 Len�th $ 4, 418 ,000 On From To � Length On From To � � Len�th On From To $ Len�th On Fron To � Len�,th ESTIMATED E�PENDITURES Year Gstimated of State Aid Expenditure Termini Pro�ect Description Expenditure On PARK�VA� DR. 1985 From Edcterton St. GRD/PAV To Pavne Ave. $ 90 .000 Len;th On SYCAMORE ST. 1985 rrom Rice St. GRD/PAV 215 ,000 To Jac son St. $ Len�th On ARLINGTON AVE. I 1985 From Sylvan St. GRD/PAV ( To Jackson St. $ 60,000 Length ! I On JOHN IRELAND BLVD. 1985 FroM Mars a Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To Capito B vd. � 117, 000 Len�th ! pn WESTERN AVE. ', 19 8 5 From omo ve. GRD/PAV I To ron ve. � 412 ,000 � Length � On 4�1ESTERN AVE. 1985 From Summit Ave. GRD/PAV To Selby Ave. a 129,000 Len�th On CRETIN AVE. � 1985 FromI.S. 94 BIT. OVERLAY 381,000 To Ford Pkwy. $ Length On CITY WIDE 1985 Fron RR. CROSSING To � 50,000 Length ESTIMATED EXP�NDITURES Year Cstimated of State Aid Expen3iture Termini Project Descri�tion Expenditure pn E. 7th STREET 1985 From Pa ne Ave. RETAINING WALLS To Mour. s B vd. � 221,000 Length On EARL STREET ; 1985 rr��C.N.W.-B.N. ,�2R• BRIDGE i To $ 1,712,000 � Len�th pn ARCADE ST. ' 1985 From BRIDGE DECK 267 ,300 Te $ Length ' On LAFAYETTE RD. 1985 Fror�B.N.-Soo Line RR. BRIDGE DECK 164,000 ' To � ' Len�th �' �� On FORT ROAD 1985 From Milwaukee RR. BRIDGE DECK 104,100 To $ Len�th On SNELLING-MARSHALL 1985 From i wau ee RR. BRIDGE DECK To � 500,000 Len�th ! On SPRINGSIDE DR. � 1985 From Point Douc�,las Rd. GRD/PAV To1500 ' East � 239,000 Len�th ,2$ $ 4 ,661,400 On Fron To � Len�;th ESTIhiATED E�{PENDITIJRES Year �stimated of State Aid Ex�enditure Termini Project Description _-.�enditure pnWESTMIN5TER ST. 1986 From Case Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To York Ave. $ 28,000 Lenrth On MARION ST. ' i 1986 rror� University Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To St. Anthony Ave. � 92, 000 Len�th On THOMAS AVE. 1986 From Dale St. GRD/PAV To Marion St. $1,030 ,000 , Length ', On HAMLINE AVE. 1986 Frorn Hoyt Ave. GRD/PAV To Como Ave. � 506 ,000 Len�th 'i pn ARLINGTON AVE. ' 1986 From Victoria GRD/PAV To Da e St. � 518 ,000 Length On VANDALIA ST. 1986 From Territoria BIT. OVERLAY To C ar es Ave. � 27 ,000 Len�th ! On ST. PAUL AVE. i 1986 From Montreal Ave. GRD/PAV ToSaunders Ave: $ 142,000 Len�th On CITY WIDE 1986 From RR. GRADE CROSSING To � �n Fnn�, Len�,th �� ��96�p� i.STIAIATED EXPGNDITUIi.�S Year Cstimated of State Aid Expenditure Termini , :-o_�ect Descri tp ion Expenditure On CITY WIDE CODZPUTERIZED 19 8 6 From S IGNAL CONTROL To $ 150, 000 Len;th On WESTERN AVE. j 1986 rro� BN. RR. BRIDGE To $ 199�000 Len�th Qn KELLOGG BLVD. I 1986 From Cedar St. BRIDGE � To Ro ert St. $ 279,000 � Length � � On VANDALIA ST. ' 1986 FronMi wau ee RR. BRIDGE DECK � To � 119, 900 ' Len�th i On GR.AND AVE. , 1986 From i wau ee BRIDGE DECK ', To $ 223,200 : Len�th � On DALE ST. 1986 From BRIDGE DECK To � 299, 000 Len�th $3,663,100 On From To $ Length On Fron To � Length �?"195�� ESTIMATED E�CPENDITURES Year Gstimated of State Aid Gxpenditure Termini Project Descri tp ion Expenditure On MARYLAND AVE. 1987 From Lahite Bear Ave. GRD/PAV To Ruth St. $ 770,000 I.enrth On SHEPARD RD. i 1987 I'ror.iOtto Ave. BIT. OVERLAY � To Randolph Ave. r 107 ,000 Len�th On HOYT AVE. ; 1987 From Hamline Ave. GRD/PAV 411,000 To Lexinqton Pkwy. $ i Length � On SHORT LINE RD. 1987 Fror,i Selby Ave. BIT. OVERLAY ! To Jefferson Ave. e 281• 000 Len�th On ST. CLAIR AVE. 1987 From Cleveland Ave. GRD/PAV 790,000 ' To Lexington Pkwy. � i Length On GRAND AVE. 1987 From Ramsey St. BIT. OVERLAY To Fort Rd. � y 81,000 Len�th �n FAIRVIEW AVE. i 1987 From Mars a Ave. BIT. OVERLAY To ran Ave. � 116 ,000 Len�th On CEDAR ST. 1987 Fron Columbus Ave. BIT. OVERLAY 102 ,000 To Ninth St. � Length f • ���V�� �STIr1ATED EXPENDITURES Year �stimated of State Aid Expenditure Termini Project Description Expenditure �...._ On BURR ST. 1987 From C.N,W. RR. BRIDGE � '723,000 To Len�;th On SELBY AVE. 1987 rrorn Milwaukee RR. BRIDGE � 1,801, 000 j To y � Len�th On ST. CLAIR AVE. � 1987 From Milwaukee RR. BRIDGE DECK 409,200 � Te $ Length ' . $5 ,591,200 On Fror.i To � Len�th On From To � Length � On From To � Len�th On From To $ Len�th On Fron To a Length ' 2'796�� Publi' Works EPARTh1ENT . Donal D. Tufte ONTACT ' 292-6 86 HONE ���� � , Decem er 8 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation �heet) Assi n N' mber for Routin Order Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature : ,/�-�De' artment Di rector ,/2� Ci y Attorney ���kl��� ��Dit ector of Management/MayorQ�` �� 12����g� � � D�� �- � . . , . Fi ance and Management Services Director � ft��r�'�0:� -, ,:>=r�G� Ci. y C1erk B ' get Di rector ', ; What Wi�'1 be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur o e/Rationale : The Mu icipal State Aid Screening �ommittee, and others, are concerned about a steadyl: increase in the Municipal State Aid Account of the Hic�hway Users Tax Distri ution Fund. The Committee passed a resol.ution in 1978, requiring each munici ality to prepare a construction program to be updated at least every 3 year . Failure to submit a construction program and imple ent this program, or ot r acceptable projects, would result in a penalty in p oportion to the m icipalities' uriencuinb�re�ibalance. The attached progr m is the 3 year u�datei as r.equired. Financi 1 , �ud etar and Personnel I acts Antici ated: No co itment for any individual project is given, and all p�ojects must advan through the normal citizen participation and budgeti�g process. � Fundin ';�Source and Fund Activit Nurr�er Char ed or Credited: , Attach nts List and Number all Attachments : � Counci�l Resolution ; Munic'` al State Aid Construction Program '� te Aid Screenin Committ e DEPART IENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Y� No Council Resolution Required? Resalution Required? Yes No Y s �_ No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? +_ Yes No Y s X No Insurance Attached? � ' Revision of October, 1 82 (See Reverse Side for !'Instructions) I ��..�.0 i � , � �'�9b�� . � Construction Fun� Balance - Oct. 1961 ( Revised May ] 975 ) That for the determination of the 1962 hlunicipal State Aid � Street rleeds and all future Needs, that the amount of the -� unencumbered construction fund balance as of June 3�th of � the current year , not including the• current year construc- tion apportionrrer.t, shall be deducte'd from the 25-year , total Needs of each individual municip?1ity. � Thzt annually the Finance Office shall review the encum- � � brances of each municipality and delete from the construc- tion fund balance only those encumbrances that have �een � made for projects awarded the previous year . � ( Revised Oct. ].981 ) � By_January_1 , 1°83 , each munici�ality_shall submit a ! � revised 5-�ear_construction �rogram which has been_approved [ by_thei.r city cour.cil . This pro�r�m shall include sufficient � �rojects_to utilize all existing_and anticipated_funds � accruir.g—during the life_of the_pro�ram.— The_pro�ram—will be_u�dated_at 3=year intervals and a review made at that � � time to ascertain_proc�ram implementation . 1 �Et ( Revised Oct . 1981 ) " ► That , whenever z municipality exceeds S3(10 , 00(1 , or two ! � � times their ar.nual construction allotment ( whichever is ` ` greater ) in the construction fund bal�nce available as of � June 30th of the current year , not includinq the c�rrent � ! year ' s allotment , the Unencumbered Construction Fund t � Subcommittee will review and allow the city in auestion to � " explain the reason for the large balance . Each individual municipality will be ev�luated by the Subcommittee and a � � recommendation shall be made to the Screening—Committee — ! prior to making adjustment . The committee ' s recom�rendations } will be based ' or. the �uidelines_that =hould an ?d�ust.ment I � be necessary, twiee th.e city' s_unencumbered�constr�uction � fund_bclance , less_the_current year ' s constructicn_zllo�mer,t , � ; will be deducted from the city' s_25-�ear_need�_prior to the � , succeedina_year ' s ap�ortionment . Unless the balance is ; � reduced in_future �ears ,_this deductior will_be increased ar.nually_to 3 , 4 , S , etc . , times the amount until �uch time the money needs are. reduced to zero This adjustmert would be in addition to the unencumbered constructton fund deduction � previously_defined . ( Revised June 1979 ) i The Screening Committee past Chairm�n be �.ppointed tc serve a three-year term on the UnenCumbered Constructior , Fund Subcommittee . This will continue to maintain an j exp?rienced group to follow proarzm of accor�.plishments. -86-