278278 WHITE - CITY CLERK �!�'f�I�f�• � PINK - FINANCE COUIICII BLU�,RY - �Mw ORMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI.TL File NO. rdin�cnce Ordinance N�. �(Od �� . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance ar.lendinc� Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of �aint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to ISinnesota 5tatutes � 462 .357 and � 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, the flousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul duly petitionec� to rezone Lots 6 through 10, Elocic 97, West St. Paul Proper, located on the west side of Gor�an between George and Stevens, fro�n RT-1 to RT-2 for the purpose of constructing nine to�anhouse units, the petition having been certi- fied by the Department of Finance and Tlanagement Services on November 23, 1981 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the pro��erty to be rezoneu., and further having been consented to by at least t��o-thirds of the owners of the propert�� situated �aithin 100 feet of the total contiguous d�escriptions of real estate hela by the same owner or any part_y purchasing any such contiguous property �vithin one year preceding the dat� of the petition; and WF�EREAS, The current Zoning Committee on January 7, 1982 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107 .03 of the Adr.lini- strative Code, submitted its reco�endation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and [^If�EREAS, The Planning Comznission considered th� rezoning �etition at its meeting held on January 8, 1982 and recommenc��ed that the City Council approve the petition; ana WHEREAS, IJotice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly pu�lished in the official COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine [R FaVOC Maddox McMahon snowaite� Against By Tedesoo wlson Form Approve y City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y yor for Submission to Council By BY v � -� , ' ` � Q , �� ; . .I -1 � � , � � ,� , ; • � - � . ••. _� -- - - - i � �- I i j ' , I � ( ' .. i` ,� � ' - � � 3 ( ' .S � 6 7 I � �. ! ��_ _ _ 7 � �f Q � � . ` I �' 1 '-�--- , 6 i ., O�� 3 � , �o. . �� ,s-o ( „ I � I „ ,. ; so. � (� L_ �ra. �.r� � � VACATED � ' 7•. .So_, �1`' �o. /ro o _ �: o �sv• \1. �I s'o. is p � t I �p 8S � � / �� '� �I I� / l� I , . � i , � I . • - > � ' _,.. �._.�..___ __... �� � ,i iF _ z � y _ �_ � �-� 2 \ � � � � I � � ----- --� --- ---._ � > ;_ -� I' � � � 3 8 8 ' � - . 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WHITE - CITY CLERK �82�g PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARY - i1EPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L BLUFr,` - MAYOR File N O. . / Or in�nce Ordinance N0. � (� ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on January 16, 1982 and notices were duly �nailed to each owner of affectea property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the pra�erty sought to be rezoned; and WFiEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on January 28, 1982 ���here all interested persons v�ere heard, and the Cauncil having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF S11INT P11UL DO�S ORD�IId: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet TJo. 37, as incorporated by reference in Section G0 . 301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amendecl as follows: That property located on the west sic�e of Gornan between George and Stevens, being �nore particu- larly described as Lots 6 through 10, Block 97, West St. Paul Proper, be ana is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to RT-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall talce effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � �evine [n Favor Maddox s"101CMIFaIwn -�•� d Against By ��d� �ISOn �� �Qp' Form Approved C' y Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s b Council S tary BY By App by Mayor. Dat � � � ,g8� ` Approved by or for bmission to Council gy By �EO MAR z o �ss� . ���2�8 ,-� ��_= o, ' • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �r~0` . � o a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � i i��it� � ��° ^° DIVISION OF PLANNING .,,r �ss• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR January 25, 1982 Albert Olson 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9074 - Housin� & Redevelopment Authority City Council Hearina: January 28, 1982 Dear Sir: PURPOSE: This letter is written in response to the petition of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority to rezone the Old Garfield School site located on the west side of Gorman between George and Stevens from RT-1 (two family residential ) to RT-2 (townhouse residential ) to allow construction of nine townhouse units. ZUNING COMMITTEE RECOMMEPJDATION: On January 7, 1982, the Zoning Committee voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: On January 8, 1982, the Planning Commission considered the Zoning Committee recommendation and voted 20 to 0 to approve the rezoning. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the rezoning based on findings 2 through 8 of the attached staff report. SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None The rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 28, 1982. Please notify me by January 27 if any member of the Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearina. Sincerely, �� ��rn� Susan Von Mosch City Planner SVM/mb attachments �O , , � <� .'r �O� / Q , . _ . _ PIINUTES OF THE ZONING CO��MITTEE IN CITY COUNCIL CHAP4BERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ON JANUA2Y 7, 1982 PRESENT: Mmes. Karns and Summers ; Plessrs. Armstead, Lanec�ran, Levy, and Pangal of the Zoning Corim�ittee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Buildina Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Ms. James , and Ms. Von Mosch of the Planning Division Staff. _ ABSEPdT: Messr. Bryan. The meetin� was chaired by Joseph Pangal , Vice-Chairman. � HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (.#9074) : Petition to rezone from RT-1 to R -2 to allow construction of 9 town ouse units on the west side of Gorman between George and Stevens. The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Von Mosch showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval . John Wenker was present to answer any questions, Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Pangal closed the public hearina portion of � the meeting. - v Mr. Lanegran made a motion to recommend approval based on findings 2 through 8 . of the staff report. ��1r. Levy seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submitted by: Approue by; ��� ���� � � �-___.__ . ;�il � �c.�..--_� . Susan Von ,1osch Jamesl6ryan, Ch ' man ; � � �=_ . � � 7��� �� , ' , _ ' . ZONING STAFF REPORT l . APPLICANT: HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEPJT AUTHORITY DATE OF HEARING 1/7/82 2 . . . . , , , , , , . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARO OF ZONING APPEALS ❑ Rezoning L� Variance Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review a Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other Change of Nonconforming Use Q Other 3. LOCATION: West side Gorman between George and Stevens. 4. LEGAL DESCRIP7ION: Lots 6-10, Block 97, West St. Paul . 5. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFEREP�CE: Section 60.430 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE� 12/28/81 BY Susan Von Mosch A. PURPOSE Rezone from RT-1 (two family residential � to RT-2 (_townhouse residential ) to a low construction of nine townhouse units. B. SUFFICIENCY: The rezoning petition was declared sufficient by the Finance Department � on Novem�er 23, 1981 . Twenty-two parcels were eligible to sign the petition; 15 were needed; and 16 were obtained. • C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The site consists of five lots with a frontage of 50 .feet on Gorman and a depth of 150 feet for a total area of 37,500 square feet. . D. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is vacant. Surrounding land uses include a neighbor- hood grocery store B-1 ) and Riverview L•ibrary (RT-1 ) to the north; one and two family residences (RT-1 ) to the south, east and west. Emanuel Lutheran Church is located • to the southwest and the historic Rau-Strong house is located directly west of the site. George Street, bordering the site to the north, is the community's major east- west traffic corridor. . E. ZONING HISTORY: The site was zoned "B" residence from 1922 to 1975, when it was designated RT-1 . F. FINDINGS: . 1 . The parcel is the former Garfield School site; the site is vacant. 2. The site is 37,500 sq. ft. in area. A parcel of this size permits a room count of 34 rooms in an RT-2 zoning district. The proposed development of nine townhouses will meet the density requirement. 3. The rezoning is in conformance with the Land Use Component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan states (p.35) that the "City will develop and implement changes in the Zoning Ordinance which all.ow more flexibility in the recycling of vacated institutional lands and buildings for uses appropriate to the site and compatible with the surrounding land uses. " 4. The Land Use Plan also states , "On scattered vacant sites in existing neighborhoods , the City will allow new housing development at densities somewhat higher than the - existing zoning but compatible with the general existing pattern of development" � (p.23) . 5. The rezoning is in conformance with the Housing Component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Plan recommends increasing the supply of housing and encouraainq • residential construction which provides alternatives to sinQle-famil,y detached houses (p.4-5) . 6. The Housing Plan also states that "the City encourages the development of inedium density housing consisting of townhouses on sites adjacent to neiQhborhood ' commercial areas, traffic corridors and larger vacant and underutilized sites within both built-up and developing City neighborhoods" (p.6) . 7. The District 3 Land Use Plan recommends reuse of the Garfield School Site. The Plan states (p.9) prospects for new development in the area include residential , COmmPrCidl , recreational and social uses . Sinqle family or to��anhouse development �•rould increase the housing stock and be co��patible with existing housinq. " �� � . The rezoning is compatible Nrith surrounding land uses . K,ZO�1�n9 ���I �� ,. ,-_. �.- .,��.,�.���.,��T,��, . �.�cP�! n,n f;r.�i�nnS ? ±hrn!1^h °, ct�fr �°�C'nm^?an�ic ��pr�\,a� Of thp� ���' E'' � .1 �( � � � � • � f � � , • ����� � .. � :; � � 4 0 ��� .::, � /x � �, � ���"`� .; ,�.- / '� �k f', x � � • � � ���'.�� ,i�' � �nm � Y � � :b �. �� ...A yi. �'A p � �� r � u - � - � � �� � - � 3 �� ' e Y I / �i� , � � � � � O _ � _. • ':r. a i ',_ ,. . � � �A� '� � � � i � � - G < ���,�:�� i;��� '� =� � • • • • - . ■_ri\�.,.� =';i�A�7;�" • • � • • � �� ! �j � � • r � • • • • • � � k11''� �V � �� � o • - � �" : � _ _ . ��` . , . � . � . � � - . .� �s �/ � . . • � � o . �r.� . r.� . . . . . * . � � S �� �:� ; � . . � . . ci� � � � • . : � �. . s �,i�►�� ��� , � � . � c iso � = a � • • � �1 • • v�r�i� M�� V . , • . � � � � . � � � � , . . . . . ,, � • ., • � �j r ��r. �,� . � • � � .. � , !H! � ��►�v:! ��=�'.� . . • � • � �� � � 0 ' �V ` y ` ` ' ���' . • � � . x. ��: + � • • • : . , • • • • . • s�� � � � � � � • . - • • � - � � • � : � � � . %/%/ _ - - , - . . . � i� • i � � 4 � � • � • • . � � / � ` ' • � • � i • : • • • � � � �;,- ,. 1� � ""'°°'""°'° CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�.�``�T' �'�;°�-,, >; �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;,� uii�lil°u A�� '%• = BUREAU OF RECORDS ��,, - �` ��,`� 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �°ymm�...�°� GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR � December l, 1981 Planning Staff, Zoning Section � llth Floor City Hall Annex Re: Petition of the HRA to rezone property in Lots 6 thru 10, Block 97, West St. Paul. Dear Sirs: The above-cited was referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation by the City Council at its December 1, 1981 meeting. Very truly yours, 63�C���-�-�., Albert B. Olson �� City Clerk Attach. MHS:la _ :. R � �„�.. � g � �,. 90 �� � Y , 0 , � . �'782'�8 R ��°°°""��Q ' C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � __.`�,t. o,�, =�° =`'= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK >+ �� A� ii� ���,.���11� ACc ,,,, _ BUREAU OF RECORDS ,,, ; a��„lmm•����°° 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 5, 1981 NIr. Paul Desch Department of Finance Room 218, City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Finance Department for check as to form and sufficiency, the attached petition of HRA to rezone property on the West side of Gorman Avenue between George and Stevens Streets, aka Lots 6 thru 10, Block 97, West St. Paul Addition. Very truly yours, �� WC Albert B. Olson City Clerk J��"�� ABO:la Attach. � , � ,. • n �!r!"! p�'� � � �A_� t` �1 7 � r� r � � � � 0 � • � �'t , �, �� �� ' • • PETITION TO M �� �� �' ' A END ZONING'�O� ' , CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNE90TA -�� �� �j TO THE HONORABLE MAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL � DATE �� � 19 gl e/o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall —"" St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinanee and SectiCit 62of5St�5�Paulhe y Minnesota Statutes, the Hous i ng and Redevel opment Authori ty of the , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: West side of Gorman Avenue between George and Stevens Streets Legal Description: Lots 6 through 10, Bl ock 97 West St. Paul from a RT-1 Two Family Residential District District to a RT-2 Townhouse Residential District District for the purpose of constructing a 9 unit townhouse development. 5 Subscribed and sworn to By: ` be e O'� day ^ , o �1�/ 'I'itle: i� c�Si 1U-LSu�s�. � Petitioner � ' Notary Pu ic _ --__ .. � °""� VICTORIA M. M � NOTARY PUBLIC�MINNESOTA y �"�' RAMSEY COUNTY My commission expires Aup.13,1985 1_�- y � �, � m- „-� �. m � F`. P�"°' r•.�^°'� � � ��n'J-�- ' ' � `�—.-� Page 1 of 3 ' ,_. .---- � ' - CONSBNT OF'ADJOINING PROPER,TY OWNBRS 7'O EBZONING � �. - �` - � . �782'�S � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total eontfgvous descriptions . ` of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority 2. A copy of Sections 60.430 through 60.434 , inclusive� of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a RT�2 District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of Housi ng and Redevel opment Authori ty to a RT-2 District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION City o . au ivervie Comm. Serv. De t./ Librar -��� 05086 C i ty . - r ry _ Comm. Serv. Dept. - 07386 Ma ry _ 288 W. King St. 07186 Rober . i re . urr 06-81400 21 E. Geor e St. 07 86 Mary Ann Kodelka 06-81400 288 W. Kin St. Joseph M. & Mary T. Elizond , 06-81400 35 E. eor e S . Michelle B. Robinette � 06-81400 38 E. Geor e St. } David E. & Judyth A. Robinso � . 06-81400 �4l E. S s S�. Norman 4J. & Helen L. Hodge `Q��� n_ � 06-81400 35 E. Stevens St. =�� Gertrude Strong 06-81400 2 E. Geor e St. Emanuel E. Lutheran Church r -�-y «'<� 06-81400 566 Humboldt St. Housing and ' 06-81400 Redevelo ment Authorit ` Emanuel Ev. Lutheran Church --y �.� 06-81410 566 Humboldt St. c2 Charles R. & Barbara A. Star ett . �,1� 06-81410 22 E. Stevens St. -�L Harold ar+d Nanc Hogan 06�81 410 40 E. Stevens S�. at�-p'�� 02107 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city elerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. � �`� (^`�� � � I�� �� � � 40 � y � � (� � Pa e 2 of 3 , g � � _, � ,' � . ' � � �, r_,�c�/ � 3TATE OF MINNESOTA) : ss. COIINTY OF RAM3BY ) W nker , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person w o circ a e wi m pe i ion and eonsent, consisting of 3 pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following eaeh name, that affiant is informed and believes that eaeh of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing proper y rom pe ioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. 12th Floor City 'Hall Annex . 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul , MN 55102 ress 292-6195 e ep one u er Subscribed ar�d sworn to before is Qp'�'d y of���, 1 y8/ � o ry u ic �;`.► VICTORIA M. MURRAY � NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTq ` RAMSEY COUN7Y My commission expires Aug.13,1985 –,.--..,-�....,. + �—�,�` �..��.,_. � �� � � ��� - • � Yr Approved as to form - Feb. 80 Planning Department Page 3 of 3 w�:�. - c�t�c�a•k . GITY OF SAINT PAUL ` � p P�nir — F�r,ei�c�8ept. �fi: ' �' 1�� Gnarv,.'De� , ' �heri Pemberton 'V�FIGF OF THE MAYOR � PED/HRA- Real Estate No: � '�=' ��=� � 9th F1 oor Annex ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � Date: �� � �?��^� � � � ' �°� � L��� �' 1 I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ' i r 3 U / 8 � � / PURSUANT, to the authority granted by the City Council seated as the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Resolution No. 77-5/25-2, the proper City and HRA Officials are directed to authorize the initiation of a rezoning petition for cer- tain property in West Side District 3, more fully described as: "Lots 6 through 10, inclusive, Block 97, West St. Paul Proper." The rezoning petition for this property changes it from RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District) to RT-2 (Townhouse Residential District) and will allow the construction of a nine unit townhouse development, which density has been accepted by the District 3 Council . Funds for this activity ($50.00) filing fee) will be expended from HRA 57, Disposition _� from the Tax Levy Fund for Garfield School Site which will be reimbursed at the time of closing from the sales proceeds. ;C:���! i- �, -,-� . , �I_ . Approved for Funding: / n'LLi =1 -r�< � . eyer, P D HRA r� � � irector o inance an ' �lanagement Services APE'ROVED AS TO FORM . , ,�. /0-22-8/ Assista City Attorney X C V@ 1 . � Date Administr tive Assistant to Mayor ��_ �, , . �� � �� � "' .� �: y _ � , �_ _ E � � r .� ; � , � ,; . � 7 � ; � � . .�� -� { Q ��� _ _� __ _ _ _ � I �`7���� ; � ' ► � : � , ; _ I 3 �� � i � �. 6 � � I � � � I I , 6 �, '�� I f � � �a. � iso. . � .so. 1 „ i I_ „ „ ; ,; ' VACATED � �•. �So�, ���, �-o. /so _ _ �; o I �so. �� �0 � t ; /p 8s � � / � �� , - � , , � - � , - --.. �_----_.___ .�.._-- I� Z % y �1 � ,� � ----_ __' ---- ----- -- � _ ,�T— }- 5 f' '� � 3 V � I�� _� , � ��. _ _._. .._ .. , , � SZ So � ��l,1G� ���I � ¢ OSD c� I -�?�� c 6 „ �['�t - , i , � . � �• �.. ,-' ,,�"' �s �;; � 6 0 l �so. ir � fi� i � O h L�3� �����. � �.s"o. � SD' �y '•30� 51 U . ;n.- ' _�-Q--.. ; �". EDRG� , � . �", o �s°�,.--so. �� _ , ";so:� , . /o /o� � � h � �OC /O � �,; /DO on� .� 9e � � 9 � 9 0 .;,. 8 � 2 � 3 � 8 �� � ,,: u �� 7 � 9' � 7 6 ° , � � SC a,�v r.� 6 h �, r� / a - �so. s o. 58-. , � so. / ia i�o. isa. l/o /D � /O °S o �1 � � L�,�� 5��' oJ' GS h � �/'?f}�I/uC� _ -- ------ v o , . � . _ I ,��;� Q — C��2�t# �I : �l �-r� .9 2 9 ' �s 9 � __ °o �: — . � O ------.. _——._ . 9 t p�L I o t o � V `D , ,/� . � ti .3 ' � � ,� — — —- 3 � - � ----j—i- ---------.. � �o�o � ('y- _ t � r I 3 I L� � , 1 � C.S"D� � O SI r a �> � �--�-- --f�� � -_ --- - .- � �' � ° � 6 F� � 6 �, �, .s - - , �_f(/. .S'O � -=-- ---3— '-�/✓�O. � .%.50- -- ,�� � ,` oo/ �� t Ol � � ( ' r-•-- •- - � s�, '/��/ .� v � . . .S �'.� � PQUL CI �' Y CCJU� C��{L �;��� PU �LIC �fE /� RI� G N0� lC� ZO �If� G District Plannin Council �3 � FILE N0. 9074 � . PAGE �U R PO SE Rezone from RT-1 (Two-Fami 1y Res i denti al � to RT-2 (To►,rnhouse Residential � to allow construction of nine townhouse units. " ��(;���Q� bJes t s i de Gorman between George and Stevens and i s 1 e�al 1y described as Lots 6-10, Block 97, ��lest St. Paul . � P�T I T IO�:E R HOUSING AND REDEVELOPP•1ENT AUTHORITY !�E A R i N G Thursday, ,]anuary 28, 19s2 �o:oo A.rt. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U�S T���S Zoning 298-4154 Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning an� Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ?�otice sent ( , � . �/ ����7 � .. ,: �'.�, ���.��:�.�: : , _."�`;�,.� � .�°;; . S. _ � a . A ' tMt�� � b1� , ,� s'�'"�"i ��. �� � � �tR�.. ��-1 ' ��- _ �;:� ;�w��, �: � s' , ��� . ' . - '��.. 3 Y,N�;,a. .�. `���i�� ' .