D001054,�joc� r���. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approvetl Copieg W: Ky aen� �oriy�man inance Dapt's Actourrting Divisian • Requesting Dept ADiVIINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION Ho: �C�OIOa�j{- Defe: ADMINfSTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authorify granfed to the Mayor in Section 10.07A of the City Charter and based an the request of the Director of the Department of Executive Administratlon - Budget Office to amend the 1996 budget of the General Fund, fhe Director of the Department of Finance and Managemerrt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fopowing manner. CURRENT ���€? ���: Generai Fund Generai Govemment Accou�ts - City Attorney Tort Liatrility 001-09070.0511 Settiements T0: r General Fund Generel Government Accounts - Finance & Management Services Tort Claims OQ1-09081-0511 Settlements NETGHANGE 314,357 �� ��� urpose: � to provide sufficient funds for ihe settlement of ciaims by the Risk Management Division of Finance. � Activ�ty Manager APPROVEO CHANGES (10D,000) 100,000 0 AMENOED �SI��L 214,357 �� ��r /r l %d �fF C �!'� v `hQ►'-" rY� �' _ _`" ��' /1 �N Dafe Appmv : Mayor-BUqget Date �L--� /QI/J�Ir 6 Oepartrne Diractor Date SaiMFaW eu�getdi(ce �F:lU3ERSI8llIXiET1131RE50lUTPTORj}�O.WK4) 0930�96 oEPARlM6N�1'roFFlCF1CDUNN. DAiE Mrt1A1ID 41t/ �D/�� 'r',xecuti��eAdministration 09-30-96 GREEN SHEET NO. 35870 CONiACS4ptSON&Pl4021E Of DEPA0.lbII'Nl'OQtECtOR O CRYCQIINCIL JoeReid 266-8553 ��, Q cm^reow+�v 0 cmc�afc I MUSTBEONCOiRiCQ.AGQfDABYIDA'ikl � 0 8,�� o �.g�.5�,�� o ���o��� o ���� AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wrnol+xeqtfrstm . Apptove budget revision transferring funds from one General Govemment Activity to another to cover the costs of Tort Claims for the remainder of 1996. xECOI.v.urronnoHS:��.��nlo.x�spy PERSONALSERVICECOMRACTSMIJSfANSWF.R1'HEFOLLOR'INGQUESTIONS: � ewunwcme.¢,nssox crm.sarv�ceco�s�ox I.FluihispersoNEumevecwodcedunderacontactforthisdepanmeni? tmmnu�vng YES NO _n_srptF _ 2. Has [Lis person/fimf ever 6een a ciry employee? nmwcrto�mr YES NO Sueaoa'rs wwcHCOUtvC¢ oe�cmEr 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any cuttent ciry employee? YES NO (Ezplain ail yes avswers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eet) QJf11A'11NG PROBLEM, LSS[IE,OPPORiUMiY (Wln, WRV, Wha, Whert.0.'hy} Toft Claims are ws[s that are difficult to predict. Budgets for tort claims are set conservazively and although City staff work to controi costs, there are times when costs exceed the adopted budget amount ADVANiAGES ff APPRO�'ED: e Tort Ctaims budget will have the funds necessary to pay claims that are settled. DISADVANTAGES¢�'APPROVED None. DISADyANTqGFS OF NOT MPROV ED: The Tort Claims budget will not the funds necessary to pay claims [hat are settled. 'fOTqLAMOONTOFTRAN$ACffON_� O CDSIYREVENUEBUDCETED(CfRdEONE� YES NO ncsouxce Generai Fund ncnnrrnuMeex GL-001-09081 F¢JANCIAL INFORMATfON- (E%PLAR� � � Sai�ttPaUlBUEgat011lea (F:IUSERS�BUOGETI3MRESOLUTI�TORT,PO.�imn� 09aaas