00-5372 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel,wptl) * Resented By Referred To a� Council File # 00 �S3? Green Sheet # ����3 Date WI�REA5, the City Council adopted Council File #00-318 dated Apri15, 2000, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (property cleanup) during the months of Sepember thru December, 1999, identafied as Department of Technology and Management Services File No. JSLJM00 and Assessment No.9852, and; WHEREAS, the property at 310 Sycamore Street West being legally described as follows: Pacific Addition, Except railroad right-of-way and subject to railroad easements; Galtier Street vacated east of and adjacent and Block 5, with a property identification number of ZS-29-23-43-0041 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $395.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said propeny be cancelled. Requested by Aepartment of: Adopted by Council: o����Na� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TPrhnning3� R ManagemPnT SPrvicea By: \./..t����[�J `�C/ ����""� C � , Director .� "� L'� Form Approved by City Attorney ti�� sy: �..�►l✓lt�sw�+.-• S 26-a r by Mayor for Subm3ssion to Council ao -S3 `7 F.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: OS/25/QO Green heet Number: 104$35 EPAR111�1NTD ' • CITYCOUNCII. ontact Person and PLone N ,m, � 1 YPYATTORNEYn �L� CLER% Roxanna Flink � 266-8859 F � ODGET DIItE(.TOR 2�.& MGT. SVG D1R 3 YOR(ORASSLSI'AN1) 4 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA"i'qRE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolutioa to caacel tSe assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the Sunmiary Abatemsnt (Graffiti). ile No. JSUM00 Assessment No. 9852 COMh1EM�ATIONS: ApPxOVE (A) OR RE.iECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/£uw ever worked under a con�act for this deparLment? YES NO PLANNINGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this persoWfuw ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVO. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does tLis person/£um possess a slrill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIH COMMI'ITF.E curreut City employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aud attach. urroxTS wfncx covrrcn, oB.TECTn�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PI,ANNING COUNCII, TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTLJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for graffiti. (See attached lettar and memo rom The Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for graffiti. LSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. M� 3 0 20�0 MAY 2 6 2000 ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: MAYOR OFFICE TY ATTORNEY o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUN'1' OF'fRANSACTION: COSTlREVENUE BUDGE'PF,D (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: arrcinL sr�o�nTiox: �se� � ��33@�rCh ��C1f�f �azm4or.wpd) ��artxi►i Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUT. TO: Roxanna Plink, Ciry Reai Estate FROM: Mike Morehead, Code Enforcemen �" SUBJ DATE: Error in Billing: Ref: 31Q Sycamore 5-24-2000 00 .s3? RECE1VEa MAY � � �pQa REE1L ESTATE DlVISlOId Please cancel or recind any assessment for graffiti abatement at 310 Sycamore Street. On or about 11-30-99 our gra�ti inspector ordered graffiti abated on a fence along some railroad tracks south of Sycamore Street. The fence was thought to belong to the junkyard at 310 Sycamore. The cost of the abatement was $350. Tn fact the fence and property belonged to an adjacent junkyard that never received notice to abate. Clearly we made a mistake and any assessment for graffiti abatement filed against 310 Sycamore needs to be recinded. Piease let me know if you have any problems. Thank you. , MMfmrm 310 Sycamore file Dick Lippert file CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCENIEVT Michaei R Morehead, Pragram Manager O� �. S�� SA[NT PAUL � AAAA Brian Coniskey ACME Auto Parts 310 West Sycamore Street St. Paul, MN SSll7 Dear Mr. Coniskey: , CITIZEN SEAVICE OFfiCE Rred Owusu, Ciry C1erk Division ofProperty Cade Enjorcement ISW. Tei:6.i1-266-8-fS0 SaintPaul,MNS�IO2 Fas:6i1-266-8426 The Code Enforcement ofFice incorrectly caused an assessment to be placed aaainst your property for graffiti abatement. I have made arrangements to have the enor corrected. I have furnished you with a copy of the order that I have sent conecting the error. Please retain this in your files. ff you have any questions please contact Roxanna Flink in the City's Real Estate Office. I apologize for the mix-up. Thank you. Sincerely, ����.ti��-� Michael R. Morehead Program Director NIlVI/mrni c: Koxanna Flink Dick Lippert Fred Owusu file on 310 Sycamore file 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel,wptl) * Resented By Referred To a� Council File # 00 �S3? Green Sheet # ����3 Date WI�REA5, the City Council adopted Council File #00-318 dated Apri15, 2000, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (property cleanup) during the months of Sepember thru December, 1999, identafied as Department of Technology and Management Services File No. JSLJM00 and Assessment No.9852, and; WHEREAS, the property at 310 Sycamore Street West being legally described as follows: Pacific Addition, Except railroad right-of-way and subject to railroad easements; Galtier Street vacated east of and adjacent and Block 5, with a property identification number of ZS-29-23-43-0041 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $395.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said propeny be cancelled. Requested by Aepartment of: Adopted by Council: o����Na� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TPrhnning3� R ManagemPnT SPrvicea By: \./..t����[�J `�C/ ����""� C � , Director .� "� L'� Form Approved by City Attorney ti�� sy: �..�►l✓lt�sw�+.-• S 26-a r by Mayor for Subm3ssion to Council ao -S3 `7 F.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: OS/25/QO Green heet Number: 104$35 EPAR111�1NTD ' • CITYCOUNCII. ontact Person and PLone N ,m, � 1 YPYATTORNEYn �L� CLER% Roxanna Flink � 266-8859 F � ODGET DIItE(.TOR 2�.& MGT. SVG D1R 3 YOR(ORASSLSI'AN1) 4 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA"i'qRE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolutioa to caacel tSe assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the Sunmiary Abatemsnt (Graffiti). ile No. JSUM00 Assessment No. 9852 COMh1EM�ATIONS: ApPxOVE (A) OR RE.iECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/£uw ever worked under a con�act for this deparLment? YES NO PLANNINGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this persoWfuw ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVO. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does tLis person/£um possess a slrill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIH COMMI'ITF.E curreut City employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aud attach. urroxTS wfncx covrrcn, oB.TECTn�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PI,ANNING COUNCII, TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTLJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for graffiti. (See attached lettar and memo rom The Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for graffiti. LSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. M� 3 0 20�0 MAY 2 6 2000 ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: MAYOR OFFICE TY ATTORNEY o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUN'1' OF'fRANSACTION: COSTlREVENUE BUDGE'PF,D (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: arrcinL sr�o�nTiox: �se� � ��33@�rCh ��C1f�f �azm4or.wpd) ��artxi►i Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUT. TO: Roxanna Plink, Ciry Reai Estate FROM: Mike Morehead, Code Enforcemen �" SUBJ DATE: Error in Billing: Ref: 31Q Sycamore 5-24-2000 00 .s3? RECE1VEa MAY � � �pQa REE1L ESTATE DlVISlOId Please cancel or recind any assessment for graffiti abatement at 310 Sycamore Street. On or about 11-30-99 our gra�ti inspector ordered graffiti abated on a fence along some railroad tracks south of Sycamore Street. The fence was thought to belong to the junkyard at 310 Sycamore. The cost of the abatement was $350. Tn fact the fence and property belonged to an adjacent junkyard that never received notice to abate. Clearly we made a mistake and any assessment for graffiti abatement filed against 310 Sycamore needs to be recinded. Piease let me know if you have any problems. Thank you. , MMfmrm 310 Sycamore file Dick Lippert file CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCENIEVT Michaei R Morehead, Pragram Manager O� �. S�� SA[NT PAUL � AAAA Brian Coniskey ACME Auto Parts 310 West Sycamore Street St. Paul, MN SSll7 Dear Mr. Coniskey: , CITIZEN SEAVICE OFfiCE Rred Owusu, Ciry C1erk Division ofProperty Cade Enjorcement ISW. Tei:6.i1-266-8-fS0 SaintPaul,MNS�IO2 Fas:6i1-266-8426 The Code Enforcement ofFice incorrectly caused an assessment to be placed aaainst your property for graffiti abatement. I have made arrangements to have the enor corrected. I have furnished you with a copy of the order that I have sent conecting the error. Please retain this in your files. ff you have any questions please contact Roxanna Flink in the City's Real Estate Office. I apologize for the mix-up. Thank you. Sincerely, ����.ti��-� Michael R. Morehead Program Director NIlVI/mrni c: Koxanna Flink Dick Lippert Fred Owusu file on 310 Sycamore file 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel,wptl) * Resented By Referred To a� Council File # 00 �S3? Green Sheet # ����3 Date WI�REA5, the City Council adopted Council File #00-318 dated Apri15, 2000, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (property cleanup) during the months of Sepember thru December, 1999, identafied as Department of Technology and Management Services File No. JSLJM00 and Assessment No.9852, and; WHEREAS, the property at 310 Sycamore Street West being legally described as follows: Pacific Addition, Except railroad right-of-way and subject to railroad easements; Galtier Street vacated east of and adjacent and Block 5, with a property identification number of ZS-29-23-43-0041 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $395.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said propeny be cancelled. Requested by Aepartment of: Adopted by Council: o����Na� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TPrhnning3� R ManagemPnT SPrvicea By: \./..t����[�J `�C/ ����""� C � , Director .� "� L'� Form Approved by City Attorney ti�� sy: �..�►l✓lt�sw�+.-• S 26-a r by Mayor for Subm3ssion to Council ao -S3 `7 F.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: OS/25/QO Green heet Number: 104$35 EPAR111�1NTD ' • CITYCOUNCII. ontact Person and PLone N ,m, � 1 YPYATTORNEYn �L� CLER% Roxanna Flink � 266-8859 F � ODGET DIItE(.TOR 2�.& MGT. SVG D1R 3 YOR(ORASSLSI'AN1) 4 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA"i'qRE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolutioa to caacel tSe assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the Sunmiary Abatemsnt (Graffiti). ile No. JSUM00 Assessment No. 9852 COMh1EM�ATIONS: ApPxOVE (A) OR RE.iECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/£uw ever worked under a con�act for this deparLment? YES NO PLANNINGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this persoWfuw ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVO. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does tLis person/£um possess a slrill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIH COMMI'ITF.E curreut City employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aud attach. urroxTS wfncx covrrcn, oB.TECTn�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PI,ANNING COUNCII, TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTLJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for graffiti. (See attached lettar and memo rom The Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for graffiti. LSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. M� 3 0 20�0 MAY 2 6 2000 ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: MAYOR OFFICE TY ATTORNEY o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUN'1' OF'fRANSACTION: COSTlREVENUE BUDGE'PF,D (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: arrcinL sr�o�nTiox: �se� � ��33@�rCh ��C1f�f �azm4or.wpd) ��artxi►i Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUT. TO: Roxanna Plink, Ciry Reai Estate FROM: Mike Morehead, Code Enforcemen �" SUBJ DATE: Error in Billing: Ref: 31Q Sycamore 5-24-2000 00 .s3? RECE1VEa MAY � � �pQa REE1L ESTATE DlVISlOId Please cancel or recind any assessment for graffiti abatement at 310 Sycamore Street. On or about 11-30-99 our gra�ti inspector ordered graffiti abated on a fence along some railroad tracks south of Sycamore Street. The fence was thought to belong to the junkyard at 310 Sycamore. The cost of the abatement was $350. Tn fact the fence and property belonged to an adjacent junkyard that never received notice to abate. Clearly we made a mistake and any assessment for graffiti abatement filed against 310 Sycamore needs to be recinded. Piease let me know if you have any problems. Thank you. , MMfmrm 310 Sycamore file Dick Lippert file CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCENIEVT Michaei R Morehead, Pragram Manager O� �. S�� SA[NT PAUL � AAAA Brian Coniskey ACME Auto Parts 310 West Sycamore Street St. Paul, MN SSll7 Dear Mr. Coniskey: , CITIZEN SEAVICE OFfiCE Rred Owusu, Ciry C1erk Division ofProperty Cade Enjorcement ISW. Tei:6.i1-266-8-fS0 SaintPaul,MNS�IO2 Fas:6i1-266-8426 The Code Enforcement ofFice incorrectly caused an assessment to be placed aaainst your property for graffiti abatement. I have made arrangements to have the enor corrected. I have furnished you with a copy of the order that I have sent conecting the error. Please retain this in your files. ff you have any questions please contact Roxanna Flink in the City's Real Estate Office. I apologize for the mix-up. Thank you. Sincerely, ����.ti��-� Michael R. Morehead Program Director NIlVI/mrni c: Koxanna Flink Dick Lippert Fred Owusu file on 310 Sycamore file