278233 WHITE - CITYCLERK �y�.{ll�r��,w PINK - FINANCE ' l9�L 'r117 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COl1I1C1I f V�rvM BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. . , uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the City Development and Transportation Committee� does hereby recommend to the proper City officials and Port Authority officials the following policies regarding contract administration: (1) That where there are pro�eets involv3ng Industrial Revenue Bonds and public funds received under a grant or similar program� the �ity and Port Authority should include af'firmative action provisions� set aside provisions and preva,ilin� wage rate provisions in� eontraete apending these funds, (2) That where the City and�or Port Authority ha� issue.d Industr3al Rev�enue Bonds, the City and Port Authority will require that the prevailin� wage rate provisions be included in ar�y contract regarding the expenditure of those revenues; and (3) That the office of the Mayor hav�e a staff person a�si�ned to coordinate the affirmative aetion, 8et-Aside provisions, and Little Davis-Bacon provisions for transaetions inv�olving Industrial Revenue Bonds and the expenditure of public flanda received tmder a grant or similar program. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine � [n Favor , Maddox � �Ae�rlei+rw snowaite� __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson ��� 9 ��2 Form prove by r Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y� . -ed by Council Secretar BY App by ;Navor. t _ B � O }9$2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By — PU6LISNED FE B 2 0 1982 ����i Ii� �v� � �.o�J ?�a 3 ��� 3 CtTY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM February 23, 1982 TO: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FR: GREGORY HAUPT, DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENTr RE: COUNCIL FILE 278233 ADOPTED BY CITY C� UNC FEBRUARY 9, 1982 Referenced Council File requ�sts assignment by the Mayor of a staff person. to ,coordinate affirmative action, set-aside and local Davis-Baeon provisions of transactions involving industrial revenue bonds and expenditure of public funds re- ceived under grant or similar program. The requested coordina- tion will be provided through me, although much of the work will be performed under the direct supervision of Mr. Peter Hames, Director of the Department of Finance and Management 5ervices. GH:kh cc: �r1�01 son Peter Hames ,�.�;Y,�,�;, .