278208 WHITE - CITY CLERK [� PINK - FINANCE ��j�� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T ��U L COUi1C1I �,���� BLUE - MAYOR File N . C n il esolution Presented By �C:U:�S-� COI�:i��i�L�; Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date '.•;:"u:.�:��: Proper r_otice ha.s been received as to a change of officers in t:oward Johnson Company, On �ale Liquor Licensee at 1825 Suburban Avenue, doin�; business as rround �ound, licenses expirin� January 31� 1983, tl-ierefore, be it �OLV�u: 1^hat with the resi�;nation of i:owaxd :�. Johnson as ?resident and being replaced by G. i�chael �iosta,�e as President and no other changes in o�°ficers and stockholders, be and tihe saine is i�:ereb;� approved. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox O �,o�� - -- Against BY -- redesco Wilson fEB 9 �98� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Y• -s d Council Sec etar BY sy _ Ap ed by :Vlavor. Dat CQ �I n �nn� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By QUBLISHED F E 8 Z 0 1982 � , �`���:��F '�"����"�""° C I TY O F SA I NT PAU L ,,,...�,T, o.��,, -`�� '���"'' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES >o �'* ,,, '� iiii�i ii ii �� '_,.; „= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �'�, Room 203, City Hall ;,�., �... c,.', ..,ma��...� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �'ebruar�,� 9, 1982 i�ladam i'resident and :ionorable i��=embers o� tl:e City Council Saint Pau1, ��:innesota ::udar.l President and ��onorable ilembers : ��oward Johnson Com�any currently holds an On Sale Ziquor and miscellaneous licenses issued to tr.em at 1E25 Subur- ban r',venue doing business as the Uround �'ound. Proper notice has t�een received as to a char�e or o£i�cers in the corooration. I�oT�ard �. Johnson has resigned as President and has been replaced by G. .�chael �-ostage. All other of_ficer.s re!�ain the same and no change in stockholders. Tl:is application has been reviewed by the License and PerMit DiiTis;_on and the City kttorne;�'s o�'_fice. The �ecoM�ndnd- ation is for a�proval. Very truly vours, �.J ( -tZ `� < �< <( � G"� `,;, , _. i ,�.�J��„<<,. Joseph r, Carched.i I�1Cense TnspeCtor O