279518 WMITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 2`79518 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . Council Resolution Presented By �'� -��'��Y// Refecred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07,1 of the Charter of tF�e City af Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of t6ose estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan es Amended Budget 436 Special Projects - Police � 34113 Fund Balance 0 2,200 2,200 Net Change 0 � � SPENDING PLAN 436 Special Projects - Police -8-. 34113-354 Law Enforcement Supplies 0 1 ,874 1 ,874 34113-362 Dupli.cating Supplies 0 326 326 Net Chan�e 0 2,200 2,200 Now, therefore, be it RESQLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: � ��2��� Bu ge D ctor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �' Police �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia �,/ f n,,'�� / /� f se�trR `� -- A ga i n s t By L-U` ►"�'l!c_L,���L�l:12Ul�t. feaesse. Wilson �Q�/ 3 O �9A, Form roved C' tt ne Adopted by Council: Date c Certified a-s y Council Se tar BY � By - Approved by A7avor. Dat _��? IOQ�_ Appro y Mayor for ssi to Council By � _ _ s �llBLf SHED �E c i 1 �sa2 � � ` I T Y� O F �I N T P.�'�.U L ������ .. C s � ...... OFFICE OF 7`FII� CITY COIINCIL ��•-=���� �a f e � November 19, 1982 COMMITTEE RE PORT TO � Saint Paul Cify Council F R d � = C o m t�n i t t e e O h Finance, Management $ Personne 1 C H A I R James Scheibel . _ _ _ . � _- 2. Resolution enabling�the Iibraries o spend additional revenue received in 1982. (Comir.unity Services) � � ' . • - 3. Resolution alloWing the libraries to spend 198I fund balance and increased 1982 interest income� for needed books and materials. (Community Services �4. Resolution adopting the .Revenue Sharing Budget under i�hich we operate entered on the City�s financial records. (Finance Dept.) . � � Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Speciat Projects - Police _. _ _ Rudget. (Police Dept.) ��� � 2�� - , � . 6. Resolution adopting the Severance Pay Budget under which t�e operate entered on- - , the City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) _ � . 7. ResoIution adopting the Revenue Sharing Budget under srhich we are oper.ating entered on the 4ity�s financial records. (Finance Dept.) - �. 8. Resolution enabling the libraries to spend noney received in 1982 and 1983 from the Friends of the Library for specified ro'ects. � ��-�--�* � p � (Community Services� ��-�--•�-� 9. Resolution enabling the Libraries to spend the 198I Fund Balances and 1982 � Grants on the specific projects for which the money was received. (Comnunity Serv�'�i e��� ! . ' 10. Resolution abolishing numerous vacant titles in Sections of the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ������.� � . I1. Resolution establishing the Salary Plan and .Rates of Co ensation Resolution for � ' -� the new title of Clinic Dentist. Personnel_ --'��-� ( )-���--���� ._2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Dentist�.and a class specification ersonne � �^----�3 13. Resolution making the certification process more flexible (Personnel � ,' _�O ' 14. P.esolution replacing the class specification fvr Fzre Equipment Operator (Personne).)(.�L:a:O IS. Resolution approving Special Intermediate School District No. 916 as a full �� � I contributing participant of our Joint Purchasin Office_ ���— g (Finance/Purchasing�:�""��_� - *� 16. Fesolution approving current Port Authority practices in holdin�__�Liblic hearinos ' reQuired by law in the issuance of bonds. (Finance) ���-0� 17. Resolution approving an agreement�with ISD �625 providing various police services for the elementary school patrol program (Police Dept.) �C�„:�;;,.,ai�0� 18. Resolution approving two budgetar�_actxons for the Housing Inf:ormation Office (Housing Information Office)�:'� a-=o--!= . �',��6 — -�;a s�/p �E lE��" �j�'°�i�'`�'� •. . . E � .A.ld � � � /�E ��E ���� � "'O Il� � � y r ��AA� r . ♦�- /� A� � r"- �� �� ����.'� �,�,, � /E� �6 ,•/�"''� '�' A" � 0 C i � "� i982 �.�.�� ' _ ,- �t.,�.,: , 5�.,� ,C�. 7� ��1.��/ -.... ' '79518,, - � � ,�. .,.- , DEPARTME�Police �. ROUTING AND EXPLF,NATION SHEET CODITAGT: ,C,Ro 4 (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: =,�1 -3 Sry/ Q �'or Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreemen+ts �a _�� ,� ,` �,.�..�.,T ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: � q p ' Il CTOR OE MANAGEMENT�`' I �' �I 1g�7Z 3 r�YO� ,�;�,�t�e-,_ ��3�-i=iC� D PARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERVICES - CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR � ACTION REQUESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : A City Council Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Special Pro�ects - Police Budget, 34113. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Proposed expenditures and receipts for the Police Special Pro�ects Fund (34113) were set too low whe� the budget was originally prepared. Amending that budget will bring it in line with the actual activity occurring and planned for the fund for 1982. FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCTPATED: TMe actual balance of the fund currently equals proposed expenditures for 1982. There is no impact from this request on personnel. ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHMENTSj': ' 1. �iN��� Cje/.e�`��'►�' 2. 3. NOTE: Pl.ease review necessity for at�achment of the following supporting dc�cuments. Department: City Attorney: 1. Counail Resolution Required3 �es No 1. Resolution? �/I'es No 2. Insurance Required? ��Yes No 2. Insurance Sufficient? Y�No 3. Insurance Attached? �es No Revision OM:4/29/82