279510 WH17E - C�TV CLERK ��VnCll /��`J5�o
�r . ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
1. On October 26, 1982, the Port Authority adopted Resolution No. 2068 giving pre-
liminary approval for the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amounts as
hereinafter listed to finance the conversion of the buildings' existing heating system
to the central energy system for downtown St. Paul , commonly referred to as the District
Heating System;
Dollar Amount of
Building Name, and Location Revenue Bonds Approved
American Beauty Macaroni - 352 Wacouta $ 100,000
Bison Building - 230 East 5th Street 245,000
KeTlogg Square Apartments - 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. 437,500
Minnesota Museum of Art - St. Peter at Kellogg 104,400
Radisson KelTogg - 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. 450,000
Victory Ramp - 344 Wabasha 59,600
Y.W.C.A. - 65 East Kellogg Blvd. 125,000
Minnesota Public Radio - 45 E. 8th Street 110,000
World Theater - 494 Wabasha 245,000
Hanover Building - 480 Cedar 36,000
400 Sibley Street(Park Sq. Court) - 400 Sibley Street 67,500
AAA Building - 170 East 7th Place 26,200
United Hospitals - 333 Smith Avenue 1 ,891 ,100
St. Joseph's Hospital - 69 West Exchange 2,129,400
Bethesda Hospital - 559 Capitol Boulevard 2,965,600
P�lears Park Place - 401 Sibley 90,000
Central Towers - 20 E. Exchange 292,300
Gallery Towers - 26 E. lOth Street 35,000
Capp Towers - 77 East 9th Street 180,500
St. Paul Labor Centre - 411 Main 15,300
Catholic Charities - 215 Old 6th Street 36,500
Garrick Ramp - 6th & St. Peter 25,000.
Time Medical Building - 355 Sherman 21 ,300
TOTAL 9,688,200
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Levine [n Favor
scheibe� _ __ Against By
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date � ��
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY✓ ��
Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved yor for S bmi to C ncil
By _ BY �
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �_-�
� ; Co,uncil Resolution
Presented By /�''��'���.`•'li�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
- 2 -
2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any .issue of revenue bonds
authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul shall be .i.ssued only with the
consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by r.esolution adopted in accordance
wi th 1 aw;
3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council
give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the .i.ssuance of said revenue
bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the
details of said .issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ;
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with
Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the .issuance
of the afor.esaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority
Resolution No. 2068, the exact detai.ls of which, including, but not limited to, provisions
relating to maturities, inter.est rates , discount, redemption, and for the .issuance of
additional bonds are to be determined by tf�e Port Authority, pursuant to r.esolution adopted
by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional
bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, fo,und by the Port Authority to
be necessary for carrying out the purposes, for which the afor.esaid bonds are .i.ssued.
Yeas Na s Requested by Department of:
Plele�her--, Y
Levine [n Favor
seheibe� _ __ A ga i n s t BY
N�V 3 � �982 Form Appro by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Y�. ed b Counci Secr ry BY`�S�""`—' ',' � �
t�pproved by avor. Date _ ,,, �9�7 Approved b yor or Submi si ouncil
By , — By �
`�sr��.iSHEU D E C 11 19��.
•� oRT � . � ��9510
(Oct. 26, 1982 Spe�ial Meeting)
,, ,% 1` � jI
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FROM: B.A. Maus `���-`;� � . �
�, ;!• v �
District Heating in St. Paul has progressed to the point that user
commitments for a minimum feasibility load of nearly 150 megawatts are
in hand. Thirty-year contracts have now been signed by approximately
70 property owners. Gilbert & Commonwealth of Reading, Pennsylvania,
utility consultants, have completed a feasibility study acceptable to
both Standard & Poors and Moody's. Yet to be accomplished is the sale
of bonds to construct the system which is anticipated for mid-November
and approval of conversion financing by the Port Authority for building
conversion for 21 businesses.
The Gilbert & Commonwealth feasibility report required that 135 megawatts
be committed in order to service the debt and operating costs of the
system. There are approximately 150 megawatts of signed contracts,
some of which are contingent upon obtaining adequate conversion financing.
Those properties comnitted to District Heating are as follows:
Capp Towers U.S. Post Office
Gillette Company Capitol Complex
St. Paul Ramsey Medical United Hospital
St. Joseph's Hospital Kellogg Square Apartments
St. Paul Area Labor Centre St. Paul Hotel
Control Data Corporation St. Paul Civic Center Arena
Radisson Hotel Minn. Mutual Life Insurance Co.
St. Paul Companies Ordway Theater
Farm Credit Banks � Ramsey County Courthouse
Dayton'sdayton' s Pioneer/Endicott/Midwest/Jackson
First National Bank Valley Apartments
Central Towers City Walk
Block 40 Mears Park Place
Osborn Building Amhoist Tower
Granada Hometel Rossmor Building
Arts & Science Center 400 Sibley (Park Square Court)
Y.W.C.A. Gallery Towers
� � � � � 2'%9��0�
October 21 , 1982
Page -2-
. Ramsey County Jail Cardozo's Warehouse
tlnion Depot Capitol Square Bldg.
Radisson Plaza Exchange Hi-Rise
Landmark Center Minn. Dept. of Economic Security
Correnerce Building Public Safety
� 345 Cedar Bldg. Minnesota Public Radio
City Hall Annex Bison Building
Northwest Crossing Public Health Center
Degree of Honor Building Wabasha Hi-Rise
Union Gospel Mission Site 360 Wabasha Building
St. Paul Public Library Midwest Federal Savings & Loan
Hanover Building First Baptist Church
Emma Norton Residence Public Safety Annex
Ramsey County Juvenile Center Central Park Methodist Church
Central Presbyterian Church Rasmussen Building
Commercial State Bank World Theater
Two Sixty Two Studios Bldg. Minnesota Museum of Art
Science Museum of Minnesota McColl Building
T.C. Field & Co.
Businesses requesting Port Authority conversion financing are as follows:
American Beauty Macaroni $ 100,000 .
Bison Buiding 245,000
Kellogg Square 437,500
Minnesota Museum of Art 104,400
Radisson Kellogg 450,000
Victory Ramp 59,600
Y.W.C.A. 125,000
Minnesota Public Radio 110,000
World Theater 245,000
Hanover Building 36,000
400 Sibley Street (Park Square Court) 67,500
AAA Building 26,200
United Hospitals 1 ,891 ,100
St. Joseph's Hospital 2,129,400
Bethesda Hospital 2,965,600
. Mears Park Place 90,000
Central Towers 292,300
Gallery Towers 35,000
Capp Towers 180,500
St. Paul Labor Centre 15,300
Catholic Charities 36,500
Garrick Ramp 25,000
Time Medical Building 21 ,300
Since potential borrowers required varying amounts of money and many
requests were too small for a bond issue, it was not practical to issue
bonds for a customer needing $35,000 nor require our normal first
� � � . � � �'�g��0
October 21 , 1982
, Page -3-
mortgage as provided in the 876 bond resolution. Consequently, with
regard to profit organizations, a method of issuing up to $1 ,000,000
in bonds (to avoid capital expenditure problems) and dividing them into
individual Loan Agreements was devised. Required with this Loan Agreement
is a security agreement and a second mortgage or Supplemental Agreement
allowing the Port Authority satisfy the first mortgagee in the event
of a default.
One special request is for Kellogg Square Apartments. Since this is
a housing project, there are restrictions in the law that do not allow
the bonds to be sold other than with the non-profit bond issues comprised
of mainly the Hospitals in October of 1984. Kellogg Square is due to
hook up to District Heating, however, in the fall of 1983; consequently,
they will require funds in April of 1983. It is proposed that the Port
Authority make a direct loan to Kellogg Square Apartments from Port
Authority funds at the existing bond issue rate for 876 revenue bonds
in April of 1983. This interim loan would be taken out at the time
we go to market for the other non-profit organizations in October of
1984. Should for any reason bonds not be sold for those non-profit
issues in October of 1984, which could happen if the Hospitals found
a less expensive source of funds, it would require the Port Authority
to convert this to a 20-year loan.
For non-profit organiiations, multiple loan amounts may be contained
in bond issues exceeding $1 ,000,000 since these organizations do not
have to adhere to IDB guidelines. An important point regarding non-profit
institutions is that they will be receiving aid from St. Paul area
charitable foundations to assist them in their repayment of the debt
to the Port Authority. Total firm commitments for area foundations
are as follows:
The St. Paul Foundation $ 500,000
Northwest Area Foundation 500,000
McKnight Foundation 500,000
St. Paul Companies 250,000
3M 350,000
Dayton Hudson Foundation 250,000
F.R. Bigelow Foundation 100,000
TOTAL 2,450,000
Comnitments are anticipated to reach $3.2 million next month. These
funds will be advanced directly to the Port Authority on an installment
basis to credit the debt service accounts of each borrower. Once the
borrowers realize true savings after debt service and District Heating
costs over anticipated existing fuel costs, repayment will begin by
the borrower to the Foundation at a rate of 6%. This is illustrated
by the attached graph (Attachment A).
The project presented here today for consideration totals $9,688,200
in construction; $8,461 ,800 (87.3%) represents non-profit organizations
� ` � � � �'795��
October 21 , 1982
Page -.4-
who receive Foundation aid. Of that total , $1 ,226,400 (12.7%) will
be for profit organizations containing a second mortgage or Supplemental
Agreement. Each of the organizations requesting funding is listed on
Attachment B along with a brief description of each one. A financial
statement of each potential borrower or an explanation is attached in
the Appendix.
Of the $9,688,200 in construction funds requested, it is fair to assume
that the Port Authority Comnission will receive requests over the next
two years for an additional $2� million. At the point that District
Heating obtains a load of 175 megawatts, the City will be receiving
its franchise fee and the tax increment comnitment made to District
Heating. At that point, we would recomnend that the Port Authority
no longer offer these favorable loan commitments.
District Heating in St. Paul is not only good energy policy but a sound
business decision. The average time in which District Heating customers
recover their investment in converting their buildings is approximately
six years. Some buildings have a recovery period as short as one year.
It will attract new business and encourage development in St. Paul .
A new development can install a heating plant for as little as 10% of
the normal cost due to the fact that a boiler system has been eliminated
as a capital cost. In addition, the cost of energy through District
Heating is less than other conventional sources of energy now available.
Staff recommends approval of the 21 loan applicants which are equivalent
to Preliminary Agreements in addition to the interim loan of Port Authority
funds to Kellogg Square Apartments.
{ . Resolution No• ��(o�
WHEREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota
Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Develop-
ment Act (hereinafter called "Act") as found and deteimined by
the legislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the
active attraction and encouragement and development of economi-
cally sound industry and commerce to p�event so far as possible
the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of
chronic unemployment and to aid in the development of existing
areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemploylaent; and
WHEREAS, factors necessitating the active promotion
and development of economically sound industry and commerce are
the i.ncreasing concentration of population in the metropolitan
areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of
governmental services required to meet the needs of the
increased population and the need for development of land use
which will provide an adequate tax base to finance these
increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such
population; and
WHEREAS, Laws of MinnESOta 1981, Chapter 334, Section .
7, Subdivision 3, specifically permits a municipality to
authorize by ordinance any redevelopment agencies to exercise
any and all of the powers granted to the redevelopment agency
under any law for the purpose of financing all or any portion
"any conversion facilities for modifying the users' heating or
warming system to use the heat energy converted from the steam
or hot water furnished by [a] district heating system,
including but without limitation, the payment of interest
during construction and for a reasonable time thereafter and
the establishment of reserve for bonds, and for working
capital" ; and Section 8 of said Chapter 334 has expanded the
definition of "project" under Chapter 474 to include "any
� . � � . � �����o
property, real or personal, used or useful in connection with a
district heating system, consistiny of the use of one or more
I energy conservation facilities to produce hot water or steam to
be used in the homes and businesses, including co-generation
facilities, distribution lines, service facilities and retrofit
facilities for modifying the users' heating or water systems to
use the heat energy converted from the steam or hot water"; and
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA" ) intends to enter
into a revenue agreement with District Heating Development
Company (the "Company") to. acquire and construct a district
heating system to provide for the use of hot water to be made
available to various building owners located in the downtown
area of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and certain of the
building owners more fully described in the notice of hearing
attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Building Owners" ) have
applied to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the
"Authority") to finance through the issuance of one or more
series of reyenue bonds (the "Bonds" ) facilities, equipment and
improvements for modifying the Building Owners' heating or
water systems in their buildings to use the heat energy
converted from hot water to be furnished from the district
heating system and for energy conservation purposes within the
building, all as is more fully described in Staff Report on
file; and
WH�R�AS, the Authority desires to provide a r�liable
and efficient source of energy for building in the dQwntown
area, to conserve energy and to facilitate the selective
development of the community, to retain and improve its tax
base and to help it providz the range of services and
employment opportunities required by its population, and said
Project will assist the City in achieving that objective. Said
Project will help to increase the assessed valuation of the
City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed
valuation and debt and enhance the image and reputation of the
City; and
WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds
will result in substantial employment opportunities in the
. 2�95��
° the assurance that there has been sufficient "official action"
under Section 103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as
amended, to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds
(including, if deemed appropriate, any interim note or notes to
provide temporary financing thereof) to finance the entire cost
of the Project upon agreement being reached as ta the ultimate
details of the Project and its financing. Said Agreements are
hereby approved, and the President and Secretary of the
Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute said
5. Upon execution of the Loan Agreement by each
Building Owner, the staff of the Authority are authorized and
directed to continue negotiations with the Building Owner so as
to resolve the remaining issues necessary to the adoption by
the Authority of its final bond resolution and the issuance and
delivery of the revenue bonds; provided that the President (or
Vice-President if the President is absent) and the Secretary
(or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the
Aut�ority, or if either of such officers (and his alternative)
are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such
absent officers, are hereby authorized in accordance with the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.06, Subdivision
1, to accept a final offer of the Underwriters made by the
Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to execute an
underwriting agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of
the Authority. Such acceptance shall bind the Underwriters to
said offer but shall be subject to appraval and ratification by
the Port Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolution to
be adopted prior to the delivery of said revenue bonds.
6. The revenue bonds (including any interim note or
notes) and interest thereon shall not constitute an
indebtedness of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul within
the �aning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and
shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of
the Authority or the City or a charge against their general
credit or taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit
nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the City is pledged
for the payment of the bonds (and interim note or notes) or
interest tlzereon.
7. In order to facilitate completion of the revenue
bond financing herein contemplated, the City Council is hereby
requested to consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976,
Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds (including
any interim note or notes) herein contemplated and any
` additional bonds whic'n the Authority may prior to issuance or
from time to time thereafter deem necessary to complete the
Project or to refund such revenue bonds; and for such purpose
. the Executive Vice President of the Authority is hereby
authorized and directed to forward to the City Council copies
of this resolution and the form of said Loan Agreement and any
additional available information the City Council may request.
8. The actions of the Executive Vice-President of
the Authority in causing public notice of the public hearing
and in describing the general nature of the Project and
estimating the principal amount of bonds to be issued to
finance the Project and in preparing a draft of the proposed
application to the Commissioner of Securities, State of
Minnesota, for approval of the Project, which has been
available for inspection by th� public at the office of the
Authority from and after the publication of notice of the
hearing, are in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Adopted �2��. � � . 1982 / _
' � /
`� / �
/� /
Attest ��` `� � � ' ��"�� �
The Port�. Authority of the City
_ of Sain�t Paul
^ , �.
� -� - � _
� ► ROSEDL�RY J FRANR , being
� '' NOTiCE duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during
�'-• `� -- — ' 'all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the
h�a e�f�Ceob+rY+rnisioe�ritol�:P�°',;,,;�"�;�;;� Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the
'""'�°'s•�^'P•°"M+""•`°''+►'"•"nO•'""� newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St.
Pot1 Aufnortfy ef tn�GI}y af Salnt Paul�xsted af�
1N�fi Fourt� SirNt. St. Peul. .Mi�n�sot� af 2:�
o'elxk p.m,on Tu�Way,p�lob�r 1f, ,�,,ro,,,,,., Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer
iM followln0 Propas�ts to Issu� Industrial Cevefop-
m�nt r�wno�Dondt in accordanc�wHl�Mlllnypt� Press, a newspaper of general circulation within
Sfafutes CAeDter�74,torc. r
t,Th� flnantl�y of Obfn�t M�atlnq �a���ralon the Clty O1 St. Paul and the COUfItV of Ramsey.
Gosb fpr ppMn�qwn Sf. Pwl OWldinqs'�nA In
+o�Cafas-�n�rqy��onserwtion imPrpr��Ms
' fo�1h�lollowlny; . .
Wor14T�qfre - -� �}��,,a,. That the �lotice hereto attached was cut from
I � Rlp M�rlon NortN/SoW�� ' . .
F� MtGoltBulldinq "�0� the columns of said news a er and was rinted
G.r��ek a.m� n.r�s P P P
' "`"°^'aa'^p �w � and published therein on the following dates:
GokeY's . ��S
Arts i SeIMe�Cent�r " ���.
Sei�ne�Mw�um V,21! 3rd day of Oct lq 82
Grao:o's - . '.. , � �
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F1�mm Qyildlnq � � � � .sl�,�
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Brem�r Towtr � '�,� d ay o f , 19
Minn�so►�8ulldlnq , . =�,�5
Am�rlc�n C�ni�r pulltllny • ��
Butw�mtk•s 3�.750"
S�v�rtth Plat►8uildlny . ��� day of 19
Am�rlean 8��ufy Maearoni ��� �
Biwn 8ullalnq. ' ' - . '��
Fint�Buildinq `7��
2.Sunfee Sysrems, i�e. Ih tn�amount of St,s7s,0oo day Of 19
for fh��onsiruction of e n�r.o}fiee��d m���. �
fsCturinq.fscility in St,Psul En�r9Y Park.
7.E�rf Scott tlCa Caop Tow�rs Tr�vel Most Mofel In
th�amount oi f3,100.�,„ „�.,,« ,�� .�,�,f;. day of 19
tlon�nC r�mp0ellnq p}iR�CaPP Towers Mo1N in +
' St.P�ul.Minn�yof�.
�.500 NorM RoDerl Sfreet Limited ParfnersMp in
nq a d�eon�rsion�o f�rruitlpl�t�nsn intlustrl- l9
day of ,
a1 IsNllfy(ROS�mor BWWlnql�n5t pw6 Minnr '
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sQuat�foof oHlee buUtlinq af HintA snd��dir•in
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�Partm�M af Ener9r, Plannlnq MO p�veloPm�nt.
Sta1!Of Mlnettota, fur apOrov�i oi M�prolltt; to- �� � .' !.� i�,
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oHieea�ocarea a► 2� West Fourth.Strs�f, SR P�u4 � /
M�°°"°"� Subscribed and sw•orn to before me this
----� _.
PORTAUTMORITYOFT?1E - Qt+� .!$V �)C Q(�•t , 19 S2
E:�cu�ive Vfc�PresiC�nt �'
Press,O�t 3,no 891
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_ Washi:gto: Cc�untv, �Iinnesota
1�1�• commission expires Oct 10 , 19 $7
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ill be hdd b7 the Commiaimes M ffie Port -_ " , PRIN1'ER'S.AB'PTDAVIT OF PUBLICATION_-. i :-.'
uthority of t�e Cit�of Saint P�u1,1liaa�ot� gTATE OF MI1�TI�TE$OTA�� ;= r
me ouice oi me Port Authorjt�of tae C7t� ` COUNTY.OF RAM$EY. . � �
Saiat P�ul loaeed at ZS Wast Fonrth 8tr�et, �.' � . . .
:. P�ul. Mimsota at 2:00 o'elock P.Y.on " :` � . • •- ` . ; `„'" '; _ . .' �
:aday, Au�use iT, t9e2 to ooaddQ the � 3amuel E. Lew�s,Jr:,being duly s�.vorn,`on:.oath says he fa a�ui durinq.all*tRe tim.es)eerein stated
iiosi�c v�vosai: w tssue industrlal h.as been the editor an.d publisher oj th,e:newspaper knourri aa The ga�nt Pau1 Legal Ledger and
�do�e �m�� booa. �o .�oeaanoe has Jul1 knowledge oJ the fa�cts T►erein_atated sa Jotlolai: (1) ,Bafd newapaper is prf+nted tn the
�s� a[;ma.oa saeuca o.yar ���, so En.glfsh. language in newaPaPer lormat and:iu�column'and:aheet Jorm equivQ.ient{n printed apoce
""a we nts�r�t H..aot Cae�.e+ion oo�ts to at Ieast T200 square inches; (2J Said newspape"r is u&y�y and is d{stributed da{Zy except 3unday,
r povatowa SR Paulbuildiapaod fn tome MOftd.Qy and HolSdaya; (sl Sa4d'newapaper- has xs% of {ts +seaos coiumna deuoted to �ewa o
'�`a°'�r ODi7Q1'�O°�p1O1�o� local inter�ct to the commun4t�/..whick .ft purporta to serve ased doea not ioTwliy duplicats an�
OsDomBuildin� s 4u,eoo.00 oth.er publ3catioft and is not made up entirely oj patents, pEate matter cc»d dtivert{sementa;
�°w'b's�asutta�a� tsl.s�o.00 � ' (.�) Ba�d newspaper fs circuiated`tn and »ear tTce mun�c{paltty which 4t �urporta to aerve, h�aa
s'.P'�L�c�c,e �c,alo.00 at Zeaat S00 copiea regulurly. del�vered to paying�subac��bers; h.as an�average of dt l�ast 7bqo
�ommaeesuua►nt 9e�.�o.00 .� J
�s cea.rsuuata� �opp� ,o} its totai c£rculat{on currently pa{d or �to more than three months in arrears and has enfry aa
aecond-class matter {n �ts local �oost-o�/fae; (S1 Ba{d newapopgr purporta to serve the C{ty o1
ADt101D��CplppA}jpp i�,oss.00 ' gt. Paui in the County of Ramsey cnd it haa its-knoum�o�'tca-oj�,isaue..tn the City oJ Bt. Paul {n
����°°�t aaid county, established and open dur�ng {ta reguular businesa hours or the
��.�� f gatl�erfng of nesaa,
�maican N�tiooal saie oJ advertisements and saie oJ aubacrtptiona and ma{ntaixed by th,e manaqin9 o�'icer oj_8atd
s.akeooa iei.rle.go n�PdP� �' Pe'+'aona tn ita emPioy and atcbiect to h.ta d{rvct{on and control during a1I auch reg-
a,na.oal�u.umot�►et �s7,aa.ro ular businesa houra and at which aa{d nesoapaper ia prFnted; (61 8aid newapaper �liea a copy oJ
�ucjceeelt.n zi�,ppp.pp each issue immed{afely ioitb`the $tate Hiatorioal Sooiety; (7J 14atd nc�osprs�.�complied+ntth
�meriaaNationalHank ma,p=�.pp al1 the joreqoing canditio»s for at Ieaet trao years prec�d�ng•the day or datea of publtcat�on me»-
�.�c�atts.nk loo.lee,00 tioned below; (8) 8a�at �ewspa�►er ho�a Jiied �oitA t1�.e g6oretary oJ ,�tate o� M{nnesota pr{or to
v,�.�e�a,uam� n�.i�s.ao January 1,1966 a�nd each January i tlaereafter an aA4davit tx tTce form prescribed by the 14ecretary
�+oo.�r�es�ocv ' oJ Siate and aigned by the mana
Mldvesc/J�ekwa s�.�.m � ata#n 9{ng oA'icer oJ aaid nezoapaper,and aworn.to before a notary publio
.mtRITO�VtIf r�awa.ao _ 9 that the newspcper �s a Jega1 newapoper. . _ .�
COwa SQuue Z2S.B5.00 , '' ........ .:_ ..� .:-.• , : s- � : _ ,,, • _.
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3anover Huildini 40.700.00 � 4!� ••••• ���f� .��$ X. � .,� �` � p j_ � J�1•.}' . ..� 19.U? ,..
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�arkSqwreCourt 110.000.00 = r e A: � .` � A
Rabssha Court 197.400.00 .�� � s ` � abcde .• �_...;� �- t L�' , {�
BurliaCt�Northem S95.OB0.00 �.:.� .. rB�lmnopqrteuv`ar�qz�< < � :_x .: .
3S6.Oi0.� a` � � 5_. : �ai.►., s - .
St.Pau1 Companies _ ,• �' " � � ��r a a "x
y ,s Y . � � .a.�♦ z '�C.-r.i I �i - t
MeanParkPlace 111.64SA� � .� �r' 1 st �..a�D���.-r4 r �� �, .._.tz ,.
i vucn i9a.i�o.00 -4� `k- S � =�� �.:r -� ._ -� �l.i�l M ` . ..
T.C.Fidd 49.l84.00 ` t •I : � �lu� :
GiUette t.000.000.00 i�-�� a > �:� � � ;,; �,,,, '°`'O,t F � � �, ' � .
}�d10B6 94t7�tt A➢�7'tmmta M2.890.00 ' � � s' .,x r. r a e� .. Y� .z- F'�`s. �r� . k��s... i}�- i � .... -• ....
Bethada HosPital 4.370.7�O.OD ;s d� ,�„ �� ; 4,,,, * ''�r:_, y t u .. %P ,, i,
2.423.180.00 - >va ras � x..- + .,< .
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St.Joseph's Hospital � : ;w� 4 8' ti s�,-.' . �• ,,,,•� ; � - ., .
.� c _ ' ., � ..
c,syw�x +e.zeo.ao , Bubacrtbed and aaorx to bejom �ne Lhia:���$� day oJ' .: �ll�.f .., 19��
AAA Building 48.125.00 �` ..;: .� �. .�r—_ �7 � .� �• t + - - - -
102.410.00 ' : - ��:� _• .:: :x ,,,,e� -
�iinnaou Public Radio ` � E x t �, �° r r" a '.:
Rasmussa�Buildin` � 79.450.00 Y . •- , + i•: - - ° _ ; .
'1`ravdodge Motel 22.9QS.00 `�..�,.�5: `,.. ,:. .ri M.�L�'.�+$;�` e' ` � ': 4 ` . `' c : -,9.
262SmdiosButldinB 142,180.OU �1t u� NOTAP�-p�ellC; ��IMINNESOTA
=ee oi Honor BuildinC 144.282.00 ^ �+. x ,+.: ,� ';' �
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A1ano SocietY . : ,, ; �- �,••.p a � -y �r
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Docto=s Profasional Builaiag 130.87Z.00 �.: AAY CO�nNSMOn EspnM Mar�78:196Q; `` 'd•• . .
21.�45.�0 .. - � .. . %d � ' ;��t,:f� i� -� r+6��_.� �`.
$t.PHUI I'iOtl1 �
2.239.895.00 s*}'7 v . .x �x� �. -r.a r l � '
Ulfltld HOSpltal :- ., • . p. •_<� � ^- a .+,. + a i F,r .., c� � .: . . � i. � `.
A lICtU00E SO a�r..�rijt�a��M�i< �YY k '� 'Y i e.�.._'� c �i��:. r :- r F'�s�da� . ��1 ♦. . . .- .
A draft copY oi the PmP� PD� a�a�w�stl�tnv3�t.��roa+�3 ie+�i�?.�Y�t,ys��l�...'.:�dlf!'ES:.�i.����r`.�....�`�._s�:._�...--
he Departmait of Energy, Plannini md
�evdopma�t, Sute oi Minnesuts. tor ap
�=mral of the ptojects.to`ether�vith all at-
,achmmu and exlubits tha�eto,ue available
!or public inspection beg[nninL ��day,
august 2�1�2,Srom B:00 o'clock AM.to 4:90
�'clock P.M..Maoday throuib Fdday.at the
Port AuWority ot5ces lonted �t � w�t
Faurt6 Street.St.P�ul.Minnnou.
Fsxvtive VicePmident
(Julp 31) -
����Si. !AL'L LEGAL LEDGF1t►►►►
-. . � , . - 2'79510.
�- ,.,,,..::::::::
Q„'._.�,� D a t e : ,
November 19, 1982
TO � Soint Paul City Councit
F R � � = C O M t�l i�'t C e Q►f7 Finance, Management �, Personne 1
- . .
C H A I R 3ames Scheibel .
20. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds for the financing of the
conversion of the existing heating system of buildings to the central energy
system for powntowr, St. Paul, coaunor:ly referred to as the District Heating
System. (Port Authority) _ ,��_� � �� y`Q-
c v -`�'`.-�il��?':
21. Ordinance amending Section 64.03 of the St. PaulAAimministrative Code pertaining
:��w—�-� �
to Adoption of Assessment Roll. ��
22. Resolution renewing the contract with Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. �
� in its entirety,� at the rates aforementioned for October 1, 1982 to
September 30, 1982. �-=•-�'�'�� � _ . - �
23. Discussion of the financing for the Civic Center Parking Lot and renovations. �
24. Resolution relative to the� jobs program for Energy Park. (Councilman Scheibel)���
25. Discussion of the proposed assessments for 1983. �
• • ��'-�i9
"�Port 3Authori ty DEPARTI,tENT�
ONTACT , Kr!9510
224;5686 PHONE �
Nov. 3, 1982 DATE �v�� �
(Routing and Explanation Shee�t)
Assign Nurnber for Routing Orckr (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):,�CEIVED
,d� Department Di rector
�City Attorney ��CEI�D NOU 5 1982
�L�i rector of Management/Mayor f:'�',I � - ,��,? CITY' ATTORNEY
4 Finance and Management Services Director �
5 City Clerk �1a�0!�S ��t=(��
Budget Di rector
i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
The purpose for the revenue bond issue is to finance the conversion of' the existing
heating system of the buildings on the attached sheet to the central energy system
for powntown St. Paul , corr�nonly referred to as the District Heating SyStem.
d• '
Financ�al , Budgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipate .
A corrr�nnitment to District Heating will result in the reduced consumptiion of energy
in St. �aul and also reduce the cost of energy to each of the property� owners thereby
contributing to the profitability of each of the businesses which in turn will
enhance their growth potential in St. Paul .
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited:
Attachments (List and Nu�er all Attachments) :
1 . Staff Memorandum
2. Draft City Council Resolution I
3. Port Authorit Reso7ut'Qn NQ� 2068
4.. �is of Buil ings & Do�lar Amounts
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No
Yes X �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No
Yes X No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �jn�tructions) � �
! e
" ' " 2'�95�.�
Dollar Amount of
Building Name, and Location Revenue Bonds Approved
American Beauty Macaroni - 352 Wacouta $ 100,000
Bison Building - 230 East 5th Street 245,000
Kellogg Square Apartments - 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. 437,500
Minnesota Museum of Art - St. Peter at Kellogg 104,400
Radisson Kellogg - 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. 450,000
Victory Ramp - 344 Wabasha 59,600
Y.W.C.A. - 65 East Kellogg Blvd. 125,000
Minnesota Public Radio - 45 E. 8th Street 110,000
World Theater - 494 Wabasha 245,000
Hanover Building - 480 Cedar 36,000
400 Sibley Street(Park Sq. Court)-400 Sibley 67,500
AAA Building - 170 East 7th Place 26,200
United Hospitals - 333 Smith Avenue 1 ,891 ,000
St. Joseph's Hospital - 69 West Exchange 2,129,400
Bethesda Hospital - 559 Capitol Boulevard 2,965,600
Mears Park Place - 401 Sibley 90,000
Central Towers - 20 E. Exchange 292,300
Gallery Towers - 26 E. lOth Street 35,000
Capp Towers - 77 East 9th Street 180,500
St. Paul Labor Centre - 411 Main 15,300
Catholic Charities - 215 Old 6th Street 36,500
Garrick Ramp - 6th & St. Peter 25,000
Time Medical Building - 355 Sherman 21 ,300
TOTAL $9,688,200