279491 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII I�.I��� PINK - FINANCE ■/� �J �7 - CANARV - DEPARTMENT `J I T 1 OF SA I NT PA V L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of 5aint Paul hereby approve s and ratifie s the attached Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1982-1g84 Collecti.ve Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul 5upervisors Organization Group. App rove d: Chairman, Ci il Service Commissi n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher � PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _�__ Against BY -�eeleseo aN9isvn-� NOV 2 3 ��� Form A ove C' tt ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified a s y Council Se retar BY � B}� ��� � �#pproved b oc Date M� 2 6 ��� ApQro ed by Mayor for i sion to Council By ---\�I—= — BY r���i5t�c,� D E C � 1982 � , � . 1982 MF.�IORA�IDU:1 OF AGREEytENT ���V� This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. In full settlenent, the. parties ,� hereto have agreed as follows: . ,' 1. Except as herein modified the signed 1982-I983-1984 Collective Bargai.ning Agreement between the parties, shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Articles 14.12 through 14.16 of said agreement shal]. be replaced with Articles 14.12 through 14.17 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Article 27.21 of said Agreeaent shall be reglaced with Article 17.21 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the C�ty Negotiator, but is .�ub�ect to approval by the Ci�y Administration and adoptian of the Civil Service Commission and the City Council. IT WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 21st day of September � 1982, CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAII3T PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION . � f �=• }: La or Rel ions or President .c' .. (R + Civil Service Commission Negotiator . � i' ���� � 14.12 Effective October 1, 1982, the Employer�s contributioR toward depeadent coverages in Articles 14.4 and 14.7 will be adjusted irt dollars [o reflect an increase of seventy-five percent (75%) of the difference between the October 1, 1982, premivas and the October I, �98I, preaiuss for the • � respective dependentts coverages. . 14.13 Effective October 1, 1982, the Emgloyer�s coutribution toward dependen� coverages in Articles 14.5, 14.6 and 14.8 will be adjusted in dollars to - reflect the total cost of the October I, 1982, premi.um rates for depen- dent coverages or $120.00 whichever is less plus seventy-five percent (75%) of that portioa of any October 1, 1982, dependent coverage premium �rhich is in excess of $I20.00. 14.14 Effective October 1, 1983, the October 1, I982 Employe='s contribution toward dependent coverages in Articles I4.4 and I4.7 will be adjusted 3.tz dollars to reflect an increase of seventy-five percent (75�) of the difference between the Octobez 1,1983, pre�niums and the October I, 1982 premiums for the respective dependent's coverages. Any increase iu the premiums for dependent coverage after Septeaaber 30, I984, �sha1l be paid _ by the employee. � 14.15 Effective October I, 1983, the October 1, I982, Employer's contributioa towards dependent coverages in Articles 14.5, 24.6 aud I4.8 will be adjusted fn dollars to reflect the total cost of the Uctober I, I983 premi.um rates for dependent coverage or $120.00 whichever is Iess plus seventy-five (]SZ) of that portion of any October 1, I983, dependeat coverage premiv� t�hich is in excess of $120.00. Any increase in the premiums for dependent coverage aftar Sept+ember 30,� 1984, shall be paid by the employee. t. , � � . . ' 14.16 Effective January 1, 1982, the Employer agrees to pay the asount of $28.95 per sonth for each employee eligible for such coverage to tbe Dental Insurance Fund established by the Organization. The amount of $7.20 per month, which represents the Employee's share of the 1981 _ . . Dental Insurance Premium shall be deducted from the 7.52�L wage incre�e . for 1982 applicable to each and every emplayees in the bargaining;uni� for 1982. Any increase in the Dental Insurance Premium after December 31, 1981, shall be paid by the Employee. 14.17 It is clearly understood by all parties t�at the Organization�s Den`4aI. Znsurance Fund shall continue to be administered so�ely and entirelp 3p the Organization. �t is further understood that any* Deatal Insurance Pxogram obtained through monies submitted tQ this �'uad shall be ad��s— tered solely and entirely by the Organization. 1 _ _ _ __ ---- .. . ___. _-- -- -- _--- •-- -- _ _ ___ _ __ -- _ ____ . ___. _ _-- - -- - P NiKE - FINA CERK COl1I1C11 �� � �/ � " BLUERV - MAPpqTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approve s and ratifie s the attached Memorandum of Agreement which � amenda the 1982-1984 Collective Bargaini.ng Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization Group. App rove d: Chairma.n, Civil Service Commission , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etchsr Nays • PERSONNEL OFFICE - �s�►ins In Favor Maaanz Nicosia scnelbs� Against BY Tedesco Wilsa� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Rv i - Y , 1982 ME�iiORA,�DITI`1 OF AGREFrKENT ��� This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Pau� and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. In fuu sett�eaen.t, tha parties ,� hereto have agreed as follows: ' .• . 1. Except as hereia modified the signed 1982-I983-I984 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties, shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. - 2. Articles �4.12 throe:gh 14.16 of said agreemen.t sha11 be replaced with Articl.es I4.12 through 14.17 whicit is attacbed hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Article �7.21 of said Agreeaent shall be reglaced with Article 17.21 which is attached hereto and made a part hereaf. - . _ _ _ -. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recoaeaded by the , City N�gotiator, but is �ub3 ect to approval by the City Admucistratioa and adoption of the Civil Service Comaission and the Citp Council. IT WITNESS WHEREOF, the par�ies hereto have affixed their sigztatutes this 2lst day of September , 1982. CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL� SUPERVISORS ORGr1NIZATION � . � f • � . j, La or Re ions or President ` A� h / R Civil Service Commission Negotiatar > � • 14.12 Effective October �, 1982, the Esployer�s •contribution taward depeucle�t . coverages in Articles 14.4 and 14.7 will. be adjusted ir� dollars to re�Iect an i.ncrease of seventy-five percent (75%) of the difference betc,�een the October 1, 1982, premiuns and the October I, I98I, preaiu�s for the - � respective dependent's coverages. � . 14.13 Effective October 1, 1982, the Employer�s contrib�tian taward d�'geadent coverages in Articles 14.5, 14.6 and 14.8 wi.Il be adjusted ia do7lars to - reflect the total cost of the October I, I.982, premium rates for depen- deat coverages or $120.00 whichever is less plus seveaty five percent . t75x) of that portion of any October 1, I982, dependeat cover�ge premiva� which is in excess of $I20.00. 14.14 Effective October 1, 1983, the October 1, I982 Emploper's contxtbutio�a. toward dependent coverages in Axticles 14.4 aad I4.7 w311 be adjusted iu - dollars to reflect an increase of seveaty-£ive percent �75X) of the . difference between the Octobar 1,1983, premiums and the Octobe�c I, 1982 � premivas for the respective dependettt's coverages_ Aay increase txr tbe p�emivas for depeadeat coverage after 5eptea►.ber 30, I984,�shall be paid . by the employee. I4.15 Effective October I, 1983, the October Z, I982, Employer's contr�butiar� towards dependent coverages in Articles 14.Ss I4.6 and I4.8 will. be adjusted in dallars to reflect the total cost of the Uctober I, Ig83 prems.um rates for depandeat coverage or $120.00 whichever is Iess plus seventy fiv� (75x) of that portion of any October 1, 1983, depeadeat coverage premiu�c t�hich is in excess of $120.00. Any increase in the premi.uas for depeadent coverage after September 30,� 1984, shall be paid by the employee_ f . , Y, • " � '• 14.16 Effective January 1, 1982, the Employer agrees to pay the ��� $28.95 per month for each employee eligible for such caverage to the Dental Insurance Fund established by the Organization. 7:'he a�aant o£ $7.20 per month, which represents the EmployeeTS share of the 298I _ � � Dental Insurance Premium shall be deducted from the 7.52� t�.•age incre�a . �or 1982 applicable to each and every esployees in the Bargainiug=tini� for 1982. Any increase in the Dental Insuraace Prec�iiaa after Dece�ber 31, 198I, shal7. be paid by the Employee. - 14.17 It is clearly uaderstood by all parties t8at the Orgauization's Der�.�1. _ Insura�ce Fund shall contiaue to be admiaistered solely and eatirely ?�y _ the O�rgaai�atioa. �t is further understood tliat an3* Deatal Insuraace P�ogram obtained througb monies subaitted tQ this €uad sha11 be $d�s— tered solely and eatirely by the Organization. 1 � r��' ' ' CITY OF SAINT P��UL �i'� - a7� �, � 1` • OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIII�'CIL �_ �.f:,,`,'_"{5,.1, ,. `� k. 'Q,':..��•`� s D a t e : November 5, 1982 �- COMMITTEE RE PORT _ _ TO = SQ �n� Paul Cify Couhcit F R O M = C o m t�n i t t e e O h FINANCE, MaNAGEMENT �, PERSONNEL - C N A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held October 28, 1982.�� 2. Resolution approving the application of J. William Donovan for the Abatement of Taxes and Assessments per County Auditor's Report #2040�- _ �� . 3. �.�£�p��}�Lft�nrlc frnm rhP TPxingtnn na�iinn 5. 4. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Fire Equipment Trust �--�.__p � Fund Budget, 55001. �`'`'�'"`"� . - 1984 Agreement between the City and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. 1�����`_�' 6. Resolution approving a two year Agreement between the City and the Boitermakers Lod e 647. ��-=a�� , g � -- i �7. Additional discussion of the ro osed assessment olic �'�� "' � ����`� � P P P Y��---...�3=-�- AGENDA ITEMS BROUGHT UP, NOT ON ORIGINALLY PREPARED FINANCE AGENDA: 8. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the �_—a,}- construction of an office and manufacturing facility for Suntec Systems,�lnc. 9. Resolution authorizing proper city officials to executive amendatory � district heating design loan agreements with the State of r4innesota and District Heating Development Comp any. �r� � 10. Resolution to provide additional terrrporary financing for the Downtown District Heating Project and to amend the Downto and�e.venth Place tax increment District �82 fin��cing plan. ���'-a--� x� � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 �r�„ . • ` DEPART�IENT: 1'ersonnel Office CONTACT; Be rnard Vt�right ROUTING aNn EXPLANATION SHEET PHONE: 298-4221 (GREEN SHEET) �- __ �a 9 � For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinanc aad Agreements � � . �,. , . ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: (�LI � � 'Ig82 S 1 Civil Service Commission DIRE OF MANA6EMENT 3 MAY f�'ir�'r'(�'�� ���=�-iC� DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & M6T. SERVICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR �cTION REQ � ST D �G IP A t 0 _ATIONS�OR MAYORAL SiGNATURE): We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. J[IHAT WI L B A HI V D BY TAKtNG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS EPURPOSE AND RATIONALE)�; This resolution approves an amendmentto the 1982-1984 Agreement between the City and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. The amendment changes the Insurance Article and the Severance Pay Article. The 'insurance language change will provide for the employer to pay all of the premium for dependent coverage up to $120. 00 per month. The current language prevents the employer from paying any of the premium increase if the total premium was less than $120. 00 per month. In light of the insurance language in oY.her agreements with various groups, this current lauguage is inconsistent. FINANCIA BUDCETARY AND PFRSONNE! IMPAGTS ANTIGIPATED: The Seve rance Pay Article change s the eligibility requirements for seve rance pay by eli�cxlinating the age requirement of 58 years for employees who are eligible for a pension under the "rule of 90" provisions of the PER,A recently passed by the> Legislature. . FINANCIAL IMPACT: Insurance 10-1-82 thru 12-31 -82: 378. 14 Severance Pay 1-1-83 thru 9-30-83: 2334.42 Unknown. Co�t dependent upon the number 10-1-83 thru 12-31-83: 778. 14 (est. ) of employees �vho choose to retire. 1-1-84 thru 9-30-84: 2334. 42 (est. ) , TOTAL `6225. 12 , ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALl ATTACHMENTS): � 1. Re s oluti on 2� Amendment 3� Copy for City Clerk , ea.ee tev.cuu n2ceea.c,ty on a.tt.a.c er�t o .tn.e o uu.ng euppon.t,�.ng, ocumen.Ls �epa.t.�nent • - Ci.t Aztonne : --+ 1. Counc.i.0 Re.aa�u.ti.on Reqcuh.e.d? YES NU J. R¢,bo.�u.ti.qn? YES �VO 2. In.aunance Req;.wced? YES NU 2. Inewtarec� Su6��.c.i.ent? VFS Nt? 3. Inaunance A,ttached? VES NO ,' � I Revisian o;[:412sfs2