�9LUE - MAYOR File NO•
� Council Resolution
Presented By "����
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul , with the Port Authority of St. Paul , has entered into the
development of Energy Park and is investing public monies in said development; and
WHEREAS, the Master Plan: Policies , Saint Paul Energy Park, adopted by the City of St.
Paul and the Port Authority of St. Paul , states , "Putting people to work is an important
objective of Energy Park. Moreover, the objective is to assure that a large proportion of
Energy Park jobs are made available to the long-term unemployed and the hard to employ; and,
WHEREAS, policies as stated in the Master Plan include:
1. The City shall establish as a goal that a minimum of one-half of the jobs created
over five years of development of Energy Park shall be new jobs, as opposed to
relocated or transferred positions ,
2. The City shall establish as a goal for development of Energy Park that a minim un
of one-third of all jobs �-- new, re1ocated, or transferred -- shall be entry-level
positions ,
3. The City shall establish as a goal for deve1opment of Energy Park that a minimum
of one�fourth of all jobs -- new, re1ocated, or �transferred -- shall be filled by
per�or,s �dentified as "hard-core unemployed" or "hard to employ," and
WHEREAS, the Division of Manpower Programs will provide professional si:aff services in
support of the Energy Park Employment Connections Executive Council , which has overall
administrative responsibility for the emp�oyee recruitment, training and placement program;
now, therefore, be it
P.�SOLVED ; that the Council of the City of Saint Paul strongly supports a firm and
vigorous application of the emp1oyment goals and policies for Energy Park adopted in the
Master Plan; and, be it
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Levine [n Favor
scnetbe� __ Against BY --
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
�lpproved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – — BY
WH17E - CITV CLERK ���Li(7�
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in furtherance of said goals and policies, the Mayor shall be
and is hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement with the Port Authority in the form
attached as Exhibit A, together with the Developer Clause attached thereto as Exhibit B and
the Assumptions as Exhibit C which will require the Port Authority to require all persons,
firms or corporations hiring employees for jobs substantially performed or carried out in
Energy Park, as a condition of participation in the development of Energy Park and the
benefits of public monies and effort expended therefor, to enter into appropriate agree-
ments with the City and its designated agency in conformance with the Developer Clause
attached as Exhibit B; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in furtherance of said goals and policies and of the above
Agreement with the Port Authority, the Mayor is authorized and urged to instruct the
Division of Manpower Programs or other appropriate City agency to negotiate and enter
into Employment and Training Agreements, as attached hereto as Exhibit D, with all persons,
firms or corporations, including those whose agreements with the Port Authority contain
the Developer Clause attached as Exhibit B, hiring employees for jobs substantially
performed or carried out in Energy Park, as a condition of participation in the develop-
ment of Energy Park and the benefits of public monies and effort expended therefor; and,
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that such Employment and Training Agreements and the Agreement
between the City and the Port Authority shall cover and be applicable to all positions
for which hard to employ, such as CETA-eligible persons, are or might reasonably be
available; provided, however, that all such Agreements shall not cover those positions
filled by contractors or sub-contractors in the development and construction of any
structures or facilities in Energy Park or the operation and maintenance of the Central
Energy Plant and Distribution System; any position where such coverage would violate or
COUNCIL�iEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ev�ne In Favor
Scheibel _ __ Against BY —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
!\pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - — — BY
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
impair existing contractual obligations between that employer and the City, Port Authority,
or other public body involved in the development of Energy Park; positions covered by
existing collective bargaining agreements; and any positions where coverage thereof would
conflict with laws or regulations regulating labor-management relations and practices, or
prohibiting practices which discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, disability,
color, sex, national origin, citizenship or political affiliation, or requiring affirmative
action; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the strategy for carrying out the policy and intent of this
Resolution, for negotiating and executing said Employment and Training Agreements, and
for administering the obligations of the City thereunder, shall conform with the Agreement
between the City and Port Authority; provided, however, that in all cases the Developer
Clause shall be in each agreement between the Port Authority and a Developer before the
sale, lease, IRB issue or other participation in the development of Energy Park by a
prospective employer is finalized.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Fletcher �
Levine [n Favor
Masanz �
scneibei _ __ Against BY —
W ilson
Adopted by C ouncil: Date
NOV 2 3 1962 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified a_s Coun .il c et� BY
l�pprov av c Dat
NQV � 6 ��1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
sy �L������ BY
�UBIiSHE� U t C 41y$Z
The parties are:
The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (Authority)
and the
City of Saint Paul (City) and its designated agency
This Agreement is:
1 . Subject to the provisions of this Agreement the Authority agrees to
insert in all Development Agreements, Financing Agreements, Land Sale
Agreements or similar agreements applicable to Authority's Energy Park a
clause substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A.
2. Said clause shall not be applicable to any agreement with any tenant
or occupant whose agreement with the Authority has been approved by the
Authority prior to the approval and execution of this Agreement or the
Operation and Maintenance Agreement between the Authority and the Operator
of Authority' s Central Energy Plant.
3. In the event a proposed Developer refuses to execute a Development
Agreement or similar agreement with Authority containing the Energy Park -
Port Authority Developer Clause, the Authority may make such a report to the
City including the reasons for the proposed Developer's refusal to do so.
The parties, including Developer, may utilize the mediation procedure out-
lined in Paragraph 5 hereof in an effort to reach an agreement on a mutually
acceptable Development Agreement for the Authority's Energy Park.
4. Upon execution of a Development Contract or similar contract for
Energy Park, Authority shall provide the City or its designated agency with
a name and telephone number for the Energy Park Developer and the City or
its designated agency will be immediately make contact with the Developer
and begin negotiations on the proposed Employment and Training Agreement
between the City and the Developer.
5. The City shall have 60 days within which to reach an Agreement with
Developer on a mutually acceptable Employment and Training Agreement. If
at the end of the 60-day period there is no such mutually acceptable agreement,
the Authority shall notify the City why the Developer and/or Authority have
determined that such an agreement is not feasible. If after reviewing such
documentation, the City determines that such reasons are not sufficient,
the Authority, the City, and the City' s designated agenct, the Mayor's Office
and Developer will enter into mediation. The mediation meetings shall be
convened and chaired by the Mayor and the parties shall exert their best
efforts to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
Exhibit A
i�� a ,'-.. .-. . .
6. In the event a Developer does enter into such an agreement with the
City pursuant to the Energy Park - Port Authority Developer Clause and the
City alleges that said agreement is not being complied with, the Authority
and City shall implement the mediation process provided in Paragraph 5 hereof.
Dated: November 16, 1982.
Its President
Its Secretary
Developer shall provide to the Authority within 60 days of the
date Authority holds its public hearing on this project, a copy of the
Employment and Training Agreement between Developer and the Division
of Manpower Programs , City of Saint Paul , describing how the Developer
will participate in the Employment Connection Program, an integrated
program of training and employment for Energy Park employers utilizing
funds and resources derived from both the private sector and the public
The Employment and Training Agreement shall contain the Developer's
commitment to use the Employment Connection Program on a priority basis,
when feasible, as a primary source for hiring new or replacement entry
level employees for jobs created in Energy Park. The Agreement will
describe the training resources and services that the Employment Connection
Project will provide to the Developer and its sub-developers and tenants
along with a time schedule for these training and hiring activities.
The Employment and Training Agreement shall obligate Developer
to apply the employment and training provisions of the Agreement to
all sub-developers and lessees of the developer. If such written agreement
is not reached within 60 days of the date Authority holds its public
hearing on this project, developer shall provide written evidence to
the City that such an agreement is not feasible or that the City is
unable to meet the employment requirements of the developer. If such
evidence is not presented, the Authority shall document the reasons
why the Developer and/or Authority have determined that it is not feasible
for developer and its sub-developers or lessee to enter the Employment
Connections Program or other appropriate employment and training arrangements.
Exhibit B
'" . ' '�II��
If the City and the Manpower Division determine that the reasons given
for not reaching agreement are not sufficient, the Authority, Manpower
Division, Mayor' s Office, and the Developer will enter into mediation.
The mediation meetings shall be convened by and chaired by the Mayor
and the parties shall exert their best efforts to reach a mutually
acceptable agreement. The Authority may at its option continue with
the terms of any preliminary agreements, sales contracts or lease, or
terminate such, providing financing has not been completed.
' ' " 11-1-t3t
• �
. � -2'79489
1. The Port Authority (Authority) shotxl.d �ravide
early in the negotiations a proposed Developer-Tenant �aith
the marketing brochure on the �mployment Connections .
Project, clarify the contractual obligations, and direct the
poter.tial Developer-�enant to the Manpower Division prior to
�he e:�ecution of any preliminary agreement between the Port
Authority and Developer-Tenant whenever possible. _
2. If the proposed Developer-Tenant refuses to
enter into a Development Agreement with the Port Authority
containing the Energy Park - Port Authority Developnent Clause
the Port Authority may make such a report to the City Ad.*.linistra-
tion and Manpower Division and the parties, including Developer-
Tenant, may utilize the mediation procedures outlined in paragrah
7 below.
3. The Employment Connections Project should be
marketed as an extra and subsidized Energy Park service which
is designed for the benefit of Energy Park Develope�-Tenants.
Each Developer-Tenant should be advised that the use of the
Employment Connections Project is a formal contractual obliga-
tion. .
4. The Authority should provide the t�ianpower Division
cor�tract infor�:.ation to potential Energy Park Developer-Tenants
� as �a�yy as possible and provide the Manpower Division with a .
nar�a ��^�3 te?e�hone number for each potential Energy Park
Dev:����Qr-Tenant, preferably before any preliminary agreement
b�t�aeen the Port Authority and such Developer-Tenant is exe-
' 5. The Manpower Division should immediately make
contact with the employer and began work on the proposed Nian- �
power and Training Agreement between the Manpower Division and
the Developer-Tenant. � '
6. If problems develop during the 60-day period
al1c:Y�d to negotiate and execute said Agreement, Manpower
Diui�ion should immediately notify the Authorityand a jointly
agre�� upon plan of action should be implemented.
� 7. If at the end of the 60-day neriod ther� is
no r.��ually acceptable agreement between the Developer-
Ter_a�� and the Manpower Division the Authority must notify the
City ndministration and the P4anpower Division of the reasons
why the Developer-Tenant and/or Port Authority have determined
Exhibit C
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� � � ������$9
that such Agreement is not feasible. If after revi.ewing such
documentation the Mayor' s Oftic;e anc� the �ianpo�aer Division
determine that reasons are not sufficient, the Authority,
Manpower Division, Mayor' s Off�.ce and Developer will. enter
into mediation. The mediatzon meetings shall. be convened .
and chaired by the Mayor and the parties sha11 exert their
best efforts to reach a mutually acceptable Agreement. '
8. It is the responsibility of the P�anpo��rer Division .
to maintain current records on the Employr=�ent Connections .
Project and th� performance of individual Energy Park businesses.
9. If an employer is not willir.g to execute such
an Agreement wi�h the Manpower Division or there is a con-
cern over the operation of such a plan, und�r the terrss of
such an Agreement, then the mediation provisions of paragraph 7
will be applicable.
---:--- - . ._.__...,�,..
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Port Authority 11-3-82
The Parties are:
The City of Saint Paul (City)
The Agreement is:
A. The City desires to increase employment opportunities
for long-term unemployed, economically disadvantaged
Saint Paul residents, with Developer/Employers for
jobs within Saint Paul Energy Park .
B. Developer/Employer agrees to use City as its primary
source for recruitment, training, referral, and
placement of new or replacement entry level employees
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
C . The City' s delegate agency will be the Division of
Manpower Programs under the Employment Connection
Project, Adams Building, 615 South Chatsworth, Saint
Paul, MN 55102 (Manpower) , or by other appropriate
City agency as may be designated by the Mayor.
D. This Agreement becomes effected upon the date hereof
and shall continue for five years from the time
Emplo_yer/Developer occupies facilities in Energy
Park, unless terminated as provided herein,
E. This Agreement shall be applicable to all Developer/
Employer new or replacement entry level positions
for which hard to employ, such as CETA-eligible,
persons are or might reasonably be available. This
Agreement shall not apply to those jobs covered by
existing collective bargaining agreements or other
contracts to which the Developer/Employer is a party,
where the terms of this Agreement would cause Developer/
Employer to breach the provisions of such agreements .
A. The employment positions covered by this Agreement
include all Developer/Employer' s job openings performed
within Energy Park, in the classifications, titles
and qualifications contained in Exhibit A.
Exhibit D
� ' �����
B. The Developer/Employer will notify Manpower of its
need for new employees in covered positions as soon
as the Developer/Employer decides to hire such
employees or, if possible, eighteen (18) working
days prior to the expected hiring dates. Notification
may include the information required in Exhibit A.
C. The Developer/Employer may notify Manpower of all
vacancies for Developer/Employer job openings in
' Energy Park which are not covered by this Agreement.
The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire
employees from these referrals from Manpower.
D. Job openings which are filled by internal promotions
from the D�veloper/Employer's local work force are
not covered by this Agreement.
A. Manpower will refer applicants according to the
qualifications requested by Developer/Employer.
B. If training for specific job openings has been
agreed upon between the City and Developer/Employer
in a separate agreement under paragraph V hereof,
trainee applicants will be considered qualified only
when the training is successfully completed by
C. Developer/Employer reserves the right to make all
decisions on hiring ne�a or additional employees,
including the qualifications of applicants, but �
" agrees to hire for covered positions from among
those persons referred by Manpower who meet the
� job descriptions and qualifications.
A. When Developer/Employer notifies Manpower of job
openings in covered positions .prior to eighteen
�18} working days in advance of the proposed date
to hire, Manpower will notify the Employer five (5)
working days prior to the anticipated hiring date
of the number of applicants Manpower will refer.
B. If Manpower cannot refer the total nuxr►ber of quali�ied
applicants, the Developer/Employer may fzl� the
remaining positions by any rneans.
C. Manpower will a) provide assistance and monitor
job retention of employees placed under this
. Agreement for six months, and b) monitor Developer/
Employer's performance under this Agreement.
Developer/Employer will submit Quarterly Hiring
, �� � 2'79489
Summaries, in substantially the form attached
as Exhibit B.
E. After the Developer/Employer has hired an applicant
referred by Manpower, Manpower will not be responsible
for the employee•s conduct and the Developer/Employer
releases the City from any liability for the actions
of such employees.
A. Manpower and the Developer/Employer may agree in a
separate agreement to �develop classroom training,
on-the-job training, pre-employment training or other
training programs. The training specifications and
cost for such training shall be set forth in that
B. The Developer/Employer will not discontinue routine
on-the-job training to employees hired under this
Agreement, because of this Agreement or supplements
to this Agreement.
A. If this Agreement conflicts with or requires
Developer/Employer to breach an existing collective
bargaining agreement or any other existing agreementsr
said agreements shall prevail.
B. Developer/Employer will provide Mangower with written
evidence that Developer/Employer has provided the
representative of any collective bargaining unit
with a copy of this Agreement and has requested
comments trom said unit. Developer/Employer will.
provide such comments to Manpower.
C. The Developer/Employer will not violate any local,
state, or federal law or reguZation.
A. If Developer/Employer transfers al1 or a portion of
its business to any other party by lease, sale,
assignment, or otherwise, the Developer/Employer shall
notify successor of the existence of this Agreement,
notify City of the transaction priar ta closing, and
requir�e successor to meet and confer with City an a
new Employment and Training Ac�reement.
B. Developer/Employer and City may mutually agree to
modify this Agreement in order to improve the _
coverage, procedures, or working relationship des-
� cribed herein or any other appropriate reason.
- � � - � 2'��4�9
� C. The City may terminate this Agreemen� at any time
by thirty (30} days ` written notifica.-kian to
Developer/Employer if the suspension or termination
of any grants or budgetary reductions funding its
operations under this and similar Agreements, substan-
tially impair City's ability to meet its obligations
D. Developer/Employer may terminate this Agreement by
thirty (30) days' written notice to City for material
breach of this Agreement.
E. In the event of any material dispute between the
Parties hereto relating to the application or operation
of this Agreement, said dispute shall be resolved by
mediation between the parties to this Agreement
together with the Saint Paul Port Authority.
Mediation meetings shall be convened and chaired by
the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
A. Energy Park:
The area owned and developed by the Port Authority
of the City of Saint Paul east of Snelling Avenue
in S�int Paul.
B. Covered Employees:
New or replacement entry level employees and such
other employees as may be mutually agreed upon
between the parties. �
By Director, �anpower Pro-
. �`����.�� i;ayor
I ts -
For Quarter Ending:
Listed below are the positions in your firm which are covered under the
First Source Agreement with the City, Please list the number of hires
for this quarter for each category and return this form to the Division
of Manpower Program within 30 days following the close of that quarter.
I certify that the above information is true and accurate:
Autharized Signature
Please return this form to: Division of Manpower Programs
Adams Building
615 So. Chatsworth
St. Paul, MN 55102
Exhibit E
' �I��
City of Saint Paul Division of Manpower Programs
1. Employer 2. Date
3. Job Title 4. Number of Openings
5. Job Location
6. Contact Person Phone
7. Supervisor 8. Beginning Date Ending
9. Starting Salary $ per Salary after training $ per
10. Benefits
11. Days to be worked 12. Hours
13. Will union membership be required? Yes No
If yes, which union and local number
14. If this job involved on-the-job training to be subsidized by the City, how long will that
training period be? (attach specific training plan)
15. Specific Duties
16. Necessary Qualifications
Level of experience. or training required to
enter program (include licenses and/or
Skill certificates necessary)
17. Is a valid Minnesota drivers' license required? Yes No
18. Are your employees in this position expected to provide any necessary tools in the
Job(s)? Yes No (If yes, please attach an itemized list (with
prices) of tools required for each position.
19. Education level needed to perform this job (if any) _
OVER. . .
20. Deseribe any on-the-job training you normally provide for this position (ie, without
' �City funding)
21. Is there a possibility for promotion from this job? Yes No If yes, to
what position(s)? �
22. Environmental Conditions 23. Physical Demands
a. Working Environment a. Strength = % time job will require
Standing o
Inside % Walking o
Outside % Sitting o
b. Extreme Cold with YES NO Weight (Number of Pounds)
or without temp- Lifting
erature changes Carrying
c. Extreme heat with Pulling
or without temp- YES NO
erature changes
b. Climbing
d. Wet and/or Humid Balancing
e. Vibration
f. Hazards Kneeling
Mechanical Crouching
Electrical Crawling
Explosives Reaching
Radioactivity Handling
Other Fingering
g. Atmospheric Conditions Talking
Mists Hearing
Gases Ordinary Conversation
Poor Ventilation Other Sounds
Acuity, Near
h. Noise Acuity, Far
Estimated Maximum Number
of Decibels Depth Perception
Color Vision
Field of Vision
�i'4. Could a person with limited English speaking skills perform this job?
Could a person with limited English reading/writing skills perform this
25. Is public transportation easily accessible? Yes No
26. Does the job require shift work or other than traditional hours? Yes No
(If yes, please clarify)
IANAF2Y — DEP4RTMEKT `)1 1 Y `�r �/L� j l� 1 1 �1 V L
BLUE — ti�avOR F'l�f,s NO. _
City�Attny/PBB �o��C�l �PSOI,�tio� a�,� �4 �
Presented f3y �.�?'�_s�'/�,�/
G .
Referred To _ - Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, with the Port Authority of
St. Paul, has entered into the development of Energy Park and
� is investing public monies in said deve].opment; and .
WHEREAS, the Master Plan: Policies, Saint Paul Energy Park,
adopted by the City of St. Paul and the Port Authority of St.
Paul, states, "Putting people to work is an important objective
af Energy Park. P�toreover, the objective is to assure that a
large proportion of Energy Park jobs are made available to the
� long-term unemployed and the hard to employ. " and,
WHEREAS, policies as .stated in the PZaster Plan includer
1. The City shall establish as a goal that a minimum
of one=half of the jobs created over five years of .
development of Energy Park shall be new jobs, as
opposed to relocated or transferred positions,
2. �The City shall establish as a goal for development
of Energy Park that a minimum of one-third of all
_. _ jobs --. new, relocated, or transferred -- shall
be entry-level positions, �
3. The City shall establish as a goal for development
of Energy Park that a minimum of one-fourth of all
jobs -- new, relocated, or transferred -- shall
be filled by persons identified as "hard-core
unemployed" or "hard to employ, " and
WHEREAS, the Division of Manpower Programs will provide
professional staff services in support of the Energy Park
CUUI�ICILA�tEN Reqnested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� �ev�ne In Favor
Nicosia �
scne�bet __ Against BY
Form Ap roved by City Attorney
Adopted b}• Council: Date — _
Certified Yc�ssed by Cuuncil Secretary BY _ t{,� ��ZJ?��Z
/lpproved by �lavor: Date _. Approved by Mayor for,Submission to Council
B5' — -- $Y
_._ _ . -
_ _ . _.._ , - _ . ,�,,;�.�.__ .. ... .__
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� G-4N4Ry - DE�AHTMENT V I 1 � �1 ►�JA I l��T �'L� lf L�
eLUE - •sAYO� File NO.
�'ou�cal �esol�tio�
Presentc:d f3y —_ �!'�'r�-�.�- �-i�-/�
Referred To __ Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date � -- — -
Employment Connections Executive Council, which has overall
administrative responsibility for the employee recruitment,
�training and placement program; now, �therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
strongly supports a firm and vigorous application of the
. employment gaals and policies for Energy Park adopted in the
� Master P1an; and, be it _
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in furtherance of said goals and
policies, the Mayor is urged to instruct the Division of
��anpower Programs or other appropriate city agency to
negotiate and enter into First Source Agr�ements, as attached
� hereto as Exhibit A, with all persons, firms or corporations
hiring employees for jobs substantially performed or carried
out in Energy Park, as a condition of participation in the .
development of Energy Park and the benefits of public monies
and effort expended therefor; and, be it
� FURTHER RESOLVED, that such First Source Agreements shall
cover and be applicable to all positions for which CETA-eligible �
persons are or might reasonably be available; provided, however,
that such Agreements shall not cover those positions filled by
contractors or sub-contractors in the developm�nt and construc-
tion of any structures or facilities in Energy Park, any position
where such coverage would violate or impair existing contractual
obligations between that employer and the City, Port Authority,
or other public body involved in the development of Energy Park,
COUNCILti1ElV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na}•s
Fletcher _
Levine In Favo[
Scheibel _ __ Against BY —
W ilson
Form Elpproved by City Attorney
Adupted ,�}� Cuuncil: Date _
Certifie�d F'assed by Council Secretary BY
Appro�•ed b5� �tavor: Date �
Approved by Mayor for Subm'cssion to Coucecil
gy' ------ ---- — By
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, _ --- --- - -- �-�-�r�* .
This First Source Agreement, hereinafter referred to as [he "Agreement,"
for recruitment, referral and placement is between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL,
hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and
hereinafter referred to as the "EMPLOYER." Under this Agreement, the
EMPLOYER will use the CITY as its first source for recruitment, referral
and placement of covered employees.
I. GENERAL TERMS � �'"��`�`'�.�-°.-�-
A. The CITY wishes to increase employment opportunities for
economically disadvantaged persons with employers hiring
. for jobs substantially performed or carried out within
the Saint Paul Energy Park. . � �
B. In consideration for the investment of public funds which
make the development possible, the EMPLOYER agrees to use
the CITY as its first source for recruitment, ref erral,
and placement of covered employees in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement.
C. The CZTY will provide employment recruitment, referral and �
placement services to the EMPLOYER subject to the limitations
set out in this Agreement. �
D. The CITY's participation in this Agreement will be carried .
out by the Division of tianpower Programs, Adams Build�ng,
615 South Chatsworth, St. Paul, rt13 55102, or by other appro-
priate CITY agency as designated by the Mayor, to be referred
to herein as "Manpower."
E. This Agreement shall take effect when signed by the parties
and shall be in full force and effect for a period of five
years from the date the Division of Manpower Programs re-
ceives the first job order from EMPLOYER or five years froiu
the time EMPLOYER occupies facilities at Energy Park, which-
ever comes first, unless terminated as provided herein.
F. This Agreement shall cover and be applicable to all EbiPLOYER
positions for which CETA-eligible persons are or might
reasonably be available; provided that such Agreement shall
not cover those positions or jobs (1) engaged in the construc-
tion or building of the structures or facilities in Energy
Park, (2) covered by existing collective bargaining agree-
ments or any other existing contract to which the EMPLOYER
is a party, where resort to the obligations and procedures
herein would require the EMPLOYER to breach or impair the
provisions of such other agreements or contracts, and (3)
where resort to the obligations and procedures in
this Agreement would require the EMPLOYER to violate any Iaws
. -2-
or regulations regulating labor-management relations and practices,
prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, Sex,
age, disability, color, national origin, citzenship, or political
affiliation, or requiring affirmative action in hiring minority
or protected-class persons. Positions which are not managerial,
highly technical, or professional created in the future by the
EMPLOYER, shall also be regarded as positions covered by this
Agreement. Positions of a supervisory nature or which require
two or more years of formal training are not considered covered
A. The CITY and EMPLOYER agree that for purposes •of this AgreemenC,
"covered positions," as limited and defined above, include all
EMPLOYER's job openings in the Energy Park development for jobs
� or positions substantially performed or carried out within Energy
Yark, "within the job classiFication and titles listed below:
Job descriptions and minimum qualifications for each of the above
jobs or positions are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A and
are fully incorporated herein by reference.
_. B. The EMPLOYER will also notify Manpocaer of all vacancies for positions -
in Energy Park which are not "covered positions" as defined herein.
Notification shall include qualifications, the rates of pay and the
anticipated hiring dates. The EMPLOYER will also notify Manpower of
the date by which Manpower mus� refer qualified applicants to the
EMPLOYER for management, technical and professional vacancies; how-
ever, the EMPLOYER will not be bound to hire from these referrals.
C. Whenever possible, EMPLQYER will notify Manpower of its need for new
or additional employees in covered positions at least eighteen (18) '
CITY working days prior to the hiring dates. When thi.s is not
possible, due to unforeseen attrition or similar circumstance,
EMPLOYER will notify Manpower of opening at the earlist possible
opportunity, but in no case later than five (S) CITY working days
prior to the hiring dates.
D. For covered positions, notification to Manpower shall include, but
need not be limited to, the number of eraployees needed by job title,
. hiring dates, rates of pay, hours of work, anticipated duration of
employment, work to be performed and the job description for each
such position as contained in Exhibit A. Use of the Job Order Form
contained in Exhibit B shall be deemed compliance with this paragraph.
E. Job openings which are filled by internal promotion from the EMPLOYER's
local work force need not be referred to Manpower for placement and
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A. Manpower will refer CETA-eligible job applicants to the EMPLOYER
. in response to the notification of need for covered employees
. described in Section II, above.
_ B. rianpower will screen such CETA-eligible applicants according to
the qualifications agreed upon with the EMPLOYER. �4����i:k-
C. EMPLOYER will make all decisions on hiring new or additional
employees, but agrees to hire for covered positians from among
those persons referred to it by Manpower who meet the job descrip-
tions and minimum qualifications therefor.
A. In cases where EMPLOYER has notified Manpcwer of openings in
covered positions at least eighteen (18) CITY working days in
advance, Manpower will notify the EMPLOYER no later than five
(5) CITY working days prior to the anti�ipated hiring date of .
the number of applicants Manpower will refer. If Manpower
has received less than the eighteen (18) CITY working days
--- notification, Manpower will notify the EMPLOYER of the
applicants it will refer no later than two (2) CITY working
days prior to the anticipated hiring date. �
B. In the event Manpower cannot refer the total number of qualified
personnel requested, the EMPLOYER will be free to directly fill
remaining positions for which no qualified applicants have been
C. Manpower will track job retention of employees placed under this
Agreement for at least six months, or until job-related prablems
do not occur following placement. EMPLOYER agrees to cooperate
in Manpower's follow-up efforts.
D. Manpower is required to monitor EMPLOXER's performance under this
Agreement. EMPLOYER will cooperate in rianpower's monitoring
efforts and will submit Quarterly Hiring Su�naries, a sample '
copy of which is attached as Exhibit C.
E. After the EMPLOYER has selected its employees, Manpower will
not be responsible for the employees' actions and the EMPLOYER
hereby releases the City from any liability for their actions.
----- . _
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A. The EMPLOYER will not discontinue providing routine an-the-job
training due to this Agreement.
B. Manpower and the EMPLOYER may aoree to develop additional on-the-
job, pre-employmen[ or other training programs; the training
specifications and cost for such training will be mutually agreed
upon by the EMPLOYER and the CITY and cavered in a separate
training agreemeaC.
A. If the coverage or scope of this Agreement conflicts with or re-
quires EMPLOYER to violate-, any labor laws or other governmental �
regulations, the laws or regulations shall prevail.
B. If the coverage or scope of this Agreement conflicts with or re-
quires EMPLOYER to breach a collective bargaining agreement or any
other existing contract to which the E`�LOYER is a party, the bar-
gaining agreement or contract shall prevaiZ.
C. The EMPLOYER will provide Manpower with written documentation that
the EMPLOYER has provided the representative of any involved collec-
tive bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested
comments or objections. If the representative has any commenCs or '
objections, the EMPLOYER. will provide them to Manpower. I
� " - D. The EMPLOYER will not discriminate against any applicant for employ- '
ment because of race, religion, age, disability, color, sex, national
origin, citizenship, or political aftiliation.
A. If, during the term of .this Agreement, the EMPLOYER should transfer
possession of all or a portion of its business concerns affected by
this Agreement to any other party by lease, sale or assignment or
otherwise, the EMPLOYER as a condition of transfer shall require the
' party taking possession to agree, in writing, to the terms of this
Agreement. A new First Source Agreement will be executed with the
new party prior to the effective date of transaction.
B. The EMPLOYER and Manpower, or such other agent as the CITY may desig-
nate, may mutually agree to modify this Agreement in order to improve
the coverage, procedures or working relationship descr�bed herein.
C. The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time by ninety (90} days` �
written notification if the suspension or termination of any grants �
funding its operations under this and similar Agreements or if bud-
getary reductions in the appropriations for administration of the ?
program hereunder, substantially impair its ability to meet its �
obligations herein. �
� ;
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.-------. __ . _ ._ _ _ ,.
D. Either the EMPLOYER or the CITY may elect to employ binding
� arbitration to settle any material dispute under this Agreement
which informal good faith negotiating efforts have failed eo �.=�� � -
resolve. If either party elects to employ arbitration, the
electing party shall deliver written notice to the other party �
appointing one arbitrator, specifying the issues to be resolved '
- and detailing the desired remedy. The responding party shall
return a written response to_the electing party wiChin fifteen
(15) days. The response shall appoint a second arbitrator
and shall outline the responding party's positions on the
issue(s) . The two arbitrators so appointed shall select a
third arbitrator within fifteen (15) days after the appoint-
ment of the secona arbitrator. If the two arbitrators first
appointed are unable to agree upon a third arbitrator within
the time limit, then the third arbitrator shall be appointed
by .
After all arbitrators have been appointed, they shall make a
written report within thirty (30) days to the parties on
� the issue(s). The determination of a majority of the arbit-
rators shall be final and binding upon the EMPLOYER and the •
CITY and may include:
1. monetary damages directly related to any breach
of this Agreement and the issue(s) raised;
2. specific performance of the Agreement provisions �
and steps reasonably necessary to implement and
monitor specific performance, which might in-
clude retention of a prafessional job analyst
designed by the arbitrators;
3. allocation of costs associated with the arbitration
determination and steps necessary to implement
and monitor that determination.
The arbitration determination shall be fully enforceable in a _
court of law. Arbitration is not the exclusive remedy of the �
parties for resolution of disputes arising under this Agreement,
� 7 r��9
and shall not be required of either party before the commence-
ment of any proper action at law or in equity.
Dated this day of , 19
.s.� ' *�.
City Attorney Director, Department of Finance &
' rfanagement Services
__ _,
.,�...._ . . _ _ . __ . _ . ,
) SS.
_ On this day of , 19 , before me, a
Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared GEORGE LATIMER,
to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the
Mayor of the CZTY OF SAINT FAUL, and that he executed the foregoing instrumenfi
on behalf of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL.
) SS. . .
On this day of , 19 , before me, a
Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ALBERT B.
OLSON, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that
he is the Director of Finance & Management Services of the CITY OF SAINT
PAUL, and that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the
_._.......--_ _
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� ) SS.
On this day of , I9 , be�ore me, a notary
• public within and for said County, appeared
and , to me personally known, who, being - `f
each by me duly sworn, did say tha� they are the �
and of
the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the instrument
was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its
and said and
acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.
.� _- _ . _. . __ .- - - :- -
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City of Saint Paul Division of hfanpower Programs
I. Employer 2. Date
3. Job Title 4. Number of Openirtgs
S. Job Location
6. Contact Person Phone
7. Supervisor _ 8. Beginning Date Ending �
. . � . � �..7i. . . '
9. Starting Salary $ per Salary after training $ per _ _
10. Benefits
11. Days to be worked� 12. Hours
23. Will union membership be required? Yes No � .
If yes, which union and local number
14. If this job involved on-the-job training to be subsidized by the City, how long will that ',
training period be? (attach specific training plan� !,
15. Specific Duties .
16. Necessary Qualifications
Level of experience or training required to
enter program (include licenses and/or
Skill certificates necessary)
17. Is a valid biinnesota drivers' license required? Yes No •
18. Are your employees in this position expected to provide any necessary tools in the
Job(s)? Yes No (If yes, please. attach an itemized list (with
prices) of tools required for each position.
19. Education level needed to perform this job (if any) __
OVER. ::
.___. . _ , .. . : - -------,-„4__., _..._�..r_._--�,a.r.�.....,..-- -
:. . . :.
- < ..__
[U. llesCrlbe any vn c.ne-�o� raining yvu rivrn�aily yruviae vr Lnis posi�ivn �ie, wi�nvut
GiXy funding) �
_ . . � `�� �� �
21. Is there a possibility for promotion from this job? Yes No If yes, to
what position(s)?
22. Environmental Conditions 23. Physical Demands
a. i�orking Environment a. Strength = % time job will require
Standing o
Inside % . Walking %
Outside o Sitfiing %
b. "Extreme Cold with YES NO Weight (Number of Pounds)
or without temp- . Lifting � _� „
erature changes Carrying �� �
c. Extreme heat with � Pulling �
or without temp-
erature changes YES NO
d. �9et and/or Humid
b. Climbing
Balancing �
e. Vibration
f. Hazards Kneeling
Mechanical Crouching
Electrical Crawling
Explosives Reaching
_ Radioactivity Handling
-- Other
Fingering �"'
Feeling '
g. Atmospheric Conditions
Fumes Talking
Mists Ordinary Conversation
Gases Other Sounds
Poor Ventilation -
h. hoise � Acuity, Near
Acuity, Far
Estimated Maximum Number Depth Perception
of Decibels Color Vision
Field of Vision
24. Could a person with limited English speaking skills gerform this job? �
Could a person with limited English reading/�ariting skills perform this
J ob?
25. Is public transportation easily accessible? Yes No
26. Does the job require shift work or other than traditional hours? Yes ho
(If yes, please clarify) -
_____�::__ _
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. . � `i � y�?�
For Quarter Ending:
Listed below are the positions in your firm which are covered under the
First Source Agreement with the City, Please list the number of hires
�or this quarter for each category and return this form to the Division
of rianpower Program within 30 days following the close of that quarter.
I. �
3. .
S. �
7. .
8. .
I certify that the above information is true and accurate:
Authorized Signature
Please return this form to: Division of Tlanpower Programs �
Adams Building
615 So. Chatsworth
St. Paul, b�i 55102
__ - _ ... _ _ _..__-_...--�-
L � � ;,1
.. . �:<
Person, firm or corporation seeks and applies for land purchase, lease, IRB
or other involvement in the Energy Park Development.
*�Screens employer for elioibility
_ * Informs employer of First Source Agreement requirement .for
purchase, lease, IRB or other participation in the development '
of Energy Park _ ,���. ;
* Notifies Manpower staff of application. '
* Schedules appointment and goes to see employer
* Explains First Source Agreement in detail
* Reviews all job classifications at firm �
* With employer, develops a list of jobs to be covered by
First Source Agreement
* Develops complete First Source Agreement contract (jobs covered,
descriptions, qualifications) with the employer and reviews re-
ferral, hiring, and reporting procedures. Executed First Source .
Agreements must be completed prior to closing of purchase, lease,
IRB contract, or other participations.
__: � -
* Presents executed contract
* Finalizes sale, lease, IRB or other involvement.
* Sends qualified applicants within 5 to 18 days after receiving
the employer's notice. �
* Hires one or more applicants. �
� Conducts annual monitoring of employer expansion and hiring.
* Monitors hiring using Quarterly reports from employer
� Addresses any compliance problems by utilizing negotiation as first step.
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