00-526OR1GlNAL PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 14 15 is n 18 �s 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 ?9 29 3D 31 32 33 3a 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 42 43 � a5 46 47 48 as PreseMed By: Referted To: Council File # �� � �7 � Green SbeM # 704318 \ � CommilTee: � WNEREAS, on P.pril 2, 1997 tfie City Council established a capital project to mnduct preliminary design work for a z Gimate-controlled pedestrian connection between the Saint Paul RiverCentre and the downtown skyway sysiem; and 3 a WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the Ciry Counal reviewed drawings, design options and route altematives based on the 5 preliminary design work, and selected a below grade (tunnel) route along Fourth Street; and s � WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the City Coundl also established an inifial financing plan of $22 million for design and a construction of a new pedestrian connection curtenUy estimated at �10.0 million; and 9 �o WHEREAS, on October 6, 1999 the City Council approved the total financing plan for the RiverCentre connection; and �� iz WHEREAS, on May 23, 2000 the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Ramsey County which requires a payment of $2,250,000 to be made to Ramsey County on June 2, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.4 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the City Saies Tax Capifal Projecks fund and the 1997 Capital Improvement Projects; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the RiverCentre Connecfion budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council be hereby further amended in the following manner: Finaneina City Sales Taz Capital Projecks 930-90300 NI Financing Spending City Sales Tax Capilal Pro�eCts 930-90300 Cooncii Gonfingency (0548) T2ns(er to Capita/ Projects Funtl (0565) Paymentto Conbactor(0784) Building lmprovements (0898) Flnaneina RiverCerkre Connection to Skyway System C97-7R060 Civic Centerbonds / interest eamings �C9]-]RO60-]306 T2nsMfiomcapiblpro7ectfuntl-oMer Spentling' RiverCeMre Connection t6 Skyway System C97-7R060 Preliminary Design (Architect Fee Captlzd - 0892) Design (COUncil Contingency- 0548) Design (Engineenng Services-Consu/tants - 0787) ConsWCtion (CouncdCOMingency-0548) Construction (Tralnster to Ramsey County- 0545) curre�t Budget Change 77,142,174 0 zoo,000 tzoo,000> 2,200,000 200,000 1,742,000 0 73,000,174 0 77,142,174 0 2,200,000 200,000 2,200,000 200,000 Ame�tletl eudget 77,142,174 0 2,400,000 '1,742,000 73,000,174 77.142,174 2,40�,��a 2,400,000 50.000 50,000 800,000 (800,000) 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,300,000 (1,300,000) 0 0 2,250,000 2,250,000 z,2oo,00o zoo,000 z,aoo,000 Requested by Department of: O�ce of Financial Services By: kdopted by Council: Date 2-�, o Adoption Certified 6y Council Se tary: By: "� � a- � - F---- Approved by Ma or. Date v.�+IG j(o � By: Approval Reco ended by Financial Services Office Dirgcto . By: � t • AN. � BYrzn Appr9vgd�i�Att� /Y �!� 311. 0 � ��7 Approved by M r for Submiss �to BY� ��-���� ommmrN..oms=.�m..er+aems�mnM�us[xs�ewcm� uumoFSCCaiwxa swrmoo� DPPA[tYhhfPddiIYOFP[CP1CA[1NCQ, DA]EINQIAIED VO �Ji{� OfficeofFinancialServices 05-31-2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104318 mmavo�e m�ioaee CONTAC[PFRSON&PAONC � DEPARTbffiTlDIltECI'OR O4 QIYCOUNCd JoeReid 7b6-8800 � � carw'rroxxEV'�M•� •• a� Q crrvc�.ewc MOSlBEONCOUNCp.ACA�IDABY(DA'[E) � Ol FII'd1A1'1�W.SE2NCESDIlt S�3I � FW.&MGl.S0tV10ESDIR � OO �3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTAN'n SL� s l�i' �5 C�'FACCOUNiANC TOTAL # OF SIGNAI�URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUPSfED Approval of the attached City Council resolution amending fhe spending and Snancing plan of the pedestrian connec[ion (between ihe RivecCentre and the downtown skyway system) capital project xECOnamannnavs: aEym.e(w)Qa�a(rt) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON'fRACt'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QLJESTIONS: r�nniNU+cco�u.tss�ox I. Aas this pasodfum ever worked wder a contract for this depazlment? cmcoc.um�ree YES NO civn, sertv��conunss�oN 2. Has tLis person/fim wtt been a city employee? w sTnre YES NO _ 3. Does ihis person/Srm possess a sMll no[normallypossessed byany curtrnt ciry employee? YES NO 4.IS ttis persoa / fum a fazgetedvendot? YES NO (F,zplaiu all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to geen sheet.) INlilAiINGPROBLEM,LSSUE,OPPORiUNITY(Nhq WLaf, Whrn, Whv�, W6y): The signing of the RiverCentre Pedeshian Link Cooperative Agreement on May 23, 2000 requires that the City transfer to the County funds for the City's shaze of the project. The budget for this project, which was originally placed in contingency, needs to be amended so that the City can pay its' shaze of the project costs related to designing and conshucting the pedestrian connecrion. ADVANiAGPSIl+APPROVBD. The pedestrian connection project will move forwazd and the City will meet the obligarions agceed to in the RiverCentre Pedestrian Link Cooperarive Agreeement. D6ADVAN'i'AGPS Q� APPROVED: - None. DLSADVANPAGES OF NOT APPROV�: The Ciry will be unable to lransfer funds to Ramsey County to mee[ the terms of the Cooperative Agreement. mrwnnsoVrvroxrxnrvswcnon_$ � cosrmEVewVeswcexrn�cuec�.,eorve) O xo nmvmicso�mmce Citv Sales Tax Ca�ital Projects acrivirrnunmeie GL - 930 - 90300 euva�cw. ¢vFOxe.+wnaN: (e�ia¢h FnancialServices �G:l4��Nesell RES CCPi .WK4) OSJ1�2000 OR1GlNAL PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 14 15 is n 18 �s 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 ?9 29 3D 31 32 33 3a 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 42 43 � a5 46 47 48 as PreseMed By: Referted To: Council File # �� � �7 � Green SbeM # 704318 \ � CommilTee: � WNEREAS, on P.pril 2, 1997 tfie City Council established a capital project to mnduct preliminary design work for a z Gimate-controlled pedestrian connection between the Saint Paul RiverCentre and the downtown skyway sysiem; and 3 a WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the Ciry Counal reviewed drawings, design options and route altematives based on the 5 preliminary design work, and selected a below grade (tunnel) route along Fourth Street; and s � WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the City Coundl also established an inifial financing plan of $22 million for design and a construction of a new pedestrian connection curtenUy estimated at �10.0 million; and 9 �o WHEREAS, on October 6, 1999 the City Council approved the total financing plan for the RiverCentre connection; and �� iz WHEREAS, on May 23, 2000 the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Ramsey County which requires a payment of $2,250,000 to be made to Ramsey County on June 2, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.4 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the City Saies Tax Capifal Projecks fund and the 1997 Capital Improvement Projects; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the RiverCentre Connecfion budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council be hereby further amended in the following manner: Finaneina City Sales Taz Capital Projecks 930-90300 NI Financing Spending City Sales Tax Capilal Pro�eCts 930-90300 Cooncii Gonfingency (0548) T2ns(er to Capita/ Projects Funtl (0565) Paymentto Conbactor(0784) Building lmprovements (0898) Flnaneina RiverCerkre Connection to Skyway System C97-7R060 Civic Centerbonds / interest eamings �C9]-]RO60-]306 T2nsMfiomcapiblpro7ectfuntl-oMer Spentling' RiverCeMre Connection t6 Skyway System C97-7R060 Preliminary Design (Architect Fee Captlzd - 0892) Design (COUncil Contingency- 0548) Design (Engineenng Services-Consu/tants - 0787) ConsWCtion (CouncdCOMingency-0548) Construction (Tralnster to Ramsey County- 0545) curre�t Budget Change 77,142,174 0 zoo,000 tzoo,000> 2,200,000 200,000 1,742,000 0 73,000,174 0 77,142,174 0 2,200,000 200,000 2,200,000 200,000 Ame�tletl eudget 77,142,174 0 2,400,000 '1,742,000 73,000,174 77.142,174 2,40�,��a 2,400,000 50.000 50,000 800,000 (800,000) 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,300,000 (1,300,000) 0 0 2,250,000 2,250,000 z,2oo,00o zoo,000 z,aoo,000 Requested by Department of: O�ce of Financial Services By: kdopted by Council: Date 2-�, o Adoption Certified 6y Council Se tary: By: "� � ��,� Approved by Ma or. Date v.�+IG j(o � By: Approval Reco ended by Financial Services Office Dirgcto . By: � t • AN. � BYrzn Appr9vgd�i�Att� /Y �!� 311. 0 � ��7 Approved by M r for Submiss �to BY� ��-���� ommmrN..oms=.�m..er+aems�mnM�us[xs�ewcm� uumoFSCCaiwxa swrmoo� DPPA[tYhhfPddiIYOFP[CP1CA[1NCQ, DA]EINQIAIED VO �Ji{� OfficeofFinancialServices 05-31-2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104318 mmavo�e m�ioaee CONTAC[PFRSON&PAONC � DEPARTbffiTlDIltECI'OR O4 QIYCOUNCd JoeReid 7b6-8800 � � carw'rroxxEV'�M•� •• a� Q crrvc�.ewc MOSlBEONCOUNCp.ACA�IDABY(DA'[E) � Ol FII'd1A1'1�W.SE2NCESDIlt S�3I � FW.&MGl.S0tV10ESDIR � OO �3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTAN'n SL� s l�i' �5 C�'FACCOUNiANC TOTAL # OF SIGNAI�URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUPSfED Approval of the attached City Council resolution amending fhe spending and Snancing plan of the pedestrian connec[ion (between ihe RivecCentre and the downtown skyway system) capital project xECOnamannnavs: aEym.e(w)Qa�a(rt) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON'fRACt'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QLJESTIONS: r�nniNU+cco�u.tss�ox I. Aas this pasodfum ever worked wder a contract for this depazlment? cmcoc.um�ree YES NO civn, sertv��conunss�oN 2. Has tLis person/fim wtt been a city employee? w sTnre YES NO _ 3. Does ihis person/Srm possess a sMll no[normallypossessed byany curtrnt ciry employee? YES NO 4.IS ttis persoa / fum a fazgetedvendot? YES NO (F,zplaiu all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to geen sheet.) INlilAiINGPROBLEM,LSSUE,OPPORiUNITY(Nhq WLaf, Whrn, Whv�, W6y): The signing of the RiverCentre Pedeshian Link Cooperative Agreement on May 23, 2000 requires that the City transfer to the County funds for the City's shaze of the project. The budget for this project, which was originally placed in contingency, needs to be amended so that the City can pay its' shaze of the project costs related to designing and conshucting the pedestrian connecrion. ADVANiAGPSIl+APPROVBD. The pedestrian connection project will move forwazd and the City will meet the obligarions agceed to in the RiverCentre Pedestrian Link Cooperarive Agreeement. D6ADVAN'i'AGPS Q� APPROVED: - None. DLSADVANPAGES OF NOT APPROV�: The Ciry will be unable to lransfer funds to Ramsey County to mee[ the terms of the Cooperative Agreement. mrwnnsoVrvroxrxnrvswcnon_$ � cosrmEVewVeswcexrn�cuec�.,eorve) O xo nmvmicso�mmce Citv Sales Tax Ca�ital Projects acrivirrnunmeie GL - 930 - 90300 euva�cw. ¢vFOxe.+wnaN: (e�ia¢h FnancialServices �G:l4��Nesell RES CCPi .WK4) OSJ1�2000 OR1GlNAL PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 14 15 is n 18 �s 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 ?9 29 3D 31 32 33 3a 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 42 43 � a5 46 47 48 as PreseMed By: Referted To: Council File # �� � �7 � Green SbeM # 704318 \ � CommilTee: � WNEREAS, on P.pril 2, 1997 tfie City Council established a capital project to mnduct preliminary design work for a z Gimate-controlled pedestrian connection between the Saint Paul RiverCentre and the downtown skyway sysiem; and 3 a WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the Ciry Counal reviewed drawings, design options and route altematives based on the 5 preliminary design work, and selected a below grade (tunnel) route along Fourth Street; and s � WHEREAS, on December 22, 1997 the City Coundl also established an inifial financing plan of $22 million for design and a construction of a new pedestrian connection curtenUy estimated at �10.0 million; and 9 �o WHEREAS, on October 6, 1999 the City Council approved the total financing plan for the RiverCentre connection; and �� iz WHEREAS, on May 23, 2000 the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Ramsey County which requires a payment of $2,250,000 to be made to Ramsey County on June 2, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.4 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the City Saies Tax Capifal Projecks fund and the 1997 Capital Improvement Projects; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the RiverCentre Connecfion budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council be hereby further amended in the following manner: Finaneina City Sales Taz Capital Projecks 930-90300 NI Financing Spending City Sales Tax Capilal Pro�eCts 930-90300 Cooncii Gonfingency (0548) T2ns(er to Capita/ Projects Funtl (0565) Paymentto Conbactor(0784) Building lmprovements (0898) Flnaneina RiverCerkre Connection to Skyway System C97-7R060 Civic Centerbonds / interest eamings �C9]-]RO60-]306 T2nsMfiomcapiblpro7ectfuntl-oMer Spentling' RiverCeMre Connection t6 Skyway System C97-7R060 Preliminary Design (Architect Fee Captlzd - 0892) Design (COUncil Contingency- 0548) Design (Engineenng Services-Consu/tants - 0787) ConsWCtion (CouncdCOMingency-0548) Construction (Tralnster to Ramsey County- 0545) curre�t Budget Change 77,142,174 0 zoo,000 tzoo,000> 2,200,000 200,000 1,742,000 0 73,000,174 0 77,142,174 0 2,200,000 200,000 2,200,000 200,000 Ame�tletl eudget 77,142,174 0 2,400,000 '1,742,000 73,000,174 77.142,174 2,40�,��a 2,400,000 50.000 50,000 800,000 (800,000) 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,300,000 (1,300,000) 0 0 2,250,000 2,250,000 z,2oo,00o zoo,000 z,aoo,000 Requested by Department of: O�ce of Financial Services By: kdopted by Council: Date 2-�, o Adoption Certified 6y Council Se tary: By: "� � ��,� Approved by Ma or. Date v.�+IG j(o � By: Approval Reco ended by Financial Services Office Dirgcto . By: � t • AN. � BYrzn Appr9vgd�i�Att� /Y �!� 311. 0 � ��7 Approved by M r for Submiss �to BY� ��-���� ommmrN..oms=.�m..er+aems�mnM�us[xs�ewcm� uumoFSCCaiwxa swrmoo� DPPA[tYhhfPddiIYOFP[CP1CA[1NCQ, DA]EINQIAIED VO �Ji{� OfficeofFinancialServices 05-31-2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104318 mmavo�e m�ioaee CONTAC[PFRSON&PAONC � DEPARTbffiTlDIltECI'OR O4 QIYCOUNCd JoeReid 7b6-8800 � � carw'rroxxEV'�M•� •• a� Q crrvc�.ewc MOSlBEONCOUNCp.ACA�IDABY(DA'[E) � Ol FII'd1A1'1�W.SE2NCESDIlt S�3I � FW.&MGl.S0tV10ESDIR � OO �3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTAN'n SL� s l�i' �5 C�'FACCOUNiANC TOTAL # OF SIGNAI�URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUPSfED Approval of the attached City Council resolution amending fhe spending and Snancing plan of the pedestrian connec[ion (between ihe RivecCentre and the downtown skyway system) capital project xECOnamannnavs: aEym.e(w)Qa�a(rt) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON'fRACt'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QLJESTIONS: r�nniNU+cco�u.tss�ox I. Aas this pasodfum ever worked wder a contract for this depazlment? cmcoc.um�ree YES NO civn, sertv��conunss�oN 2. Has tLis person/fim wtt been a city employee? w sTnre YES NO _ 3. Does ihis person/Srm possess a sMll no[normallypossessed byany curtrnt ciry employee? YES NO 4.IS ttis persoa / fum a fazgetedvendot? YES NO (F,zplaiu all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to geen sheet.) INlilAiINGPROBLEM,LSSUE,OPPORiUNITY(Nhq WLaf, Whrn, Whv�, W6y): The signing of the RiverCentre Pedeshian Link Cooperative Agreement on May 23, 2000 requires that the City transfer to the County funds for the City's shaze of the project. The budget for this project, which was originally placed in contingency, needs to be amended so that the City can pay its' shaze of the project costs related to designing and conshucting the pedestrian connecrion. ADVANiAGPSIl+APPROVBD. The pedestrian connection project will move forwazd and the City will meet the obligarions agceed to in the RiverCentre Pedestrian Link Cooperarive Agreeement. D6ADVAN'i'AGPS Q� APPROVED: - None. DLSADVANPAGES OF NOT APPROV�: The Ciry will be unable to lransfer funds to Ramsey County to mee[ the terms of the Cooperative Agreement. mrwnnsoVrvroxrxnrvswcnon_$ � cosrmEVewVeswcexrn�cuec�.,eorve) O xo nmvmicso�mmce Citv Sales Tax Ca�ital Projects acrivirrnunmeie GL - 930 - 90300 euva�cw. ¢vFOxe.+wnaN: (e�ia¢h FnancialServices �G:l4��Nesell RES CCPi .WK4) OSJ1�2000