279472 �NH17E - C�TV CLERK COUflC1I ��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT '� 7r BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the Matter of the Application Submitted by J. William Donovan on behalf of the City of 5aint Paul for the Abate- ment of Taxes and Assessments per County Auditor's Report No. 2040 WHEREAS, J. William Donovan, Valuation and Assessment Engineer for the City of Saint Paul, did file an application identified as County Auditor ' s Report No. 2040 with the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County and the Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Minnesota to have real estate taxes and assessments on specified City owned property abated for the year payabl� 1982 and thereafter; and WHEREAS, the application reflects that on June 16, 1981 the City Council by Council Resolution C.F. 277001 adopted June 16, 1981 authorized the subject property to be acquired by condemnation and should therefore be exempted; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Department of Taxation has recommended abatement for the taxes and assessments as indicated by its September 24, 1982 letter to the City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the above-mentioned application of J. William Donovan for the abatement of taxes and assessments as fullv set forth in said application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage and adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of same to the Ramsey County Auditor. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / FI°iN'e*' f�', Levine �� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson N�V � 6 �9�2 Form Approved by City A e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa - y uncil Se ta �!� � � � 982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro by Ylavor: Da � By — BY PUBLISHED NOV 2 '7 1982 z� � �7 � _ .�;T;°a,::, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=o` ::>;. �o �• �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =� ��u;;mu ,; `. '��'�'L!'P!' w� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK . - `'o �..•^�..-�' 386 City Hali,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ~,•. 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 19, 1982 Lou McKenna County Auditor Room 126, City Hall Dear Sir: Enclosed for your information is a certified copy of C.F. No. 279472 adopted by the St. Paul City Council on November 16, 1982. Very truly yours, Albert B. Olson City Clerk Attach. sch �'�a,J a � , DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION '2"�9��� , COUNTY OF RAMSEY � 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGFRS: Director September 24, 1982 Robert J. Ellis Property Valuation ROGER VIK William M, Killee� Assistant Director Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Lond Records Mr. Albert Olson City Clerk Room 386 Court House ATTENTION: Council Recorder RE: Application for abatement submitted by J William Donovan for: City of St. Paul Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 2040 There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: DISTRICT ASSESSED YEAR ASSESSMENT �k32 St Ma.int. 8 1981 $39.00 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director DEPAR OF PROPERTY TAXAT �,� c.� G.,., - _ _.� .:1'�, r"'a+1 t __ �,,,�„� - �.j '7"1 ervisor Appraisal Services '--_'� ��' rn � -.:.�-�7 a o RKP:em -"�' � .;�, ENC: 1 ' -'-' �' � c.:� r n r�.> - � . ;�a.�.+`� �f��1`:.�{ �`�� e wk' y,�.w . - .1�`!'„¢. �4�'' RF�POItT OF ASSES30R, RAMSEY COUNTY `r ,�- ��� �§�.�. Awurnent District: S t_ Pa u 1 -e . �� I.�e=t�l Description: � Coleman Park a«tia rw ;�� r:� Property Coded Ass 08 18800 010. � ; �� Addroa.ofProperty: Vacant Land ,��"�;, � ,,,. �,:; r., Applicant: J. Wi 11 iam Donovan for: City of St. Paul �� P�%' 218 Valuation Division F�" Mailin�Addre�a: >.�g., �;, � F. �,rt�' Applicant'a Market V�lue: ,,,;� 3 Lnd i Imp. = Total = lnaurance i C/D: Aseessed as follows: EXEMPT y�� U ESTIMATEO MAIIKET VALUES LIMITED MURKET VALUES �SSESSEO OMi�.N A VEAR C LMO SI00/OIMr TMN ��n0 !Mp/O�Mr To1N C��u �► ���� 625 u 81 1400 1400 NI 40 560 ,. 14 � � � �� ���, E%CEVTiON EXEMVT NO OF PEf LtMITED MARKET cooe o u cooES uN Ts ik VALUE — FIAST " � w u T c N ACRE LAND ONIY �ss pA a E E G P Q � MT �P R E E V � Asseaeor'a Recommendation: D 1�' � ESTIIAATEO MARKET VAlUE8 LIMtTED MwRKET VALUES ASSESSED � YEAR C L�nd Spq/p�Mr TMd 1�n0 91dp/O�Mr To�N Ciu� x v��� ReporcoflnveaciQation: . Change to exempt class. Property was taken by condemnation 6/16/81 . � , �. � -� l .._% /i/L� / � � ' C� / L�C__ Ex. WOM � WOM dL � cC , �r i,_ _ i APD Steno �� �..eL__..._J C:�._...�.. ` • �w y . - 2'�9�'72 :r lyl ,,���.. \l �i Form DPT 229 � � � ' � I., APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form � � (If reduction requcsted exceeds 5500 make applicetion in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:el � To lAe County Board�nd County Audflor ot Runaey County, snd to the Cummissionrr ot Revenue of the St�te of Minnrsota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, , County of Ramsey ss. City, V��X�(dC%IQ]p6 St. Paul PROPERTY CODE: 08-18800-01001 Applicant: J. William Donovan for the City of St. Paul Resides at• Roam 218, Valuations Division, Department of Finence 6 Management Services�� , and that i Final Order, Council File No. 277001, adopted June 16, 1981, authorized acquisition of the above propertv by condemnation Applicant requests: That the real estate taxes for 1982 be abated. J. William Donovan pPPlicant DATE .Tuly 23 A.D. 19 g2 . • . � :, . ' - , � � `: ,�" -� � � N;°a �� ;g� �� J p a �p � n �� $v t`s� « i�r M f I Oo B � 3 � !1. n g R s ! o s � D � n °' O � a!��pG,•jp�p� � � � � � O �: g,g�g� �� �o � �; � e o 3 0 7 `� �O� S B �..M. � "° � �r� s � � � � i� y a B w M � � �� � -C w M �/� N � O Il o l�C�'e ••v� o � ��o A O � x p v� u � �,a � ; � .. 3o Q p � � p � � � � o3�wRN ; �,I� � .. a t'�1 Z ; a � � Q — � m� � t M Mo �^�0 3 8 � w�nN .. � <• � ^ W � �paa• ::<, �, � . . 0 ..l� � n� o ,,�-t � M — 0 5 � ��t'••s _' � 0 p. � T : o C 5 ��9t° � � 7 p '�"� ,-,�.. � • F+' ; � 'fl �� ��o � y � < : � an��• Q oo « � a �j'oo3 m .. � ~� � �� A q� � � Z � 9 H o � g,� ... � c � �' o a � � �� g�e. A n m e�l rsSS S�c-^.e�.'� ~ " � . 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OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL b. •�!�u��u�.• �. '-"-';-'�-3'= ' D a t e : November S, 1982 � COMM (TT � E RE PORT _ - TO = Sq�n� PQU 1 City Councit F�Q M = C o m rn i t t e e O h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT f� PERSONNEL _ - C H A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held October 28, 1982.� of J. William Donovan for the _ �_.. _ __ .. ;.,,t� Abatement of Taxes and Assessments per County Auditor's Report #2040. _ 3. � � '�6-€(}�'};s�Lfl�nrlc frnm tlia TPVi�t(lTfTnai�inrt • . �P)C2'!f'�'�9i�! 6'nn-�7 raiii c i nn 1 A� �e8�.�, Ps1gt.lr u')n P1ZrJ 4. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Fire Equipment Trust�'��-'�„-�� , � Fund Budget, 55001. 5. Resolution approving an amendment to the 1982 - 1984 Agreement betwee • the City and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. ������� 6. Resolution approving a two year Agreement between the City and the Boitermakers, Lodge 647. �,.�f�� �7. Additional discussion of the proposed assessment policy��,; ...�--� l___ AGENDA ITEMS BROUGHT UP, NOT ON ORIGINALLY PREPARED FINANCE AGENDA: 8. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the �,�,�► construction of an office and manufacturing facility for Suntec Systems,�c. � 9. Resolution authorizing proper city officials to executive amendatory district heating design loan agreements with the State of Minnesota and District Heating Development Company. _:�-_�„��,-� � 10. Resolution to provide additional temporary financing for the Downtown District Heating Project and to amend the Downto and,..�Sev�nth� Place tax increment District #82 fin�-�cing plan. — � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 MINNFSOTA 55102 ,��, , ' �i~fJ`tI� Og�G1T* o. ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY + iill�l11111 c . m „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,,,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR " October 15, 1982 A1 Olson City Clerk Third Floor CitX Hall Bldg. Re: Abatement of Special Asse�s.ments by J, William Donovan Property Identification; 08 18800 C110 Q1-7 Dear Mr. Olson: Attached herewith please find the res.olution you requested in your September 28, 1982 letter to this office. Very truly yours, .... ,,� � � � .. _..._..._.,n . ._ —�--�" �""..,,���--� _,` ...,_ WALTER A. ;`>`BO,W�R Assistant�� City Attorney wAB:rl Att. ��a:-���;�;