279471 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �1�'li Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�EARAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recomnends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: � FINANCING PLAN Current Bpdget Chan es Amended Bud�et 735 Fire Fighting Equipment Fund 55001-4301 Outside City Contracts 100,000 24,361 124,361 Fund Balance 25,834 127,598 153,432 Net Change 125,834 151 ,959 277,793 SPENDING PLAN 735 Fire Fighting Equipment Fund 55001-822 Trucks and Vans 125,834 8,742 134,576 55001-848 Specialized Equipment 127,313 127,313 55001-851 Radio Equipment 1 ,054 1 ,054 55001-891 Acquisition-Used Building 3,050 3,050 55001-894 Construction - General 10,000 10,400 55001-898 Building Improvement 1 ,800 1 ,800 Net Change 125,834 151 ,959 277,793 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: � ��, 8L'�IIirec o COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .EJateMer— � Levine In Favor Masanz �} � � ` Nicosia scne�nei _ � __ Against BY —�� � Tedesco Wilson NOV 1 6 1q�� Form Ap oved by ity n ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified a • y ounc.i , r BY l�pprov y ,Vlavor. Date _� NOV � �9 A pr ve by Mayor for mis io to Council By _ �IIRI ISHED N OV 2 '7 1982 ��--; , . - 2'794"71 f�, CITY OF SAII�TT P1�.UL r• �� a OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �: � �_ .�..... 7� � �'� y •�•���• .• �. � •"-'�'�'= - D a t e : November 5, 1982 4 :. � COMM (TTEE RE PORT _ _ TO = Sq �n� Pau I Cify Counci 1 F R O M = C o m r�►�it�e e O h FINANCE, biaNAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL _ C N A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held October 28, 1982.�� 2. Resolution approving the application of J. William Donovan for the Abatement of Taxes and Assessments per County Auditor's Report �2040�'�^�� . 3. � � '��}�.€(,s��.}�t_fL+nrlc frnm t}iP �PXiTatnn �a��inn �+ ' -�• � a �P�l+`STT$"�614-6 � rn�ri�i nn l � ��e�,a PS1�i�L4C u')nP1Z5 , o the 1982 Fire Equipment Trust {�-�.�-p QFund Budget, 55001. �"`"''�'� 5. Resolution approving an amendment to the 1982 - 1984 Agreement'between�.a= � the City and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. ��p------> 6. Resolution approving a two year Agreement between the City and the BoiXermakers, Lodge 647. ���='~°1---�� . � --�'�p�t�Ct r7. Additional discussion of the proposed assessment policy .�£�f-���.'-_� ,_ �y�_` . � AGENDA ITEMS BROUGHT UP, NOT ON ORIGINALLY PREPARED FINANCE AGENDA: 8. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the �-a�}- construction of an office and manufacturing facility for Suntec Systems,� lnc. 9. Resolution authorizing proper city officials to executzve amendatory � district heating design loan agreements with the State of Asinnesota and Distri ct Heating Development Company. �X-��� � ----._.__�.. 10. Resolution to provide additional temporary financing for the Downtown District Heating Project and to amend the Downtow and�eventh Place tax increment District �82 fin--�cing plan. ���`-a=�?� Q CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55)03 �z-_s.�. ���� . ��. . � Fire & Safety Service DEPARTMENT: .�wi��e ROUTING A1�tD EXPLAL�iATION SHEET CONTACT: (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: F'or Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements �� � ' -7 ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: L' ..,' IaI . TOR OF MANAGEMENT �j MAYOR ���' DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINADICE & MGZ'. _SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK .�'� _ - . BUDGET DIRECTOR � ACTION REQUE&TED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : A City Council Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Fire Equipment Trust Fund Budget, 55001 . WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Proposed expenditures and receipts for the Fire Equipment Trust Fund (55001) were set too low when the budget was originally prepared. The projected balance at the end of 1981 was �30,010, but the actual cash balance was $153,432 with $25,834 of this .held for reserves. There were two other requisitions on which purchase orders totaling �121 ,000 were not issued until 1982. The attached resolution is necessary to am�nd the budget to allow for the above expenditures as well as the current 1982 purchases. FIMANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCTPATED: The actual balance of the fund currently equals proposed expenditures for 1982. There is no impact from this request on personnel . ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHMENTSJ'd ' 1, 2. 3. NOTE: Please review necessity for at�achment of the following supporting dgcuments. Department: City Attorney: l. Council Resolution Required? Yes No 1. Resolution? c/Yes No 2. Insurance Required? Yes No 2. Insurance Sufficient? �.✓r No 3. Insurance Attached? Yes No Revision OM:4/29/82 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several gurposes: 1. To assist in routing..documents and in securing required signatures. 2. To brief the reviewers of. documents on the impacts of approval. 3. To help ensure that. necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if r�quired, attached. ROUTING , � Most GREEAI SHEET actions must be reviewed by a Department Director, the City Attorney, the Director of Management, the Director of Fi- nance a�d. ,D�anagement Services. Other possible reviewers/signat�ares are listed. BRIEFING Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in develop- ing a recis of the deaision which the attachments represent. The headings are o ere. to r m d user5 of some of the more critical elements of this brief. The Finaneial,. 8ud etar and Personn.el Im acts heading provides a space to exp ain t e cost bene it aspects of the decision,. Costs and benefits relate both. to City budget (General. Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost .to users,homeowners or other gxonps affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a de- scription of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS � In the. Attachments section, 3:ist all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well 'done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless sign- ing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions �rhich requir.e_ City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual rela.tionship with another. government unit. b. Co1l�ctive bargaining. c. Purchase or sal.e of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds .by Cit�r. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption af l.iabi�ity by City, or granting by City of � indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under. which _. they are providing funding. Note .also: If an agreement r�equires evidence of insurance/coinsur- ance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.