279434 WHITE - CITV CLERK _37 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A l.} L COUIICII � ��lJ��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File N . Counci eso ti . Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable labor practices and helped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the peoqle of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ffelel+er �ev�ne [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scneibe� _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date NuV 4 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a_ y etar BY By � , ..� Approved avor: Date � ^ � �`�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY ;, p{�,� � � f•�tl._Bt�G� f.F f.,!Y� . ,� wHITE -- C�TY CLERK � ` � �/ ���, PINK - F14ANCE iF A TT COUI�CII � � CANqRV - DEP4HTMENT G I �,Y OF 5A I NT `�t' v L File� NO. � �� BLUE - MAVOR . Council Resolution Presented By Leonard W.. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Pau1 Trades and labor Assembly will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed � a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable" labor practices and h�lped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life fo.r all St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Cabor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILh1EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay�s � Flef�har � . Levine In Fa��or Masanz Nicosia scne�be� _ � _ Against By —_ Tedesco `",�SO� Nov 4 �9e2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}• Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary By sy _ Approved by Vtavor: Date —__-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cauncil _ . _ - _. __ _ _ _ __._ - - riH17E - C1TV CLEFtK - ' ������� � PIIVK - FI�IANCE �` ` � �'••17 CANARY - OEPARTMENT �J I T 1� OF SA I NT PAITL � Council BLUE - M4YOR � File N . Council Resolution Presented By� Leonard W. Levi ne Referred To Committee: Daie Out of Committee Qy Date WHEREAS, The St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its l00 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years. of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed , a better working environment for its labor force, warked hard to produce fair and equitable labor practices and helped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Paul residents; and WFIEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Cabor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unians and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere • interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCIL11EN Reqoested by Department of: Yeas Nays �c finfehnr . .... � - Levine �� in Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibel _�__ Against BY — Tedesco Wilsort ��V 4 1962 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y�ssed by Council Secretary BY By. Approved by llavor: Date _ Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council wHITE - CITV CLERK � � . 1�' (r7� PINK - FIN4NCE �` j� COUIICll +^W��..1l��t� CANARV - DEVARTMENT �JITY <1F SAINT . PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly wi11 be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughaut 100 years of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed � a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable" labor practices and h�lped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Levi�� �_ [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei ___�__ Against BY —_ Tedesco Wilson N�V � 19a� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY sy� Approved by :4lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council wNITE - CITV CLEFK I�� C NARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT F�Ail L Council ������ � BI.UE - MAVOR � � � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Leonard 6J. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, T982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years. of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable labor practices and helped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere • interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Pau1 City Council recognizes the valuab7e contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � FlotchaF Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneinei __�_ Against BY — —_ Tedesco Wilson NOV 4 ��2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by :4lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council wN1TE - Ci7v CIEHK � � PINK - F4�;4NCE_ 7F �T /�OUn`.�� CANAqY - OE[�AHTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1,A ll L File NO. ����� BLUE - MAYpF'i Council Resolution Prese�ted By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed - a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair � _ and equitable� labor practices and h�lped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly has con�istently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and , WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere interest in the future of St. Paul ; and ' WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILI1EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �L �ev�ne In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel �__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �Ov � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yvssed by Council Secretary BY - B� --- Approved by llavor. Date ___ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Vl�N17E - C�TY CLEFtK � . ��������� PINK - FINANCE CIZY n�,. SAINT � ALTL Council v.. �y CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -- MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LeondY'd 6J. Levi ne Keferred To Commi ttee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, 1982; and WHEREAS, throughout 100 years. of service to the St. Paul Community and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable labor practices and helped .provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for all St. Pau] residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and. other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere • interest in the future of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �r ��e11"e In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei __�__ Against BY —. Tedesco Wilson NOV 4 IJH1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adop!ed by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Co�ncil Secretary BY By Etpproved by :�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council WH17E - CITY CLE�tK � �' !ll�n /� . PiNK - FINANCE e"-'7 /a CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY O�' SA I I��T Pt1 LT L - Council ��4✓ ��1a�{� EII.UE — MAVOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By __ Le0nd1"d W. Levi ne Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly will be celebrating its - 100 year anniversary on Friday, November 12, T982; and WHEREAS, throughou� 100 years of service to the St. Paul Corranunity and its working people, the Trades and Labor Assembly has continuously developed - a better working environment for its labor force, worked hard to produce fair and equitable" labor practices and h�lped provide an attitude which contributed to a better quality of life for al1 St. Paul residents; and WHEREAS, the St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly has consistently worked in cooperation with the business community, local governmental bodies, and other community organizations; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly represent 42,000 working men and women through a membership which has grown from just a handful of local organizations to 106 individual labor unions and councils; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has displayed a sincere interest in the future of St. Paul ; and ' WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council recognizes the valuable contributions the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has made to the City of St. Paul and its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul hereby proudly proclaims the week of November 7 to November 12 as "LABOR CENTENNIAL WEEK IN ST. PAUL". COUNCILh4EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Gle��ire� Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�de� _�___ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson NQ� 4 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy _ Approved by llavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council