279366 wHITE - CiTV CLERK COUIICIl ���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �A lJ L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Co cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that the following securities: $300,000.00 FNMA Disc. Notes �k5519-B Pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Summit National Bank, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Finance and Management Services �e11"e [n Favor Masanz Nicosia 1,s scheibel __�__ Against BY "'�`— Tedesco Wilson �CiT � 4 1982 Form Approv it Att rney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certifie � •sed by unc� Secre ry • � � BY r B� Yil��. • Approved or: Date OCT i 8 198� Appr e by y r for u i sion to Council BY - – BY �'i��iISNE� 0 C T 2 � 19$2 � �7y�bb . - � , . � � DEt ARTMENT: F inance � . CONTACT: Gary Norstrem ROUTING nryn EXPLANATION SNEET PHONE: � IGREEN SHEET) September 27,1982 Q� a For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordin ces and Agreem�nts C�� l k°�. �QUTING ORDER — ROUTE SY ASSIGNED NUMBER: CLj�EC� DI TOR OF MANAGEMENT �� � � ��SZ 3 oR MAYpRS OFFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT, SERVICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY _ 4 CITY CL�RK 3UDGET DIRECTOR ACTION RE�L�FSTED �GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE): The passage of the attached resolution approves the securities pledged by Summit National Bank to Protect funds of the City of St. Paul while held in said bank. WHAT I�IILL BE AGHIEVE� BY TAKING ACTtON ON TNE ATTACHED MATERiALS �PURPOSE AN� RATIaNALE)�, MSA 118 required collateral to protect public funds and sets out.a procedure to be followed in the handling of said collateral including the requirement of approval by the governing body. � RECEIVED E,jPlANC2AL. BLDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTIGI°ATEn; - OCT 1 1982 � CITY ATTORNEY � _ __ - _ _ .. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): �, � Proposed council resolution. 2. 3. eaae -tev.cew nueas.c.ty on a,ttacronent o .t e D� ouu.ng auppon,tcng cunren,Ls D�an.�nent : - City A,ttor�ney: . J. Counc,i.0 Reao�on Requ,in.ed? yFS NO 1. Reeo.Zu,t.�onP yES NO 2. Insurtance Reqa,in.edY VFS NO 2. Tr�unance Su$$�i.c,i.er�tY Y�S NO 3. Ir.eunartc¢ At.tached? yES .NO . .