279354 WH17E - CITV CLERK ���{`�``� PINK - FINANCE �� �-1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIIIICII �V OLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By .v���a°���i' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative R.esolution changing the grade for the title of Business Manager-TVI in the Civil Se rvi ce RuJ.e s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J by striking from Grade 14 the title of Business Manager-TVI and inserting thi s title in G rade 17. Approved: hairman, Civ Service Commis ion COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays �ev ne r �� PERSO EL OFFICE nnasanz — In Favor Nicosia scneibe� _ __ A gai n s t BY — �ii...o- ilY�iieen� C�11�5 o p� I O�T � �� Fo m Approve by C ty P(tt e Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certifie P ; Co � Se BY ` sy s OCT i 4 1982 A P�o� Y �i o� � Appro iVlavor: Da — By. _ v���- � ISHED OCT 2 3 1982 WHITE - CITV CLERK (yw( y /� PINK - FINANGE " TF' iT COUTICI� �$' /�+d��R CANARV - UFPARTMENT G I TY O�' SA I NT 1 L� ll L *_ '� �� ��'� BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. ���0 � �� CITY CLERK CQUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By _ Date , An administrative R.esolution changing the grade for the title of Business Manager-TVI in the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in 5ection 3. J by striking from Grade 14 the title of Business Manager-TVI and inserting this title in Grade 17. Approved: Chai rman, Civil Se rvice Commi s sion r s. f" _' COUNCILI�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneitei _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Gouncil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� - Approved by tilavor. Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission ta Council Bv .� _ — By 1 � � �M� , � °, � � ,...�-�'i' CIT'�X" O� SAYNT P.�-�L � �• - . . ,t������ �— ' ' OF'F'IC� OI;` TH Fi: CI'l•Y COIII�TCZY. ...,. • z� ' � D a t e ; September 23, 1982 . COMMi7-T � E REPORT . � _ �-p = � �qlnfi Pau 1 Cifi� Cou�cc�1 � . - � _ . � - - . . � -- - _�= �� Q � = C v m r�i f t e e O h Finance, Dianagement �, Personnel _ � � C H A 1 R Jim Scheibel , � � � Resolution requesting the Mayor to implement a voluntaxy Leave l;ithout Pay (L�:P) program in• order to minimize reductions i,rhich could result in possible layoffs and decrease of�service delivery_ (Personnel Dept_) ' Resolution authorizing an Appli,cation for Emergency bfanagement Assistance to be submitted to the State of I�iinnesota, �.n the fu;�iherance of funding �or the City's Civil Defense .Program. (Fire Depi.) _ ��� . . . - � � � �� . Resolution increasing the 1982 Budget for the Sewer Service Fund. (Public Ztiorks �-�..-D �Resolut'ion increasing General Debt Service Appropriation to cover TE1N borro:;ino expenses. (Finance/Accounting) q�'5��=�3�', � _- --- -_ ,� Resolutio t renetir contracts and establish rates t�;ith the I�resent carriers of the City Fle and tiPelfare Program for the year, October 1, 1952 to Sept. 30, 1953_ (Personne Dept. �..4�•�-�vc�. U�t3-�:�.. N�y�.-} �.�Fcr c�.��-��v w� . . . , . . . � S � 7')tQCt o K,- . Resolution�tablishing StandaFd �an�es for the Fire Supexvisory Group.,(Persunnel)= � � � � � �-�D�� Resolution replacing the class specificat�.on for Fire Frevention Technician III/ Fire Investigator with a new specif�.cation,(Personnel Dept.) � �'.SE_ _�=0=:-� - ; Resolution abolishing the title of Stores Clerk [School Cafeterias) from Gracle :24Pd of Section 3.B (Clerical Group� and establishes the title of Stores Clerk�SS� (School 'Food Service) in the Ungraded portion of Section 3.B (Clerical Group) ��� of the Ciyil Service Rules. It replaces the class specifications for the ' position with a new, updated specification in Section 32 of the Civil Servi,ce P.ules_ (Personnel Dept.) . - . Resolution changing the grade of Business b�anaoer,TyI in Section 3.J -- �4��u , (Professional-Adm�.nistrative Non-Supervisors Group) of the Civil Service r� - ; Rules from Grade 14 to Grade 17. (Personnel Dapt.) - _ =t Resolution authorizin the Treasur - Division to �' g y �ssue duplicate St. Paul �' I �Vater Pollution Abater,ient bonds, dated February l, 1972 at S o due February �-�-' � 1 1991 ��ith cou ons attached. � , p (Finance-Treasury Dept.) . , Resolution app�oving a 1982 Memorandum of Agreenent irhich amends ihe 1951-����i�� 1983 Collective .Bargaining Agreement bet�,reen the City of St. Paul and the J;Q � Tr�-Council Bargaining Unit. (Personnel Dept.) - � . . - � � � . � � LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT F11UL, T11yNESOT�I 55102 � �.. `� Au st 6, 1982 : ROUTING ANGREENLSHEET�N SHEET � � � 2'�9�54 ' For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Clydinances and agreements � ( � � Ro R - r, cp �p Civil Sw rt+� Cc�mmi, �CI` � tJf72' _1_ 'C371. - 88ion�_ DiRECT�i�QF MANAGEMENT .. � 3 MAYOR D� NiAYO�S �FFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT. SERVICE$ • �_� CITY AT�ORNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR K . � ' . . . � . - � .. . ' .. . � .. . ' . . . . AGTIQN REQL►ESTE,j�, �CLIP ALL LOCATI�NS FO eYORPL SiGNATURE); We recommessd your approval an.d submi.�sion of this R.esolution to the City Catm,cil. <`' WHAT IaIILL BE AC}IIEVED BY TAKING ACTtON ON THE ATTAGt�ED__MATERiALS_�PLiRPOSE AN�itATIONALE)�; Thi s R.e solutioa ch.an�e s the g rade of Bu sine s s Manage r-T VI in Se cti on 3.J .�P�ofe�sit5��a1-. Admini etrativ!e Non-S�zpe rvi sars Group) of the Civil Se rvice Rule s fro�tn Grade d4 �o Grade 17. The bi-weekly satary raages for Grades 14 & l? are shtywh belowz Grade 14 � �- A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 860. 7? 894. 78 930. 76 977. 21 1026. 91 1077. 28 1 I31. 57 I 164. 92 l I gq.bfl : $2�,466.00 aanuallY : $31, 310.df Gra 17 . 941.22 978. 51 1017. 76 1067.4? 1120.44 1177. 36 1236. 23 1274. 15 131�. 10 $24, 566.00 a.nn.ually , $34,,246. 4t� �'I1�TANCIAL IMPACT: . _ • This is �xcluaively a School District position. It will have no ' effect or� the city�s budg;et. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALl. ATl'ACHMENTS): : 1� Re solutioxi • 2. Capy for Citg Glerk . .. 3, tea.s e nev.ce:u ►iec¢sa.c,ty an c e►tit e `te ao w.c►�g aup}wnLcng cumewta Utpan.bne►tt; .Ci.tu Atto:uteys `; i. Cucu�e.i.� ReeoZu.ti.o�t �eqwi.tzd? YES �IG' � 1. Reso�ect�en? yES NO 2. I,tau:a+tc¢ Re.q;�i,.ed? yES N0 2. I►esuuu;ce Su55�i.c�urx? S��S 1� 3. ik�au:c�tc¢ Attac;i+td:' VES t�0 Revision t�i:4/8/82