279353 WHITE - CITV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ����� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By '.� ��i!�/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the class specification, title and grade de signation for the title of 5tore s Cle rk (School Cafete ria s) in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B by rerr.�ving the title of Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) from Grade 24M; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Se ction 3. B by in se rting the title of 5to re s Cle rk (School Food Se rvi ce) in the Ungraded section; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by striking out the class specification for Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for Stores Clerk (5chool Food Service). Approved: Chai rman, Ci il Se rvi ce Commi s s on COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � PERSO EL OFFICE �evine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scheibei _ � __ Against BY — i.d�o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date O�T � � ,�1 Form pproved by ity Atto � Certified as•e Co nci Secr BY B� r' t�lppr by Mavor: Date _QCT � 4 �95� App y Mayor f r u ission to Council By __ BY r �l�i.I�HED OCT 2 3 1982 ' �����°.� Title of class: STORES CLERI� (SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE) DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs clerical and manual work involving the receipt, storage and issue of ineats, groceries and storeroom supplies at the school food service storehouse and district kitchen; to deliver such supplies raw and prepared foods to the various schools; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a Storekeeper II or Assistant Director of School Cafeterias. SuPervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives and stores food, equipment and supplies. Picks up supplies from vendors. Inspects supplies to see that they are in accordance with specifications and invoices. Loads and unloads trucks of prepared food, equipment and supplies into and out of the warehouse, district kitchen and all schools. Drives a truck. Takes physical inventories. Keeps storerooms neat, clean and orderly. Maintains stock records. _ Operates a variety of power and hand conveyances to move stock. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of equipment, supplies, materials and tools used in departmental operations. Working kno�aledge of basic arithmetic. Working knowledge of filing, inventory and ordering procedures. Working ability to perform physical activity including the lifting and moving of heavy objects. Working ability to follow written and oral instructions. Working ability in operating storeroom equipment including fork lift, hand truck and freight elevator. Working ability to operate in a safe and responsible manner a delivery truck. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Must posess a valid Minnesota Class B license. Title of class: STORES CLERK (SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE) DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs clerical and manual work involving the receipt, storage and issue of ineats, groceries and storeroom supplies at the school food service storehouse and district kitchen; to deliver � such supplies raw and prepared foods to the various schools; and to perfora related work as assigned. � Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a Storekeeper II or Assistant Director of School Cafeterias. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives and stores food, equipment and supplies. Picks up supplies from vendors. Inspects supplies to see that they are in accordance with specifications and invoices. Loads and unloads trucks of prepared food, equipment and supplies into and out of the warehouse, district kitchen and aIl schools. Drives a truck. Takes physical inventories. Keeps storerooms neat, clean and orderly. Maintains stock records. _ Operates a variety of power and hand conveyances to move stock. I�NOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of equipment, supplies, materials and tools used in departnental operations. Working knocaledge of basic arithmetic. Working knowledge of filing, inventory and ordering procedures. Working ability to perform physical activity including the lifting and moving of heavy objects. Working ability to follow written and oral instructions. Working ability in operating storeroom equipment including fork lift, hand truck and freight elevator. Working ability to operate in a safe and responsible manner a delivery truck. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Must posess a valid Minnesota Class B license. � � Wi-fITE - C�7v CLERK �� { P-INK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL Council � ��5� CANARY - OEP4RTMENT HLUE - MAVOR . FIlE NO. , CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the class specification, title and grade designati.on for the title of Store s Cle rk (School Cafete rias) in the Civil 5ervice Rules. RE50LVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended in Section 3.B by removing the title of Stores C1erk (School Cafeterias) from Grade 24M; and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Ru1e s be furthe r amended in Section 3.B by inserting the title of Stores Clerk (School Food Service) in the Ungraded section; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, tlzat the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by striking out the class .specification for Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for Stores Clerk (School Food Service). Approved: � Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNCIL1tEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibei _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted b� Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary B3'- B�: _ Appro�•ed by �ta��or: Date __ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' . Title of class: ����.�,�i STORES CLERK (SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE) DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs clerical and manual work involving the receipt, storage and issue of ineats, groceries and storeroom supplies at the school food service storehouse and district kitchen; to deliver ' such supplies raw and prepared foods to the various schools; and to perform related work as assigned. � Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision af a Storekeeper IZ or Assistant Director of School Cafeterias. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by ail positions in this class. Receives and stores food, equipment and supplies. Picks up supplies from vendors. Inspects supplies to see that they are in accordance with specif ications and invoices. Loads and unloads trucks of prepared food, equipment and supplies into and out of the warehouse, district kitchen and all schoals. Drives a truck. Takes physical inventories. Keeps storerooms neat, clean and orderly. Maintains stock records. _ Operates a variety of power and hand conveyances to move stock. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of equipment, supplies, materials and tools used in departmental operations. Working knowledge of basic arithmetic. Working knowledge of filing, inventory and ordering procedures. Working ability to perform physical activity including the lifting and moving of heavy objects. Workirig ability to follow written and oral instructions. Working ability in operating storeroom equipment including fork lift, hand truck and freight elevator. Working ability to operate in a safe and responsible manner a delivery truck. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Must posess a valid Minnesota Class B Iicense. � ,,�';;�- . � Y Ok� SAYNT �.AIIL ��yc�c�� ,.,��'`. CxT �'-` � o��ic� o� 'I'H F�; CiTY coUr�'cz�c. ,� ;=� � D o t e ; September 23, 1982 . COMN1fTT � E RE PO RT . � . �-O = � 5alnt Pau ! Cii�� Cou�cii � _ : � . � - . . . . .. _�. C R Q � : C O 171 C�I 1 t�'�Q O Tl Finance, l�fanagement �, Personnel - _ • _ • C H A i R Jim Scheibe� � ' - Resolution requesting the Mayor� to implement a voluntaxy Leave I'lithout Pay (L�:P) program in• order to minimize red'uctions t�rhich could result in possible layoffs and decrease of�service delivery. (Personnel Dept_) Resolution authorizing an Appli.cation foir Emergency Tianag�ment Assistance to be submitted to the State of I�linnesota, �n the fu�-iherance of funding for Lhe City's Civil Defense Program_ (Fire Dept.) � . �.� . _ . - . ---�.s • .. . � Resolution increasing the 1982 Budget for the Seiver Sex-vice Fund. (Public jtior;cs �. -� Resolut'ion increasing General Debt Service Appropriation to cover TI1N borro:;ino expenses_ (Finance/Accounting) qg���-�3=�', ��_ - -'-n-- � Resolutio t xenetir contracts and establish rates ��;ith the I�resent carriers of the City �Ie and Nelfare Program,for the year, October 1, 1952 to Sept. 30, I�S3_ � (Personne Dept. �'�'�-ovs.r. U�,1-E.�., N�y�.-� �..�r n���-�,v w� . . . - . � S � �Qye�-. Resolution�tablishing Standa�d �anges for the Fire Supexvisory Group,(Persunnel)� � � � . 1-a.'�D-�� P.esolution replacing the class specificatj.on for Fire Prevention Technician III/ Fire Inyestigator with a nei,r specif�cation,(Personnel Dept.) �SE���fl=--� - 1 Resolution abolishing the title of Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) from Grade SS� 24P�1 of Section 3.B (Clerical Group) and establishes the title o£ Stores Clerk- � (School 'Food Senrice) in the Un�raded portion of Section 3.B (Clerical Group) _ "� of the Ciyil Service Rules. It replaces the class specifications for the ' position with a netil, updated specification in Section 32 of the Civil Sert�ice Rules. (Personnel Dept.) . • � Resolution �changing ihe grade of Business 1�.+anager,TVT in Section 3.J -- `��U- ` (Professional--Adm�inistrative Non-Supervisors Group� of the Civil Service '"� • � Rules from Grade I4 to Grade 17, (Personnel Dept.) - . • Resolution authorizing the Treasury Division to �.ssue du�licate SL. Paul ��O-', 1Vater Pollution Abater.ient bonds, dated February l, 1972 at 5 o due Febru.�r�- �-�' i l, 1991 ��ith coupons attached. (Finance-Treasury Dept.) - ° Resolution appacoving a 1982 biemorandum of Agreenent whi�h amends the 1951-����-, 1983 Collective .Bargaining Agreement bet�aeen the City of St. Paul and the �Q � Tri-Council Baxgaining Unit. (Personnel Dept.) • ? LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINTFI�U4 �'��NNESOTA SS102 .�..., � � August 10, 1����5� RQUTIN6 ar�D EXPLANATI�N SI�Ef �REEN SHEET Q�' � � I � �' (.�� For Admiaistrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agre�ents � �E�����f'� � Ci vil Service Commission DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT �EP � �982 . 3 MnYOR�'� �AYO�CS e�F�ICE DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT� SERVICES L�CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR Ti N R�ALECTEn ��IP ALL LOCA7iONS FOR MAYORAL SiGNA2ll_ S We recommend your approval and submission of this R.esolution to the City Council. e1;AT Ih�I L B Ackt Fvm Bv Ta k r tiw Acr i oh bti T� ATT�'HED MATER 1 AL S �PLIRPdSEJ►NIl__RAT i QNALE)7; This Re solution aboli she s the ti.tle of Store s Cle rk {School�afeterias) from Grade'24M of Section 3.B (Cle rical Gr�'up) and e stabli she s the ti.tle of Store s Cle rk .(School Food � Se rvice)in the Ungraded portion of Secti.on 3.B ,�Clerical Group) of the Civil Se rvice Rules. It replaces the class specificati.on for the positi.on with a new, updated spec- ification in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. �iNANCiAI . BL111,�ETARY AND PER�ONNEL IMPACTS ANT2CtfATEflt None. ATTACHMENTS �LIST AI.� ATTACHN�NTS): 1� Re solution 2. Copy for City Cle rk. 3. e a¢v.ca,u ►eeceea.�.ty on enx o e o eupponz,cng ewne►ita �� C.�ty attonney� 1. Counc..i.C. Reaa.fufi,�:on Requ�.ed? YES NO 1. Reeo.Cwti.an? Y�S ND 2. Inaunance Reqwv�ed? VES NO 2. Ineurtance Su6bdc�i.en.t? f�S NO 3. Tnau�cunce A.ttachedf _VES NO EaevisiAas �i:4/8/82