279352 N'HITE - CITV CLERK i 4���j�'\/ PINK - FINANCE l •` CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUIICII /1�0 �/ �'r BLUE - MAVOR File NO• o�ncil Resolution Presented By �-�"��'���%1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrati.ve Resolution revising the class specification for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/Fire Investigator in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/Fire Investigator, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached specificati.on for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/ Fire Investigator. Approved: Chairman, vil Service Commi sion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher PERSO N L OFFICE levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY � Wilson - OCT 1 2 1981 Form pprove by 'ty Ak `�ner�r Adopted by Council: Date Certified � -se 1 Council ' cret BY � B, '1 � r by 17avor. Da _OCT � 4 �982 A Mayor for S i Sion to Council „ � By — UBIISHED OCT 2 3 1982 _ . .__ _,_. . .. .. . , . .. :. .. _., ._ , . ._ .. . _ . _ . : . 2'�9352 _:_� � ' DEPAf�TMfNT: F'ersonnelOffice � . � COIVTACT: Bernard Wright Au st 23, 1g82 ROUTING a�n EXPCANATION SHEET pHONE: 298-4221 $"u GREEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements �� + ' �� ROUTI oR -.�o SEP � 1982 Civil Service Commission DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT � 3 MAYOR ��� NIAYOFCJ� fl,���p��,"-'. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE S MGT. SERVICES �CITY ATTORNEY `� CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR �c'TIQN R OLEST D �C IP A � _ATtONS FOR MAYf,�jtAL SiGNATURE): We recommend your approval and submi s sion of thi s Re solution to the City Council. W�AT NILL BE ACHIEVED BY TQKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATFRIALS �PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)�C This Resolution replaces the class specificati.on for Fire Prevention Technician III/ Fixe Investi.gator wit�h a new specificati.on. The "Mi.nimum Quali�.cations" have been correcbed so that Fire Captains witliout the fire science certi.ficate may take the test.� FINAN IA . B m, TARY AND P RSQNN IMQACTS ANTI�iPATED: None. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): ],. Re soluti.on 2. Copy for City Cle rk. 3. ecwe aev.ce�,v neceaa.c.ty on cci;ta.c en.t o e o.�ouung auppon.Lcng ocumen,ts � ; - � Ci,ty A,ttoareey: i. Couxc,i.0 R¢.aof�.a#.i.on Reqwih.ed? Y�,S NO 1. Reao.euti.onY YES ,VO 2. 2�z,eunance Req:wced? YES NO 2. i►�awtance su6b.�c.t.ent��v�s �ra 3. In.aunance A.t,tached? V�S NO Revision OM:b/29/82 ��;;�- • , zv �.A.v� ���►�5� , Cx�� ok S.A.Y T .�=�- �- O�'FjC� OP' THFi; CIZ'Y C�UI`CIY. � �'� s�' D a f e ; ber 23, 1982 . ;" Sept em k COMMi7�T � E R�E PO RT . . �-O = � Sq�nt Pau ! Cifi� Cou�cil � . -- �_ - . _ - - -- -- =�_ �R Q � : C v m r�i t t e e O h Finance, Dlanagement �, Personnel _ - C H A 1 R Jim Scheibe� , � � � Resolution requesting the blayor� to implement a voIuntary Leave I;ithout Pay (L�:P) program in• order to minimize red"uctions which could result in possible layoffs and decrease of�service delivery. (Personnel Dept_) Resolution authorizing an Appl�tcation for Emergency Dlanagement Assistance to be submitted to the State of I�linnesota, in the fu�-therance of funding �ar the City's Civil Defense Program_ (Fire Dept.) _ �� _ . • •. � Resolution increasing the 1982 Budget for the Sewer Sexvice Fund. (Public tiox:cs `. -D. �Resolut'ion increasing General Debt Service Appropriation to cover TAN borro::ino expenses_ (Finance/Accounting).�q����-3��°� - - -;�_ Resolutio t rene�r contracts and establish rates �:ith the l�reseni carriers of the City FIe and ti�elfare Program for the year, October 1, 1982 to Sept. 30, 1953_ (Personne Dept. �.�,a►�•�-ove.r. UiJ-E:�. N�y�-� r�.�-s. �.�r c•�.Q�-�.vS w�.�j` �Qy e�- - --J Resolution�tablishing Standa�d Fanges for the Fire Supexvisory Group�(Persunnel)•� � � . 1-a'�D-�► Resolution replacing the class specificatxon for Fire Prevention Technician III/ ' ire Investigator with a ne�,r specif�ication,(Personnel Dept.) CSE��=�0=�--� - ' . • , Resolution abolishing the title of Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) from Gracle 24Pd of Section 3_B (Clerical Group) and establishes the title of Stores Clerk��` (School 'Food Service� in the Ungraded portion of Section 3.8 (Clerical Groi�p) � of the CiVil Service Rules. It replaces the class specifications for the ' position �rith a new, updated specification in Section 32 of the Civil Sert�i.ce Rules. (Personnel Dept.) . • - Resolution changing the grade of Business I�?anager,TyI in Section 3.J -• 4.S3EV � � (Professional-Adm�nistrative Non-Supervisors Group) of the Civil Service ''�� - Rules from Grade 14 to Grade 17. (Personnel Dept.) ' _ =� Resolution authorizing the Treasury Division to j�ssue duplicate St. Paul �-� o =5� 1Vater Pollution Abatenent bonds, dated February l, 1972 at S% due Februar�- �----' � l, 1991 ti�ith coupons attached. (Finance-Treasury Dept_) . } Resolut�on app�roving a 1982 DJemorandum nf Agreenent which amends the 1951-����_�-. 1983 Collective .Bargaireing Agreement bet�,reen the City of St. Paul and the �Q ( Tri-Council Bargaining Unit. (Personnel Dept.) - . . • ; �L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT FAUL, D1lNNESOTA 5510? � �.. �������f Title of class: FIRE PREVENTION TECHNICIAN III/FIRE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled technical work in supervising and conducting the most technical and difficult inspections of buildings and grounds for the purpose of enforcing laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations relating to fire hazards; reviews and interprets fire codes and regulations; determines the cause of fires and evaluates fire losses; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general supervision over lower level f ire prevention inspection employees. ' TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts very difficult or technical fire inspections including buildings that contain hazardous processes and/or have complicated fire protection systems. Conducts inspections of buildings classed as target hazards such as hospitals, nursing homes, bulk oil storage facilities, and buildings storing hazardous materials. Surveys buildings and properties to designate the types and numbers of fire protection equipment required. Determines the type of fire alarm and fire detection systems required for large buildings. Investigates and determines the cause, origin and circumstances of fires which damage property; files a timely written repart stating the facts as to cause, extent of damage, insurance covered and related data. Assists authorities in criminal investigations and prosecutions in fires of suspicious origin; testifies in court as an expert witness. Testifies before the City License Committee regarding the fire prevention status of licensed establishments and testifies as an expert witness in fire protection hearings. Researches, interprets, and evaluates regulations in the fire code and provides information to architects, engineers and property owners regarding its application and enforcement. Reviews plans of existing and proposed automatic sprinkler systems and fire pumps for thoroughness and accuracy. Tests and evaluates performance of fire pumps. Evaluates the effectiveness of fire evacuation plans as designed for specific buildings. Reviews plans for and makes on-site inspections of LPG installations, flam- mable liquid tanks, and cryogenic fluids for compliance with the fire code. Evaluates the storage of compressed gases for compliance with fire protection regulations. Develops and presents technical fire safety programs to specified audiences. (continued on reverse side) FIRE PREVENTION TECHNICIAN III/FIRE INVESTIGATOR (continued) Issues tags for violations of fire protection regulations. Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations. Considerable ability to deal effectively with architects, engineers, building owners, department personnel, and the general public. Thorough knowledge of fire prevention principles, techniques, and equipment. Considerable knowledge of the design and operation of fire detection and alarm systems. Considerable knowledge of the proper storage and handling of flammable materials and explosives. Considerahle ability to apply fire safety concepts to the design, construction, materials, and use of highly complex buildings and facilities or those buildings and facilities with most huma.n risk potential. Considerable ability to review plans for buildings, hazardous storage facilities, alarm and suppression systems, and fire evacuatiorc plans. Considerable ability to investigate and make a dete�ination of the cause of fires. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a degree in fire science, architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, fire protection engineering or equivalent (no substitution for education); or Two years' experience as a Fire Prevention Technician II or equivalent and an associate degree in fire science (no substitution for education) ; or Two years' experience as a Fire Prevention Inspector in the Saint Paul Fire Department and a certif icate in fire science (no substitution for certificate in fire science); or Halding the title of k'ire Captain in the Saint Paul Fire Department. Must have a Minnesota driver`s license. _ . . . -- .--._ ._ _ . -- _ __ -- -- - _ —�-;: r j _. _ wHITE - CI7V CIERK ' /'+l7' ' �� �c" PINK - F'INANCE GITY OF SAII��T YAUL Counci! CANARY - DEGARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR � File NO. CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date ; Out of Committee By Date _ , An administrative Resolution revisi.ng the class specification for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/Fire Investigator in the Civil Service Rules. RE�OLVED, that the Givil 5ervice Rules be -amended by striking - from 5ection 32 the class specification for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/Fire Investigator, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached specificati.on for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician III/ Fire Inve stigator. Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNCILI+[EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays �evine PERSONNEL OFFICE IUlasanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adr�pted by Council: Date _ �e�tified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� �ppro��ed by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � .�, � R.. � � . , . . ���i5`� Title of class: FIRE PREVENTION TECHNICIAN III/FIRE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled technical work in supervising and conducting the most technical and difficult inspections of buildings and grounds for the purpose of enforcing laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations relating to fire hazards; reviews and interprets fire codes and regulations; determines the cause of fires and evaluates fire losses; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general supervision over lower level fire prevention inspection employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts very difficult or technical fire inspections including buildings that contain hazardous processes and/or have complicated fire protection systems. Conducts inspections of buildings classed as target hazards such as hospitals, nursing homes, bulk oil storage facilities, and buildings storing hazardous materials. Surveys buildings and properties to designate the types and numbers of fire protection equipment required. Determines the type of fire alarm and fire detection systems zequired for large buildings. Investigates and determines the cause, origin and circumstances of fires which damage property; files a timely written report stating the facts as to cause, extent of damage, insurance covered and related data. Assists authorities in criminal investigations and prosecutions in fires of suspicious origin; testif ies in court as an expert witness. Testifies before the City License Committee regarding the fire prevention status of licensed establishments and testifies as an expert witness in fire protection hearings. Researches, interprets, and evaluates regulations in the fire code and provides information to architects, engineers and property owners regarding its application and enforcement. Reviews plans of existing and proposed automatic sprinkler systems and fire pumps for thoroughness and accuracy. Tests and evaluates performance of fire pumps. . Evaluates the effectiveness of fire evacuation plans as designed for specific buildings. Reviews plans for and makes on-site inspections of LPG installations, flam- mable liquid tanks, and cryogenic fluids for compliance with the fire code. Evaluates the storage of compressed gases for compliance with fire protectian regulations. Develops and presents technical fire safety programs to specified audiences. (continued on reverse side) . . FIRE PREVENTION TECHNICIAN III/FIRE INVESTIGATOR (continued) Issues tags for violations of fire protectian regulations. Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND A�3ILITIES � Thorough knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations. Considerable ability to deal effectively with architects, engineers, building owners, department personnel, and the general public. Thorough knowledge of fire prevention principles, techniques, and equipment. Considerable knowledge of the design and operation of fire detection aud alarm systems. Considerable knowledge of the proper storage and handling of flammable � materials and explosives. Considerable ability to apply fire safety concepts to the design, construction, materials, and use of highly complex buildings and facilities or those buildings and facilities with most human risk potential. Considerable ability to review plans for buildings, hazardous storage facilities, alarm and suppression systems, and fire evacuation plans. Considerable ability to investigate and make a determination of the cause of fires. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a degree in fire science, architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, fire protection engineer�.ng or equivalent (no substitution for education); or �ao years` experience as a Fire Prevention Technician II or equivalent and an associate degree in fire science (no substitution for education); or Two years' experience as a Fire Prevention Inspector in the Saint Paul Fire Department and a certificate in fire science (no substitution for certificate in fire science); or Holding the title of Fire Captain in the Saint Paul Fire Department. Must have a Minnesota driver's license.