279334 WH17E - GTV CLERK '� < < PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � ����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �� C���cil Resolution ��� � € � . Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the attached lot split described as 667 Cherokee Avenue (the north 25.03 feet of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71 , Banning and Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul ) and 669 Cherokee Avenue (that part of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71 , Banning and Olivier`s Addition to West St. Paul lying south of the north 25.03 feet thereof) ; and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Section 67.304 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this lot split. COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � ��� Levfne In Favor Masanz Nicosia � scheibe� _ __ Against BY Tedesco -�Afilaan� Adopted by Council: Date Q�T � 1982 Form Approve b C' y A tor Certified a_ �e Council cr BY sy l�lpproved vor: Date O � App v d y or for b i s'on tc�Council By _ . � P BIISHE �� � 6 ���� , Q WAYNF.McL. FROM THE OFFICE OF ��n��� J �e�t�tlC��� 1'AUL R. McLAGAN & SON 233 Uakora.lccnuc �1 ES C S I'.R�U L,'�11NN. 551 1 R Or ���(_�� \Sinncsot.t kc!;isrerc�3 1 an�l Surcctorti L � I Hereby Certify that this plat show�s <� sur�•e�- ma�le b�- me of the pro�a- ert�r ciescribe�l oii this ��l�it, and tliat the c�orners are cor�•ectl� placec� <<s stiown, , _ _ _ and that �lll l��cati�n�, encroachments, etc., h.i�•e heen correctl�- sho��•n. Surueyed For Gary Johnson _ WAYNE McLAGAN, Consultant Date._ July 26, 27, 1982 _ _ . __ _ __._ Scale_ 1. i�ch � 30 fee t _ . _ _ `� . _ ���.. . ..��. ��� _ � 111N\� Et:. �� 3�5�> � DESCRIPTIONS - . 667 Cherokee Ave. The north 25 .03 feet of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71, Banniaig and Olfvier's Addition to West St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 669 Cherokee Ave. That part of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71, Bannir�g and Olivier's Add.it�ion to West St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on _ file in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, Tfinn,esota, lying south of the north 25.03 feet thereof. � indicates iron ' 60 ' I NOTE' WuOO FEN�£, � � � �i ENC/aOqU�E S J-O.A � i 20 .//S Z3. .. M • I � � WooD FE NcE __. �,, , . _ _.-_' - �—cHw�w �ir��c F�f+cE`� � � . K'� 2�r 3 —- g4.6z - \ i 2r � M • � � n h 3386�(wc yZ���er)i: �o a �^ � i � , In H , -.c N I� X ; n, W Q eF N W � I �� � �, q�, M J //S .29 � ��°, y,W `�N a o '•' i 0 0 `+� � o y Li� v h o �, J e� b , � � � � � � � , jj�b��lNC ytAllEY� �^1 ��1 � . I. , U) r�`R y O . i . 'O� L`EAR . �Z'¢3 �' _ -_ — ¢ .L2 -- N N � � I 4 4 'r I — —_� _ 41' � ' _ � I��. CNA�N- LlNk FLHGE ', � ; -�- -/.'S. 34-•�- . \�'� � I � � I � V I � i , ; � RECEIV�D SEP 1 1982 DEPT. OF F�����i�t� g� - �C�u�M�C W���:?�!t��tVl�NT ` `v � ' ����i'� `' N 0 T I C E 0 F P U B L I C H E A R I N G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Gary Johnson for a lot split at 667 and 669 Cherokee Avenue on October 7, 1982Z at 10:00 A.M. in the CTty Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor Gity Hall . A1 Olson City Clerk City of Saint Paul . ; , , ,_ { / ; - , ,.` � , „ . , . ;� , . � � ''Csc_ � % %_�-�it:. _ � , _ � _ � y /,- , i ' . , > , - , �- - . • . : DEPARTMENT: PED -: Zoni ng , CONTACT: atricia James ` ROUTING a�D EXPIANATI�N SNEET PHONE: 298-4154 nr _ �REE� sttEE7 7494 Ex For Admiai�trative r Et i ns d es aad eements ����"� O r d e s,,_, e�o l u t o , O r 3 a a a c A Q r ROUTING ORnER � RQUTE BY ASSIGNED Nl1t�LER! . ` °' I RECT OF htANAGEMEN7 ' _ _.... 4 MAYOR TMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT� SERYICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY ' : .. � r� CITY CLERK ._ BUDGET �IRECTOR ACTION REQLEST � �[41P�A 0 ATIANC FOR t�eY ol St6t�l�TLRE); A�prova3 for transmittal tv Cit,�;.�o,�rc�T:�":` Citv Clerk must recg,jve no -later than 5� tp e�n6er z2. �,98� in order t� ��rov�de_i0 days 1ega1 notice for publ�c .hea.r.�ng �n October 7,. ..r, . . � - . ��T WtLL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKINC ACTIAN ON THE ATTACHE� MATERIALS- �PLIRPOSE_,gNn RAT?QNALE�t Section 67.00�0 of;�oning,Cod�.��e�:u:ir�:s Co�un�il-hearing and resolu�ion for approval of Tot._s�plits, .�. . _ _ .: -. EtNAN�tAL. BLt�GETARY'AND PERSOMNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE�; _ Fee of $20.00 to cover admintstrative costs Safeguard against creation of substar�dard/unbui'ldable �ots ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Council resolution 2, Copy of Lot Split descrjbed as 667 and 669 Cherokee Avenue 3� Legal notice to be published 10 days rp ior to up 61ic hearin9 scheduled for October 7 aabe n.ev.cuu nece,�a.c,ti� on en.t o e o wcng auppon.U�g cwnen.ta �epah.bnsnt : � � � �'��1� 1. Coun�i.e Reao.eu.Li.on Requ,inedt X Y�S NO 1. Reeo�on? YES NO � 2. Inaunance Req;uted? Y�S X NO 2. Ineu.uvice Su6b.i.c�ent? YES NO 3. Ineu.tance Axtac.hed? 1'ES X NO . itevisicai OM:4/29/82 � HOW TO USE THE GREEN �HEET � . ' The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: 1. To assist in routing docu:nents and in securing _ required signatures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documerits on the impacts of approval - 3. To help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING � .- ' Most G�E�t SHE�T 3ct�ons �ust be r��T:awed bv .3 �e�ar`_:nent �irector, Lhe Cit� attorney, ��e �ireczor os 2danagemenL, the Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possible reviewers/siqnatures are "listed. BRIEFING Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist� in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The headings are offered to remind users of some of the more critical ele�nts of this brief. - The Financial, Sudgetary and Personnel Impacts heading provides a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget . (General Fund and/or - Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnei impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS � In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . � Note : Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another government unit. ' b. Collective bargaining. c . Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. - d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain . f . Assum�tion of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification . g. Agreements with State or Federal Government � under which they are providinq funding. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of� Insurance should be one of the attacr.ments at time of routing- y • v J � 2'79��3� N 0 T 1 C E 0 F P U B L I C H E A R I N G The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Gary Johnson for a lot split at 667 and 669 Cherokee Avenue on October 7, 1982, at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall . Dated September 20, 1982. (September 25, 1982) A1 Olson City Clerk City of Saint Paul WNITE -• CI7Y �.LERK ��"���. �e K.�� = oEPA;:MENT • \JITY UF SA I ti'T ��AUL v C'ouncil a B�-�=. - ^..�.�'� File N0. � � ~ „ - Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the attached lot split described as 667 Cherokee Avenue (the north 25.03 feet of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71 , Banning and Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul ) and 669 Cherokee Avenue (that part of Lot 5, Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 71 , Banning and Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul lying south of the north 25.03 feet thereof) ; and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Section 67.304 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this lot split. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: Fletcher ~y�� Levine In Favor Masanz "— Nicosfa . Sche�bei Against BY Tedesco Wilson F'orm Approve b ' y tor Adopted by Council: Date ---_--�..-___ _ --_ _-_. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY -- By� - - ---- _.__ __ ___— rapproved hy Mavor: Date i App v d y , or for b i s' tqCouncil -------.____ _ __ _ - -- , i� �y _ _ �i _ �; ±a , • �s���k,��� fi �. NO'17CS Ol rIIELiC ffiA=1N�i .,M,. �— . . The S�int Panl dt�'Cwmll wlll aonduct a publle hearin�b eamider the request o!Gar� ,lohnson for a lot split at 6ET�nd E69 C6erokee Avmue on Oetober 7.1Y8�.at 1P.00 Al[.in the Clty Council(�ambeis,9rd Floor Gty Hall. Dated Septembcr 20,198'1. ,_AL 01.SON,City Clerk Cit�oi Saint Paul lSeptember 18.lil�