279315 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• t BLUE - MAVOR Cou �il eso uti n Presented By �CEP15E COT���9ITTEP Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date UJIiEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to a chan�e of officers and stockholders in Andrew Kappas, Inc., On Sa1e Liquor Licensee at 2l.Gl E. Seventh Street, doing business as the Gopher Bar, therefore, be it RESULVIID: Tr.at with the addition of �obert Z�t. Johnson as an officer� the current officers are George Kappas, President; ?�obert ti�J. Johnson� �rice President and Phyllis A. Kappas, Secretary-Treasurer, and with the removal of stockholder Andrew Kappas, the stock is held by George Kappas and Phyllis A. Kappas, be and the same is hereby app roved. CO[JNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia �j scheibel _ __ Against BY — Tedesco 1AIiFsern� O� 5 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified � s y C unci cre BY B;� p t�pproved vor: Date —0CT o �9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By —�' BY P�1BLiSHfD OCT 16 1�82 � ������ ""����"""'° CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�•••c�T• o�°'r, Rr` '���"'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 'a a": =� nu��wii ,; ';+� "" �''p0 ,s= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'<,� ,,,. , � Room 203, City Hall i.�m������.oc``o GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR October �� 1982 f�ir. President and Honorable Piembers of the City Council Saint Paul, iIinnesota I`�r. President and Honorable i•iembers: Currently Andrew Kappas, Inc. holds an On Sale Liquor License issued to them at 2l�1 E. Seventh Street, doing business as the Gopher Bar. Proper notice has been received as to a change of off�.- cers and stoc�holders in the corporation. The officers now are George Kappas, President; Robert ?•?. Johnson, Vice President and Ph�rllis A. Kappas, Secretary-Treasurer. The stock is held by George Kappas and Phyllis A. Kagpas. This application has been reviewed by the License and Per- mit Division and the City kttorney's office. The recomr!endation is for approval. Very truly yours, �� � Joseph �''. Carohedi License Inspector O