279302 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUflCll �'�93�� C NARV - DIEPAR MENT � J.Devlin G I TY OF SA I NT 1,A V L � BLU�E - MAVOR File NO. ounci Resolution Presented By ��� � �i-�'' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of S�,int Paul now provides a comprehensive Health and Welfare Insurance Program for its employees and employees of the Independent School District �625, and WHE�tEAS, under this program, the City has a contract with SHARE to provide Hospital and Medical Surgical coverage, and WHgtEAS, SHARE proposes to amend said contract to conform with amendments #3, #�+ and #5, copies of which are attached. hereto, and WHEgtEAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract SHARE has submitted. rates for the coverage for the 12 month period ending September 30, 1983 as follows: l. EMPIAYEE COVERAGE Employee Premium $ 50.67 Family Fremium 151.01 �-E�ployee with Medicare will receive a $14.00%nth red.uction. 2. REGULAt2 RETIREE: Retiree Premium (Retiree on Medicaxe A and B) 19.75 City Pay RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby authorize and direct the proper City Officials to renew said contract between the City of Sai.nt Paul and SHARE as amended, and be it FURTHER RESOI,VID, that the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay that portion of the premiums as is a.greed upon by the process of collective bargaining and the employee shall pay the balance of premiums due through payroll ded.uction, and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premiums as they fall due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to SHARE. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher �evine [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibei _ � __ Against BY �'I�iesee Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 3 01982 Form pprov d b 'ty t rney Certified Y s�e b Cou cil , retar BY B� ' �ppr y Mavor: at _ App ove y Mayor for S mi ion to Council By — BY UBUSHEQ �C T 9 1982 ,. ,, �;;������� ; � �n _ e �s�.� �� � � �� � :� � - A Full Service Health Plan 7920 Cedar Avenue South • Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 � (612) 854-2377 ; HIKO SERVICES CONTRACT P.�.EN'I' NO. 3 r II��ROLLING I7n?IT: The City of St. Paul EE'FECI'IVE DATE OF ANID.�i�i': October 1,` 1982 AN�3�I'(S) : l. The term of this ccntract is extendv-d fQr or.e year cov�ring the period October 1, �982 through September 30, 1983_ 2. ARTICLE XIII, SER�IICE FEE, p�ge 28 is an�ended by delet�ng the 1982 rate and substituting the 1983 rate a� follows: Delete 5ubstitute 1982 1983 Enrollee $ 43.15 $ 50.67 Ehhrollee and Depender:ts $128.3E $151.QI *The aforementioned Service Fees include a .73� service char�e for Ochs Agency solicitations and a 1.80o processi.ng and billing charge for �_irnesota Mutual Services. The NLinnesota Mutuzl fee was adjusted April l, 1982. Medicare eligible em.ployees ar_d/or retirees will have service fees ad;usted as follaws: l. Actively at work empleyees will reflect a $14.00 per mr�nth reduction of premium for m�cl�care czsvQrout benefits. 2. Me�icare elirible retirees shall be provicl..,�d. with the eption of er_rolling in the 5HARE SeniorCare pregram at a rate of $19.75 per month. Executed by: � � •rv�,/ �' �- �- ��: � � R.K, Ditrnr�re, President � • ���D��?3{, � _.. ,,, �i �• ,r; (� �,� G � ��:. f� f �' �. L� F- I�.J �� ' .. . A F�II Se��vice Health Plan 7920 Cedar Avenue South • Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 • (612) 854-2377 HNiO SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDN�1' NO. 4 EL�TROLLII�iG UNIT; The City of St. Paul EFF'�'CTIVE DATE OF ANiEATDNIENT: October l, 1982 At�ND�`�.�I'(S) : l. Page 24, Section X, Exclusions, �tem �3 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: Cosznetic or plastic surgery except: A) When such service is result- ing irom injuzy, sickness or other disease of the involved part or B) TrThen such sexvice is performed on a covered dependent child because of congenital disease or anomaly which has resulted in a functio:�al defect as deternined by the atfiending physician. 2. Page 26, Section XII, Subrogation and Coordina.tion of Services and Benefits. Item #3 shall be deleted in its entirety and the following substituted; In those cases where an enrollee or qualified dependent is entitled to receive health care services, A) pursuant to the Wor}anan's � Compensation Program or B) in a hospital or facility owned or operated by an govermnental agencies, SHARE's obligation to provide such=_heaith care s�rvices shall be secondary. Executed by ��q wss..� Date; ���/� R.K. Ditrnore, President � � � �:: ; �����7'2 �°n x �` �., �, o r N� A Full Service Health Plan 7920 Cedar Avenue South • Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 � (612} 854-2377 HMO SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 5 ENROLLING UNIT: �,e City a� S�. Paul . EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT: Qctebe� 1, 1982 AMENDMENT (S) : Section X, Exclusions, page 24 is amended by adding the fol.lo���ing: Exclusions #14 Any surgery or hospital charges for the purpose of weight reduction unless in the opinion of the SHARE Professional Staff the weight is causing serious imminent threat to the patient. Executed by � �`�,�'a'�.�.'� � � � Date: ���v �� � R. K. Ditmore, President � ����� ...,��,��: CITY OF SAINT PAUL =���C\TT p���V =.•` %'''��,, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'o � a: `.: 'iii�iii�ii ;" � � u ^� BUREAU OF RECORDS ,. . - ��,,_ ,��� =- 386 Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 "m^°"°'°`�`` 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 6, 1982 SHARE 7920 Cedar Ave. South Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Resolution C.P. No. 279302 which approves the contract for insurance co�e�age for City employees and employees of the ISD �{625 for the period di twelve months ending Sept. 30, 1983. Very truly yours, �, �t �-� , , _ ��� .�==�''� Albert B. Olson City Elerk Enclosure sch ��O ----- ---�----�.,,.r. .