279289 WH17E - CITV CLERK ` COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou il Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the Deputy License In spe cto r se rie s of title s in the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L thereof by striking from Grades 22, 26, and 30, tlze titles of Deputy License Inspector I, Deputy License Inspector II, and Deputy License Inspector III, and by substituting in lieu thereof in Grades 22, 26, and 30, the titles of Deputy License Inspector- Trainee, Deputy License Inspector I, and Deputy License Inspector II, respectively; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in 5ection 3. L thereof by removing the title of License Investigator from Grade 34 and placing this title in Grade 36; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 thereof by striking out the current class specificati.ons for Deputy License Inspector I, II, and III, and by inserting tlze attached class specifications �or the titles of Deputy License Inspector-Trainee, Deputy License Inspector I, Deputy License Inspector II, and License Inve stigator. Approved: Chairm ivi Service Com sion COUNCILME[V Yeas Nays ` Requested by Department of: Fletcher �� p E R N N E L O F F I E Levine �� In Favor Masanz � Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY — •i�w.o Wilson SEP 3 p 1981 Form rov City t o y Adopted by Council: Date t Certified s• b ou � Sec aqy� BY By ���'!^r�- Appr by ;�lavor: e -����R� Appro d b Mayor for S bmi simn to Council B BY � PUBLISHED OCT 2 1982 ' . ���,!F���I � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ��eaa. sf�u�a�aree � =�_'���6 O d t e :September 16, 1982 COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = �aint Pau I City Counci! F�� M : C o m m ir t e e O h Finance, Management �, Personnel C H AIR Councilman Jim Scheibel Resolution No. 13210 COI�Il�IITTEE APPROVED. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNFSOTA SSI02 •e�h�3 _ , : Juiy..1��' I9$:2 � ' ROU�ING ar�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET �g'�� � GREEN SHEET For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and agreements ROUTING ORDER - RQUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: DIRECTQR OF MANAGEMENT 1 MAYOR DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SfiFtV10ES 7� CITY AT�ORNEY 2. CITY CLERK ����'YC� BUDGET DIRECTOR /�UG � L� (�� , MAYORS OFFICE A[TION REQIESTED �CLIP ALL LOCATIQNS E,flR MAYO AL SIGNATl1RE):� . .liN'� re co�asnsad gour approval and submi.s sion of thi s Rs solutio� to the '�"aity �cn�cil. �INAT NILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKffiG {�CTIQN ON TNE ATTAGHED IWATERIALS EPLIRPOSE A�1��RA2'IQNALE)�0 Thi e Re�oiution wiZl revi se the Deputy Li cen se �n spi�cto r se rie s a s fol}.�rs s T}�e cnrr�nt iitles of Deputy License Iaspector I, II, `and Ii� ia �ra�les 2Z,' 26, aiud 30 of Sectio� 3,►� �Te�haica]. Crroup) will be chaaged to fihe ti.tle.s of Deputy Lit�ee It�'sp�ector- Tra�ise�, TJep�tty License Inspector I, a�d Depu�y 'License Ia�pector_iT, i�e8p�cti�ely, ,in the sa�e`grades axrd group. Class specifications fo� �he ti.tles to be cha�ged stz� to be rernov+ed fram. S�,ction 32 and class specifications far the xtew titles are �o b�► �tn,serted:. ; �- 'Tiie ti.tle of ?,,,ficense Investi.ga�or is to be �ern.oved from Grade 34 in Secticm 3.L �Tech:nical Gro�p) and i.ase�ted in G�ade '36, antl a new claes apecifi.cati�n for Liaense Investigaf.or �s to.xep�a�e the �reseat arxe. " The:bi-weekly 8alary ratige s for Grade s 34 and 36 are:as �oll+�vve.: A B _ C D E F 10-yr 15-yr. � 2E0-�r. ?�yz. •: 734.44 767.63 800.86 $35. 94 872.85 911. 00 935.62� 959.bx ° �72.b 1� `�,5.bl $1�, 16 0 anaually : $2r5! 714 ??4.40. 848. 24 &43. 32 880. 24 919.61 961.46 987. 31 1013.76 :iU�6. 76 1439. ?f� . _ $20,204 $27, 127 ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Re solution : • 2, Capy for the City Clerk 3. Fiaancial Iz�aa�act: The se chaage s will re evlt i.n a two-gra+�e iac.r�a�e fvlr one emploq�+�.i.n. ; �ie tY e of rcense Iavesti.gator and wi.11 permit ari.e emglpy�ee �a'be px�oxpc�oted from Gratle _ . 26 ta Grade 30. ¢aae nev�.ew ��ec¢,sa.�tg o2 e►� e tike �o ccuueg euppon.tueg e.urnen,Ls t7t�neKt ; C.i.tir Attot�cey: 1. Cowtai.e Reeo�wti.o►� Reqwi.ted? YES , NL' : 1. R¢ao.�u,�i.oaf yES NO 2. i►tau�.ance Requi.ted? YES �1G 2. Insu�ta,:ce Sup�i.ci.e►tit? y�S � NO _ 3. I�teu,:cuue Ati,a.cli¢d:' YES NO _ i'�tisioa tM:4�8�82 , � � R c.�f�+��-' Title of class: LICENSE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF tidORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work directing the investigation of complaints and inspection of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with housing codes and related ordinances; and conducts complete investigations of license applicants and license violations for the purpose of collecting evidence relating to civil and criminal violations; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Division Head. _ . Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical super- vision over Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include al.l duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of Deputy License Inspectors. Provides technical assistance to Dep�ty License Inspectors and explains and interprets laws, regulations and policies. Trains Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures including inspection methods and preparation of records and reports. Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license and bingo applicants, as well as all Class III license applications which must be approved by the City Council. Conducts investigations of licensed activities with the purpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have occurred. Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prosecutions. Audits the financial books of Bingo Games in order to determine if there are violations. Makes oral and written reports of investigation findings. Testifies as to the relative findings in both civil and criminal proceedings. Notifies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authorities in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in court. Provides information to license applicants regarding the licensing pro- cedure and applicable laws, ordinances and regulations regarding their business. Investigates complaints about and monitors the activities of bingo oper- ations and liquor establishments to see that applicable laws and ordin- ances are not violated. Coordinates the liquor license application process with other City depart- ments including the Health Division, Building Code Division and the Police and Fire Departments. (continued on reverse side) LICENSE INVESTIGATOR (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES � Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinanees and State laws. Considerable ability to meet and communicate �oith individuals from a , variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some ability to analyze financial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigaCive courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector II or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. or One year of college including thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and four years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying exper- ience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. `�'����9 Title of class: DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR - TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, entry-level technical work conducting routine inspections and investigations of licensed premises and applicants, determining compliance with licensing codes and regulations and applicable state statutes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator or higher level Deputy License Inspector and the adminis- trative supervision of the License Inspector. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner -- Assists in investigating complaints regarding non-licensed prenises/persons. Assists in the inspection of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Assists in obtaining information from license applicants regarding character references, and other pertinent data. Assists in investigating present business operations to deternine whether or not a license is required. Assists in obtaining information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to liquor licenses. Assists in contacting homeowners and residents within 30Q feet of a proposed application for license and soliciting their opinions regarding the effect of such license. Assists in investigating complaints involving licensed businesses to deter- mine if conditions upon which a license was issued are being met. Assists in taxicab inspections. Assists in inspecting bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Prepares routine reports of inspections and keeps simple records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. The ability to keep records of license inspections. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Working ability to meet with and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Piust possess a State of Minnesota driver's license. � �,r�J Fr�� Title of class: DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR - TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, entry-level technical work conducting routine inspections and investigations of Iicensed premises and applicants, determining compliance with licensing codes and regulations and applicable state statutes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator or higher level Deputy License Inspector and the adminis- trative supervision of the License Inspector. � Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner -- Assists in investigating complaints regarding non-licensed premises/persons. Assists in the inspection of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Assists in obtaining information from license applicants regarding character references, and other pertinent data. Assists in investigating present business operations to determine whether or not a license is required. Assists in obtaining information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to liquor licenses. Assists in contacting homeowners and residents within 30Q feet of a proposed application for license and soliciting their opinions regarding the effect of such license. Assists in investigating complaints involving licensed businesses to deter- mine if conditions upon which a license was issued are being met. Assists in taxicab inspections. Assists in inspecting bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Prepares routine reports of inspections and keeps simple records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. The ability to keep records of license inspections. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Working ability to meet with and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Aigh school graduation. Piust possess a State of Minnesota driver's license. � ��4.1��J Title of class: DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR - TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, entry-level technical work conducting routine inspections and investigations of licensed premises and applicants, determining compliance with licensing codes and regulations and applicable state statutes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator or higher level Deputy License Inspector and the adminis- trative supervision of the License Inspector. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner -- Assists in investigating complaints regarding non-licensed premises/persons. Assists in the inspection of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Assists in obtaining information from license applicants regarding character references, and other pertinent data. Assists in investigating present business operations to determine whether or not a license is required. Assists in obtaining information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to liquor licenses. Assists in contacting homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed application for license and soliciting their opinions regarding the effect of such license. Assists in investigating complaints involving licensed businesses to deter- mine if conditions upon which a license was issued are being met. Assists in taxicab inspections. Assists in inspecting bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Prepares routine reports of inspections and keeps simple records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. The ability to keep records of license inspections. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Working ability to meet with and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. MINIMUri QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. P4ust possess a State of Minnesota driver`s license. , ���°�r�� Title of class: DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR - TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, entry-level technical work conducting routine inspections and investigations of licensed premises and applicants, determining compliance with licensing codes and regulations and applicable state statutes; and performs related dut.ies as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator or higher level Deputy License Inspector and the adminis- trative supervision of the License Inspector. � Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner -- Assists in investigating complaints regarding non-licensed premises/persons. Assists in the inspection of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Assists in obtaining information from license applicants regarding character references, and other pertinent data. Assists in investigating present business operations to determine cvhether or not a license is required. Assists in obtaining information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to liquor licenses. Assists in contacting homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed application for license and soliciting their opinions regarding the effect of such license. Assists in investigating complaints involving licensed businesses to deter- mine if conditions upon which a license was issued are being met. Assists in taxicab inspections. Assists in inspecting bingo sessions for possible cr-iminal and/or civil violations. Prepares routine reports of inspections and keeps simple records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. The ability to keep records of license inspections. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Working ability to meet with and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Piust possess a State of Minnesota driver's license. Title of� class: ��(i�c)" J t�`1 � DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints and conducting inspections of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with licensing codes and related ordinances; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator and the administrative supervision of the Division Head.r Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over Deputy License Inspector - Trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed bp all positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Obtains information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Determines individual(s) responsible for proposed licensed premises. Investigates complaints regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Inspects proper business operatian to determine whether or not a license is required. Contacts homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed appZication for Class III licenses and solicits their opinions regarding the effect of such licensed business on their property. Contacts licensees who appear on the delinquent list. Issues tags for violations of the St. Paul Legislative Codes. Investigates licensed businesses to determine if conditions upon which the license is issued are being met. Represents the Division at court proceedings and at other public meetings. May represent the Division at City Council hearings, neighborhood meetings, and at other public meetings. Assists in training and supervising lower level license division employees as assigned. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Inspects bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Inspects taxicabs in regard to headlights, brakes, tail Iights, exterior appearance, interior appearance for cleanliness and wear. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. 4?orking ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. riINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 12 credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses. (A list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel O�fice) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector - Trainee or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must possess a *finnesota driver's license. Title of� class: ���`�,��� � DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints and conducting inspections of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with licensing codes and related ordinances; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator and the administrative supervision of the Division Head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over Deputy License Inspector - Trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED . The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Obtains information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Determines individual(s) responsible for proposed licensed premises. Investigates complaints regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Inspects proper business operation to determine whether or not a license is required. Contacts homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed application for Class III licenses and solicits their opinions regarding the effect of such licensed business on their property. Contacts licensees who appear on the delinquent list. Issues tags for violations of the St. Paul Legislative Codes. Investigates licensed businesses to determine if conditions upon which the license is issued are being met. Represents the Division at court proceedings and at other public meetings. May represent the Division at City Council hearings, neighborhood meetings, and at other public meetings. Assists in training and supervising lower level license division employees as assigned. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Inspects bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Inspects taxicabs in regard to headlights, brakes, tail lights, exterior appearance, interior appearance for cleanliness and wear. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Working ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 12 credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses. (A list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel O�fice) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector - Trainee or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must possess a Minnesota driver's license. ������ Title of� class: DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR I DESCRIPTION OF �dORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints and conducting inspections of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with licensing codes and related ordinances; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator and the administrative supervision of the Division Head., Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over Deputy License Inspector - Trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed Zicensed premises. Obtains information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Determines individual(s) responsible for proposed licensed premises. Investigates complaints regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Inspects proper business operation to determine whether or not a license is required. Contacts homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed application for Class III licenses and solicits their opinions regarding the effect of such licensed business on their property. Contacts licensees who appear on the delinquent list. Issues tags for violations of the St. Paul Legislative Codes. Investigates licensed businesses to determine if conditions upon which the license is issued are being met. Represents the Division at court proceedings and at other public meetings. May represent the Division at City Council hearings, neighborhood meetings, and at other public meetings. Assists in training and supervising lower level license division employees as assigned. Prepares appropriate reports and makes reco�endations. Inspects bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Inspects taxicabs in regard to headlights, brakes, tail lights, exterior appearance, interior appearance for cleanliness and wear. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Working ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 12 credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses. (A list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two yearst experience as a Deputy License Inspector - Trainee or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must possess a Minnesota driver's license. Title of� class: � DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR I �����`�' DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints and conducting inspections of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with licensing codes and related ordinances; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical supervision of the License Investigator and the administrative supervision of the Division Head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over Deputy License Inspector - Trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED . The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises. Obtains information required by State and Federal regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Determines individual(s) responsible for proposed licensed premises. Investigates complaints regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Inspects proper business operation to determine whether or not a license is required. Contacts homeowners and residents within 300 feet of a proposed application for Class III licenses and solicits their opinions regarding the effect of such licensed business on their property. Contacts licensees who appear on the delinquent list. Issues tags for violations of the St. Paul Legislative Codes. Investigates licensed businesses to determine if conditions upon which the license is issued are being met. Represents the Division at court proceedings and at other public meetings. May represent the Division at City Council hearings, neighborhood meetings, and at other public meetings. Assists in training and supervising lower level license division employees as assigned. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Inspects bingo sessions for possible criminal and/or civil violations. Inspects taxicabs in regard to headlights, brakes, tail lights, exterior appearance, interior appearance for cleanliness and wear. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of City license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Working ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety af socio-economic and educational backgrounds. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 12 credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses. (A list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector - Trainee or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must possess a Minnesota driver's license. Title of class: ��(j`��� �.►�i DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature and conducts inspections which involve more complex licensing procedures; assisfis in license investigations; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a Unit or Division Head. , Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision of lower level Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aZl positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises which involve complex licensing procedures. Investigates to obta3n information required by Federal and State regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Investigates complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Assists the License Investigator with the processing of liquor and bingo license applications; assists in collecting evidence relating to possible violations of bingo or liquor licenses. Directs special license inspection programs such as the Taxicab Inspection Program. Prepares supporting documentation and writes ordinances relating to changes with regard to licensing. Appears before the License Committee and at City Council hearings; appears in court as an expert witness; represents the License Division at public meetings. May assist in training lower level Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures and in interpreting laws, regulations and policies. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Assigns and reviews the work of lower level Deputy License Inspectors as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Considerable ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to demonstrate work procedures and lead lower Ievel workers. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of college including at least twenty-four credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver�s license. Title of class: ��`,�� � � DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature and conducts inspections which involve more complex licensing procedures; assists in license investigations; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a Unit or Division Head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision of lower � level Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID . The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises which involve complex licensing procedures. Investigates to obtain information required by Federal and State regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Investigates complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Assists the License Investigator with the processing of liquor and bingo license applications; assists in collecting evidence relating to possible violations of bingo or liquor licenses. Directs special license inspection programs such as the Taxicab Inspection Program. Prepares supporting documentation and writes ordinances relating to changes with regard to licensing. Appears before the License Committee and at City Council hearings; appears in court as an expert witness; represents the License Division at public meetings. May assist in training lower level Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures and in interpreting laws, regulations and policies. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Assigns and reviews the work of lower level Deputy License Inspectors as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Considerable ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to demonstrate work procedures and lead lower level workers. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of college including at least twenty-four credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such caurses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. Title of class: ��a�l,��� DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature and conducts inspections which involve more complex licensing procedures; assists in license investigations; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a Unit or Division Head. � ; Supervision Exercised: Ma.y exercise close technical supervision of lower level Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises which involve complex licensing procedures. Investigates to obtain information required by Federal and State regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Investigates complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Assists the License Investigator with the processing of liquor and bingo license applications; assists in collecting evidence relating to possible violations of bingo or liquor licenses. Directs special license inspection programs such as the Taxicab Inspection Program. Prepares supporting documentation and writes ordinances relating to changes with regard to licensing. Appears before the License Committee and at City Council hearings; appears in court as an expert witness; represents the License Division at public meetings. May assist in training lower level Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures and in interpreting laws, regulations and policies. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Assigns and reviews the work of lower level Deputy License Inspectors as ass3gned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES. Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Considerable ability to meet and communicate with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful way. Working ability to demonstrate work procedures and lead lower level workers. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of college including at least twenty-four credit hours �n inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is ma.intained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. Title of class: ��g ���� DEPUTY LICENSE INSPECTOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work investigating complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature and conducts inspections which involve more complex Iicensing procedures; assists in ].icense investigations; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a Unit or Division Head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision of lower level Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID . The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Makes physical inspections of licensed premises or proposed licensed premises which involve complex licensing procedures. Investigates to obtain information required by Federal and State regulations pertaining to business and liquor licenses. Investigates complaints of a difficult, complex or controversial nature regarding improper licensing, non-compliance with licensing codes and nuisance complaints. Assists the License Investigator with the processing of liquor and bingo license applications; assists in collecting evidence relating to possible violations of bingo or liquor licenses. Directs special license inspection programs such as the Taxicab Inspection Program. Prepares supporting documentation and writes ordinances relating to changes with regard to licensing. Appears before the License Committee and at City Council hearings; appears in court as an expert witness; represents the License Division at public meetings. May assist in training lower level Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures and in interpreting laws, regulations and policies. Prepares appropriate reports and makes recommendations. Assigns and reviews the work of lower level Deputy License Inspectors as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws and regulations. Considerable ability to meet and communicaCe with individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable ability to keep records and present information in a meaningful. way. Working ability to demonstrate work procedures and lead lower level workers. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of college including at least twenty-four credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is ma.intained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a riinnesota driver's license. ��J��`' Title of class: � LICENSE �PIVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work directing the investigation of complaints and inspection of licensed and praposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with housing codes and related ordinances; and conducts complete investigations of; license applicants and license vioiations for the purpose of collecting evidence relating to civil and criminal violations; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Division Head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical super- vision over Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORIKED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of Deputy License Inspectors. Provides technical assistance to Deputy License Inspectors and explains and interprets laws, regulations and policies. Trains Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures including inspection methods and preparation of records and reports. " Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license and bingo applicants, as well as all Class III license applications which must be approved by the City Council. Conducts investigations of licensed activities with the purpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have occurred. Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prosecutions. Audits the f inancial books of Bingo Games in order to deternine if there are violations. Makes oral and written reports of investigation findings. Testifies as to the relative findings in both civil and crininal proceedings. Notifies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authorities in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in court. Provides information to license applicants regarding the licensing pro- cedure and applicable laws, ordinances and regulations regarding their business. Investigates complaints about and monitors the activities of bingo oper- ations and liquor establishments to see that applicable la�as and ordin- ances are not violated. Coordinates the liquor license application process with other City depart- ments including the Health Division, Building Code Division and the Police and Fire Departments. (continued on reverse side) LICENSE INVESTIGATOR (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of St. Paul Iicense ordinances and State laws. Considerable ability to meet and communicate �oith individuals from a variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some ability to analyze financial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector II or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. or One year of college including thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and four years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying exper- ience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. , ��.r 9 J���.� Title of class: LICENSE IPIVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work directing the investigation of complaints and inspection of licensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with housing codes and related ordinances; and conducts complete investigations of license applicants and license violations for the purpose of collecting evidence relating to civil and criminal violations; and performs reYated duties as assigned. Sup ervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Division -- Head. . Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical super- vision over Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of Deputy License Inspectors. Provides technical assistance to Deputy License Inspectors and explains and interprets laws, regulations and policies. Trains Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures including inspection methods and preparation of records and reports. Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license and bingo applicants, as well as all Class III license applications which must be approved by the City Council. Conducts investigations of licensed activities with the purpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have occurred. Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prosecutions. Audits the financial books of Bingo Games in order to determine if there are violations. Makes oral and wrifiten reports of investigation findings. Testifies as to the relative findings in both civil and criminal proceedings. Notifies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authorities in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in court. Provides information to license applicants regarding the licensing pro- cedure and applicable laws, ordinances and regulations regarding their business. Investigates complaints about and monitors the activities of bingo oper- ations and liquor establishments to see that applicable laws and ordin- ances are not violated. Coordinates the liquor license application process with other City depart- ments including the Health Division, Building Code Division and the Police and Fire Departments. (continued on reverse side) LICENSE INVESTIGATOR (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES � Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws. Considerable ability to meet and communicate �aith individuals from a ; variety of socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some ability to analyze financial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. The ability to work irregular hours when assigned. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � Thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector II or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. or One year of college including thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and four years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying exper- ience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. Title of class: ��.,������ LICENSE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work directing the investigation of complaints and inspection of Iicensed and proposed licensed facilities to determine compliance with housing codes and related ordinances; and conducts complete investigations of, license applicants and license violations for the purpose of collecting evidence relating to civil and criminal violations; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Division Head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical super- vision over Deputy License Inspectors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of Deputy License Inspectors. Provides technical assistance to Deputy License Inspectors and explains and interprets laws, regulations and policies. Trains Deputy License Inspectors in work procedures. including inspection methods and preparation of records and reports. Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license and bingo applicants, as well as all Class III license applications whicYe must be approved by the City Council. Conducts investigations of licensed activities with the purpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have occurred. Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prosecutions. Audits the financial books of Bingo Games in order to determine if there are violations. - Makes oral and written reports of investigation findings. Testifies as to the re�ative findings in both civil and criminal proceedings. Notifies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authorities in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in court. Provides information to license applicants regarding the licensing pro- cedure and applicable laws, ordinances and regulations regarding their business. Investigates complaints about and monitors the activities of bingo oper- ations and liquor establishments to see that applicable laws and ordin- ances are not violated. Coordinates the liquor license application process with other City depart- ments including the Health Division, Building Code Division and the Police and Fire Departments. (continued on reverse side) LICENSE INVESTIGATOR (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of St. Paul license ordinances and State laws. Considerable ability to meet and communicate �aith individuals from a variety of socio-econvmic and educational backgrounds. Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some ability to analyze financial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. The ability fio work irregular hours when assigned. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector II or equivalent, Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. or One year of college including thirty-six credit hours in inspection and/or investigative courses (a list of such courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and four years' experience as a Deputy License Inspector I or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying exper- ience may be substituted for five credit hours. Must have a ?�Iinnesota driver's license.