278042 WHITE - CITY CLERK •f /' }���� CANARY - DE ARTMENT COUIICII f�O V BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. RErURN COP'Y' TO VALUATIO S=o cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, certain real properties within the City have been forfeited in the year of 1�80 for reasons of nonpayment of real estate taxes, and the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation has, on December 5, 1980, presented to the City Council the list of these ta.x forfeited properties, (62 properties) for approval as non-conservation lands and the sale thereof, all in accorda.nce with Section 282.01, Minnesota Sta.tutes; and WFIEREAS, certain rea.l properties within the City have been forfeited in the yea.r of 1g81 for reasons of nonpayment of real estate taxes, and the Ramsey County Depa.rtment of Property Taxation has, on October 21, 1981, presented to the City Council the list of these tax forfeited properties, (10 pa.rcels) for approval as non-conservation lands and the sale thereof, all in accordance with Section 282.01, Minnesota Sta.tutes; and WI�REAS, in requesting tha.t the City Co�uncil give its i,mmediate approval of the classification and sale, the County Board has pledged not to sell ar�y of these tax forfeited properties until the City of Saint Pa.ul has been given sixty (60) days prior notice of ar�y proposed specific sale for the purpose of permitting the City an opportunity to determine whether ar�y of the tax forfeited parcels may be needed for ar�y public municipal. purpose; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, upon the condition th�t the City of Sa.int Paul be given sixty (60) days prior notice of ar�y proposed sale of ar�y pa,rcel of tax forfeited land so that the City may, if deemed necessa.ry, obtain a use- deed as authorized by Section 282.01, Minnesota. Statutes, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve as nonconversa.tion lands the list of tax forfeited lands transmitted to the City by the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation, dated December 5, 1980 and October 21, 1981, (copies attached), and the sale thereof is hereby authorized and approved by this Council subject to the sixty (60) day notice requirement hereinabove provided. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Fi n N�.na em nt Services Levine In Favor �w� Maddox McMahon � B D ire ctor snowa�ter - __ Against Y Tedesco IMii�wa�. JQN � 9 �9$1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a-; by Counc' . cr . ,, �• �—7— &'� � By _ ' � Approved by . voc Date �„� Ap ov d by.Mayor for mi sion o Council .� — � By B D _ ` �='�,u����i�� JF��d 3� 1982 � „ .._ ; ,.. �.;, . � , .._ � ,!'a�., . . . .. . . .. y .. . . . . � . , . .. . �' . • �J':r, . . ... _.. . . ..... .. �.�. � y • . � ' . . . . �.1.:��t yf��' 1�.:�� i l��. 1.T��1 ��"�+ .M�� t)L�:�'1P.JC1” � � I.�i� `�'d.bT e 1 O f I i - NOTICE ; *�»�+s���> ...ce NO. SU:701VISION � o.� �on ' ' LOT . OLOCK CITT 0;' Sr1I::'I' i'�11'L i.'�1RD O;:i: + �luritc>r 's Si�;,�ivitiinn ::o. 7 ' St. Pc3ul ,iinn ; \or[h 2 fc�cc �f �9 Z n�-����r;n-���t-n� ' Gothicr's Auditi��n iv�.,. '� � — �•:cst 14 fect of the E:ast ; 1� fect oi 2 2 03-3�21�-025-�2 . Ed:�unr, P.ice's Fourth P,cicli ti<�n ' South 3 fcet of „ } ; �ll-1,24��)-�R�-11 ; Schur�eicr `s Suhdivision of I�l.oc�ks � 33 & 39 of Arlin�ton }lil].s Additiun 1 3:� �l-6�ihf��-��0-38 � _ � SdARD T�.�O , AT�eti � hiefer. 's Re-aT-rcint;e„�ent. c�+. ' Lots 1(',, 11 , I2, 1�. 16 Fl 17, "C)c:�c i':;�-',;" � � —_ � . 1 ��est one-l►alf of hennnrd Str.cet • � vacated adjoining and Pzrt of � Lot 1�Southeriy of :.� l,ine 76 fect � ; Southerl�: from and p;tr:illel �:•it'� . � oriainal center line or the Chic.���, St. Paul, *iinneapolis and Uhio � Railway in /}�� LoT,.v�n:�.r 1 �,2-118n�-pil-�1 i I � : � Bir:�ins�h<zms Parl: ' ' � _ � ' ; . � k�est 3 fe��t of 17 : 3 02-IG6��-171-03 ! � . � Burlin�ton liei�hts, Uivision No. 2 ' � • ( RamseY Co. rfi.r.n. + 27 5 02-t5610-27�-�6 , � 2.S G 02-1hb10-2A0-(Ib _ I . . i . � . � _ . , . ; i - ; : i ; � � � � � , �•- . . . . . . , : ,: _, �, . E , � , �� ; _ �-�� ?a,t`se 2 0_ ? NOTICE • •a�wvu►� nw..GC � NO. ; ✓U�iJIt�ISIU�`� O• � OA � . lnT � Ll6Cn � l:'11I;U "i'.�:�1 (Cc,::r i nuc,�3) 1�:?ze' ?'�i:�: )'1ar R . P�rt �f L��ts ]O and !.. nnd �;" � J�ssa�inc Avcrt��ie �nrnc�rl�� • c�: � licte 86 fc�et S�,ut:i�erl�• �r,,:-: ; rii:d parai :e.l wir.h c,r5hit�..1 c�c�;lrer � 1111� of s�iu rai.l�,:��•, i • -, . 1 � (`,�-;��.i if;-. 11-iY2 �i���, D,�_�, I'1C�d 1`1(>:1_ 51__ [';�,_l�___`=?:�— �J 2 �)_�-��.'�)OiZ-�{9�)-�)� I� 2 02-h29��-1(;�-�2 i:c�g�r:; �tlu Ht�nciri:.ks ,1c;e Lors tiu�::bcr -' S�utii 35 f�cr c�; ti�c i�,:i�c lUtl ;�r,�r , of ]..c,t 8; :iZs�. (�'xc'���,t: ti��� ;:;�r�ii�rlv � . . 9uridre�nhui:�r p�rt hi•in�; l�i;i-9%it� , ice� c�n th� 1•'esT Lii�c� ancl 21 ;i-3/i.� fe��t . , , on the ra�terly Line, i 2 I G2-53fi0(%-023-�1 � i:ast 99-c)5/i00 feet c�f. thc � , • ti��rt� �,��e-h.a�; o: - t 02-fi"ySQ!'i-Oi2-ni , ' : , � �as� 1QU fc•et �f the S��utli ��:���-;::�lf' �; J • i 02-fi3fl�Q-075-01 I ST. JOSEPH`S H 11_i. . S<�utii�rly Cri�n�;ular nrirt t�eirg � 347-h5/10� feet rn� Snutherl}� Lin�. • � � and �i0 feet on MarilJac Lane Gr s , 2 ` 02-6,'lpq_OS2-O7. � i � H. I'. Sc•Iiw�hc�'s Ad<iit-ic�n c�� ; : St. Pai,I. "tinnesa.t�� : ; , j � ; ; 2 � 1 Q�-�:'�f1nn-{��n-�}1 i _� � � . Q�_h4�:QE)-��n-n� . j � 3 '. 1 -: 02-69�(?�1-�3(l-�1 I : . .� � 1 ' c�2—�9��c�—o�o—al � � . ! . . . . �. . . . :e�� � . � . . . � . . .. . . � _.. � � � . , � . � . . .. .. ..,� .... � . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. � � . . ; . �i :..�. . :.. ... . . . ' -.�. .�.�.. . � � . . t . .... . . . , . . � i � .... . � ... . . . ... . . ' .. . . . . � . . . . ; • .. . . . � . . . . � . . . . . . 1 • � . . . . . . .t . � • ; � � � . � . . . .. ;. . 1 NoT�cE � �e 3 of 7 NO. I SU3DIVISION Towr�s.u� w�aae � ow oM � —__'----- ! '--'.�._ . _. . _ ..--� ------ -�'-- to• ! etoC.c . TY:�(:l) �;?.l; �CO:iC1I'tUCCi� S�enl;:ad 's Su�c.ivi5ic,n . l4 0?-71()t3t>-140-�� 1'� : 02-7:GJO(1-150--�O , 1 h (12-71 fl(1�-]6f)-�� 17 Q2-71���-17�-Qf� 1� G2-71OU(�-ln�)-t►r) 1` c,2_�l0o�—;9n—nca � � �.,�,1�:i ;�1��_ � �lI"T:l:f;11:!;::�ti ?�iIUTC}I :�UCi1C1Q(1 . i � � i�<� �,C i�:��1:. �•1i11:t_ � �t::)j�CC r0 �11�;�?'..,;ly , � , S . 2� � QS-1470(}_OSI-02 , � "Thu�n��s I)aly'ti" Subdivisi�>n of L'l��ck � �umber two (2) of Stinson, }3roki: S ; Ramsevs auclition to St . Paul , i � ' S��ject to ?�i;;h:�:�:�, � 2O 2 , 0�-2175f?-2�1-f12 Tcrrace P.1fK :�CI(I1t1Ut1 ro thc Cit•; ,,f' �t . ' . ; nau�. r.:,;,�s�v c:�u:;�.�, sc;�re o� •��.:,,,cs��.� . � . . ; (�x���nt nveauc) , � �,, ; � '1Q O5-753�0-240-10 i ; � 1�:1KD SI�: ' i � Jaci:son r�nd I�idtioell 's Additiott to ' ldest Szint P,lui, Count� uC Dc�i:o:s, ! "Territor�� �f Aliiines�Cri ' i . — � � . j �orth 4 feet of 5 ; B ' f3fi-39.200-Q52-2i � . ! Otta;.�a Adc! iticm i � � . . . i : . � SuUject to alle�• easement, and � j � . � (except the South 18 feet) , par� � ; East of extended West Line. of the . • � °;s � P:ast 8 f�et of Lot E of L��ts �1, ' � C ancl D and (except the East ' ' 8 f��ct) , said r . : d(z-57500-].00-[f0 ; . i � � ; � ; � : I � :_> ' � i. . � • - � ; J �.. : �� Fa,ge �+ c' 7 ner�cE . ,�w.���,. H.,.�� nio. SU3pIV15lON o„ �,� ----..._ v�- � •�oc.: :::��T�Ti SI.l. (�.C%I]�IiIUUCj� . �'rescott 's r�ci�it.ic,:� ic� 5L. 1'•�iu1 (�::cc-�C �.�i��eacc3 Sut�!h l'��i,:t:;ii:i . � S.reet) , �.: _, -, t: .,o—5�+�v;�—fi6n—�10 � �l::�it7t t.'1Gi_'T7CC1 SOUt:I �•':t�)tf5il�': �Ci't7�t� . ' i. il;—:iy?fi'i—j .�n—;�ii ti..:C�'7� '.;1(iC':iC:C; 50i1�:] . �i�)�1�. '? �� ?" �r� ?_ "• ii, �.,_ , i;b—�:�:>��ll— �(i—f;�� (�:'.CE: �C l,'1C���:C•C� 5�7UC�! ..;!i); , � ^ ,r, � ; � :sit� C:eci} , _� C)�i—J9�C.,_j � �{;_ �i:iCl::)C l.'1Gf:ilGJ SOiiC}: �.:IiL:�sna J�L'C'i_'C� � :�' " C� (�n—�4n—(��) U6-�,� ;., Y?::is:. �. :•iu�Cin'�; S�'�dl� � �� �i `151�%ll Ci '1it SOL`��i .;:FI{ Of :S�.l')C�� 5(� 1)1"("�lcil i .J�iCiCtiUtITS AdciiCir� to t•!est Saint �'.�u.l. Part acljoinit:�; Lcts � , 2 :�nd :i c; 'I'r..i�:t e, Cli;—S7:,i�-1;3I—U� , s�':�F;ll SE1iE:� , ��,c.�t•?iili .ind Iic•.�itic�:�'s Fe:�rr�m<;�;::.�..� cf i�ts , to 1] �.;:clu�is-u � the r.cr. ii , �t . c�f l.��t<� 1� 1 3 & ��� oi h]oc�k ., :,: � :�lil:?]�;i?_' 1i1C{ t)��;�;:�] 1.t'�S �'1c'cliti.un i:U ' ' ��o�co-}:� 's I1i?cii.ti:?n t;, S,:int Paul � - _ 3 �,-137�;�.�-�3�-0�1 5 �7-I;7Dq-O50-�:'1 ' J3rrn•rs,'s .''i.rst :'lcidiLio� t� thc ci.t�� c;� � i • St. ?au' I:amsev Co, ;:i.,inc.sota : • � , � � 1'� � 1 07-14in�-7!+O—Oi. . , • i � Iiry:�ttt 's Aeld i t i<�n c�, SC Pr�ul . ; ; ' Il f 1 . Q7-1G6�0-lI�-Ol i � - � }?olc�rihL'ti �lddit:Ecnt t�� Saint PrniJ. . � � � 2 0�-3f�Atl;1-nS0-�"_ . . 8 � 12 07-3.60n�-�30-12 1 . • , " ' � ' ' j �I • . i i ; • ; . � . . .� ._ , , , �, .. . \ 'f . . . .. .. . . . . � . _ PAGE 5 of 7 NOT�C[ � row..s.r:r neu�r No. ' SUEDtvtstOri „q ' o� . cos i •t_oCr. ^ '••:i`.R� 5.;�i::v ((;UnC 1lltlyd� � " ��lni;::;er F: I)c,nnel l.;'s; ,���1 i r i c�n t�� I:o.i.co:����'s l�dd:iti�;� tn S:�ii;t t';,ui . : ^ . i 3 (�l—J�'J���—`Iln—Cf,� ' '? 4 (17-rr=�SfJi)-tl2l)-!)•', (F':;t.�ne t.�ic� ;:a�t ]E; t�.•��tj , i.��� . , � .;,.c: (�:•:cc;,t �Le �•:est. 19 feet) , Lo� ".' :ir.�� � � ��i i ��. f) `i 07-�!•7�0-�60-n4 � � 9 12 07-S�y;I;►-C)9{1-I2 "no:•�lsr,d ::u:3 i t i on" to S t �>.it:i. ; 10 � 3 r,l-1G�t�0-1O�-;►:i � S::�ith S T�.i��lor. 's :�cicl.it�ui� tu �ho Cit� � : � of Sc. Pat,i 15 2 o7-f,R3��-150-n2 � � id:�Rll E?.i;N�' ' . ��1.1iO::::S riG(:IC.C�1�� CO ;i;11I]C 1��iL'� , � ii1111TUS11(_7_ (E:�ce�t Clie l�as� 41 fect) , : 2 � � 27 OS-4380�-(;'�_:..-' ' ��lc�cks i . 8, 9, 1�, 11, 1.2, 1.3, 14 �G 15 ' � � l.ewis' (?) A�clition to St. I'au] , � �lii�r.c�su:a ; ' 27 t12 ' 08-442��-290-12 � "S:i�f th`'s Su?�divi,inn c�f St i.nsor.'s � ' I 13iv.�isiot� �t the i�.IJ. lr4 n1' Si:cti��t� 3(,, ; � Tawnsi�in 29. Ranfiey 23" � , . , i � , � _ ; . . ^ : ; (E�:cept che i:ast 10 fect) ; 5& ; 1'j p8-69024-580-15 � �_ . . , _. . , ,? isclwin ?t ,�:ar�'.ti Gumbcr).:inJ � t • '�1c1c3 i t irin P1.�t l ` ; ;• . x . ::,. : 1,0 ; A8-S13��-2&0-10 � j M. �g , ` � . � , � . , . � . . , :�,ge 6 0� 7 NOTICE � .tawra5.u• nwwcc � NO. SUB�I�I�S�ON OH � Oq � � ' � LOT i OLOCK ; , . ' ��'� ..�.�_. l•1r1n1) t�I:�i; "Asht��n ��nu Si�crburnc•'> Acldi_ti�n ' to Sain[ Paul" . ; l;i�n r.o ac�ess to hi�.l�way, rhe ' �orth 1 Y.00C of t��c Fc�st or,e-h:,? ; o.'' 17 1 �9--I'(1f;p-170-;)� ; ?'ott;icscrs S:i>>d�visi�,n of L�rs S <<r I� incl.i�si��e, ;�;1 c,� [•.'cidc :i�d Da;:����;-: ' , Gr�rdcn LoCS t�� S:i i��: P:�u 1 ' t,'est 32 �e�: cr tiie 1?;�st 62 � t�:��t ;>f Lo�s 1.9, 20 and � � '-1 2 o9-Ggt�(�0-223-n2 idestr:i:st�r ,dd it ion i — . Vacated streets �nd �:1.1ey accruin,� � . ; and Lots 9 and 24 � 3 ; 09-$150Q-2�I-�'� i , ,. ! �'acated streets and alley accrui;i�; . ; and Lots 9 and 24 ; 6 ' 09-fi150�-241-�f, 't��T:D T:::; - . � , ' Collc,c P1 ace. ;•:�st ll.i� i i , ' s i c�n i . (E::cept thc East �5-75/]00 ;�cr) , ` ; the South l0i) feet of :�0 ! G 10-201�p-2p4-pb ! ` . ; Lake P.�r;; Ac?cliti�n to Sriint Pnu' , � ' SCCO!;Ci 71V;SlUil • � ' Sub�e�t to f7 i hiiw;:y, .10 � 2 ; 1(1-437.1Q-iQt-f12 I � . !tJ�1KI) ELL��EN � . ; . j2�LW1LC:� vU�]UCS �tiC 1)1V1S1011 , � I Northeasterly C?uarter of � ; `�' ' 11-3!+40�-921-Up t � � Ho11 'ns -ad' • Add ion �Pr � . ,g�; ; Park� lta� scv Cc, hii n • i - • . ' � � : �i `' .�,cn...1�.C1[i-1-.�'?✓� ��/ ���. �' . . j r�' � ; ; ���, � � � ; , � . � •, . • � , �a�' 7of � IYOTICE � ,�ow�stiv� nwn�cc . NO, � SUBDIVISION on � ow . _'_� . LOT � •LOCK j � _____'_'____"_ ._...."'_""'""_ _"""_' . . ' _. I1'ARD E;,E;'EN (Continued) . Howaru Park ' i i � (Ex.cept the \orth ;O i eet) , th� � . follo�,�ing: l;ast <�nc-l�al; ��f ' Lot 18 �nd all oC Lc.�ts ll� and ] 7 ; 11-364�O-171-�0 *Ierri�^i P:.3i-1.;, h<��ise�� Cc�. , tillllll. , (E�;cept the Sotitheristerly 105 feet} , � , the Nvrtheascerly 12 [cet of 4 2 l i-5O7�C1-15f1-ft� � /� . �' - _.�7���� CLASSIFICATION LIST September 21, 1981 NOTICE TOWNSMII� 11AN(�C NO. SUBDIVISION I °" I °" CODE NUrfBER -_-'____- I LOT •LOCK I � � � ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � ' ; i i� k'ARD ONE � ' i ; , i Stinson's Subdivision of Block 36 i � � of Arlington Hills Add, to St. Paul i � ' � � i North 50 feet of Lots 29 and � 30 � 36 ; 01-72700-301-36 I WARD TWO i I � Beaver Lake Heights I 12 ; 21 ,' 02-13800-120-21 , � , ; f Hazel View ; ' I � � i 1 (Except the North 10 feet) , I 10 ; 4 j 02-35100-100-04 fWARD FIVE . I � � � i Cullen Place � 9 I � 05-21000-090-00 I ` � I 10 I i 05-21000-100-00 i "Leech`s Addition to St. Paul'; I I ( � Part Southeasterly of widened - � Seventh Street of Lots 13 and I 14 I 4 i 05-44600-140-04 WARD SEVEN � � I � ( � � Nininger & Donnelly's Addition to I � Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul i 13 i 7 i 07-54500-130-07 Woodland Park addition to the ( i i City of St. Paul I I � � � South 8 feet of the East 30-1/10 I I I feet of Lot 8 and the East 30-1/10 � I ' feet (except the South 81 feet) of 11 i 4 ; 07-84400-114-04 i � ! WARD NINE I I : ; + � ! I ' Lytons Addition to St. Paul, Piinn. , ; i (Except the North 10 feet for alley) , i ! � I - - Lot 15, Block 4, Lockey's Addition ' I and in said L ton's Addition � y � 3 i 1 � 09 47500 030-01 I � � ; WARD TWELVE � � � "Milton" Addition 18 •� 3 12-50000-180-03 : � . k , • � . i ,'�: t �V�� c i �\ . . . � �.: u�1 t�i': 1'ljig75 � _ . Re�t'. r i 9�8�76 � Rev. ;k 5�7/8fl � EXPL?1NflTION CF ;AD�'�tINTSTR?�TIVE �F��ERS, . , P.�v. : � Q��O:/81 . . . .. -. tWS�LlJ11ViV.7 LT91YL CRL.4.LY7hTT/�r, G'�.�. . . , . . . . � _ . . . . .. . L1lYk,.i�J . �. _ . . . . . . _-... ... . ... .. .. .. ' � . . .� . . . - �J�V��� � . . � , J A r`1 t� . 1���� Date: �.Janua�ry 6, �98� AI{AlfORS�I�FFICE _ � , . � , �;�; ; � TO: I�Raynr Geo�ge '�atimer ,,� . _ ng�:ne'�., _. p� � • � FRO.�: .i° . J.` �. Doncrvan, tlal�tion & Assess�ent E e �e rtme�rt o�'f�'ir�n�� aad , l�nagement 3�rvices k �� Relee�se of 198('? and 1981 tax farf�ited lande to Ramsey` Gc�uaty �ith a �t3pu7a�ic� �, �: tl�t th� City be g3�ven a 60 day no��.ce before said lar�ds�are o�'gered �o� .�ale. !; ACTION �tE�UE�TED c . - •`. � , 1+l�yo�''s approva,l for submission of resolutioa to Ci�y Cor��il. � - - � � F , PIJRPQSE AND RP,T�QNALE -FOR TI?IS ACTION: 4 Ss�d prcyperties w3.11 be the Couaty's ,�esponsibility to m�i�inw t � . � � .. � � . - .. . . � . � . � _ � � .. 4� . � . . . .� . � . . . � . �. . . .. . �. . . . �I�� . .. � . .. . .. . � � � � - ., � . . ' .�� � . � . . . �. . .. . �� . ... . . 1..� . . � ' ... ._. ..`-7 .-..-� . � . • , _ . �� . � � � .. . . � , �1 . . I � . � .y1 � . . . . .� . . - I . . . . . . � ryy�s� . . . � . � - . . . � -9 � .. �.. . . ... � . . . . _ . . .. . . �.. . .. � . ..�- . � .... . . -. .. . � : � I . . .� "�� �bk � .`; ... . . . . . . . . . . . ,_ . � . .� � . h.. � .. . � . ..�", ' . .. � � . � . � . . � . � �� ��. 1 .. . . . � . .. .. FINANGIAL ;I�+IPACT: ' . ' � None _ • ; A�C'�rS: l. Resolution : t 2. Liat of 1980 and 1981 tax forfeited lan$s. . - . ; , ;, . :. _ � . . � .