278038 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��■L� PINK . � =�FINANCE n COURCII '�� CANARY.r-� DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T. 1 �U L BLU4 - MAYOR File N O. C cil Resolution Presented By C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to waiving employment. —.---� RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 9 thereof by adding, as the last paragraph of said Section 9, the following: "If the employee has waived promotion for any of the reasons stated above, and the Department in which he/she is employed is reducing the number of positions in the class/classe s affected by the waiver so as to adversely affect that employee's chances of promotion, he/she may retracthis/her waive r with the approval of the Civil Se rvice Commi s sion. " . App rove d: �-- � Chai r Civil Servic Commission COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PE NNE OF CE Levine [n Favor Maddox A I McMahon �y __ Against BY Showalter - Tedesco W'�S°� JAN � 9 1982 Form prove by ity tt n Adopted by �ouncil: Date — Certified Pas b Council S ret BY B� Approved by vor: Date Appr v d by Mayor for Submi 'o to C.Quncil � By — BY �'11 L':.`;�+-�r l, .)�: "� 1��?? _ - CI'�'Y fl�' ��La:�'".� ��'�.�7-;. ������7 �!rF� `':..,. 4F'F'ICi; O: °.�.'�iA; Ci'�Y GO�71�zT� :`�";; . ._..L;:,��.-. � . ' ` :; �:`::;:: .: �::;°' - ; '4���, y:• _ _.' F-;� D o 3 e : January 7, 198 2 ; � •� . ~~ ,f'' . �,; . - � --,���'=-..:� �i � �a� ��1 i � � � ��.. �`� t.�'... 4`� � � � . . _ -� � : �ainr Pc�c�! Ci�� ��au�3^�� � � _ '= �� O �1J� = C C3 iil i�i�'7�y'-: �t'! FINANCE, �1ANnGE�1EN'I' F� PF.FtSONNEL . - _ _ Ge.orge �r�cTlahori ; eh a i c m a n, ��a�e s �'h e f a 1 i o.�i i n c� � repar� un . �G..F. . ' [� �rdir�aizce . . �2) � Resolu�ion _ . . . � �?';fit e�' . � . � ��'�.,..� : . .. . ' At its meeting o.E January 7, 1982, the Finaaice Committec .recommEnded approtial of_ -___. _. . tlle_follotivino: , . � _ . -_ - _ �10. Resolution amEnding Section 9 of the Civil Service Rules regarding ���aiving � , . employment. (12566-GI�9). � � - 11. Resolution establishing title and class speci.Eication for t•itle o_C Computer _ . Operations Supervi_soi•.�� (12541-C�1) � � - ^[�' iIr�LI. 5E�'E:tiT�-I FL002 S:�I\T P�T.1T., i�EI;ti`tif?SrJTr1 5�I1' _H . ...... .' . . . . WHITE - CITY CLERK A�y(� ^ PINK - FINANCE � *�� T + TT COUACII y��r�T/(��( {�`(� CANARY - DEPARTMENT , G I TY O F ►�)L� I ♦��T l,tl �} L �' Y v ���+ BLUE - MAYOR • F1Ie N O. C I T Y C L E R K Council Resol�tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to waiving employment. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section � 9 thereof by adding, as the last paragraph of said Section 9, the following: "If the employee has waived promotion for any of the reasons stated above, and the Department in which he/she is employed is reducing the number � of positions in the class/classes affected by the waiver so as to adversely affect that employee's chances of promotion, he/she may retracthis/her waive r with the approval of the Civil Se rvice Commi s sion. " . Approved: Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILWIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine Ir1 FavOc Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed bp Cuuncil Secretary BY By� __ Appro��ed by ;Viavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — — BY vo noz aeiacn z��s memoranaum Trom tne F �r a /�� a;� ,r8�_� r�esolution so tha�t this Information wiil be ��a�table #� t�t� City Councii. �p�r�� EXPLANATION OF ADMINIS�RATIVE ORDERS, �� �j RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: December 8, 1g81 RECEIVED ut� 131981 T0: MA'YOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYORS OFFICE FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submissi.on of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE k'OR THTS ACTTON This Resolution amends Section 9 of the Civil Service Ru].es regardi.ng waiving employment. It makes it possible for the Civil Service Commission to allow an ernployee to retract a waiver which the employee submitted to remain in th.e Department in which he/she was presently working. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS: Re solution and copy for the City Cle rk. WHITE - CITY CLERK �Q■{-17�t CANARY.c-;DE ARTMENT COUIICII v��.�v�% BLU,�"s. - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL t� File N 0. C cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to waiving employment. --� RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 9 thereof by adding, as the last paragraph of said Section 9, the following: "If the employee has waived promotion for any of the reasons stated above, and the Department in which he/she is employed is reducing the number of positions in the class/classe s affected by the waiver so as to adversely affect that employee's chance s of promotion, he/she may retract hi s/he r waive r with the approval of the Civil Se rvice Commi s sion. " . App rove d: �- � Chai r Civil Servic Commission COUfVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PE NNE OF CE Levine In Favor Maddox �I Showalter - `y -- Against BY — Tedesco W��S�� JAN 19 1982 Adopted by �ouncil: Date Form prove by ity tt n Certified Pas b Council S ret BY By� Approved by vor. Date Appr v d by Mayor for $ubmi 'o to C,Q�ncil sy� _ — By ��� ��r���l .la._ " �J 19R? �� - G7C�'�?" fl� ��L�:�''.� �.E'�U-±. �� ���c��7 ' ��_�/l`^����..; �1:J�zvt: �: j.l'��'. �i�r�� VDi�� .�'i�� ' �!"t -„ • �":� (� �i j:.\:j'_ � �� i•' ' _ �. � ' S,i' � • :1 ��� •:��,' . '. '�:�,\" � "'�f_�� D a�e : January 7, 1982 �,`\�`���/ . '` �, � �e� !��s i � 1 � �. i",i �, � � � � . _ _ '�' a : �Clttl'i`" ��t1� Cl�'�1 ��1�t3^� � - �� . �� O �1J� � C 0 i c l i7'i t�'7�4 t7 I'1 I:INANCE, �1�I�TAGfin1EI�"I' f� PERSO�];�EL . - - Ge.orge �A�cTlahori ; e h a i r m a n, �r�a k e s �'h e f n I t o Y1I I�� - . peparT un . G..F. . ' C� Ordit►a�zce � . � . (2) -�'�-_' Resolu�ion . _ . . . � . • � �:he�' . . - �' [�'�....� : . .. � At its meeting oE January 7, 1982, the Finazlce Committee .reco�lEnded approval of - -- .. _ . tlie_followinb: . � . . _ . - - - �10. Resolution amending Section 9 of the Civil Service Rules regarding ��-aiving � . . employment. (12566-('��) � � - 11. Resolution establishing title and class sneci:Eication for t•itle o:f Computer : . Operations Supervisoi.�� (12541-�i) � � � - !'(T1' iL�LLL SEVE;�:T�{ Fl.00:2 S:3I\T PAU�., i EI;�tiG=SrJ'�.1 5�11,'_ .H ..._ r . . - . ' oo not detach tnls memarand�am from the F �, a P� a�,y} +�8�-a� , r�esol,ut�on so that this information wili be U �yajiat�te �� tFi� City Council. �B��Q EXPZANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �� � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORAINANCES Date: December s, �9s� RECEIVEI� ut� 131981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYORS OFFICE FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council, PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTTON This R.esolution amends Section 9 of the Civil Service Rules regarding waiving employment. It makes it possible for the Civil Service Commission to allow an employee to retract a waiver which the employee submitted to remain in the Department in which he/she was presently working. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.