278036 WNITE - CITY CLERK �Q��e PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII V V BLUE - MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. o c ' Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the grade for the title of Parking Meter Monitor Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. B (Clerical Group) by striki.ng from Grade 19 �e title of Parking Meter Monitor Supervi sor and inserting this title in Grade 21. Approved: �' u airm Civil Servi e Commission COUfVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox L 1 McMahon �� B snowa�ter - _ Against Y Tedesco Wilson JAN 19 1981 For Approv d by rty t rney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P : by Council creta BY By Approved by , avor. Date Q� Appr d by Mayor for Su i ion to Council – � i sv � - — BY � O _ _ __- _ _ __ _ _, __ ___ , ' - - -- - --__ __ _ - - --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. - - i�/ �A.�(�/�y-{c{-.A-"y�C`i- - - ._ WHITE - CITY CLERK ��'►�'�SS �/ 'r�..�'�/ PINK • FIiVANCE . � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��A Lj L � C�uncil � BLUE - MAVOR File N CIT�;" CLERK ��unc�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changi.ng the grade for the title of Parking Meter Monitor Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. B (Clerical Group) by striking from Grade 19 the title of Parking Meter Monitor Supervi sor and inserting this title in Grade 21. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUI�ICILIVIEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B Showalter A gai R S t Y Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cettif�ed Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by 1�tayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council • uo not detacM this rnemorandum from the f'� �Ij �. PLr �.#8'�_ �.�5 ,resdlution so that this inforrr�ation wilt be available to the City Council. �pns�c EXPLANATION OF ADMIN�STRATIV� ORDERS, L���'��•�V RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: November 4, 1981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �ECEIVED FR: Personnel otf�ce DEC 1 'I 1981 RE: Re�olution for submission to City Council �AYORS OFFICE ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION This ResoluticAn changes the grade of Parking Meter Monitor Supervisor in Section 3. B (Clerical Groupj from its present Grade 19 to Grade 21, The bi-weekly salary ranges for Grade 19 and Grade 21 are shown below: Grade 19 A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 472. 59 491. 63 513. ?2 537. 05 560.99 586. 14 602. 11 617.45 626. 95 636. 45 $12, 320 annually $16, 592 � Grade 2.1 � A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 496. 53 519. 25 541. 34 565. 28 591. 67 617. 45 634. 63 651. 82 661. 32 670. 82 $12, 945 annually $1?,488 FINANCIAL IMPACT � At 1981 rates the annual cost of the incumben t�s current salary will be $848. 00 At anticipated 1982 rates, the cost will be $925. 00 . ATTAC�IlKENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. _. ,....., • • (;3rI'Y ��+' �.�TiY'I' �A�L i i�" , . . �.,�:�'�.tJ;�-J' , '��'' — '`�`.;r', Q�'FICE Of TS�: CZT7Z" CflUNGIL ����t,�� ��:;� .�.�. �;;;�, s... �--•.:,>_.,.:� = ,� } ;"h�,��;•,.•,- �� �.. >n�>,�sa�.:r.. , ��'1IS1�5d4�.i�. . _ '+.-..V_.) :1� �,� - - ,.;s." . Do t e ; January 7, 1982 ,�,. :�2„� `�:�, s :.:4...,.-.•� CC� �a►� �=� � i 1 i � � � � � i� # T0 : Soin� Pau! Ci�� Counc� ! . . �� 0 i��d = C 0 i"�!7`t f�1��� O t'1 FINANCE, n��c�:���1T � ��:�.so��.L � � George McTlahon , chairman, makes the fol lowing � report on C.F. • ._[� Ordinance . (g) � Resotution . � � Ofiher � Tt�"L� :� At its meeting of January 7; 1982, the Finance Committee reconunended anproval of � the follo�aing: � - l. Resolution appi-oving appropriation from 1�lunicipal State Aid Street Furids for improving railroad crossing on Randolph and Toronto. (12553-(�9) - 2. Resolution approving Shuttle Service Contract Fxtension. . 3. Resolution approvin� method for payment of severance pay. (12552-C�7) 4. Resolution approving Aoreements between ISD #625 and the Electricians Local 110, � Cement �lasons Local #560 and Roofers Local #96. (12540-C�I) . 5. Resolution approving 1�31-1983 Aareements bet��eE�n City, ISD #625 and Glaziers Local #1324. (12539-GM) 6. Resolution approving 1982-1983 T4emorandtun of Underst�ulding applying to the . Civic Center Stagc F�nployees. (12538-(�9) - 7. Resolution chanoing grade of Parking I��Ieter b4onitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. � � \ (12545-(�9) . 8. Resolution changing gradc of Parki.ng I�letcr �lonitor Supei-�ri.sor from Grade 19 to Gi-ade 21. (12542-(�1) 9. Resolution replacing class specification and revising minimum clualifications for titles of Project rlanagement Techni.c3an and Project r�anaaer I. (12564-(�1) (CONTINIII;D . . ..) CITY H�.LL SEVE?vTH FLOOR . SAINT Pr1UL, tiiIti�ESOTA 5�102 .JT '� -� C�`I^I'Y �i s�AI�7�I` �P.�,UL %'•� �� y ! �V�0..f� -+� ,�.�-f . _ %�y'�'K�� "� Q:N��+'ICE OF` T�Ii: CITY GOUNCIL R;_��5'1""•�;`. `'`�- } 1 �;....• �,� ='� ,.�k,.. • ,,,_ =."z: ''r� � 'S�� Dote . January 7, 19S2 �`�-;.���;Xs?�' C Q ��1� 1'� � i � �.`'�.. � � � �' Q � � T 0 : Soin�i Paul Ci�y Counc� ! � R 0 N1 � C o n�rr�i i�e� o r� FINa,vc�, rc�,�Tac����T �, ��RSO��TL George D1c��Iahon , chairman, ma�ces the folio�ing � � reporY on C. F. � -[� Ordinanc� ; (9) � Resolution . ; �] Other � � F � ; - T 1�'LE � t�t its meeting of January 7, 1982, the Financc� Committee reconunended ani�roval of � the following: _ _ __ -- V 1. Resolution appro�ing appropriation f1�om ritulicipal State �id Street Furids for improving railroacl crossing or� Rasidol�h and Toronto. (12553-G�1) _ 2. Resolutioii approving Shuttle Service Contract F.xtension. 3. Resolution approving method for payment of se�rerance pay. (1Z552-G^1) �• 4. Resolution approving Agreements bet�veen ISD �625 and the Electriciaris Local 110, � Cement l�iasons Local #560 and Roofers Local #96. (12540-GT1) . 5. Resolution approving 1931-1983 Aareements bet��een City, ISD #625 and Glaziers Local #1324. (12539-GM) 6. Resolution approving 1982-1983 ?�4emorandi.un of Understanding applyinb to the - \ Civic Center Stage Employees. (12538-�i) 7. Resolution chanbing grade of Parking �teter Atoilitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. (12545-C�1) � 3. Resolution cllanging grade of Parking i�fetei- �lonitor Supervisor from Gi-ade 19 to Grade 21. (12542-C�1) 9. Resolz�tion replacing class specification ancl revising min�mwn qualific�tions foi- titles of Project Management Technician ancl Project Atana�er I. (125fi�-(�Q (C0�'TINUF.D . . -) C(TY H�LL SEVE�iTH FLOOR SAI�iZ' PAUL, ti1Iti�ESO�f�� »lOZ . ���.,:�, .,._,� �=.�� ' . (iITY �i �AIi�7"'I' �P.E�.UL �j���� � ° %�"���`��:<'' O:E'��ICE OF T�TZ�: CZTY COUVGIL " +�:_���.'�,��-.:�?�'- :���. � � �;:..... �-� ;..< ti±Y,l,' 'Y� 'r�� � °5"�� Da t e , January 7, 19S2 �`�_";^ ;,lci2.: :�� C, Q ��1� i'� � i I t.`�.. i�G � � r Q i�� TO : Soinfi Paut Gi�Py CouncEl � � � � � C O Rl h"t f fil'e� O 1`1 FII�TANCE, ALti�'AGE��,'T �, P�RSO`:��L George ric,�lahon , chairman, ma�ces the fol lowing � report on� C. F. � -[] Ordir�ance . (9) Q Resolution . �] Other � � - � � Ti�'LE : . At its meeting of January 7, 1982, the Financ�� Committee reconunended anproval of � the following: . .--- --- -- � 1. Resolution approving appropriation from �Iunicipal State Aid Street Furids for �'� improving railroacl crossing on Raiidol�h arid Toronto. (12553-GI�I) - 2. Resolutiorl approving Shuttle Service Contract Extension. �. Resolutiori approving method for payment of setirerance pay. (12552-�1) 4. Resolution ap�roving Agreements bet�veen ISD #625 and the Electricians I.oczl I10, � Cement I�tasons Local #560 and Roofers Local #96. (12540-Q�1) . 5. Resolution apgroving 1931-1983 Abreements bet��een City, ISD u625 and Glaziers Local #1324. (12539-GM) 6. Resolution approving 1982-1983 Memoranclwn of Undcrstanding applyina to the � Civic Center Stage Employees. (12538-(�i) 7. Resolution chanbing grade of Parking I�Ieter l�totiitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. � � (12545-�1) S. Resolution clianging grade of Parking l�teter �1oni toi• Supervisor fram Grade 19 ; to Grade 21. (12542-(�1) I I� 9. Resolution replacing class specification ancl revi.sing minimwn qualific�tions foi• � titles of Project Maiiagement Technician ancl Project Atanaaer I. (125fi4-(��I) i (CO\'TIh'I1ED . . -) CIT}C HALL SEVEtiTH FLOOR SAI�IT PAEJL, ti1I.�tiESOT�> »103 . '-�-�.,.��