278034 WMITE - CITY CLERK � �Qn�� PINK - FINANCE TT jt CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �� v L COUIICII v BLUE - MAYOR File N . u il Resolution Presented ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative R.esolution establishing the title and class specification for Computer Operations Supe rvi sor in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B (Clerical Group) by inserting the tztle of Computer Operations Supervisor in Grade 26; and be it FURTHER R.ESOLVED, th.at the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Secti.on 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Computer Operati.ons Supervisor. App roved: L C ai rman Civil Se rvi e Commi s si on COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays H��t PE SONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - � __ AgalpSt Y Tedesco �Ison JAN 19 �g82 For Approved y ity torne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P s•e y Council , cret BY `' � � B� _ Approved b • avor. Qat v�'►N � i�� App by Mayor for S m' sion to Council � By — BY , � iSHED JA �0 1982 WHITE - CITY CLERK � - .�}Q��� PINK - FINRNCE � T7 ��/° 4�I0 CANARY - DEPAftTMENT ,�I T Y O F S A I N T �A a� L C011I1C3I �}� � s�vE - "'"^'t`""' File N 0. C I T Y C L E R K Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the title . and class specification for Computer Operations Supe rvi s o r in the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.B.{Clerical Group) by inserting the ti.tle of Computer Operati.ons Supervisor in Grade 26; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be further amended in 5e cti.on 32 by in se rting, i.n prope r alphabetical arde r, the attached class specification for Computer Operati.ons Supervisor. App rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILI�IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Meddox McMahon B snowatter __ Against Y Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Cuuncil Secretary BY By -- Appr�ved by lriavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - BY � ��iitle of, class: , ����,� COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. ' Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrative supervision over lower level data entry personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; ma.intains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. . Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic daCa processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS T�ao years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer vperation or one year's experience as a computer qperator with an on-line system which has a data-base management system. Title of class: � , �po�� C� COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technica�. and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technicaZ and/or administrative supervision over lower level data entry personnel. - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in � this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and scheduZes workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. � Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor ma.intenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABII,ITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function o€ electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronfc data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS . Two years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-�ine system which has a data-base management system. Title of. class: �6���� COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- . vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administra�ive supervision over lower level data entry personnel. - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to de�partments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processiag operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work artd reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees 3n keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-line system which has a data-base management system. Title of class: ������ COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrative supervision over lower level data entry personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma.y not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Confers wi.th departments regarding time and reporting requiremeats; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; ma.intains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental. deadlines. , Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. _ _ Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ' Ttao years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's expezience as a computer operator with an on-line systam which has a data-base management system. Title of class: � �"`���� � � COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs reZated duties as required. Supervision Received: tdorks under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrative supervision aver lower level data entry personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include aIl duties performed by all positions in � this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKII�LS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUri QUALIFICATIONS �ao years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-Yine system which has a data-base management system. � • Title o£ class: COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK - - General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directfng the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. ' Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrative supervision over lower level data entry personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entrq terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. . Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders suppZies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-line system which has a data-base management system. . Title of class: • COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrative supervision over lower level data entry personneZ. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. .. Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work a.nd reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departnents. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders snpplies. -- Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. � Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ' Zt,ro years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized training program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-line system which has a data-base management system. . � : . -_ Title of. class: � . COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK - - General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and technical work operating and directing the operation of a tape and disk computer system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Data Processing Manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical and/or administrat�ive supervision over lower level data entry personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Confers with departments regarding time and reporting requirements; prepares and distributes reports to departments. . Prepares tapes and disks for input; maintains and updates tape and disk library. Operates auxiliary data processing equipment used in overall data processing operations. Processes programs from remote job entry terminals. Reviews and logs incoming materials, determines priorities and schedules workload within the framework of established departmental deadlines. Performs incidental clerical work. Assigns work to data entry operators, monitors progress of work and reviews work for accuracy and completeness. Trains and instructs new employees in keypunch and CRT terminal operation and procedures. Reviews difficult or unusual assignments with keypunch operators; operates keypunch CRT keyboard, verifier. Decollates, bursts and distributes reports to appropriate departments. Keeps an inventory of paper stock and other supplies; orders supplies. Reports computer malfunction to management; notifies vendor maintenance personnel; keeps records of all hardware malfunctions. Maintains backup files as prescribed by data processing management to assure the "integrety" of data files. Monitors console messages and reacts as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of computer operations control language. Considerable knowledge of the operation and function of electronic data processing equipment. Considerable skill in the operation and set-up of electronic data processing equipment. Ability to format key-disk system using Cobol language. Working ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Ability to supervise and train operations staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a data entry operator and successful completion of a recognized traini.ng program in computer operation or one year's experience as a computer operator with an on-line system which has a data-base management system. �- � Do not detach this memarandum frOm th� F� �� � PC �� �gl—�s�- . re�olution so that this informatlon WIII be aEXPTANA�ONh�FCADMIIPI�Tl�A�IVE ORDERS, ���3� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Decernber 9, 1981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Couneil ACTTON REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATTONALE FOR THIS ACTION Thi s Re soluti.on e stabli she s the ti.tle of Compute r Ope ration s Supe rvi sor in Grade 26 of Secia.on 3.B ,�Clerical Group) and the class specification for this ti.tle in Secti.on 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The Bi-weekly Salary Range for Grade 26 is shown below (1981 rates): A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 567. 12 592. 89 619. 29 647. 53 676. g8 707. 05 726. 08 746. 34 755. 84 765. 35 $14, 785. 00 ann.ually $19, 952. 00 FINANCIAL IMPACT The present grade for the position at City-Wide Data Processing is 22. The reclassification is in Grade 26. This represents a 12% increase. 'T'he first year�s salary differential will be approximately $1, 250. 00 based on 1981 salaries. ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. _ C,'X'�'�X' €3�` ���,a.�rn �x-�.�F'�.l"7';. � �="':�----;: . • (� 1 r � � ���J��'� :j � '�'. OFFI�L O: '�.•rl��, C�'rY C0�1Cix. � i�'.'r�j.:.-'"�:�'��t'•.:� � ' I : 1 � �•.' •� ;`� � :', :�• '�� L�,- '��-��' ,` ~'�f:�,i` �Do�t e . Jarniary 7, 1982 � .,�a.�`�j:' ,�� �i � �e� ?��{ i 1 � � C. 1�i i � � � � . . . . �" o : Sain� Pc�c�� Cif � ��u�3�±� � . . _-�= � � '�'c O � � G C i c 1 iY'f t�2'�� ��! FINEWCE, T�INAGE.�IEI��'I' F� PERSONNEL - - - _- . George NIc�lahori ; �hoicman� �nt��Ces �he fnl lo:^�int� - . . �°epc�r� un �G.'F. . : � � CJrclinaiice . . . (2) a Resolu�ion _ . . � CJ:fie�' . - ' �' [�'�....� : . l�t its meetirig of J�itiary 7, 1982, t31e Finance Committee .recorrmmEnded approval of - __. . _._�_ tlie_fallowing: . . _ ---_ -- 10. Resolution amendin� Section 9 of the Civil Service Rules regarding �aaiving � , employmerit. (12566-C�9), • - � 11. Resolution establishino title and class s;�ecification for t•itle of Computer - . Operations Supervisor.�� (12541-C�1) � � � - - ''fT�' iL�LL. SE�'E;tiTH Ft.00:Z S:�1\T P�UI., REII�ESJ�r1 5�1�� '�* - = . � _,.'•. `jY�� �� 1.7.[1�.�i r.�' �.�.�.� • Y.��:�' p� r:...: . _,; - - �C7�c�� �:'`�;�, oFric�:'o� ��z. ccrrx co��c=x. �::�:l. .--. � - �. ..��, ,:_, � �.�;:�:;;�� ,.., . •� �". `;,�`_. ` ���;� �Do - January 7 1982 \� te . � ��^-�f�,.�,�;� . 4;..?-,;�:.:;.� • CUi�d� �1i� � 1 T� � � � cr' 0r I . . . . - ' �• � - -� o : sa�n� Paut Git� Couc3c31 _ . . -�} . . . . _ . . �}�Q� = C U Tt CF1���E� O Cl F INANCE, TIANAGEMENT � PE�tSONNEL . . . r - - - � � .Ge.orge ��IcI�sahon ; choifman, maSces i'he fa1 [o�.•�ing ` � � � . � - � � . . (Jrdinat�c� . � � repart on �G.F. � .. � � ❑ . . . . . . . � . (2) � Res�iu#ion . _ . . � . . . . . . • � U;h er . � .- ' . . . . • . � . ; - . . . � - � 'I" t`3'L E : . . : • . � - At its meetirig of January 7, 1982, the Finance Cortnnittee .recorrnnended approval of - - .-� ___. .t�ie�f-ci��.owi�g-: . . � _ ; --r--. . : _. _ 10. Resolution amending Section 9 of the Civil S�rvice Rules regarding waiving . . employment. (12566-G1�, . . � 11. Resolution establishing title and class s;�ecification for title of Co�puter : , Operations Supervisor.�.` (12541-Q�'� , '_ _: . � �. ' � ' � - : - �, � � ' �- � •-�Ty i-L1LL SE�'E;ti'TH FJ.OrJ2 S.aI�T YAUL, afi�tiESfJTr1 S�I�= 5 � • � . , � � •M •t� r .. ....- _ . �.�___