278013 . _ , _. . _... y �: _ _ _ . WMITE - CITV CLERK �� � � PINK - FINANCE ` M CANARr - DEPARTMENT (� I -1' 1' �� l+ ► 7A I N T �,L1 �J L �OUOGI � � BLUE - MAYOR J � ,,� 11 � File NO. � -- - !���- Cou�ci Resoluti � � � Presented By �� � Referred To mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS, RICHARD A. SCHNARR has fhithful.�y served the City of Saint Paul for 27 years; and Wi�R�FAS, he has held responsible positions of supervision and policy direction in the Bureau of Public Buildings, Depa.rtment of Public Works and the Depa.rtment of Plannin� and Economic Development; and WHERFAS, he -has effective]y represented t�e City of Saint �ul on numerous County, Metropolitan and Sta.te technical committees; NOW, T�EF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that the City Council of the City of Sa.int Paul hereby commends RICHARD A. SCHNARR and wishes. him a happy� f1i].filling and well-earned retirement. , ' � � �� I . �° 1�,; �•. Z L, ' ~ ' ,�1 . � ,t� ; �� � li � ,; � � � � � . �� , i j c COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine �fl FaVOC Maddox � �Ae11Aei+on sno.�icer __ Against BY Tedesoo Vlfilso� �AN 1 2 t982 Form Approved by City Attorney Aduptcd b�• Cuuncil: Date Certifird �s�ed b• Coun � ect y BY :�1'�� ��� _ ��: . . ApE�r, �r h� V1e�or. D t JQN 1 `� ��a Approved by.Mayor Eor Submission to Council � __ By � PUBLISHED JAN ' 3 1982