278006 WHITE - CITY CLERK �jl��R 1'� PINK - FINANCE `J �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUACII BLUE - MAYOR File N . cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Council Resolution number C.F. 273954, adopted October 30, 1979, did authorize the implementation of the Fringe Parking Shuttle Service Program commencing November 1, 1979, and granted an extension of said program through October 31, 1981 by Council Resolution C.F. 276000, adopted November 25, 1980; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has established the funding source for the Shuttle Service beginning November 2, 1981; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Operations Section of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, with the endorsement from the Parking Commission, has determined that this program continues to meet the objectives of the downtown parking programs; and jdHEREAS, a contract extension of the shuttle services for a two year period has been negotiated by the Downtown Operations Section and the Downtown Operations section recommends the approval of this extension by the City Council as being in the best interest of the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authroizes the downtown Fringe Parking and Shuttle Program, originally implemented in Council Resolution C.F. 273954, be continued for a two year period beginning November 1, 1981. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THE Downtown Operations Section, in addition to its responsibilities for the coordination and administration of the Fringe Parking Shuttle Service Program, shall continue to submit quarterly reports to the City Council documenting the program's effectiveness. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox �,f y2/,� N' / sno�T _ Against i ���' �" • r �'� Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 1 2 198 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya e Co ncil cret ��'?� By pro d by Mayor: _IeN 1 d 1�G� Approve b Mayor for bmission to Council � BY � PUBLISNED J A N 2 3 1982 . , ;�� ,._ CI�Y O�` ►�.�INZ' P'.AUL /r l OFB'YCE OF TH�: CITY COUNCIL � "1 � `)J � "��,.,�� � . �� �, — +ia'';;.a.�...ti-r F. ��,.��r, ,� . � '� �� . Da t e : January 7, 1982 ��'. �' G <11D�i1� i��� G � � � � �i� TO : Sainfi Pctut Gity Councit . . � - . . F R 0 l�+1 � C o m m i t t e� o n FINa1vcE, MANAGII�IENT F� PERSONNEL � . � George McTlahon , choirman, makes the fotlowing � � report on� GF. ' �-[� �rdinance . . . � (9) �] Resolufiion . - � Qther ' � T ITL� :� . At its meeting of January 7, 1982, the Finance Committee recor!unended anproval of � the following: �- � . --�--.__ .. 1. Resolution approving appropriation from. Thmicipal State Aid Street Funds for � improving railroad crossing on Randolph and Toronto. (12553-(� _ � `2. Resolution approving Shuttle Service Contract Extension. : 3. Resolution approvirig method for payment of severance pay. E12552-(�I) � - 4. Resolution approving Agreements betwe�n ISD #625 and the Electricians Loca1 110, � • Cement Masons Local #560 and Roofers Local #96. (12540-Q�'� . � 5. Resolution apgroving 1931-1983 A�reements �between City, �SD #625 and Glaziers- Local #1324. (12539-GI� . 6. Resolution approving 1982-1983 Memorandtun of Understanding applying ta �the � .� � Civic Center Stage F�nployees. (i2538-GNn - - � - � 7. Resolution changing grade of Parking Meter Monitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. ' � (12545-(�i) 8. Resolution changing grade of Parking Meter r�onitor Supervisor from Grade 19 to Grade 21. (12542-GNn . 9. Resolution replacing class specification and revising minimun qualifications for titles of Project Management Technician and Project Manager I. (12564-(� �_ (QOIVTIMIED . . .) CITY HALL SEVE?vTH FLOOR . SAIYT PAUL, ti'iI``+ESOTA 55103 ::?���s � _ �'I'�'Y ��+` �,�IiV'I' ��F�.�UI.. .a�: ��_,�T • .,;,����� . %�' �� ..°�r�� oFr�xcE o� 2�r;-� cY�r� couvcxz. >�:- � �. J�: �—^• �, ;y�, �I- ,y. � . 1..^;� �. � . .� ' S"i����i �I t��-�7.�N.:�� �C,Zw . . y1�r� - ��J'"t • ��,-yj1�' - ,,`. D a t e . January 7, 1982 ,. �L. - -�;,�2w �`c,`�"a.. . C � ��� ��J� � i �" r,.�-�'.. � � � � � � i TO : Soin� Pau! City Counci� . . ��Q �+9 � C o�r�i��e� O f°I FINANCE, n�inTacL���rr F, Pr��so�rNEL . George 1�1ci�7ahon , chairmar�, makes tk�e follov�ing � reporf on� C. F. � --[� �rdinarrce . (9) � Resofution : �] Oi-her � �T i`�"L E : � At its meeting of January 7, 1982, the Finance Committee reconunended ani�roval of • the following: _ � - 1. Resolution approving appropriat:ion :Erom Alunici.pal State Aid Stree� Flin�ls for ` improving railroad cross:ing on Randol.pll an.d 'I'oronto. (12553-CT�I) - 2. Resolution approving Shuttle Service Contract Extension. 3. Resolution approving method for payment of severance pay. (12552-GI�i) � 4. Resolution approving Agreements bet�veen ISD #625 and the El.ectricians Local �110, � Cement 1�lasoi�s Local #560 and Roofers Local #f9G. (12540-Q�i) . 5. Resolution ap��roving 193.1-1983 Aareements between City, ISD #625 and Glaziers Local #1324. ("12539-GN1) 6. Resolution approving 1982-�983 MemoY�anclwn or Understanding applying to the `� Civic Center Stage Employees. (12538-(�4) � 7. Resolution channing grade of Parking Tleter Alanitor from Grad� I5 to Grade I7. � � (12545-(��) _ 8. Resolution changin� grade o£ Parking 1�1eter r�onitor Supervisor from Grade 19 to Grade 21. (12 54 2-C�'�1) . . 9. Resoluti.on replacing clac,�; specification anci revising m�nimwn c�ualifi.cations for ti.tl�s of Project Tlanageuient `l;echnician and Project Mana�er I. (12564-('��l) (CONTIN[JED . . .) CITY H�.T_L SEVEti'TH FLOOR . SAI�1T PAUL, b�fI�`ESOT� 5�102 • ::.�T>�y • . . - �, m .�- Pe- �g t -�.�o: _ . .f M �, .. � ... ..y . . . . ' � OM Q : 12/197'5 ; �- ; �8�� Rev. : 9/8/76 , ` R�v.. 5/7/gD J EXPLANAtIt�N 4� ADMINISTRATIVE OROERS, . Rev.: 4/30��1. ( RESqLUTTON� AND ORDINANCES , , l _ ' pAte: Nov�mber 30, 1:981 . �• Mayor Latimer, Counciiman McMahan F�: Mark Senn, Downtown Operations, FEI��J� . � ' RE• Fringe Parking/Shuttle Serv3;.ce: Shuttle Contract Exte�s�on ACTTQN REQUESTED: �; _ City Council L�pproval - Resolution RtlR�O�if AND RATI4NALE FOR THIS ACTION; , Factemd shuttle eontract consistent with contract requireme�ts to persai.t continuous service for 24 month pe�fod with a 3f1 da3� . � � ' canc�liation clause. Daily shuttle useage has`doubled over � i�st year's usage a�.rl parkers have continued to shift to fringe parl��ig locations, encouraging grea.ter numbers of shopper parking . spaces in the downtown core, all achieving program ob�ectives - . since startup in 1979. . ; FI�� IMPACT: . .� : Shuttle contract costs from designated parkin� meter rev�ercu�s, budgeted for Z982. New contract cost increase l.ess than last year's increase. a�tracr��rrs: City Council Resolution - ��•f. r�vn•�c.r_ l.> j ����� �� �' .,:1. � ���I� I���1 iJ I. C.UUt7Cl1 � ; ll�, ?i.i� �� _ or:v��rrr�+Fnr YI�D-P<:l:"i:l.Il�j � �� „,�.'�3z Filc H O._.__� ��"� } ° �' ; ` Co���c��l ��e��l������ . �1 � � � � � �- �_��� � F=�c:;��n t e c1 E3 y� �: _�'�'---- ---------------------- --- � Keferced To _ —__ —.�__ _ Comrnittct:: Datc .__ �x�+G ,. �_� t)ut of Comrnittee F3y __.__..------------- — —�.�— D�te - _. �v'ELI:E�F11S, Th:: Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Council Resolution C.F. 273954, adopf�ci Oct�ber 30, 1979, did authorize the i.�plc��itation of a one-yc��r c�rantarm Fr.:i.nge Parking Shuttle Servia� Program ocxim�ncir�g rlove�-��,}.�er l, 1979, as inclix3n_ci in the �3o�;�c.vni�e.r .l'1, 1978, Daantr,�,m P�-irkulg Policy P.lan of the Saint Pau1 Planning Carrmission, and as reoair.�nc�,^_d by the Parking Ac�miniwtration; and ��I-IE�S, �In anticipation of th� Pr.ogra:n's con'r_inuan�, the Par}.ing Ac�n�.ra.istrat.ion has k�c�n o�ordinating this shuttle proc�r��m witYi Operati.on 85's "Corrriut�er I�lte.rnatives Progr��n" c�ith the desixe of inclurluig this s�rvice as an emplayee option; and 4J'���AS, Tl� Council of t1� City of Saint Paul 1-u�s alreaciy est:ab]_ished the fLmdi.ng progra�-n or source £or the 1980-B1 st7uttle service perial; and L�F���1S, 7he Parking AdrRinistration, after mceivang endors�rnnts from t�re Parkang C�mtussion and Plan.czinc� Cormtission and after detennining that ttie b�st int�xes� of Saint Pau1, ��.rticul��rly daantcxan Saint Paul, would k� scrved by the contirn�ation of tti� Prograrn for anotlzer year, has re�n�nded to the City Cc�uncil, the continuation of the Frznge Parking and Shuttle Servi� Program for one additional ye��z. NC��a T�III�EE�RL 33E IT RE�C)LVi:t� That t11e Co�ncil of the City of Saint Paul hc�re�� al.l�.'�orizes tlie d<�x•mt�rm FrizZge ParJ:i.r� and Shuttle Seivic� Prvgram, ing�lc��ntec� isz Co•anci.l_ Resolution C.F. 273�54, adopted Octo�:r?r 30, 1979, ta be cx�ntin�d for ane acic?�itional ycar �C�i nn;ng P�To -vu�i�.r l, 1980. . BE TT FUI�1'�ff•:iZ F;�?:�)LVED That thn ParkisZg 1ldministxation in addition '� i��_ving cUn- tin;a�d re�pc�nsability i:��r t;he o�o�inat..ion �-ind a�inistration of the IYii�ge Par'r:ing �u�,a Shuttle Servic� Pra�ram, shall suk.~nit quai:t�xly reports tr� the C.ity Council_ e��lai11u1g tlz� program's effecfiiveness. B� I'T �'LJ��i'��r.'Ft F2�:9�LV'F.I) `I'hat payn�l-�t for the Shuttl.e �exvice Pr�r� stUZl.l k� m.�de frca-n parking revenu�s. COUN�iL�1iI:[Y Reyuest��d by Department of: � 1'eas Nayti .-- � Ffur;t � ��v��� [n Favor --.___---- ---------------- --__ __. __ R9�C�JUX , 1 P."rerM4u=ae,w V � �L��-��-�2�}. � Showaltur _ ��'31I1St �Y —_—. _ ��� - 7eciesco v� � 2 5 1980 Adup' by Coun i: Datc _�OV -- Form Approved by City Attorncy - . � �.��rlified ?' . ed hy Counc'il Se�<2etary, (}�..�-��-Qcr . �/L�'�-e--.�_!I`I���O ` �. 3f._ _—,�!_L!"`__ - -- — --- A��pro !``1 ',�� 1lavor. D.i � c.f�/___����---�_l:��i.,�. _ ��pprovcd b;� Mayor foi Su}�rnission tu Council 1 � ( r r . t , /'�F � -�t' E3}' �.-K{� -�-+•� .. .� �--�--------------`---------- .`>L--L'�lr� �t ��{Y1 r- \ ��f �-�-.: �1-�„'.,�__�. � �� �1}- �Y ---L--==�---_-`- %� 1 a'— . .. � + -