278003 WHITE - CITY CLERK �F� PINK�� - FINANCE / �{:���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COURCII p,�,� �; � �� BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHE1t�AS, It has been de�ed advisable and necessary for the City of Saint Paul to participate in the cost of reconstructing a railway qrade crossing on a county aid street (Ranc'�olph Avenue at Toronto Street, P-O811) by furnishinq a modular plastic crossinq material; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we do hereby appropriate from our Municipal State Aid Street Funds the su� of $26,800.00 to pnrchase said crossinq material and request the Cam�issioner of Highways to approve this authorization. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � " Hunt PUb OrhB RGP Levine [n Favor Maddox A iMoNl�lien � . snoweiter - __ Against BY — Tedesco w�iso� 1982 ,�AN 12 Form Appro d by ity A torney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d P• s• Co ncil re BY sy ` , ea hy ,�a�o�: _JAN 14 1 AP by Ma f u on to C uncil �' _ _ PUBUSHED JAN 2 3 1982 �,L�--•-:` � _ CITY OF ,�i.�Ii�7'1' �PAUI. � � `� �` ����'�,�, oF�cE ox� T$:� cY� cowczz. �' � � � � ��� .�. :.�;;;.�.,. � �� ..,....L.. ;� - t1���$f, jC . C -= ._ '�� . Do t e : January 7, 1982 •: �� -� GOi�1 �� �1�"� E � E � Q �T TO : Sain� Pau! Ci�y Councii . - -. � . F R 0 Nl = C o t r�m i 3�t e� o n F INalveE, r�aNac�trrr � PERSO�L � �. � George Mc1�4ahon � , choirman, makes the fotlowing � � report on� G.F. � �-[� Ordinance . (9) � Resolufiion . � ' �] Ofiher ' . T !�'L� : . At its meeting of January 7, 1982_, the Finance Cormnittee recor�nended anproval of ' the followin -�._ .:- � --=g� -------__ _ __ _ __ 1. Resolutian approving appropriation from. A-�.micipal State Aid Street Furids for improving railroad crossing on Randolph and Toronto. (12553-(� _ 2. Resolution approving Shuttle Service Contract Extension. 3. Resolution approving method for payment of severance pay. (12552-(� - 4. Resolution approving Agresments between ISD #625 and the Electricians Loca1 �10, • Cement Masons Local #560 and Roofers Local #96. (12540-Q�'� . � 5. Resolution approving 1931-1983 Agreements between City, ISD #625 -and Glaziers Local #1324. (12539-GNn � 6. Resolution approving 1982-1983 Memorandwn of Understanding applying to �the � . � . � Civic Center Stage Employees. (12538-(� . � � • 7. Resolution �changing grade of Parking Meter Monitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. " � (12545-(� � 8. Resolution changing grade of Parking Meter Agonitor Supervisor from Grade 19 to Grade 21. (12542-GNn . 9. Resolution replacing class specification and revising minimwn qualifications for titles of Project Management Technician and Project Manager I. (12564-C� �. . (CONTIN[JED . . .) CiT'Y H�►I-L SEVENTH FLOOR . SAIYT PAUL, �'II��ESOTA SS103 :�:_�_'�:a� . ' ---� • �� �`���� -�- �_; : . �I��Y" �7�.�� ���N'�� �.�.v�. m�: :� � . � ;,:� ���. /� /'� ^f mTy Y n�/ ��7 T �� �. - �• .����'�� '�,/F�V� �ll� 11:11i C1�1._L ��l.Jl`I��1J ,�.�*; �� � : �� -:.,���':� `�'- ,.,y.y,;;.,...:� �.:.� ��- >.,,, .»..:,-• ;,; ye� ;;�I�r��'�`:.�''!� . ` u...i �rZ,.� . ��.,� :y � ,_ . Da t e . January 7, 1982_ �,,.. : ,_,�_ 1'a_.. . ��-��°�l�`•'}`' . � . � � . CC� �� ��,,� � i �t.M�.. � � � r� � �� T0 : Sdin� Pau! City Cour?c� � . � �2�? l� � C o�r�i��e� o r� r1�T�u�c�, rz��:qcr��;��r � P�:r�so�v��;�, George Mcl�lahon , chairman, ma'�es the follov�ing � report on� C.F. � -� Ordirrarrc� . � (�) � Resolution . . � Ofiher . T' i�" L E :� �t its meeting of January 7, 1982, the Finance Committee recor�nencled anprol�al o:f - ;the following: � `°- 1. Resolution approving ap}�ro�riation frOm. Alunicipal Sta�e Aid St�-eet I�uncls for improving railroad crossing on R�idolph and Toronto. (12553-(���9) - � 2. Resolution approving Shut�le Service Contract I:xtension. 3. Resolution approving method for payment of severance pay. (12552-C,�i) 4. Resolution approv�ng Agreements between ISD �f625 and the Elcctricians Loca1 110, � Cement �4asans Local t�560 and �oofers Local #96. (12540-GT1) . 5. Resoluti.on approving 1931-1983 Agreemeilts bettiaeen City, ISD #625 and Gla�iers Local #1324. (12539-GA4) G. Resolution approving 1982-1983 Memor�ndtmi of Understanding applying to the Czvic Center Stage Emplo��ees. (12538-(T4) 7. Resolution changing �rade of Parking I��Ieter Monitor from Grade 15 to Grade 17. � � (12545-(�1) S. Resolution cllanging grade of Parking Meter Tlonitor Supervisor from Grade 19 to Grade 21. (12542-�t) . 9. Resolution replacing class specification and re�rising mini.mLmi qualifications for titles of Project Management Technician ana Project 1�9anabcr I. (1256!�-(�t) (CONTII�?IJEV . . .) CIT� HALL SEVEtiTH FLOOR . SAINT Pr'CUL, ti�1Ir��SOTA 5710? ' .�?a:5 y. � J , � � a, : J �Z�{��� , � Rev. : 9!8/76 Rev. : 5/7/SE)�8��� • EXPt,ANATI 0N OF ADM1 N i S�'RAT!VE ORDE RS, Rev. : 4/30/81 � RESOLliT10NS AND ORDtNANCES �' /y�,�. PC � � gl - 0'1.5/ DATE: December 9, 1981 RECEIVED ro: �tayor Georg� �,atimer UEC 1 51981 FROM: Rovert �. Peterson, Public works _ MAYORS OFFICE (�: P-0811 xail�vay Crossinqs (Randolph Avenue at Toronto Street) ACTION REQUESTED: Expenditure of Municipal State Aid Monies Off Systen PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: . This action reprasents the ffiost judicious use of various fundinq sources for improvinq the railroad crossing on Randblph Avenue . at Toronto Stre�t. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution