00-489Council File # U�— y y f Green Sheet# '103232 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activity the past four z years with sign�cant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and a WHEREAS, 1999 was the single largest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, again topping s the half billion dollar mark for the second time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and io WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the i� current increase in workload through various reassignments of existing staff and the addition of hvo new inspection �z positions; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for is appropriations $114,613 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2D00 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED �s that the City Council approves the followi�g changes to the 2000 budget: n 18 19 zo FINANCING PLAN: zi Department of Executive Administration zz Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za zs GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing z� za SPENDING PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration so Division - License, Inspections, and ai Environmental Protection Current Budget 3,894,208 1,223,993 5,118,201 Change 114,653 0 114,613 Amended Budget 4,008,821 1,223,993 5,232,814 32 aa GL 320 33351 0117 Trades w/o City Benefits 1,762,586 78,160 1,840,746 aa GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades 283,007 3A,453 317,460 as GL 320 33351 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 75,24Q 2,000 77,240 as AllOtherACtivirySpending 2,997,368 0 2,997,368 a� 5,118,201 114,613 5,232,814 � � � .�_ •... -�. ��-' �.il !�� ?:/,.�� _iri r.:./ RES�LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and Environme�ital Protection By: � ��� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By' �'''� �'�--� Form Appro ed� y City Attome� �� By: ApE By: !3 Adopted by Council: Date �, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secreta DE4ARTMENt10FFKFICWNCSL 9ATEMITIAT£B �� �� ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 05/08/00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103232 Initial/Dafe IniEal/Oa[e CONCARPERSON&PNONE dDEPMTMEI:CWRECSOA � C[[YCOUNCIL RobertKessler 266-9112 � rnrnnaxc+er__ �'� � crrccrfx�c MIISTBEONCAUNCILAGEN'UABY(DA'I� � FINANCIALSE0.VICFSDIR ❑6 F➢V.SEitV1CF50£F/ACCIG ❑6 MAYOA(ORASSL51' �`��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNATURE) ( ncnon a�pumEn Approval to amend 2000 spending and financing for LIEP Special Fund 320 xeco[.�unnons:a�o+e�n>«x� .pe7 PERSONALSERVICECONI"RACISMUSTANSWERI"HEFOLIAWINGQUESTTONS: eumvwc wi.i.wss�oH 1. Has t7�is persodfirm ever worked under a wntact torthis departrnevt? C�ecoMUfrrzSe YES NO CrvLL SERVICE COMhllSSION 2. Has tlus persod5rm ever been a ciry employee? n sr� YES NO 3. Dou this peaon/firm possess a slnll not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person / Emi a targeted vrndot? YES NO (Explaiv all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach ta greeo sheet.) MRIATWGPROBLEM,ISS�E�OPPoR'NNITY(Who, What, Whm, Wbue, W6y): For the last four years, the City of Saint Paul has experienced significant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, an revenues. This has substantially increased the inspectors' workload. The Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has develop a plan to meet the incceaced workLoad throu� staff reassignments and the addition of two new inspecrion positions. Funding for these new positions will come from additional permit fees and record construc[ion activiTy. pDVqNTAGES IFMPROVFD: Adding these new positions wi11 pcovide needed assistance to meet the inereased wockload, DISADVANTAGbSIPqPPROVPD. } � � � . -lr _ None �,`'t� ���s''� � � � Yc� -_:� P11Ni � t�V1F .+�'.�+� �, ���t%�_�i. w�#„�`�0y'3 �YS Ct u�'�. ��::�a� 9 DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTAPPROVED. The City would experience increased difficulty in maintaining the required leve] of inspections for new conshvction and renovation projects. C�.'9� ���tf�t CAn#� ���Y � 7 2000 iOTAi.M10UIVl'OFiRN'SACTIOrv_� 114.613 COSTAtE�ENpEBUDGETED[CIRCLEOrvE) YES NO FUND4YGSOORCE Permit Fees ACEN11VP11MBEN GL - 320-33351-2800 FINANCIAL INFORMASION� (£XpVS� � Dd- s��� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUI. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May 10, 2000 To: City Council President Daniel Bostrom City Councilmember Fr: 3oe Reid, Budget Directia'r 1 Robert Kessler, LIEP Director Re: Request For Additional FTE's—To Keep Pace With Increased Construction Levels As you know, construction activity in the City conrinues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substanrial increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues (see attached LIEP Annual Pernut Report labeled as Attackunent "A"). Until 1999, LIEP staff could handle the increased wark load through efficiencies, warking smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998 and 1999, it was necessary for us to add one plan reviewer, and a building and plumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. These positions, plus the Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, are the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in 1992, outside of the transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the transfer of the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Board of Zoning Appeals. In addition, you may know we have created a number of new positions (System Help Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPS/AMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Trainee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Elnninating Dick Amey's and Gary Pechman's management positions) and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations through Process Redesign, all within our approved budget for staff. When we completed the vision for the redesigned Office with the heip of Rita Kidd in 1994, we noted that the new computer system would improve the efficiency of back office operations by approximately 80 to 90%, front counter operations by about 50%, and field work by only 10 to 15%. The creafion of the ECLTPS/t1MANDA system has improved our "in-office" processing efficiency and capacity, but it obviously cannot perform inspections and solve problems in the field where our mission critical work takes place. Field staff provide our direct services, the rest of us who work in the office are here primarily to support the field inspectors. Since 1994, LIEP's overall workload has increased by more than 150% while our staff complement has increased by only 6%; 3% if you do not count the staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. We have been looldng fonvard to the completion of the Wild Arena to give us some relief, but we recently learned that we have another project of similar size and complexity with the Metropolitan Council's proposed addition and 'unprovement to their huge treahnent facility at Pig's Eye wlv ch has already been started. On top of this huge, but generally obscure project, we know that the increase in Od- ��s Council President Bostrom & Councilmembers May 10, 2000 Page 2 housing construction, resulting from the Mayor's Housing Initiative, will stretch our resources to the maximum. The 835 housing uniCs in the pipeline for production this yeaz represents an 700% increase over average annual figure for the past five years. And most significantiy, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of construcrion. Clearly, without ECLIPS(AMANDA we would not be able to keep, but even with the new system we aze ciose to being overwhelmed with work, and we need to add funding related to FTE's to keep pace with our workload, wlvch has reached a critical point. We are asking specifically far approval to increase the spending budget for 2000 related to the costs of two addifionai inspector positions to the LIEP special fund as well as increasing the corresponding financing budget. Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Mileage Total $ 38,962 salary for 8 months plus $17,183 fringes $ 39,198 salary for 8 months plus $17,270 fiinges 2 000 for 8 months $ 114,613 Please let us know if you have any quesrions regarding this request. c: Mayor Norm Coleman, d: Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers Council File # U�— y y f Green Sheet# '103232 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activity the past four z years with sign�cant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and a WHEREAS, 1999 was the single largest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, again topping s the half billion dollar mark for the second time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and io WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the i� current increase in workload through various reassignments of existing staff and the addition of hvo new inspection �z positions; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for is appropriations $114,613 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2D00 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED �s that the City Council approves the followi�g changes to the 2000 budget: n 18 19 zo FINANCING PLAN: zi Department of Executive Administration zz Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za zs GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing z� za SPENDING PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration so Division - License, Inspections, and ai Environmental Protection Current Budget 3,894,208 1,223,993 5,118,201 Change 114,653 0 114,613 Amended Budget 4,008,821 1,223,993 5,232,814 32 aa GL 320 33351 0117 Trades w/o City Benefits 1,762,586 78,160 1,840,746 aa GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades 283,007 3A,453 317,460 as GL 320 33351 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 75,24Q 2,000 77,240 as AllOtherACtivirySpending 2,997,368 0 2,997,368 a� 5,118,201 114,613 5,232,814 � � � .�_ •... -�. ��-' �.il !�� ?:/,.�� _iri r.:./ RES�LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and Environme�ital Protection By: � ��� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By' �'''� �'�--� Form Appro ed� y City Attome� �� By: ApE By: !3 Adopted by Council: Date �, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secreta DE4ARTMENt10FFKFICWNCSL 9ATEMITIAT£B �� �� ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 05/08/00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103232 Initial/Dafe IniEal/Oa[e CONCARPERSON&PNONE dDEPMTMEI:CWRECSOA � C[[YCOUNCIL RobertKessler 266-9112 � rnrnnaxc+er__ �'� � crrccrfx�c MIISTBEONCAUNCILAGEN'UABY(DA'I� � FINANCIALSE0.VICFSDIR ❑6 F➢V.SEitV1CF50£F/ACCIG ❑6 MAYOA(ORASSL51' �`��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNATURE) ( ncnon a�pumEn Approval to amend 2000 spending and financing for LIEP Special Fund 320 xeco[.�unnons:a�o+e�n>«x� .pe7 PERSONALSERVICECONI"RACISMUSTANSWERI"HEFOLIAWINGQUESTTONS: eumvwc wi.i.wss�oH 1. Has t7�is persodfirm ever worked under a wntact torthis departrnevt? C�ecoMUfrrzSe YES NO CrvLL SERVICE COMhllSSION 2. Has tlus persod5rm ever been a ciry employee? n sr� YES NO 3. Dou this peaon/firm possess a slnll not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person / Emi a targeted vrndot? YES NO (Explaiv all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach ta greeo sheet.) MRIATWGPROBLEM,ISS�E�OPPoR'NNITY(Who, What, Whm, Wbue, W6y): For the last four years, the City of Saint Paul has experienced significant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, an revenues. This has substantially increased the inspectors' workload. The Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has develop a plan to meet the incceaced workLoad throu� staff reassignments and the addition of two new inspecrion positions. Funding for these new positions will come from additional permit fees and record construc[ion activiTy. pDVqNTAGES IFMPROVFD: Adding these new positions wi11 pcovide needed assistance to meet the inereased wockload, DISADVANTAGbSIPqPPROVPD. } � � � . -lr _ None �,`'t� ���s''� � � � Yc� -_:� P11Ni � t�V1F .+�'.�+� �, ���t%�_�i. w�#„�`�0y'3 �YS Ct u�'�. ��::�a� 9 DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTAPPROVED. The City would experience increased difficulty in maintaining the required leve] of inspections for new conshvction and renovation projects. C�.'9� ���tf�t CAn#� ���Y � 7 2000 iOTAi.M10UIVl'OFiRN'SACTIOrv_� 114.613 COSTAtE�ENpEBUDGETED[CIRCLEOrvE) YES NO FUND4YGSOORCE Permit Fees ACEN11VP11MBEN GL - 320-33351-2800 FINANCIAL INFORMASION� (£XpVS� � Dd- s��� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUI. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May 10, 2000 To: City Council President Daniel Bostrom City Councilmember Fr: 3oe Reid, Budget Directia'r 1 Robert Kessler, LIEP Director Re: Request For Additional FTE's—To Keep Pace With Increased Construction Levels As you know, construction activity in the City conrinues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substanrial increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues (see attached LIEP Annual Pernut Report labeled as Attackunent "A"). Until 1999, LIEP staff could handle the increased wark load through efficiencies, warking smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998 and 1999, it was necessary for us to add one plan reviewer, and a building and plumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. These positions, plus the Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, are the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in 1992, outside of the transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the transfer of the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Board of Zoning Appeals. In addition, you may know we have created a number of new positions (System Help Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPS/AMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Trainee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Elnninating Dick Amey's and Gary Pechman's management positions) and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations through Process Redesign, all within our approved budget for staff. When we completed the vision for the redesigned Office with the heip of Rita Kidd in 1994, we noted that the new computer system would improve the efficiency of back office operations by approximately 80 to 90%, front counter operations by about 50%, and field work by only 10 to 15%. The creafion of the ECLTPS/t1MANDA system has improved our "in-office" processing efficiency and capacity, but it obviously cannot perform inspections and solve problems in the field where our mission critical work takes place. Field staff provide our direct services, the rest of us who work in the office are here primarily to support the field inspectors. Since 1994, LIEP's overall workload has increased by more than 150% while our staff complement has increased by only 6%; 3% if you do not count the staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. We have been looldng fonvard to the completion of the Wild Arena to give us some relief, but we recently learned that we have another project of similar size and complexity with the Metropolitan Council's proposed addition and 'unprovement to their huge treahnent facility at Pig's Eye wlv ch has already been started. On top of this huge, but generally obscure project, we know that the increase in Od- ��s Council President Bostrom & Councilmembers May 10, 2000 Page 2 housing construction, resulting from the Mayor's Housing Initiative, will stretch our resources to the maximum. The 835 housing uniCs in the pipeline for production this yeaz represents an 700% increase over average annual figure for the past five years. And most significantiy, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of construcrion. Clearly, without ECLIPS(AMANDA we would not be able to keep, but even with the new system we aze ciose to being overwhelmed with work, and we need to add funding related to FTE's to keep pace with our workload, wlvch has reached a critical point. We are asking specifically far approval to increase the spending budget for 2000 related to the costs of two addifionai inspector positions to the LIEP special fund as well as increasing the corresponding financing budget. Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Mileage Total $ 38,962 salary for 8 months plus $17,183 fringes $ 39,198 salary for 8 months plus $17,270 fiinges 2 000 for 8 months $ 114,613 Please let us know if you have any quesrions regarding this request. c: Mayor Norm Coleman, d: Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers Council File # U�— y y f Green Sheet# '103232 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activity the past four z years with sign�cant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and a WHEREAS, 1999 was the single largest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, again topping s the half billion dollar mark for the second time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and io WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the i� current increase in workload through various reassignments of existing staff and the addition of hvo new inspection �z positions; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for is appropriations $114,613 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2D00 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED �s that the City Council approves the followi�g changes to the 2000 budget: n 18 19 zo FINANCING PLAN: zi Department of Executive Administration zz Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za zs GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing z� za SPENDING PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration so Division - License, Inspections, and ai Environmental Protection Current Budget 3,894,208 1,223,993 5,118,201 Change 114,653 0 114,613 Amended Budget 4,008,821 1,223,993 5,232,814 32 aa GL 320 33351 0117 Trades w/o City Benefits 1,762,586 78,160 1,840,746 aa GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades 283,007 3A,453 317,460 as GL 320 33351 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 75,24Q 2,000 77,240 as AllOtherACtivirySpending 2,997,368 0 2,997,368 a� 5,118,201 114,613 5,232,814 � � � .�_ •... -�. ��-' �.il !�� ?:/,.�� _iri r.:./ RES�LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and Environme�ital Protection By: � ��� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By' �'''� �'�--� Form Appro ed� y City Attome� �� By: ApE By: !3 Adopted by Council: Date �, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secreta DE4ARTMENt10FFKFICWNCSL 9ATEMITIAT£B �� �� ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 05/08/00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103232 Initial/Dafe IniEal/Oa[e CONCARPERSON&PNONE dDEPMTMEI:CWRECSOA � C[[YCOUNCIL RobertKessler 266-9112 � rnrnnaxc+er__ �'� � crrccrfx�c MIISTBEONCAUNCILAGEN'UABY(DA'I� � FINANCIALSE0.VICFSDIR ❑6 F➢V.SEitV1CF50£F/ACCIG ❑6 MAYOA(ORASSL51' �`��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNATURE) ( ncnon a�pumEn Approval to amend 2000 spending and financing for LIEP Special Fund 320 xeco[.�unnons:a�o+e�n>«x� .pe7 PERSONALSERVICECONI"RACISMUSTANSWERI"HEFOLIAWINGQUESTTONS: eumvwc wi.i.wss�oH 1. Has t7�is persodfirm ever worked under a wntact torthis departrnevt? C�ecoMUfrrzSe YES NO CrvLL SERVICE COMhllSSION 2. Has tlus persod5rm ever been a ciry employee? n sr� YES NO 3. Dou this peaon/firm possess a slnll not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person / Emi a targeted vrndot? YES NO (Explaiv all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach ta greeo sheet.) MRIATWGPROBLEM,ISS�E�OPPoR'NNITY(Who, What, Whm, Wbue, W6y): For the last four years, the City of Saint Paul has experienced significant increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, an revenues. This has substantially increased the inspectors' workload. The Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has develop a plan to meet the incceaced workLoad throu� staff reassignments and the addition of two new inspecrion positions. Funding for these new positions will come from additional permit fees and record construc[ion activiTy. pDVqNTAGES IFMPROVFD: Adding these new positions wi11 pcovide needed assistance to meet the inereased wockload, DISADVANTAGbSIPqPPROVPD. } � � � . -lr _ None �,`'t� ���s''� � � � Yc� -_:� P11Ni � t�V1F .+�'.�+� �, ���t%�_�i. w�#„�`�0y'3 �YS Ct u�'�. ��::�a� 9 DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTAPPROVED. The City would experience increased difficulty in maintaining the required leve] of inspections for new conshvction and renovation projects. C�.'9� ���tf�t CAn#� ���Y � 7 2000 iOTAi.M10UIVl'OFiRN'SACTIOrv_� 114.613 COSTAtE�ENpEBUDGETED[CIRCLEOrvE) YES NO FUND4YGSOORCE Permit Fees ACEN11VP11MBEN GL - 320-33351-2800 FINANCIAL INFORMASION� (£XpVS� � Dd- s��� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUI. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May 10, 2000 To: City Council President Daniel Bostrom City Councilmember Fr: 3oe Reid, Budget Directia'r 1 Robert Kessler, LIEP Director Re: Request For Additional FTE's—To Keep Pace With Increased Construction Levels As you know, construction activity in the City conrinues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substanrial increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues (see attached LIEP Annual Pernut Report labeled as Attackunent "A"). Until 1999, LIEP staff could handle the increased wark load through efficiencies, warking smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998 and 1999, it was necessary for us to add one plan reviewer, and a building and plumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. These positions, plus the Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, are the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in 1992, outside of the transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the transfer of the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Board of Zoning Appeals. In addition, you may know we have created a number of new positions (System Help Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPS/AMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Trainee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Elnninating Dick Amey's and Gary Pechman's management positions) and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations through Process Redesign, all within our approved budget for staff. When we completed the vision for the redesigned Office with the heip of Rita Kidd in 1994, we noted that the new computer system would improve the efficiency of back office operations by approximately 80 to 90%, front counter operations by about 50%, and field work by only 10 to 15%. The creafion of the ECLTPS/t1MANDA system has improved our "in-office" processing efficiency and capacity, but it obviously cannot perform inspections and solve problems in the field where our mission critical work takes place. Field staff provide our direct services, the rest of us who work in the office are here primarily to support the field inspectors. Since 1994, LIEP's overall workload has increased by more than 150% while our staff complement has increased by only 6%; 3% if you do not count the staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. We have been looldng fonvard to the completion of the Wild Arena to give us some relief, but we recently learned that we have another project of similar size and complexity with the Metropolitan Council's proposed addition and 'unprovement to their huge treahnent facility at Pig's Eye wlv ch has already been started. On top of this huge, but generally obscure project, we know that the increase in Od- ��s Council President Bostrom & Councilmembers May 10, 2000 Page 2 housing construction, resulting from the Mayor's Housing Initiative, will stretch our resources to the maximum. The 835 housing uniCs in the pipeline for production this yeaz represents an 700% increase over average annual figure for the past five years. And most significantiy, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of construcrion. Clearly, without ECLIPS(AMANDA we would not be able to keep, but even with the new system we aze ciose to being overwhelmed with work, and we need to add funding related to FTE's to keep pace with our workload, wlvch has reached a critical point. We are asking specifically far approval to increase the spending budget for 2000 related to the costs of two addifionai inspector positions to the LIEP special fund as well as increasing the corresponding financing budget. Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Mileage Total $ 38,962 salary for 8 months plus $17,183 fringes $ 39,198 salary for 8 months plus $17,270 fiinges 2 000 for 8 months $ 114,613 Please let us know if you have any quesrions regarding this request. c: Mayor Norm Coleman, d: Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers