277917 WHITE - CITY CLERK �i�:"-�� PINK - FINANCE �T COUACII �t �I� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � J.Devlin G I TY OF SA I NT �� ll L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee_By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y insures the lives of employees of the City of Saint Paul at the employee's expense under their Policy No. 365379-G, and WHIItFAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compan�r by a letter dated December 22, 1981, a copy of which is attached. hereto and incorporated herein by reference, indicates that the experience under the afore-mentioned group life insurance policy has resulted in a dividend account balance in the a�aounts o� $33,885.00, and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y in said letter makes a recoimnendation that the City Council authorize by resolution that this am�ount be paid proportionate7y to these persons under said group who were insured on September 30, 1981, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVID, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company is hereby authorized to distribute to such eligible employees a dividend representing approx- imately 2�, of the premium paid, and BE IT FIlV'ALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk be directed to prepare a certified copy of this resolution and deliver the same to the Minnesota Mutua.]. Life Insurance Company as soon as conveniently possible. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays /4 Hunt b �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter -�--- Ag8lnst BY Tedesco "�`'°" JAN 7 1982 For Appr ved b it orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by Counc' ecr BY By Approved 6 17avor. Date AN o �982 App d by Mayor for,Sub issi to Council By B � � PUBt�SHED JAN 16 1982 �r ' • � • . � 345 Cedar Street - MINNESOTA St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 MllIUAL LIFE s�2/298-3500 �i���0���� cc: Mr. John Devlin City of St. Paul 265 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dec�ob+�r �2, 1981 Dale Johansen 6-759 Alice Johnson 6-722 Jim Johnson 5-724 Mr. Tbo�s aleason Dave Smith 6-790 Director of Person�ael City of St. Paul 265 City Hall St. Paul. !�i 5�10� REs CITY OP ST. PAUL OPTIONAL P/1�TICIPATING GROUP LIF$ IN$U&tI+ICB PL.AN YOLICY #3653�9-a D�ar Mr. Glessoni The experienc� calculstioo tor tbe Janiury i, iS81 Lo �atober i, 1981 policy year has he�e c�pl�ted. ?he prsmiums paxd bq City evployae� !or thia groexp lif.e insuranas plan Mtre �1Y3�6►�9.ifl. Of t�at total, �i1,S70.SS was for nom-participating AD6D covez�g�, snd �112,03$.ZS was tor participating lif• in�urance cowra�e. Claim� i�ncurred aere ¢70,Oi8f ail clai�s �vsre on p�rticipating aov�rage. A list o� the claisis i� �ncloe�d. A convtrsion charge cav�rs �xcsss sortallty on neploye�s �►ho conv�rt ch�ir insnr- an�s to individusL polici�s issued by Minnasota !lutwl. TAis conwrsion cbarge is S60 per =1,000 of insuzanEe converted. During ths policy year, t�ro e�playees convert�d a total of �33,000 af irsuraace. and the fonvarsion charge is �2�100. A list af the canverting �ploqees !s also encloied. The p1aA esraed a divldend oi �31,Z67 for ths policy y�*r. Ther. are also additioaal divid�ud iands availabl• Mhich havs been l��t at l�tersst from pr�vious policy years. Tl�e following tsble aho�s th� dividtnds availabls for distribution as ot Octob�r 1, 1981e Balance at interest Januarq 1, 198! = 163.i9 Interest to October 1, 1981 at 8.5R 10.40 Dividend �arned Octob�r 1, 1981 31i26i.00 Total dividend Octob�r i. 1481 ;31,440.39 � • � . � �MINNESOTA si au�l,M ntnesota 55101 r. ��i ��ta on 612/298-3500�����;� r� DaC�b�r 3�� 19$1 � / Pag� 2 We recom�nd that tbsse diwtdends b� paid in cash to those e�loJeea aho were ins�sr�d on Sept�mb�r 30, 1981. Th� dividend xould be s p�rcentage ot •ach eligibla a�ploy�e'. pr�mluaa for tb� pa2lcy ylar. We can pr�pare the dividsnd chocks i�or distribntion as •oca ss We r�eeiw qour authorisatio�. ?ht atatus of the stabi�is�tion ress�cv►s is s�aari��d heloiv. Tbis rss�rve aas establishod ta stabilise experieAae �s�d c� provide for • awre cansistsnc p�ttarn of probabls dividsnd returns. Bach year, a portios af ebe gross divid�nd available. not esceRding it� oi the psemium s�csived ihat year, is �llocat�d to this reserva uatil tbe seserve reachea a l�vel equal to 30'� of the current annual ps�Ai�ua. Minnsaots Mutuil Cnrrently ar�dit• 8.5� annual int�r�st to the stabilisation reserv�. Btserve Balance Jaawz�r 1. 1981 ��2,48� _ Intorest to Oetober 1, 1981 at B.S�G 1.�46 Addition iro� �olicy j��ar sxperiex�ce 9.758 �as�rw balanc� Occob�r 1. 1981 �33�885 Also �ncle��d xith thit letter itt diselosurs information required by th� State of Minnesota. In 1973, tbe dirn�sota lsgiola�ure •atablished di�cloaura requiremsnts for insuranca plans Og gOV�xi�'IICA� cu�its. As indie�t�d on that disclosure for�, the total rstantio� charg�s for ehf plan asr� $-1,�23. The State of !linnesota was psid i1,616 as pr�mi� tax�s. Mother =b,i81 Mas paid ta the Ochs Ag•ncy tor its �nrollaieat and se�rieing ot tba plan. Other retention inalud�s f2,244 for prs�i� billi�g and collectioa snd �3,531 for other fnsurance ¢cmpany e�epensts. Thes� expense chasgss wers reduc�d b�t an interast credit of ;15,292, s�hich is the sumi of tbe cs�dits oa tbe disahilitY clain res�nres �ich ezisted oA Januarp i, 1981 amd an tb� nst cash tlo�► rs�uit af tbe policp yess. W! appreciate the opportnnity to be cf s�rvfce to the City on [his insuranc• progra�. If you havs ariy qusstions about this l�tter, p1�Aaa l�t m� knoW. Sincer�ly, � �ob Olafson Assistant Actuary BO:ds Bnclosnre � +;� ,r �,,�,: .� �� :+�:i A �'�a�'... � City of St. Paul - Employee Pay Policy No. 365379-G 1-1-81 to 10-1-81 CLAIMS REPORT DEATH Name Date of Death Age at Death Amount Crowell, [dilliam H. OS-07-81 73 � 2,000 Diaz, Joe Mary 03-07-81 52 4,000 Dupre, Milton H. OL-23-81 58 2,000 Hall, Robert F. 08-24-81 48 20,000 Hedman, James A. 06-21-81 + 54 4,000 Hermann, ltaymond J. 04-16-81 62 4,000 Hunt, Richard R. 01-10-81 49 10,000 Mertz, John J. OS-03-81 60 2,000 Spilman, Kenneth E. 03-31-81 60 1,000 Streich, Henry J. OS-19-81 67 10,000 TOTAL �59,000 CONVERSIONS Name Effective Date Amount Hanafin, Janet E. 04-10-81 $30,000 S�hubring, Richard W. 08-08-81 5,000 TOTAL �35,000 ' � Age at Date of Amount of Reserve on Reserve on Na�e Onset Onset Insurance 12-31-80 09-30-81 Abrahamson, Willard 63 03-16-76 $ 7,000 $ 3,752 $ 3,563 Anderson, Donald 61 01-06-81 15,000 11,550 10, 770 Antonsen, Lillian 58 04-00-78 5,000 3,860 3,625 Anzivino, Anthony 60 12-28-77 5,000 3,925 3,670 Aras, Casimir 59 08-25-76 2,000 1,574 1,484 Augst, George 54 12-13--77 4,000 2,968 2,756 Awsumb, Stuart 61 11-2$-75 2,000 1,604 1,506 Barrett, Eugene 62 02-25-81 10,000 7,210 Barrett, Margaret 58 12-03-75 2,000 1,576 1,472 Becker, Michael 44 08-18-75 3,000 1,956 1,791 Bohrer, Lester 58 08-24-68 2,000 1,658 1,580 Carlson, Roy 58 03-05-73 5,000 3,990 3,770 Colonna, John 60 08-20-77 2,000 1,570 1,482 Crea, Joseph 56 08-20-76 15,000 11,520 10,800 Crowell, William 64 07-31-72 2,000 548 0 Dorr, John 51 04-30-77 4,000 2,844 2,652 Dupre, Milton 51 06-24-74 2,000 1,460 0 Edwards, George 57 03-16-73 2,000 1,584 1,494 Ehrman, George 62 06-26-76 6,000 4,R�n 4,554 Ferderer, �ichael 61 12-02-76 1,000 796 746 Ferguson, Eugene 59 O1-05-79 5,000 3,875 3,625 Flanagan, Joseph 60 09-24-79 2,000 1,560 1,460 Gall, Ida 62 08-11-80 3,000 2,319 2,217 Gallas, T�illiam 50 09-28-78 20,000 13,860 12,900 Graven, 4alph 55 03-17-78 15,000 11,205 10,485 Greer, Myron 54 11-07-71 2,000 1,556 1,450 Haroldson, Frances 47 01-26-52 1,200 1,036 999 Harrington, Charles 62 O1-19-76 15,000 4,000 11,385 Hegge, John 61 08-10-81 15,000 10,770 Hieb, William 52 04-06-79 4,000 2,856 2,652 Holm, Arman 54 11-06-67 5,000 4,050 3,845 Horning, Roy 64 O1-05-77 3,000 786 744 Hostrawser, Douglas 63 02-28-72 1,000 555 530 Huberty, Frank 63 01-12-71 3,000 1,677 2,436 Hurley, Lawrence 58 OS-10-76 1,000 782 736 Johnson, Ellen 60 03-31-79 1,000 779 730 Johnston, Joseph 62 06-11-71 2,000 1,670 1,594 Juveli, Gordon 56 06-23-80 1,000 740 708 Keeley, John 53 02-15-77 3,000 2, 196 2,052 Kern, Harvey 50 03-27-70 1,000 762 705 Klein, Agatha 59 07-27-73 4,000 3,216 3,044 Konop, Donald 60 01-31-77 7,000 5,495 5, 187 Konop, Irene 47 01-29-75 4,000 2,744 2,524 ' Kopp, William 62 08-30-76 2,000 1,600 1,518 Lamma, Harold 64 08-02-65 1,000 885 852 Leach, George 52 03-01-72 10,000 7,530 7,050 Lemire, George 55 08-31-75 15,000 11,445 10,710 Lindrud, Stanley 63 11-18-75 10,000 5,410 5,090 Listner, Oliver 43 09-04-73 6,000 3,942 3,624 ; Loeffler, Fred 59 05-13-70 2,000 1,658 1,566 � Lund, Elmer 46 03-18-71 6,000 4,242 3,930 Lund, Herbert 51 01-05-69 1,000 7?9 735 Age at Date of Amount of Reserve on Reserve on Name Onset Onset Insurance 12-31-80 09-30-81 Lyons, Marie 56 01-13-58 � 1,000 $ 880 � 852 Magnuson, Ordena 62 08-22-80 1,000 773 739 �ariano, Frank 45 OS-03-73 1,000 678 625 Masson, Justin 57 12-01-72 1,000 798 747 Mich, Barrett 53 06-08-71 2,000 1,540 1,470 Monno, Raymond 61 03-17-79 5,000 3,915 3,670 Moravec, August 49 O1-19-76 3,000 2,100 1,941 Moss, John 57 03-00-77 10,000 7,730 7,260 Mueller, Henry 55 03-27-74 1,000 768 719 Munoz, George 49 01-10-79 7,000 4,753 4,403 Murp�y, Maurice 61 12-06-74 4,000 3,236 3,044 Nahl, Walter 62 06-28-78 1,000 788 743 Nickelson, Grace 48 04-14-73 1,000 708 655 Niemela, Victor 58 09-22-78 5,000 3,860 3,625 0'Bryan, John 46 08-22-79 15,000 9,615 8,880 0'Jurovich, John 58 06-14-76 5,000 3,910 3,680 Olson, Richard 52 08-01-79 5,000 3,575 3,315 Opheim, John 59 01-02-79 5,000 3,875 3,625 Paul, Aivery 53 03-08-75 4,000 2,976 2,772 Person, Dan 61 06-25-79 10,000 7,830 7,340 Peterson, Alvin 62 IO-03-77 1,000 793 743 Peterson, Leslie 60 04-10-80 15,000 0 10,950 Petrie, Chester 59 06-24-80 4,000 0 2,908 Pilla, Pat 59 08-22-77 6,000 4,686 4,416 Priester, Joseph 57 10-10-80 6,000 4,554 4,368 Quaas, Frederick 59 05-03-77 1,000 781 736 Rea, Tho�as 58 04-05-72 1,000 804 761 �eedy, Frances 58 07-13-78 5,000 3,860 3,625 Rice, Robert 58 12-01-77 2,000 1,554 1,450 Sanders, Lewis 55 10-19-72 1,000 780 727 Sauser, Arthur 62 07-25-77 1,000 793 751 Sc�eck, Florence 56 12-04-69 2,000 1,620 1,538 Shijo, Isamo 59 03-2b-77 1,000 781 736 Smith, James 62 08-31-77 3,000 2,379 2,25? Soderman, Vetallis 61 11-24-75 2,000 1,604 1,506 Spilman, Kenneth 54 11-24-75 1,000 754 0 Spinner, Wilbur 63 11-14-72 6,000 3,330 3, 150 Starfield, Glenn 27 07-12-73 1,000 499 443 Stein, �obert 46 04-24-74 1,000 681 626 Streich, Henry 63 07-20-77 10,000 5,310 0 Swanson, Paul 41 12-01-78 5,000 2,875 0 Swearingen, Robert 55 OS-28-79 1,000 746 695 � Swiger, William 51 04-16-75 2,000 1,448 1,344 Tague, Edwin 53 03-17-78 5,000 3,630 3,390 , Tester, Clyde 61 04-30-70 3,000 2,505 2,391 � Thill, Joseph 58 02-09-76 2,000 1,564 1,472 � Thole, Harold 59 09-13-73 3,000 2,412 2,283 { ` Thomas, John 57 06-27-76 1,000 778 730 '' Tjomsland, Florence 53 10-10-75 4,000 2,976 2,752 Tucker, James 57 12-31-77 4,000 3,092 2,884 ; Urbanski, Sabina 61 02-21-73 1,000 816 776 i � i a � � . .. • �//Jr�rf'aJ� � • ` Age at Date of Amount of Reserve on Reserve on Name Onset Onset Insurance 12-31-80 09-30-81 Vannoy, Ferril 63 03-23-76 $ 2,000 $ 1,072 $ 1,018 Waczak, Stanley ' S7 12-26-79 2,000 1,544 1,434 Weidner, Joseph 40 05-24-68 10,000 6,880 6,350 Woodward, Byron 52 09-15-75 3,000 2,421 2,304 TOTALS $ 475,200 $303,375 $314,393 I � � , F, /��- ,�c. � ,� g t - �s� r _ y _ . , � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES �'`��'���� Date: 12-23-87- 1R�CEIVED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER UtL 2 4 1981 FR: Personnel Of f ice MAYORS OFFICE RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIQNALE FOR THIS ACTION Authorization to pay employees dividends on their life insurance. FINANCIAL IMPACT None ATTAC�IlKENTS: Proposed Resolution