D001049CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � � �11�`I.9lYi7•��\ f3ilTel�l�s a� - �/b'iCi7�� No.: � ll �-'u Date: �U GS #: 26065 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of P� �blic W�rkc to amend the 19 96 budget of the Eaigineering fund, the Directw of the Department of Finance and Management Services Ss authorized to amend said budget in the foflowing manner: i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 � . 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 - 12102 - 0359 - 12102 - 0518 - 12102 - 0557 - 12102 - OS56 - 12150 - 0557 - 12150 - OS57 - 72155 - 0557 - 12155 - 0857 - 12160 - 0557 - 12160 - 0857 - 12170 - 0557 - 12170 - Q857 - 12190 - 0359 - 12190 - 0557 -12XXX-OXXX CurreM Budget Other-Spec Mad & SuDUlies $30,662.00 Mavors ContinQency „ / $30,400.00 Tra�sfer to Genera( Fund �f���� $0.00 / I Data ProcessinQ Sofiwaz �`� $0.00 Transfer ro Genera] Fund � ��� �a� � $0.00 Data Processing Hazdwaze """ � $26,642.00 Transfer to General FundS/L�,�c�, $0.00 Data ProcessinA Hazdware w�..�,(, $14,331.00 Transfer to General Fu�d��.�j $0.00 Data Processing Hazdwaze $12,4�O.Oo Transfer to General Fund� ��_ � a ��� 5 � $0.00 DataPcocessin&F-Iardwaze7 $15,OOQ.�O Other-Spec Mad & Supnlies � �� F�'/�� $8,408.00 Transfer to Generai Fund $0.00 All other spendinR $6,038,730.00 Tota]s $6,176,173.00 Preparetl by AcbNry Manager �dl�r9 cv�.�-- Recryestetlty ep mmentD�eector [�....'`T^.j� $15,465.00 ($30,000.00) $4,535.00 $10,000.00 $],370.00 ($1,370.00) $685.00 ($655.00) $1,370.00 ($1,370.00) $1,925.00 ($1,925.00) ($b20.00) $620.OQ $O.OU AmeMed �9� $46,127.00 �o.00 $4,535.00 $io,000.00 $1,370.D0 $25,272.00 $685.00 $13,646.00 $1,370.00 $11,030.00 $1,925.00 $13,075.0� $7,788.00 $620.00 $6,038,730.00 $6,176,173.00 pr �etl By� Mayor � � � � f0- G�� 2S� Date Public Works GONTACT PEflSON & PNO Ed Wam 266-6142 �• OF SIGNATURE PAGES )ATE INITIATED i ) 9� �Q�`-1 9/30{96 GREEN SHEET �`�" N0.26065 INITAVDASE INII ASSIGN OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CIiYCOUNCIL _ NUMBER FOq ❑ qN A7TORNEY � CIiY CLERK ROUTING Oq BIJOGEf DIRECTOR O FlNANCE-ACCOUNi1N6 O �� � MAYORIOF ASSISTAN� �j q�.m, � (CIIP ALl LOCATONS FOR SIGNATl1RE) Adjust the budaets of activities 12102,1215Q 12155,1216Q 12170 and 12190 of the Engineering Fund "m order to participate in the PC Replacement Proa am. FiECAMMENDATiONS:Approve (A) or Reiect (R) PIANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION GIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ _ � �ISTRICTGOUNGL _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNQLOBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: 1. flasihispe�soMfirtneverwoflcedunderacontmctFOrthisdepartment? YES NO 2. Has this persosJfirtn e�er been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does tYiis persoNfi`m possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any curre�t aty employes? YES NO Eupiein a0 yes answers on separate sheet antl attach W green sheet WITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHkT, WHEN, WHERE, WNY} The Department of Finance and Management Services Information Services Division (Activity 09066) has initiated a city-wide PC Replacement program and has encouraged all departments to participate. The Engineering Fund (along with other funds) of the Department of Public Works is participapng in this program. The new DOS based computers will be allocated to provide flexibility witkvn the departrnent and withont, enabling the city's DOS based computexs to connect more readi3y to Public Works as has been the case of Public Works being able to connect to [he city. This will provide the equipment and knowledge base needed for a multi p]atPorm department to work through and with the new IS division as the City moves to a new level of computer use, most specifically the Intemet and Inuanet. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' department will be able to make use of DOS platforms with the ability to interact with the departments existing computers. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPR�VED There will be some time spent in the leaming curve of the different operating system. RECEiVEI� OCT 10 199� ClT�' �LER� �ISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. The deparhnent w�ll not have the capability to take advan[age of the DOS computers. � � L AMOUM OF TRANSACTION 3 DING SOURCE = 1NANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPIAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) �VES� No ACTIVmrNUdteER ]2102,1215012155,12160,12170,12190 ��'1