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+ n �� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
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GEORGE LATIMER 1/ 612-298-4231
OEC 1 � 1981
December 8, �981 ��jY ATTORNEY
Mr. Ed Starr
City Attorney
Room 6�+7, City Hall
Dear Sir;
The City Council requests that you prepare a resolution granting
the petition of the City of St. Paul, et al for the vacation of
certain streets and alleys located in Harriet Island�Lilydale
Regional Park area, sub�ect to the terms and conditions recommended
by the Valuation Engineer.
Very truly yours,
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
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To: Ruby Hunt, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan
Valuations and Assessments Engineer
Date: November 2�+, 1981
Sub3ect: Petition of the City of Saint Paul, et al, for the va.cation
of certain streets and alleys located in the Harriet Island�
Li�yda.le Regional Park. �
Public Hearing - December 8, 1981
George I,a.timer, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, joined with officials of the
Saint Pa.ul Port Authority and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, to '
petition the Saint Paul City Council to vacate certain streets and alleys
located in the Harriet Island�Li�ydale Regiona.l Pa.rk in the manner provided
by the City Charter and Ordina.nces of the City of Saint Paul. The purpose of
the vacation is to properly regulate the use, control va.nda.lism and to develop
the regional pa.rk. .
On September 28, 1981, by Resolution #81-772, the Ramsey County Board authorized
the Ramsey County Department of Parks and Recreation to request the vacation of
said streets w ith the va.cated streets accruing to the adjacent property at no
cost to Ramsey County. The tota.l area to be vacated consists of 318,730 square
feet and is zoned R-4 (one-family residential district) which also allows
recreation f�.cilities.
I have referred this va.cation ma.tter to all City Departments, all utilities
doing business in St. Paul, and Planning District #3. Unless otherwise noted
below, there were no adverse comments orconcerns submitted to this office.
Northern Sta.tes Puwer Compar�y reports that they �ve electric distribution lines
on Joy Avenue, north of West Curtice Street. They request that their interests
be protected.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend approval of the va.cation, subject to the
follc�wing terms and condit ions:
l. That the description of the properties to be va.cated read as
A 11 that pa.rt of Joy Avenue which lies Northerl,y
of the Souther�y line of Section 12, Township 2$
North, Range 22 West and Southwesterly of the North-
easter�y line of Lot 31, extended Southeaster]y of
Block l, Cox's 2nd Addition to St. Pa.ul; also
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All that pa.rt of West Curtice Street which lies East
of line drawn from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 8,
Block l, Joy's Addition to Saint Paul, to the North-
wester�y corner of Lot 14, Block 1, River View Addition
to Saint Paul, and West of a line drawn from the Sauthwest
corner of Block 85, to a point on the North li.ne of Block
89, a distance of one-hundred (100) feet East of the
Northwest corner thereof, Banning & Olivier's Addition
to West St. Paul; also
All that part of West Winona Street which lies Ea.st of
a line drawn from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 8,
Block l, River View Addition to Saint Paul, to the North-
westerly corner of Lot 8, Block 2, Joy's Second Addition
to Saint Paul and West of a line drawn from the Northwest
corner of Block 87 to a point on the South line of Block
89 a distance of one-hundred (100) feet East of the South-
west corner of said Block 89, Banning & Olivier's Addition
to West St. Paul; also
A 11 tha.t part of Beaver Street which lies North of the South
line of Section 12, Tvwnship 28 North, Range 22 West and
South of a line drawn f�om the Northeast corner of Lot 1,
Block 2, to the NortYrwest corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Joy's
Second Addition to Sa.int Pa.ul; also
All that part of West Wyoming Street which lies East of a
line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot "L", Banning &
Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul, to the Southwest corner
of Lot 5, Block l, Joy's Second Addition to Saint Pa.ul and
west of a line drawn from the Southwest corner of Block 87
to the Northwest corner of Block 88, Banning & Olivier's
Addition to West St. Pa.ul; also
All that part of Rash Avenue which lies North of a line
drawn from the Southea.st corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Joy's
Second Addition to Saint Pa.ul, to a point on the West line
of Block 87, Ba.nning & Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul,
a distance of one-hundred sixty-seven and two tenths (167.2)
feet South of the Northwest corner thereaf and South of a
line drawn from the Northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 1,
,Toy's Addition to Saint Paul, to the Northwest corner of
Block 85, Banning & Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul;also
Al1ey in Block 1, Lake View Addition to Saint Paul;
A lley in Block 2, Joy's SecondAddition to Saint Pau1;
Alley in Block 1, River View Addition to Saint Pa.ul;
Alley in Block 1, Joy`s Addition to Saint Paul.
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I�: That the va.cation be subject to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 13�, codified March 1, 1981 of the St, Pa.ul Legis-
' lative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public
utilities easements until such time as they are released by
Certificates of Intended Non-Use.
��3'. Tha.t a special easement for Northern States Pawer Company be
retained in that part of Joy Avenue that lies north of West
Curtice Street and within said pa.rk area.
�?�. That the petitioner, the City of Saint Pa.ul, shall not be
required to pay compensa.tion or post a bond.
cc: Nkzyor George Iatimer