278796 WHITE - CITV CLERK /'��(�w�� PINK - FINANCE � •1 g1[ / CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUI1C11 �� �� � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. Counci esolu io � Presented By LIC.EL�TSE C'ONIl�II'Irl�E . � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESC)LVED: That Applications for a Tesrq�orary On Sale Malt Beverage Licenses, applied for by the follawing, be and the same are hereby granted, in co�npliance with C.F. 275927, Ordinance 16787 which adopted Chapter 410 of the St. Paul Legislative Code arLd Ordinance: Lawertawn Car�rninity Council Mears Park T�. On Sale Malt App.# 3044 New Payne-Minnehaha Canrnuiity Council Lafayette Linooln " " " 3152 " Playground West Minnehaha Booster Club 685 W. Minnehaha Ave. " " " 3173 " Cystic Fi.brosis Foundation 1046 Grand Ave. " " " 3187 " Ea.stview Booster Club 608 Kennard " " " 3188 " Eastview Recreation Center 608 Kennard " " " 3189 " St. Luke's Lukettes 870 Grand Ave. " " " 3190 " 7-11 for Muscular Dystrophy Grand & Pascal " " " 3210 " 7-11 for Muscular Dy5trophy 925 Grand Ave. " " " 3211 " St. Croix Riverm��n DnAn & Bugle, Inc. McMurx'ay Fie1d " " " 3215 " Midway Lions Club 1681 Grand Ave. " " " 3246 " R,ed School House Dunn�,ng F.�e1d ° " " 3263 " Upta�m Lions Club of St. Paul Grand & Chats-w�rth " " " 3270 " 'Itain Cities Society for Austistic Children 700 Grand Ave. " " " 3339 " Phalen Youth Club Phalen Rec Center " " " 3340 " Phalen Youth C1ub Pha�en Rec Center " " " 3341 " Grand I�odge of Mir�nesota 2382 H�mpd.en Ave. " " " 3361 " Belivdere Booster Club 291 E. Belvidere " " " 3362 " COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas j��t Nays Fleficher � �n Favor Levine Ori Masanz n _ Against BY Sh lter' Nicosia - T e Scheibel W 1SOri Tedesco JUH 8 �982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council:yy���� Date Certified P-: b Council e BY By t�p o by lflavor: '� _�UN �- � 1982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ — By PUBLISHED JUN 19 1982