278795 WHITE - CITY CLERK ('1�[1��� PINK - FINANCE CANARY'- DEPARTMENT G I T Y � O F SA T N T �A U L COUflCll ti� �J BLUE - MAYOR � File N . Cou cil Resolu 'on Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Counc�l File No. 275937, adopted November 13, 198Q, accepted the donat�on of a sculpture from the Adelaide F. and Harry G, McNeely Foundation, to be constructed on the grass �urfaced isla�d �ithin Lafayette Road right of way at Grove Street; WHEREAS, The Adelaide F, and Harry G. McNeely Foundation requests permission to construct a d�fferent sculpture th.an that accepted by the Council; WHEREAS, The Council has vie�nzed photographs of a model of the sculpture and concurs the sculpture would enhance said area; no�a, therefore, be it RESOLVED, The Counci.l of the C�-ty of Saint Paul does hereby accept the donation by the Adela�de F. and Harry G. McNeely Foun- dation of a sculpture, measuring 26. 5 feet high with a base 22 feet by 25 feet (a photograph of a model of said sculpture is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) , subject to the follow- ing terms and conditions: 1) The sculpture and landscaping consisting of crushed rock and shrubs, shall be erected and installed on the grass surfaced island within Lafayette Road right of �aay at Grove Street by and at the cost and expense of the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundati.on under the direction of the Di.rector of Public Work� or designee. 2) Space Center, Incorporated, 444 Lafayette Road, St. P�ul, Minnesota, shall provide all necessary maintenance and repairs to sculpture and landscaping, at no expense to the City. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �ub1iC Works Hu�t Levine �_ In Favor Maddox „/ �L��� �• McMahon �� snowaiter - __ Against By Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard � Wilson — Form Approv y t Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a.se Cou cil , et BY App by 14avor: Dat — Approved y r for SubmiSsion to Councii Y — BY WNITE - CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARtl�- DEPARTMENT COUtIC1I BLUE � - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3� Space Center, Incorporated, sha11 hold harmiess, indemnify, protect and defend th.e Ci.ty of Sa�.nt Paul, a.ts agents and employees, �rom l�.a�ili.ty on account of a11 clai.ms, cau�es of action, suits, and judgments or on account of i�njurX to per�ons and/or property aris:ing from and connected w�th the�.r maa.ntenance of said sculpture and landscap�.ngt 4) Th.e City resexves t�i.e r�-ght to remove and dispo�e o� the sculpture if t�e sculpture and landscaping is not ma�.n�- tained in a neat and orderly condition or if a pu.F�lic i.mprovement necessitates the use of this 1and, 5) Space Center, Incorporated, shall file with the City Clerk its� written acceptance of the terms and conditions of this resolution within 30 days after publication hereof. FURTHER RESOLVED,That Council Resolution C. F. 274257, adopted January 10, 1980, and Resolution C. F, 275937, adopted November 13, 1980, are hereby resc�nded. COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays H nt ub 1'C k L ine Fletcher In Favor C��� � McM�on �evine Q sn a� Masanz _ __ Against BY -- T esco �cpsie ilson �heibel TedescO J�N g 198Z Form Approve y Ci Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date — Wilson Certified P s- b Council S ta BY By Ap ove by 1+lavor. _�1 u Ap roved y or Sub ission '1 . By _ .�•��_ BY. t ,r'�i3�:���tu :;�:�: � � 198_Z ----�.�-�.�... � � i � _� a t�' k. fe� iy .;,} '�F ( �` � i i +.. r � � �� �' ��� � . , , �, � � � _� �� �� ` ����,� :. �� � � ��4, ���j � • -y.:, ; >.w �I • �a r �'� i , _ _ ' , DEPRRTMENT: Public l�orks � � CONTACT: Bob Horrisberger, Jr. ROUTING a�n EXPLANATION SHEE7 PNONE: 292' 131 GREEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements 2����� ROUTING ORDER - RO�irc Ry qqqrrNrn NII�ARCD• D[RECTOR OF MANAGEMENT 1 _,.3__ MAYOR DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERVICES —Z._ CITY ATTORNEY �_ CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR �.lION R Q I QT n (CI (p el 1 � nrnrrnue r Approval of Resolution �HAT NI i RF ArutEV n BY TAKiN(' Arrtnti fl., T v�v IH ATTAI`41Cn Mercore� � (puRPnsc ANfl DATin�u� 17, Resolution would accept the donation of a sculpture, to be placed on the southwest corner of Lafayette Road and Grove Street, in the triangular area, from the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundation. Space Center, Inc. will maintain the site and hold City harnless for any damage or injury due to such maintenance. The �undation will construct the sculpture at their cost and expense. Previously two different designs for a sculpture at this site had been approved. The permission for those designs is being rescinded. EINANCIAI BtmCETARY aNn PFacnuur� i..� n No cost to City — Space Center will maintain site. r i11y1T �� AC't'i(?N :N p�T i�ureau �3ivfsbn . ` ATTACHMENTS �LIST A�� ATTACHMENTS): �i�rw� r Asst. O�r. 1, Resolution ���� 2, Photograph, model of sculpture. ���� �� 3, � � ! I ucee 2ev.ceiu neeeaea,ty on ent o e o w<.nq buppon,t�.,�g �,�u„� I �epartAnext ; C.�ty A.Lto�. J. Coune,i,C Reeoeu.ti.on ReQwi�ed? R VES NO i. Re,eoCu,Li.on? YES NO 2. Ineurtance Req;.ci,zedf _VES R NO 2. t►,�w�nce su66.�c,�e►,.tt YES NU 3. Inew�ancz A,Ltacked� VES � Np . Faevision OH:4/29/82 DEPARTMENT: Public Works ' � CONTACT: �b Horrisberger, Jr. ROUTING Ar�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET PHONE: 9 — i GREEN SHEET �-_•���� 7 For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agre��,ents REC EIVED ROUTIN6 ORDER — ROUTE BY ASSI�N D N IMRFR: MAY ?4 �gg� DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT CITY ATTORNEY �,_ I�AYOR / DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �j�'"''� DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT� SERVICES CITY ATTQRNEY �_ CITY CLERK BUDGET DIREC70R ACTION R Q 1 ST D �C IP A 0 ATiONC FAR MdYARAI St('NATIIRF): ����IVED Approval of ttesolut�on MAY Z 5 �BZ '� MAYORS OFFICE WHAT WILL BE N[ VFD AY TAKiNG A�rrnN flu TN ATTA H D •T RIA c (pIRpOS AND RATIONA )�; Resolution would accept the donation of a sculpture, to be placed on the southwest corner of Lafayette Rnad and Grove Street, in the triangular area, from the Adelaide F. and Harry G. McNeely Foundation. Space Center, Inc. will maintain the site and hold City harmless for any damage or in�ury due to such maintenance. The fbundation will construct the sculptu�e at their cost and expense. Previously two different designs for a sculpture at this site had been approved. The permission�for those designs is being rescinded. . FfNANCIAi . B � .�TARY AND P RcONN 1 IMPA _i'S AaTlrrc�TCn; No cost to City - Space Center will maintain site. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. Resolution 2, Photograph, model of sculpture. 3, 2aae aa.v.c.ew neceae on. ewt a o suppon.tcng cumewta Depan.an�x.t . Gi,ty Attoxney: ). Counci.0 Reao�aLi.on ReQwut¢dY g YES NO 1. Reeo�Cu.Li.on? yES NO - 2. Insurtance Req:ii�edY YES g NO 2. Tnsunance Subb.tc.i.¢nt? YES NO 3. Ineunance A.LtacheQt YES g NO . I�evision OM:4/29/82