278794 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE FFF���yyy ��{�yy,�/� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUflCll ,�Q�!l� BLUE - MAYOR �J Yj File N 0. C u cil o ution � Presented By ♦ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the County of Saint Louis whereby the County will allow the City to use a computer software package at no cost; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COU[VCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays ��t Communi t $ervi ces Levin Fletther [n Favor ad x �evine / . no� Masanz __ Against BY Sh alter - T es Nicosia Ison Scheibel Tedesco �U� S �9g2 Form Ap ove y Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: W���Date — � CertifiE:d Pa se ouncil , ta BY sy Ap by ;Nayor: Date _�u�� O � Approved or for Submission to Council B • _ _ _ By PUBi.ISHED JUN 19 1982 : : EXPIANATiON OF ADMINtSTRATIVE ORD�,���� 4h/1 O1: 12 I975 �` ' RESOLUTI4NS AND ORDINANCES Rev.: � ; 9�/7G - Rev.: '5/7/80 Rev.: 4/30/81 Date: May 1'8, 1982 _ ��CE��� RE�rE�WE� ' MAY 2 51982 � MAY Z� 1982 TO: Mtay�or George Latimer MAYORS OFFICE � , : CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Thomas J. Kelley, Director, r#ment of Corrrmunity Services ��i' RE: Agreement between the County f Saint Louis and the City of Saint PauF ; ACTION REQUESTED: . Execufiive approval and signature PURP45E AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: . - � Saint Lcwis County has developed a computer program that performs a sEmpte diet.ary analysis. The Public Health Nutrition Program us�.s the saftware''ih thair weig�Zt ` reductio� classes. The computer program calculates fhe nutritional value of participca�+ts' � - current diets and suggests how to improve them. The Nutrition stafF are nat pres�r�b�ng ; therapeutic diets based on the analysis. Saint .Louis County has asked all `users o# their com�ter program to sign agreemenfs. . � - • FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no charge for the use of the software. ATTACHMENTS: Agreem+ent - 3 copies Council Resofution „ _ ,_