Hanson REC�6o�°�D I�AR 28 2��4 NOTIC� �F CLA�VI F4K11�'� ta the Cit3� of Saint Paul, I��e�6�RK Miruirsvtr�State Stntute 466_t}5 srates tf-�rrt "_..ti�er�+�ersnn.._►e�n rini�.�rrrxu,eea frQta ur2y muni��i}�tin�._..rhnit crrrrse�a t�e prest�rrted to thr gcat�erning brady�f Ilta mtatriciyafitv e��tt�crt 1$0 dcrys afler rJre altegetl loss or ininry it discnaeter�rt nntrc-e stntirtg t}�e timr,plare,a�rd circurnsruncrs rhereof,��a�tkr rnan�r�rt rif rc�r�srti�n os c�ther r�lirf dr�rrrmdE�.,> Piease complete ihis form in i#s entirety by clearly typing or printing yoar ans►ver to each c}uestian. IC more sgace is needed,attach additionaf sheeLs. Please note that you w�I not 6e coniacted bp telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much informatian as necessary to espla(n yo�claim,and t6e amaunt o#'co[npensatiaa being reqnested. Yau will receive a writt�n acit�owleaget�tnt onct rour Iorm is received_ The prx�s can take up to t�n weeks an-longer depe�xli»�nn the nature of your eiaim `Ch�€orm mgst be s�n+ed,and both pa�es cnmpk#ed. If sorn�.3h'rng daes not apptv,write`tiT/A'. SEND CUMPLETED �ORNi AND 4`THER D4CUIVLCNTS T(J: CIT'kX CLERK, IS WEST KEI.L�GG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PACTL, :Mi'�I 55102 First�t�me ��_ Midd�e Ir�itial�l�t Narn�e � 1 ��lJ�l ! Company or IIusiness R3� Are You an insurance Company? �es� If Yes,€;Iaim Number? Street Address,�.� �� �� C�cy � .��Ut�,` � �- S�te ��Q z;p C��� 1 (�lo L?ay�me P�ane �� - Cell I"ttc�rte �5 U��v�5 �Evenirsg TeIephone c ;, - Date of Accidentl Injury or Date Discovered��,�,�.F��i��Time � t� pm i'lease state, in detail, what occurred (happenecfj,and eafi:y yoa are submitting a daim.P3ease indicate�vhy r how you fe ty of Saini P-aul flr i�s ernployec:s a�inva ved arrdl r��nsih)e for yaur damaaes_ � W(k� � 1 0� � OI,V� �V � e. '��C�'� ^ -� a-- ' 1n 'YYI. _ � C��h��2� 2 0 � �`/Z �e _ r��t�. � � a W �S 1/�.!'� t V � __ . - O �0 aV2 0 G 1n i�-- -1-� �Sc.�e. P�t ino 8, Please check the l�ox(es)t�at most ciosely reg�sent t�r�asa�fr�camp�eting tl�s form: ❑ My�ehicle was dama�d in an aceident �My vehiele was damaged daring a tow �1y <<ehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street L7 My vehicle was damaged by a ptow ❑ My vehicie was wrongfulIy towed ancUor izc'_�ceted ❑ I�vas injured on City property CJ Other type of property damage—please specify ❑Other type of injury—piease specify _ ______-_--__ In order to �ro�ess your claim vou need to inciude rnpies of all applicabie documents. For the claims types listed below,please be sure t�incIuc�e the doeuments indicated or it wiIl delay!he handlzng of your claim. Documents WILL NQT be returned and become the proQerty of the City. You are encouraged to lceep a copy for yourseIf before submiiting yUUr claim form. O Froperty damage clairrvfi tc�a veficle: two estirnat�s fQr the�s ta ycu�r Yehic2e if the dam�ge eacceeds �StlD.b(};or the acr�al bitIs sn�lor r�cc��i�cs far tt�re�rairs �Towing claims: legible copies of any ricket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Chher property ciamaae clairns: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00; or the actual bilIs and/or x-eceipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items � Injury cIaims:medicat biIIs,receipts O Photographs�m always welciMr�t�dc�cu�nent and su��pcxt yo�r ctaim bc�t will not he ret�rned_ Page 1 of 2—Please cornpleie and reLurn tx�th pages af Claim Fonm Failure tc�connptete and return both pages witt result in deEay in the handling of your claim. All Claims—nlease camnlete this section Were there witnesses to t�he incident? Yes Na Unknown (circle) Pratizde their names,addre�s�s and telephane numh�� Were the police ar iaw enforcement c�Iled? "k'es No Unknown (circle If yes, what department or agency'�•�e�.�1 ����� Case#or report#wov\c�� �\V ���Vl Q� (NoN- Where did the acxic�e�t or in�cm,r talce place�ide��ddress,cross sc�eea,inte.rsectic�n,name�f park�faciliry: closest landmark etc.�east.br as c�e Cl��s�ssibTe. If nee�Sary,attach a di �m_ _ c�� ���, �k � �a- .� c�a�,�d�, �-. ��.�a���� ��_�—��� Please indicate the amount you are seeking in c�mpensation or wha you would like the City to do to solve this ctai t voyr a �sfaction. " `�= �YIS��D iS _�/1�(� 0�1 � . �'ehicle Claims—�le�se camplete this section �check box if this section does not applv Your Vehicle: Year 20\�j 141ake $G10Y1 Model �`�'i ---- ___ _ License Plate Number 5 • _ State�Color ��c�C�. _ ___ ------ Registered awner a.� o�Y1SOY1 Driver of Vehicle �0.� o�1S�Y1 AreaDamaged�►o�yl�' P0.SSP.yIAPX' �'►�C'f� � �i1M - - _ _ City Vehicle: Year ake_ Model ---- _ _- _ License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicte(City Empioyee's Name) Area Damaged Inivrv Clairns—please rnm�l�te tt�is secti�n �c:2�ck.box iC chis sec�.ic�n do�na[anoly Hau�rtiere yau injured?_____ ___ T- ----_ _-_— What gart(s)of your body were injured? _..__.___ Have you sought medical tic�eatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treazm��t? (prnvide date(s)) Ivame of Medical Praviderts): Address Teleghone Did yau miss work as a resuIt of your injury? Yes No When did you mzss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Eanployer: Address Telephone �(:heck here if yau are attaching ma�-e pages to this cfaim form. Nomber of additional pages�reG�2�'S -�� �i G��� By signing this,f'orm,you are stating that all in,formaiion you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. 1rinsigned forrrzs will not be processed. Submi#tittg a false etaim can resuit in prosecutirrn. Date fonn was compfeted �� Print the�1ame of the Person wlao C�mgleted this Form:��_�"`1��1`` _�^?_�0�____--- Signature af Person li-�king the Claim. Rr,vesed I=ebrnary 2fl]l CUSTOMER #: 739322 517357 Walser lOyOl� *INVOICE* 4401 American Boulevard West CRYSTAL HANSON Bloomington, MN 55437 648 EAST IVY DUPLICATE 1 Phone: 1952) 888-5581 • Fax: (9521 885-5491 ST PAUL, MN 55106 PAGE 2 www.walser.com HOME :415-827-8151 CONT:415-827-8151 BUS : CELL: SERVICE ADVISOR: 5787 MICHAEL WHEELAND COLOR YEAR MAKE/MODEL ' VIN LICENSE MILEAGE IN /OUT TAG 13 TOYOTA SCION TC JTKJF5C79D3057240 11421 11421 T7012 DEL. DATE PROD. DATE WARR. EXP. PROMISEO PO N0. RATE PAYMENT INV. DATE 25MAR13 D 21 : 00 19MAR14 0 . 00 CASH 19MAR14 R.O. OPENED READY oPTioNS: DLR: 3 6 9 0 ENG: 2 . 5 Li ter 09 : 01 18MAR14 11 : 59 19MAR14 LINE OPCODE TECH TYPE HOURS LIST NET TOTAL ********************************************* h ***CASH VMC DZSC AE CHK *** ********************************************* THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS IJRISFk bWOM11J(iION IOYOIA 4401 �IIERICAN HLVU LItST . � � � BLOOIIIN(iIUN, fIN 55437 � � �� � � �� � � � � �952) 8NU-S5F31 II„�hant lU: k7tltl01�J324129 - _ Ref n: U�11. . . . .._.. .... . Sale , . _ ; , i.: . ;:. ; ., ' _ �;�._.f �.�� _ _ _. _ ��XxxKi�.x;xx.ti21i2 VISR Entry Method: Saiped lotal: Z1,94 n3�19�14 15;34;3S Ina �; 51�35Z Rppr Code; O�i944 iransactia� ID; 1644Z8740�SZ331 . Rparvd; Online Batcha: 00��11 \ _ PAID � Custumzr Covr . . .. .� .v �+v`V/ � 1HANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! I � ALL PART� NEW ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DESCRIPTION TOTALS Thank you for this opportunity to serve you. It is our aim to perform all the repairs requested �ABOR AMOUNT 10 9 . 9 9 on this repair order to your complete satisfaction. If our service was satisfactory tell your PARTS AMOUNT 4 7 8 . 4 0 friends. If not please tell us immediately. GAS,01�, LUBE 0 . 0 0 "Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer. The SUBLETAMOUNT 48 . 59 seller Walser Toycta hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, neither express or implied, MISC. CHARGES -2 9 . S 4 including any implied warranty of inerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and TOTAL CHARGES 6 0 7 . 14 neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of said products." LESS INSURANCE � . 00 SALES TAX 3 4 . 8 0 X PLEASEPAY CUSTOMER SIGNATURE THIS AMOUNT 641 . 94 � ��l/� c�or�eni zpoo nov,m�.seAViCe ir+voiCe rvve 2�Si�C CUS TOMER COPY CUSTOMER #: 739322 517357 V1/alser Toyota *INVOICE* 4401 American Boulevard West CRYSTAL HANSON Bioomington, MN 55437 648 EAST IVY DJPLICATE 1 Phone: 1952y 888-5581 • Fax: i952} 885-5491 ST PAUL, MAI 551�5 PA�E l www.walse►.com HOME:415-827-8151 CONT:415-827-8151 BUS: CELL: SE:RVICE ADVISOR: 5�87 MICHAEL WHEELAND COLOR YEAR MAKE/MODEL VIN LICENSE MILEAGE IN!OUT TAG �3 'T'f1Y(�`PA_ �CZQLiI TC �7TK�7E5C79��3057240 11421 11421 7012 OEL [3ATE PRQD. QATE WAflR�EXP. PRQh11SE-� PO F10. RATE PAYMEi�1T INV_ OATE 25MAR13 D 2I: 00 19MAR14 0 . 00 CASH 19MARI4 R.O. QPENED FEADY oPrtoNS: DL Z:3 6 9 0 ENG:2 .5 Li ter 09 : 01 18MAR14 11:59 19MAR14 LINE OPCL�L�E TECH TYPB HL�LtRS LIST NET TOTAL A CTJSTOMER STATES HIT POTHOLE ON PASSENG:ER FRONT. CHECK AND ADVISE ON AN'� r�I3DITIONAL P.fAa'�sE. WILL I+tEED NE�'7 R�?�7 AI�T� T'IRE i��� 235/35/19 CAUSE: The tire was demounted, and replacement tire was remounted, balanced, and tixe pressure was set. (One} WH10 Mount & Balance Tire {1) i��� �g 2Q_OQ 20. 00 T�RViI WHEEL WEIGH'I'S/FZCTBSER VALVE STE�'1 IF NEEDE� 2 .Ofl 2_QQ TIRD1 TIt2E DISPOSAL ONE 3 . 00 3 . Oa 1 PTR56-21.11.0 TRD TC 19 7SPK WHEEL 275 .00 275 . 00 275 . 00 1 DT001-98040-TY TOYO 203 . 40 203 .40 203 .40 CX9YEFH2�ll , , , , , 11421 z-ep3aced rirtr and tire, na �ent sus�e�tsion cozripr�nents, all ok , , , ,at this time �*�***��*�*****�*�***�*****�***�#*��**��***�*-���**�* B** CUSTOMER IN NQ CHARGE RENTAL SB1 Sublet Rental 99 CP 0. 00 0. 00 RVE DISCOUNT-RENTAL VEHICLE DISCOUNT -46 . 59 -48 . 59 SUBL CUSTOrTER IN NO �?A�FtGE RENTAl, P0�'s2U392 CP 48. 53 46.53 ***�***�***��*��*��**�****�*���t�*��#��*#��**��*�**** C** WHEEL �',LIGNNfENT CAUSE: An alignment was performed on toc�ay' s visit. Any adjustments needed were made to the caster, camber, and toe angles . AL1 WHEEL ALIGNMENT 165 CP 8�• g� $�' �� , , , , 11421 PERFDRI�ED 4 W�iEEI� AL7GNI�IENT *****************�***�**��**�***�******�************ � ALL PAR'-S NEW ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT, UNLESS OTHERW(SE SPECIFIED DESCRIPI'ION TOTALS Thank you for th�s opportunity to serve you. It is our aim to perform all the repairs requested �gOR AMOUNT on this repair order to your complete satisfaction. If ou� service was s�tisfactory tefl your PARTS AMOUtJT friends. ff not ptease teti us immediatety. GnS,oi�,LUBE "Any warranties on the products soid hereby are ttiase made by [he martuPacturer. The SuBtET AMOUr�T seller Walser Toyota hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, neither express or implied, MISC.CHARGES inciuding any implied warranty of inerchantability or fitness for a particufar purpose, and TOTAL CHARGES neiiher assumes nor author'rzes arty other persorr to assume for it arry�+ability in conr�eci+on with the sale of said products." IESS INSURANCE SALES TAX X PLEASE PAY CUSTOMER SIGNA7URE THIS AMOUNT ���...,�.�R,�,.�>�,. �,«,,,�F�,,,n,��..,,��.���� C`TTGTnMF.R C'l�PY � > > y, .�:�,'��'��-� ��li � � ' .d� •.. <�'.1,�: •�.4.�(., t • ' ' ' ' '��; i k':.Yr,�,. , •� • �i ��''1�,'� �.' . , � � �i• .,,�:f)",'�:;;�e��' i � � . , • . • ��������t;•.�;1`�1.,�,1�� � d r . ,• •��..t,�,�Lr��:���� �� �.,•• • . . . �. , ;`; .�' .. .�� .., ,', � ,' •' ',���' '►t ����. `,�o� ���; '' : 4, :� ' •>.'�+� �' h � ",,�� , ,.a,y ti� ,�:.: ��'�� c�.y� ,. ►, r, ' i' . ���� ^`r wl,�"�4 ��* �4� �� ' '��� . �. a � f.' ►. +t� �.', f j,1-�,J' i • ' :'' • . � "�. . . ,�./:' a�,y't . I.d •. '�t J:�,��� . �; '�:' 1�• � �" �-. ' ,.\��. ti,��.!1' - p �� '�'� . .e".�•�� Q . ~� ' A�e '� �;t•i:,�i' •• �•,�'L:' 1`,� '�� ��^, • � ���•�'�.^ �1;_ �t . ��'�,, � ��i >:r ,. ,� • � �r � ,�r �..t �' �.�f�'f � ;3. � h.� �./ �� ,' .' .� ft �.. " �/►' �� \`� ' ' ����`y�� �.. � ,� • � /�y• . . :;, •��, � � � .n� � . . 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