278792 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COUflC1I ; ���� BLUE - MAYOR �°�� File N 0. - il Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date HE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated May 11, 1982 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY P,PPELLANT 5/11/82 13-82-H 612 York Richard C. Ward (.single family house) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of two months for completion of Items 6, 7, and 10 through 16, pertaining to electrical and miscellaneous repairs, as designated in letter of March 26, 1982, from 5t. Paul Housing Code Enforcement Division, and extension of one year for completion of remaining items listed in said letter. Property Description: Chas. Weide' s Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Addition Lots 6 and 7, Block 35 --------------------------- 5/11/82 16-82-H 487 Grand Ave. Dorothy Hosking (18 units) by Larry Neilson, Att'y BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to June 30, 1983, or until such time as lease by St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center is terminated, whichever occurs first, to�mply with Section 35.03, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to stairwell enclosures. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaite► __ Against y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary 'f ��'p� sy � Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approv y Mayor for Submiss' Bl� - – — B WNITE - CITY CLERK n.�(1���+y'`'� PINK - FINANCE n / J� /l,f CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N'T 1 �U L COU[ICII � v t y BLUE - MAYOR File N . ' � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Property Description: Terrace Park Addition, Block 1 thru 8 and Block 12 Southeasterly 1/2 of Vacant Alley adjacent and part North�esterly of Oakland Avenue of Lots 10 and 11, Block 8 --------------------------- —2-- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox _/ McMahon 7��. B st,owa�ter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson ,�N � ��� Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s b Council S ta B S^27'� By App y :Navor: t �U� �' O 198 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — — BY – BLiSHED J U�y 19 1982 .� XN �,� � � � , � . , . S/11/82 - Rleeti�i� \�. 184 � �`��"��� "' 13- 82-1I � 612 �'ork Richard C. ttial°d (single family liouse) � SUBJEC'I': Request variances oL code pertainin� to ninnber of electrical co?�veni eiiee outlets , ligllt fixtures , znd lieating for secoiid Flaor l��cl- ' � r�;����!, <;�; 1.�i �;�.c:cl i.11 C1 f:V 1 5 ( :'•L. t_E'.7' O:r i � )/q�' t,r.;- . , 1 �, .- �- ( r ! � .. ..c2..lS:'. �)1.1:L� C�_i1?`� � `.; i.;l ,)�. ,:���>1-e�i ti,�:ithin u;ie year•, and such c.c�ense tivoulct impose a needless fiztancial burden . APPE�Rt�NC� : Richard C. jVard PROCF..F1)INGS : bir. jVard said he bought the building, iJhich is bellind his business establishment , taith the intentian of moviiig it to another l.oca�ion, using the vacated lot for parking space . There taas a possibility tlzat A�errick Community Center might buy it and move it within the next fei� months , but if he took on the projecfi himself, it was likely to be about a year from now. He ti�as aware o:E the need. to update the electrical service , but he felt it was unfe�sible ta go to tliis exnense �if the structure laas to be m�ved. Fran}: StafFenson said there were certain items tjlat should be done regard- less o� an imminent move if people ��lere to coiitinue living in the liolzse sa£e1y. Items 6 and 7, grouncling of a bathroom outlet and provi.ding a non- conductive cord for a wall-mounted light fixture , should be do�ie , and Items 10 through 16 , involving exposed wixing, a door loose on its hiiiges , a �rounding jumper on the iaater meter, and installatian ol a smoke detector �aere matters of life-safety as 1�=ell. Heat�ng of tlie bedrooms on second floor could be put o�f until Se��tember. P�Ir. �Vard said he assumed he would not be renuirecl to do any of these items if the building was vacatecl. Mr. Staffenson said that iJas correct. BOt'�RD ACTION: Mrs . Bostrom moved that a ttvo-month extension of time be granted to complete Items 6 , 7 , and 10 through 16 , and an extension of one year be granted for completion of the remaining items listed in the city 's letter of March 26 , 1982 . Mrs . Collins seconded. D40TION C�RRTED AND SO ORDEKED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 � Nays - 0 l�bstentions - 0 . � S/11/8� - hleeting No. 18tf A'IINUTFS 0�� TI���: N1I:I:TING ST. PAUL B0�1RD OF �1PPEAI,S F� REVIEIV , _ 1 - 1 � Tuesday , T�Iay 11. , 1982 i Room 707 Ci:ty FIaI1, 15 j�l. Ke7.Iogg �31vd. D1ErIBERS PRESENT :. Ron Glas sman , Chai rman Rosann Bostrom • LucilZe Collins � Glenrz Gausman MF.TIBERS ABSENT: Harold Knuts on tiVilliam Tilton Rudo 1ph S awye r AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Divisian of 1-lousing �, Building Code Enf_oxcement : A1i ce Bi j j ani Frank Staffenson � Richaxd �1mey , Joan Barry OTHERS PRESENT: Elizabeth A. Berg Larry Neilson Edith M. Boivles Doxothy Hosking � Ethel Strommen Gene J. Poppler Gertrude Bower Richard C. tiVard Paul T. Staupe Eugene Strommen Roxanne M. Staupe Dan Butler STAFF PRESENT : �atxicia Moxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 30 p.m. The minutes of �he meeting o� March 9 , 1982 , �vere approved as distributed to tlie members . IG� 9 (J��� _ - 4- 5/11/82 - bleetint; h'o. 1'8a t d - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - ^- 16- 82-II 487 Grand Ave . Dorothy Hosking (18 units) hy Larry Neilson, AttTy SiIBJECT: Rec{uest variance of Section 35. 05 , pertaining to stairway enclosures , to permit issuance o� Certifica�e of Occupancy for builcling operated as a "Safe �Iouse" , a residential program providing an alternative to ins�itutionalization for persons �vith mental i1l�iess , because enclosures tiaould interfere with surveillance and interrere witl� present use . �1PPF�iP.ANC}:: Dorothy Hoski.ng, Larry Neilson , Gene Poppler (Safe House Directorj� PROCI�EllINGS : Mrs . IIosking said that enclosin� the stair�vells in tliis buil ing, with its particular floox plan , tvoulci darkei� the corridors and ruin the building for use in its present manner. For proper si�pervision in dealing iaith persons recovering from mental illness , it laas necessary for thcir supervisor to be aU1e to hcar if problems developed on another floor. h1r. Poppler corroboxatcd Alxs . �Ios�;ina's statement. I-Ie said it �vas vcry di.ff.icult to find accommocl_ations for the type of program he supervised, i��hich �•1as sponsored by Ramse�y. Cot�nty throunh tlie »sychiat-ric clepartment at the St. Paizl r:z�ns�y 1��Iecli.cal C:enter. � ' , - S- 5/11./82 - I�leeta.ng No. 184 _ � ' � �`���'�.�n • i•Ss . 13ijjani said t}ie concern over darkeiiecl corricloxs taas unclexstandable , but t}iat doors iaith ti��ire-alass pariels �aere permitted undcr t)ie code , ancl these lJOUld admit some light. She a7.so clescribecl a type of automatic door- closing device which aJlo�ved the eloors to r.emain open unless acti- 1-ated by .a fire , in �ahi.ch case they tvould elos� . She felt that cl:isturbed 1` _'. 1';� Oil� Z�1P.'if.' 1.I1 I1CCC? OF �.7_fC' .cicL:�E���.}' T)I'Ot'.E',C�:1011 ��.0 .'!:1 GVC71 �T2'i clt�T" CI^_��I'CE'. _... _i:. ?)�:�i)1.(: O� I101'Li�!��. t'.i(IOC'LOil"11 �l�.�i�l `l:�? . � � � s Alrs . Hosl:ing stated that she did not believe the interprctat:ion of the housing code office 1�as legal , tl�at her �uil.ding shoul.d �not be classified as a three-story builcling , which �aot�ia rec�uire eiiclosecl stairilells ; s}1e saiei the building ��Tas a 2?-stoxy building, and thus �rould �iot fa11 uncler this code provision. She had asked the Fire Prevention Bureau to insnect the nronerty, and t}iey had told lier everyth:ing tivas OK. S}ie estimated th� e�pense of_ enclosures to be at Ieast �15 ,000 , a cost lvhich present income fro�n the building would not support . I�1s . Bijjan� described an alternative , less-expens_ive taay of �2'ovidin� the necessary enclasures , a method that would reqtiire about half the numUer of partitions . B0�1RD ACTION : Chairman Glassman moved t}iat the rec{uest for a variance o Section 35 . 03, pextaining to staii-ivell enclosuxes , be denied , but to grant a delay of enforcement until June 30 , 1983, tivhen tl�e Safe House lease lvith Ramsey County expires , o� izntil stzc}i tiine as thc lease is terminated, whichever occurs first, ancl that a copj� of tJiis board action be se�it to the Ramsey County a•ttorney ���ho represents St . Pau1 Ramsey Medical Center and to offic�_al.s of the A�teclical Center. Rirs . Bostrom seconded. MOTION C�IRRIED AND SO ORDEP.LD. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 l�bstentions - 0 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - - --- - - - -- -- -- -- - - ---- -- -- 1he meeting adjourned at 3 : 15 p.m. . � 5/11/8? - D�ieetii�� l�To. Z8� ,, - . . DZINUTES OF T�IE AIT:I:TING ST. PAUL 130/1RD OF APPFALS $ RI;VIET�r . • � . 1 < Tuesday , T1ay 7_1 , 1�)82 ' Room 707 Ci:ty Hall , 15 1�1. Ke7.logg Blvd. MEi,IBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman , Chairman Rosann Bostx�m • LucilZe Collins Glenn Gausman ME;�IBERS ABSF:NT: Harold Knuts on ti0illiam Tilton Rudolph Satvyer AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Divi.sion oF 1-Iousing � Building Code Enf_orcement : A1ice Bij jani Frank Staffensan � Richard Amey , Joan Barry OTHERS PRESENT: Elizabeth A. Berg Larry Neilson Edith b1. Bowles Poxothy Hoslcing Ethel Strommen Gene J. Poppler Gertrude Bower Richard C. tiVard Paul T. 5taupe Eugene Stronunen Roxanne M. Staupe Daii Butler �STAFF PRESIiNT: Patxicia Moxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 30 p . m. 'I'he minutes of the meeting of I�Sarch 9 , 1982 , tiv�re approved as distributed to t}ie members .