278780 - . 2����0
FINAL ORDER '� t t �
By ��. . �''�L"' �
ilt No. $-10�6� �•IlK�O, . , 8-1Q907. $•10908, File No. �`�El9t�9� 8-Z091Q,
!�•1C9�1� �-10lI2� #i-1�913� ii•1l1914� �-1041'.3f� $-�l19i6� S�f1Al17f $•14928� 8•lONlI9a
8-1092�, 5-10935, �•1�7', #i-1#�AB, S- 10ltl9, 8- 1t,�01� 3•ldl03�
In the Matter of r�w+�vt�'t�etioet o! sidsrotlkll lutd �t0�'k �MeidlYtt�sl thlt'�t0� -
5-10886 North side W. MONTAN� AVENLE from Lexington �ve to 133 feEt Wes*
S-1089G Both sides E. IOWA AVENUE from Edgerton Street to West 2'0 feet
and also ��535 (Lot 34, Blk. 1) and �524 (Lot 10, Blk 2) E. Iowa
Ave. in Phalen Park City View Addition.
•�•�$$4����ic+s�� e��e �hS 6�,� 6'£���� �•��— ^.�•�::�;.r � � ,,, �, , � r•:�....�t
S-10907 Both sides MiLTON STREET irom University Avenue to Charles r�venue
S-10908 Both sides C�TIS AVENUE at 56, b2, 6�, 71, 73 , 79, 83 , 97, and 130
Otis and the Oti� sides of 227g, 2250 Riverwood.
S-10909 South side W. MINNEHAHA AVENUE at 666 & 662 Minnehaha near to St.
�lbans Street.
5-10910 Southeast side LUTHER PLACE from Como Avenue to Grantham Street.
- S-10911 Both sides IGLEIiART AVENUE from Kent Street to North ?�ale Srreet.
S-10912 3otti sides GROTTO STREET From Edcnund ��enue ta Thamas Avenue and
I Nort.-. side EDMUND AVENIIE from Gratte Street �o 'vJest 40 feet abuttin�
�7? .N. Grc��to.
S-1.0913 Both sides GROTTO STREET from St�erburne avenue to Charles Avenue.
S-109Z4 East side CEDAR STREET from Soutn or Como a� 800 and t50� Cedar.
S-10915 South side �ARTER AVEiJUE from Raymond Avenue to [��est j�9 feet.
5-1091b Both sides VAN SLYKE at 1045, 1062, 1048, 1042, and 1028 Van Slyke
Abutting respectively Lot 23 , Blk 5 anu Lots 26, 25, 24, and 23
thru part of 19 of I31k 4, Warren Dale Addition
5-1091' Southside SHERBURNE AVENUE from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue.
, S-10918 West side MARION STREET fror� Wayzata Street to Nort�: 120 �eet and
rdorth side WAYZATA STREET irom rlarion �treet tc� Gal�ier Stree�
5-10919 South side VAN BUREN AVENUE from Mackubin Street to West 84 feet at
� S00 Van Buren.
S-10920 South side EAMIJND AVE!'1UE from Albert Street to Pascal Street at
1440 Edmund Street only. .
' 5-10925 South side BLAIR AVENUE from North Dunlap Street to East 52 feet
abutting 1156 Blair
i S-10897 North side SELBY AVENUF, to East from Lexingtoa Avenue at 1057 Selby
�' only.
: .
5-10898 North side SELBY AVENUE to West from Lexington Avenue at 1153 Selby
5-10899 West side CUMBERLAND STREET at 1107 and 1111 Cumberland Street
� S-10901 West side FARRINGTON STREET from Fuller Avenue to North 145 feet
j abutting 319 Fu11er Avenue.
' S-10903 North side CALIFORNIA AVENUE from N. Grotto Street to N. Avon Street
at 7b9 California only.
. �
� .
TO COUNCIL: April 4, 1982
Date of Hearing Description Costs
S/4/82 Reconstruction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto;
S-1088b Nort'.� s�de W. �tONTANA AVENUE from Lexington Ave to 133 feet West
�-10890 Bot� sides E. IOWA AV�:NUE from Edgerton Street to West Li0 feet
and also ��535 (Lot 34, Bik. 1) and �524 (Lot 10, Blk 2) E. Iowa
Ave. in Phalen Park City View Addition.
S-1090? Both sides MILTON STREET from University Avenue to Charles Avenue
S-10908 Both sides OTIS AVENUE at 56, 62, b8, 71, '3 , 79, 83 , 97, and 130
Otis and the Otis sides of 2279, 2250 Riverwood.
5-10909 South side W. MINNEHAHA AVENUE at 566 & 662 Minnehaha neer to St.
Albans Street.
S-10910 Southeast side LUTHER PLACE �rom Cocno :�venue to Grantham Street.
S-10911 3ot'.-i sides IGLEF.ART AVENUE from Kent Street to Nortti Dale Street.
5-10912 Both sides GROTTO STREET from Edmund Avenue to Thomas Avenue and
Nort�, side EDMUND AVENUE from Grotto Street tc West 4C feet abutting
577 .N. Grotto.
S-10913 Both sides GROTTO STRF.ET from Sperburne �venue to Charles Avenue .
5-10914 East side CED�P. STREET frocn South ot C�mo at 800 and �OZ Cedar.
5-10915 South side CARTER AVEiJUE from Raymond Aver�ue to West 200 feet.
S-10916 Both sides VAN SLYKE at 1045, 1062, 104Fs, 1042, and 1028 Van Slyke
Abutting respectively Lot 23 , Blk 5 and Lots 26, 25, 24., and 23
thru part of 19 of Blk 4, Warren Da1e Ac�dition
S-1091? Southside SHERBUItNE AVENUE from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue.
S-10918 West side MARION STREET from Wayzata Street to North 110 feet and
North side WAYZATA STREET fram Marion Street to Galtier Street
S-10919 Soutti side VAN BUREN AVENUE irom Mackubin Street to West 84 feet at
SOC Van Buren.
S-10920 South side EDMUND AVENi7E from Albert Street to Pascal Street at
1440 Edmund Street only.
5-10925 South side BL,AIR AVENUE from North Dunlap Street to East 52 feet
abutting 1156 Blair
5-10897 Norttl side SELBY AVENUF, to East from Lexington Avenue at 1057 Selby
S-10898 North side SELBY AVENUE to West from Lexington Avenue at 1153 Selby
S-10899 West side CUMBERLAND STREET at 1107 and 1111 Cumberland Street
S-10901 West side FARRINGTON STREET from Fuller Avenue to North 145 feet
abutting 319 Fuller Avenue.
S-10903 North side CALIFORNIA AVENUE from N. Grotto Street to N. Avon Street
at 769 California only.
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___-- ---
'District Planning Council 16 6
F l L E N 0. s-lossb
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
North side W. MONTANA AV�NUE from Lexington Avenue
to 133 feet West
��� ��J�
�� �ii�1� 10 � '
���� � �� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, io:oo a.,�.
Citv Council Chamoers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House +
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion oE the costs will be assessed (atter construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A �C �� � C� �� �'r' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00X
��`� per front foot.
( � �� � ��� � {� � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 7-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COh�ifERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of acrual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 ,.
per square foot of walk constructed.
'� � Construction: 29?-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � t�''�' 'O�5 Also, City staff wi11 be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty �ounc�� C'�ambers from ,
�:30 to 1�:00 A.i:. t�:e same day aa tre hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division ,
Department of Finance and Management Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
[�pril 16, 1982, St. Paul, *linnesota �5102
�4� �����
� �' ., _ � � � �' �� � � � � � � �. ��`7�`��0 '
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SiD � �1��. � � � � ��' �� CTI�J �
District Planning Council IE 5
F I L E N 0. s-ios90
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides E. IOWA AVENUE from Edgerton Street to
West 270 feet and also ��535 (Lot 34, Blk. 1) and ��524
(Lot 10, Blk. 2) E. Iowa Ave. in Phalen Park City View
Pl�� Pfl��
. A�1t�
L�� �►Ti� �
���� � �+.,� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� CJ, � ���"�' New construction (where no walk e}:isted) $10.00*
per front foot.
{ �'��� ������ Replacement of ald walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra widtli
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COriMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost esCimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
-- �� ` Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 '
Q� � �`�' � ��t�^ Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute '
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�� C�ambers from
°: 3G to 10:00 A,N.. t%�:e same day as the heuring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 5�102
�q mr• 4�,°+a ;� A � ,,�, y ''�' $.� ,�"+ t""• ; 9 �y°' .a � �� �����
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ti � � �. � �
5� 1 � � ��►� � � � � �`� � � ��' $� �
District Planning Council i� 8
F 1 �. E N 0. s-ios9�
To decide on whetner to proceed with construction of the
following aide,aal'.< c�rders:
North side SELBY AVENUE to East from Lexington Avenue
at 1057 Selby only.
�t� � ����
LC� � �T �� �
$..���� '�' � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
. City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted pruperties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� � C ���'T' �Iew construction (where no walk existed) $10.00>'<
per front foot.
� ��� ��1�'��T �'�� Replacement of old walk--$S.OQ* per front foot.
*Please note ttiat Residential rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
CO:�iMERCIAL rates (a.11 property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
- �� Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � �"�', ;��C, Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�l C?�ambers from
R: 3G to 10:00 A,;%, t�:e same day as tfie hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent April 16, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Pau1, Minnesota �5102
��-� ���.�.
�" �' � � � � �° � -�- �� ,� ,�� �,� ���� ,� " Y ��"��0 '
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Sfi � � ���. � � � � �T �tt� �°TB� �
District Planning Council 4613
F I L E �!0. s-ios9s
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
tollowing sidewalk orders:
North side SELBY AVENUE to West from Lexington Avenue at
1153 Selby only.
��� � ���
�� � �� �� � .
���� � � � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follaws: .
� ,�^,J �� C� � ���"r New construction (where no walk exisred} $10.00*
per front foot. .
I�N��� �A Y 1{�N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk consrructed.
- - "�" Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � C�`�°' ( �,�S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty �ounc�l C�ambers from
R:3G to 10:00 A,Pfi, t�:e same day as the he�ring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� � � ,� ; ; ,, ` .,�,,, �� �,y ,�,�, � .,�� y�, � � l -.t:Z�' ��C!�i
�' 3 . � S"`'1 �@� �w�w �.r� � � a �'b' �i� � i� �+ae/ i.. '
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� � � �. � � � � �► � � � � � � � T � � �
S1D � �U�L � � � �U �°� � �J �T �O �
District Planning Council It6
� ( L E N 0. s-ios99
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
West Side CUMBERLAND STREET at 1107 and 1111 Cumberland
PU � P ���
�„���� 9 � � . Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� C� � ���"�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
I N F.V t� �I-ST� �N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width ;
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
-`-- " Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 '
�� � �'r'��� C� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty �ounc�� C'�ambers irom ,
R: 30 to 10:0U A.:;. t�_e same day as the hesring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent Department of Finance and �tanagement Services
April 16, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
,�.� .,.v.• �� � a ��o � a7" �,�A y� ,.'* � �{ +,��' �, � ; l 'G� C JII�y.�' i
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� 1 � � ��►�. �C � � � "��' �� C�' �� �
___ ._.-- -
District Planning Council �i`8
F I �. E (�f 0. s-io9o1
To decide on �ahether to proceed with canstruction of the
LOIIOWlI1P`, sidewalk orders:
West side FARRINGTON STREET from Fuller Avenue to North
145 feet abutting 319 Fuller Avenue.
�� � � ���
�.�J � ��' it� f�
�„���� �� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982,. 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, •
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� �� �� �"�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
� ��� � ��� ; {�� Replacement of oid walk--$S.00X per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. �
COIVL�fERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.OU
per square foot of walk constructed.
` Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 `�
��,i � �`�° � �� 5 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in tre C�ty �ounc�� C'�ambers from
�:30 to 1�:00 A.;S. t'�:e same day as the heuring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Di_vision
Department of Finance and �fanagement Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House �`
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota �5102 `
. c�z��-� ��`v���
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� 1 � � W��►�. � C � � �T � � CT60 �
District Planning Council 1{�p
F i L E (V 0. S-10903
To decide on whether to proceed with constructiun of the
tollowing sidewall: orders:
North side CALIFORNIA AVENUE from N. Grotto Street to
N. Avon Street at 769 California only.
��l �dPfl��
���� ,� ,� Tuesday, May 4, i9a2, lo:oo A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A S �E �S tU E�V T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot. '�
���Q������N Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorat�d accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
-'-� -'�"" Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � S"r���CJ' Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this pro,ject in the C�ty �ounc�l C�ambers from
9:3G to 10:00 A.t:. tc:e same day aa tfie heuring.
by Che Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �
,�� wKar 'W k s � 1 `� ''r,� y�M cl�� R : ,-�p�' ¢ �/(it.. �'�"."�,'I�. .
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SIfl � W��►�. � C +� � �T �� �TB� �
District Planning Council l� 7
F I L E N O.sio9o�
P�,G E
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides MILTON STREET from University Avenue to
Charles Avenue
��� � 0��
��� A� ��✓ � ,
t�.���� � � � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
_ City Council Chamhers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council appraves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as f.ollows:
�� �� � � ���'� New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front toot.
(� �� ����� ��� Replacement of old walk--$5.00'^ per f ront foat.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks caill be prorated accordingly.
COMMF.RCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of �aalk constructed.
- �`"' Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-i029
�U � �"�°' ���� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�� C�ambers trom
9: 3G to 1�:00 A,�.. tee same day aa tF�e hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
votice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982
St. Paul, *tinnesota 55102
�-C� �� ��`� �
..�.. � y 3 �' �� .y`°'� '� � " � �-
� � . � h° �� � � � � � � �� � � � ��► i �,.
,. �
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Slt� � ��►L. � �� � �T #� U �T6� �
District Planning Council 0�13
F ( L E N 0. s-io9os
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides OTIS AVENUE at 56, 62, 68, 71, 73, 79, 83,
97, and 130 Otis and the Otis sides of 2279, 2280 River-
P�� P ��E
Lp � AT10 � ,
���� , � � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) ,
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
!�►� .7 E .7 � ivl E 1�"t' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
- per front foot.
!� �������'(�� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front fooe.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the `
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be appruximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
__ _ _._ __.__.
- -'� � ` Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
Q u � C�'"�'i a�C�` Also, City staf f will be available to answer any last mi�nute
questions on this project in the City Counc�l Chambers from
R:3G to 1�:00 A.t;. tc_e same day as tre hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent April 16, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
sr�1 �wdn r'� ;;!y ip F� � d'�i y ..w.••r,. �� i�+y a��i r. 9 �� �1 ��( s \. �-'l.�f� �<iC«G� ,
n,�s� � . t r""J� `i�y✓ uaa. � a !n y �9.�P "�'w�'� � � � �a✓ Y �. �
� a k � � �- � � � �' � � � �
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� 1 � � ���. � �� �V �T' ��,l ��` 9� �
District Planning Council l� 7
F f L E N 0. S-10909
To decide on wheti�er to proceed :aith construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
South side W. MINNEHAHA AVENUE at 666 and 662 Minnehaha
near to St. Albans Street.
�''� � � � �J�
LO �; ��' �0 �
�..���� � �'..,� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (atter construction)
against beciefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� � � ���"�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
i N �'0��l A1''!t3�I Replacement of o11 walk--$5.00* per f ront foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COIvL^1ERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot ai walk constructed.
� - Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
Q� � �"'�`" + �N��,^ Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�� Chambers from
°:3G to 10:Q0 A,i:. t�:e same day as the hesring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent A�ril 16, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Hall-Court House
St. Paul, rlinnesota 5�102
���- ����
,,�, -� � ,� � � � � �� �. �,� ► �. }� � �
:� � . � � � �... � � � ti �..,� �,� � �� �.� � �.
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� iD � �1V�►�. � � �3 � �T' ��9 �T8� i�
District Planning Council ;�12
F I L E N 0. s-io9io
To decide on �,rhether to proceed caith construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Southeast side LUTHER PLACE from Como Avenue to
Grantham Street.
PU �P���
�4 f��D
Lt�� �1T1+� �
���� '� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, :
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows: '
�� �� � � ���"�' New construction (where no walk existed} $10.00*
per front foot.
� jy�� �� ����� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra �aidth
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
-- " Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�u � �`�'I a�� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Counc�l Chambers trom
9: 3G to 10:00 A.t;. t�:e same day as the henring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and ;ianagement Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
�2� c.��
� `�' � �1� � � � � '- �� �'' ,''�] � ' ��, �, � �
°+s � . d �1 � n� J � ry � �s�' � � a� �d �
� 1� � �. � � � �. � � � �-� � � � �' i � �
� 1 � � V���. � � � � �°T' � �1 ��' �C� �
District Planning Council 118
F I L E N 0. s-io9ii
To decide on whether to proceed with constructiun or the
following sidewalk orders: :
Both sides IGLEHART AVENUE from Kent Street to North
Dale Street.
�� � f 'V�JL�.
�1�I 1.►
LOC ��' 10 �1
t�,.���� �� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
A � �� C� C ���"�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.0U* '
per front foot.
�� ���� ��i� � Replacement of o.ld walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks wi11 be prorated accordingly.
COrIl�1ERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
� - ���"' Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�U � i�^'�'� �� C Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty �ouncil C'�ambers from
°: 3G to 10:00 A,t.. t�:e same day as the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services
April 16, 1982, Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
/p � /'7
,d•,� +aan, �,, ;9 F a u�v � ""fp' ��+ , y � :� y ` '�,.�GL� �.` ^G-2��
� � . � ;� �i �.�. �,� � � � � � �.�, �� � � �
`° � � `� � � E �����
�' � � � � � � � � � � � �
51 � � �1�►L. � C � �IS�� UCT �C� � �
District Planning Council 1� 7
F l L E (V 0. s-io9i2
� PAG�
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides GROTTO STREET from Edmund Avenue to Thomas
Avenue and North side EDMUND AVENUE from Grotto Street
to West 40 feet abutting 577 N. Grotto. -
p�� � ���
�� � �i� �� �
���� 0� � Tuesday, May 4, i9s2, ro:oo A.�. ::
City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Ha11-Court House ;;;
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
� � �� � � ���y,�'7' Neca construction (�ahere no walk eaisted) $10.00* ��
per front foot.
' � �� �j� �� � �� Replacement of o1d walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construccion of a 5-foot �aide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COl��itERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of accual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square faot ot walk constructed.
� � " Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
(�u � �`�°` + �� � Also, City staff will be available to answtr any last minute
questions on this project in the C�t}� �ounci� C!�ambers fron: a
R:3G to 10:0U A,i;. tce same day as the heuring. t
bv the Valuation and Assessment Division �
Department of Finance and Management Services '�
Notice sent �
April 16, 1982, Room 213 City Hall-Court House �,
St. Paul., �finnesota 55102 ��
, ` t��'— C Y�c��
.�^ s��v�s ��� .T� � y ` i.s� � -s„ss 1+� Y�. .1�`� y j a �� � �.'� �
R� � g j q
� �� . i u""?' �C� .a.s. ar,✓ 6 �� 3 �`�+„ �'.J �' 1,�`"d �.r+' 9 ,'aw
'M_s o
ti� � iw.il \wr � � � b' � FR''y ^ 4 �.e
i� � � � G 5... �"`�i ��� 3 ��� `4.J f � �� � � � �
� 1 � � '���� � � � � �`� � � ��` � � �
District Planning Council l� 7
F � (_ � N Q. 5-10913
Tu de.cide on whettl�r tc� proceed �air_h cunstruction �t the
iollowina sidewsik orclers:
Both sides GROTTO STREET from Sherburne Avenue to
Charles Avenue.
�� �� � � � �
�..V �.� N� �V �
-� Tuesday, May 4, 1982,��� lO:OG A.�t. � ��
�'� �.��"� � i�,� �,:�
Citv Co�,�nci1 Ciaamhers, 3rd Floor CiCy Ha11-Court House
If the Council approves r.he orders (or any part thereof, �
a porti.on ot t:�ie costs will be assessed (after construction)
against beiletitted properties. 'I'he estimated a�sessments
for this project ar� a� f��llows:
RESIDF:NTIAL rates (SI�GL�? F�`�t.LLI T'0 T1iREE F��MILY) ,
� � �� � G� ���� �,� `�"' �Iew cot�istruction (where no walk existed) $i0.00*
pe.r front Euot.
� � ��f �� It/�,�y� i � �� keplacem�nt of o1d walk---;S.UO* per tront foot .
*Please note that Resiciential rates are based C�Il the
construction ot: a S-foot wide sidewalk; all exCra �aidth
sidew�iLks will be proratecl accordingly.
CO�L�IE:KCI.�I. rates (all property� other Chan residen*_ial)
100;! of actual cost estimat��d to be approximately $3.00
per sctiare foot ot walk conetructed.
Construction: 292-62i8 Assessments: 292-70?9
��� � ���'' � �� � A1so, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on thi5 project in the Citv Counc:l C'�ambers tron:
�: 3U to 10:00 A.::. tce same day �s tt:e �earing.
bv the Valuatian and Assessment Division
Departmec�� of Finance and 'fanagement Services
votice sent Room ?18 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul9 �iinnesota 55102
. , �� ��� �
;� -�- ; � ; , -�- �� �°'� �
� � . � � �+ �... � � � � � � � :� � $ �..
� � � �.. � � � � � � � �!� � � � � � � � �
s � � � ���. � �'� � �� �� �T �� �
District Pl.anning Council l� 7
F ( L � (�.�Q, 5-10914
To decide on whettier to proceed with construc.tion oF the
following sidewalk orders:
East side CEDAR STREET from South of Como at 800 and
802 Cedar.
P�l � P �S�
�....{�� �'i" 1� �1
���� � � � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. ThE estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
� � �� C� � �� �'�"' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
� ��������{�}� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidecealk; all extra width
sidecaalks will be prorated accordingly.
COi�L'�fERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated ta be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
� - Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�� � �`�" � �� � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the Citv �ounc�l C'�ambers from
°:3C to 1�:00 A,t;. t�:e same day as tFe hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
; � � A C'�.% C'�,,y,�`� .
� �: � � � � � � �' � � � �.� �� � � �. /�
� � \� � � � � N� P i � � � � f Y `Y!/ i � V � �F����o .
5 � � � ��� � �I � � � f �� �� �� • -
District Planning Council 4612
F I L E N 0. s-io9is
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
South side CARTER AVENUE from Raymond Avenue to West 200
Pl� � PB��
�,.���� �� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.K.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against beneritted properties. The estimated assessments
for this pro�ect are as follows:
� �(',J, �� � � �t��'r' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
� ���� j���,�� Replacement of o.ld walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra W1CiCt1
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COA'Il�tERCIAL rates (all property other ttian residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
� - � - Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-70?9
(�� � �"�' � ��t�' Also, City staf f will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Counc�l t;'�ambers �rom
°:30 to 10:00 A.i!. t�:e same day as tl:e hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and �fanagement Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Ha11-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. ` - ���1�
'.,v�" y,� � � � }.-,f .j''�' t�`. j ; °�� `�'r' ° � ''��
� � . � a� �� � �� � ��� y '�+ '�,.� '� i`� �,r � �.. '
� � � � i � u i �. � � f � � � �� � � �
� � � � ��i.� � �� !`� � ! � LJ �✓� ��Ji�
' District Planning Council 466
F l L E (V 0. 5-10916
To decide un whether to proceed caith construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
Both sides VAN SLYKE at 1045, 1062, 1048, 1042, and
1028 Van Slyke. Abutting respectively Lot 23, Block 5
and Lots 26, 25, 24, and 23 thru part of 19 of Block 4,
Warren Dale Addition.
�� � ����
t...�� � t �� i�
���� '� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M:
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
� � �� � � ����' New constr�cti.on (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
�� �� �� �� � �� Replacement or old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-Eoot wide si.detaalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COrf�tERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
- Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 �
(�� � �``� i �� C� Also, City scaff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�� C'�ambers From
R: 30 to 10:00 A.i�. t�:e same day as the �e�.ring.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Mana�ement Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982,
St. Paul, �tinnesota 55102
` ��C '
� � � � � � �' '� � � � i� � � �.. �����
� `�". � �l� �. � �-
�' �9 � �.. 1 � � �. � � 1 � G �iCJ �' i �C � ;
SIO � WVA�LK �� � �T �VCTI� iV =
District Planning Council l�ll '
F I L E N 0. s-io9i� •
� PAGE :
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the ,
following sidewalk orders:
Southside SHERBURNE AVENUE from Haml3ne Avenue to Syndicate
Avenue. �
�O� A� iO �V
�„���� �� � Tuesday, May 4, i982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� �� �� �'�" New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00* i
per front foot.
�N ����/a i '�� Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. � '
*Please note tliat Residential rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra taidth
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 >_
per square foot of walk constructed. �°
���-' -"" Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 !'
�u � C"r"' �N� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute i
questions on this project in the City �ouncii C'�ambers from
g:30 to 1�:00 A,t:. t�e same day a� tlie hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division ;!
Department of Finance and Management Services '
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House i''
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �.��- <��...i��
� �: � � �� � � � ��' ��' � � � � � � �. �
�' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
., S1iJ � ''�A��. � � U �l ��'��J � T �t� i�
District Planning Council l66
F I LE N0. s-io9is
': PAG E
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
West side MARION STREET from Wayzata Street to North �
110 feet and North side WAYZATA STREET from Marion Street
to Galtier Street.
�.00ATIO � . -
tr,i��1 ��� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
� � �� �S �L i`�T New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
I N�0 ��i1�47 I�tV Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; a11 extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COrf�fERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
-�` ° ""' Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
�U E �7!�N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City �ounc�l Chambers from
°: 30 ta 10:00 A,iS. t�:e same day aa tE;e hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
�Iotice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982,
St. Paul, Minnesota �5102
. C��. ('��-;�>
�� �: ��� � �. � � � '� � � � �� � � � -
P � � �. � � � � � � � � � i� ��' � � �
s � o � ��►�. � c � � s-r �uc-r �o �
District Planning Council �� 7
F ! � E N 0. 5-10919
To decide on whether to proceed with construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
South side VAN BUREN AVENUE from Mackubin Street
to West 84 feet at 500 Van Buren.
�� � � ���
�� � �� �� �
���� � � � Tuesday, May 4, i9s2, io:oo A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� � C� ���d"�'" New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per front foot.
� � �� ���� � �� Replacement ot old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMrtERCIAI. rates (all property other than residential)
lU0% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
- - - � Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029 `
Q u � �"�� �N C,' Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the C�ty Counc�l Chambers from
9: 30 to 10:00 A.;!. t�:e same day aa the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Notice sent Department of Finance and i�anagement Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. ���-- ��-_.--��
�,, .�.. ,� , �a � �� �, ��� � a � � � � f�` �
:� � . � � �a �. � � `�' � � �.� � �.� T� �
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S1L� � �'A��. �C � � �V �"1" �� �TBC� �
District Planning Council 1�11
F I L E N 0. s-io92o �
To decide un whether to proceed �aith construction of the
following sidewalk orders:
South side EDMUND AVENUE from Albert Street to Pascal '
Street at 1440 Edmund Street only.
�� � � ���
Lt� � �`T10 �
���� ' � � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� C' � C"J, � ���'�' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
°� per front foot.
� ��� ������ {� Replacement o[ old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
side�aalks will be prorated accordingly.
COI�iIERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 '.
per square foot of walk constructed.
�°"° Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
(�� � ��,°'"� f ��� Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on thi5 project in the C�ty �ounci� C'�ambers fron:
°: 3C to 1�:00 A,;;. t�e same day as the hesring. �
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and �tanagement Services
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982,
St. Paul, �finnesota 55102
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District Planning Council l� ll
F � L E (�Q. S-10925
To decide on whether to proceed *.aith construction or the
follo�aing sidewalk orders: ,
South side BLAIR AVENUE from North Dunlap Street to
East 52 feet abutting 1156 Blair
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�,,,���� �� � Tuesday, May 4, 1982, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor CiCy Hall-Court House
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction)
against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments
for this project are as follows:
�� �� � � �� �"�"' New construction (where no walk existed) $10.00*
per iront foot.
���'{�����T�� � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residenti.al rates are based on the '
construction of a �-foot wide sidewalk; a11 extra width ,
sidewalks will be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) �
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 ,
per square foot of walk constructed.
-�'"! Construction: 292-6278 Assessments: 292-7029
Qu � �"�' i ��CJ` Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ;
questions on this project in the City �ounc:l C!�ambers from ,
°: 30 to 10:Q0 A.ir. t�e same day aa the hearing.
by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Mana�ement Services '
Notice sent Room 218 City Hall-Court House
April 16, 1982, '�
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
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�"'"�m�,....•�"`` 218 City Hall
GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
MI�YOR 612-298-5'I 25
April 30, 1982
Dear Property Owner:
Please be advised that all of the sidewalk hearings originally
scheduled for May 4, 1982, have been RESCHEDULED to June 8, 1982,
in order to allow the new City Council to make the final decisions
on these projects.
All other items that were in your original notice remain unchanged.
Attached is a list showing the sidewalk hearings that have been
If you have any questions, please call 298-5241.
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aluation and Assessment En i eer��
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RESCHEDULE:; TO �:'�NE � , ';8�
S-10886 North side W. MONTANA AVENUE from Lexington Avenue to 133
feet West S
5-10890 Both sides E. IOWA AVENUE from Edgerton Street to West 270 feet
and also �{�535 (Lot 34, Blk. 1) and �6524 (Lot 10, Blk. 2) E. Iowa
Avenue in Phalen Park City View Addition, 5,
S-10907 Both sides MILTON STREET from University Avenue to Charles Avenue 1
5-10908 Both sides OTIS AVENUE at 56, 62, 68, 71, 73, 79, 83, 97, and 130
Qtis and the Otis sides of 2279, 2280 Riverwood 4
S-10909 South side W. MINNEHAHA AVENUE at 666 & 662 Minnehaha n�ar to St.
Albans Street 1
5-10910 Southeast side LUTHER PLACE from Como Avenue to Grantham Street 4
5-109I1 Both sides IGLEHART AVENUE from Kent Street to North Dale Street 1
S-10912 Both sides GROTTO STREET from Edmund Avenue to Thomas Avenue and
North side EDMUND AVENUE from Grotto Street to West 40 feet abutting
577 N. Grotto. 1
5-10913 Both sides GROTTO �TREET from Sherburne Avenue to Charles Avenue 1
5-10914 East side CEDAR STREET from South of Como at 800 and 802 Cedar 1
5-10915 South side CARTER AVEDtUE from Raymond Avenue to West 200 feet 4
S-10916 Both sides VAN SLYKE at 1045, 1062, 1048, 1042, and 1028 Van Slyke
Abutting respectivelv Lot 23, Blk. 5 and Lots 26, 25, 24, and 23
thru part of 19 of Blk. 4, Warren Dale Addition 5
S-10917 Southside SHERBURNE AVENUE from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue 4
S-10918 West side MARION STREET from Wayzata Street to North 110 feet and
North side WAYZATA STREET from Marion Street to Galtier Street 5
S-10919 South side VAN BUREN AVENUE from Mackubin Street to West 84 feet
at 500 Van Buren 1
S-10920 South side EDMUND AVENUE from Albert Street to Pascal Street at
1440 Edmund Street only 4
S-10925 South side BLAIR AVENUE from North Dunlap Street to East 52 feet
abutting 1156 Blair 1
S-10897 North side SELBY AVENUE to East from Lexington Avenue at 1057 Selby
onlv 1
S-10898 North side SELBY AVENUE to West from Lexington Avenue at 1153 Selby
only 1
S-10899 West side CUMBERLAND STREET at 1107 and 1111 Cumberland Street 5
5-10901 West side FARRINGTON STREET from Fuller Avenue to North 145 feet
abutting 319 Fuller Avenue 1
5-10903 North side CALIFORNIA AVENUE from N. Grotto Street to N. Avon
Street at 769 California only 5
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"''+mn,,,.••c''�` 218 City Hall
GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
MAYOR 6�2-298-5125
April 30, 1982
Dear Property Owner:
Please be advised that all of the sidewalk hearings originally
scheduled for May 4, 1982, have been RESCHEDULED to June 8, 1982,
in order to allow the new City Council to make the final decisions
on these projects.
All other items that were in your original notice remain unchanged.
Attached is a list showing the sidewalk hearings that have been
If you have any questions, please call 298-5241.
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U�aluation and Assessment En i eer��
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S-10886 North side W. MONTANA AVENUE from Lexington Avenue to 133
feet West S
5-10890 Both sides E. IOWA AVENUE from Edgerton Street to West 270 feet
and also �6535 (Lot 34, Blk. 1) and �F'S24 (Lot 10, Blk. 2) E. Iowa
Avenue in Phalen Park City View Addition. 5F
S-10907 Both sides MILTON STREET from University Avenue to Charles Avenue 1
S-10908 Both sides OTIS AVENUE at 56, 62, 68, 71, 73, 79, 83, 97, and 130
Otis and the Otis sides of 2279, 2280 Riverwood 4
5-10909 South side W. MINNEHtTHA AVENUE at 666 & 662 Minnehaha ncar to St.
Albans Street 1
S-10910 Southeast side LUTHER PLACE from Como Avenue to Grantham Street 4
S-10911 Both sides IGLEHART AVENUE from Kent Street to North Dale Street 1
5-10912 Both sides GROTTO STREET from Edmund Avenue to Thomas Avenue and
North si�e EDMUND AVENUE from Grotto Street to West 40 feet abutting
577 N. Grotto. 1
S-10913 Both sides GROTTO STREET from Sherburne Avenue to Charles Avenue 1
S-10914 East side CEDAR STREET from South of Como at 800 and 802 Cedar 1
S-10915 South side CARTER AVENUE from Raymond Avenue to West 200 feet 4
S-10916 Both sides VAN SLYKE at 1045, 1062, 1048, 1042, and 1028 Van Slyke
Abutting respectively Lot 23, Blk. 5 and Lots 26, 25, 24, and 23
thru part of 19 of Blk. 4, Warren Dale Addition 5
S-10917 Southside SHERBURNE AVENUE from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue 4
S-10918 West side MARION STREET from Wayzata Street to North 110 feet and
North side WAYZATA STREET from Marion Street to Galtier Street 5
S-10919 South side VAN BUREN AVENUE from Mackubin Street to West 84 feet
at 500 Van Buren 1
S-10920 South side EDMUND AVENUE from Albert Street to Pascal Street at
1440 Edmund Street only 4
S-10925 South side BLAIR AVENUE from North Dunlap Street to East 52 feet
abutting 1156 Blair 1
S-10897 North side SELBY AVENUE to East from Lexington Avenue at 1057 Selby
only 1
S-10898 North side SELBY AVENUE to West from Lexington Avenue at 1153 Selby
only 1
S-10899 West side CUMBERLAND STREET at 1107 and 1111 Cumberland Street 5
5-10901 West side FARRINGTON STREET from Fuller Avenue to North 145 feet
abutting 319 Fuller Avenue 1
5-10903 North side CALIFORNIA AVENUE from N. Grotto Street to N. Avon
Street at 769 California only 5