278759 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��8��y PINK - FtNANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the appointment by Councilman Robert Fletcher of Pat Devane as his Legislative Aide be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUIVCILMEN , Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays � �evine �a�� [n Favor �uicasia a __ Against BY -- Scheibel Tedesco ��1ri50D JUN 1 �9a2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y s Counci ecr BY sy Appr y Mavor: D J�N Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JUN 12 1982 . . . �� ��sq STAT� OF MINN�SOTA ) ) Cowvty o� Rameey ) aa• ) CITy OF SAINT PA(11 ) j� Pat Devane � do ao.�emney awecvc (on ab�.vrm) �o euppon,t �he Cona�',i tu�',i.ona o� #he Un.i.ted S�a.tea and o� �he S#a,te o� M.i.nne,�o-ta and #o . di.achcvige �a.i.th�ca.P�y �'he du,t,i.e,� devo.2v.t.ng upon me aa Legislative Aide o� �'h.e Ci.ty o� Sa.i.n.t Pau,C �o �'he bed# o� my j udgm en,t and ab.i.e,i.ty. i � C Swonn �o and bubac�c,i.bed �o be�one me zh,i.a lst d� o� June i9 82 �� �