278742 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��Q��� CANARY - DE ARTMENT COUflC1I V BLU E - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. o ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changi.ng the Section Number from 3. J to 3. K for the titlesof Parking Administrator and Principal Designer in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J by removing the titles of Parking Administrator and Principal Designer from Grade 22, and by inserting these same titles in Grade 22 of Section 3.K. Approved: �--, � hairma Civil Se Commission COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � pERSO L OFFICE Levine In Favor �Aaddwc Q McMahon B snowaiter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson MaY 2 7 �981 Form prov d by tt ey Adopted by Council: Date — � CertifiE: ass�d b oun � Sec ary ^ BY .• By � Approve Ylavor: Date ',HY 2 8 198 App by Mayor for ission to Council_ sv _ — By PUSUSHE�D JUN 51982 _ _ _ __ _ - --- _ .__ _. ___ _. . ._. ._ _ --- _ _ .. - - - - - _ _ W!-IITE - CITY CLERK ' ��]'� /A PINK -FINANCE � I� + T COUIICll �� �J f `�� CANARY DEPARTMENT (� I TY O F SA I 1� T 1 1�1II 3�� HLUE - MAYOP File �O. - CITY CLERK C'ouncil IZesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ; An administrative Resolution changi.ng the Section Number from 3. J to 3. K for the titlesof Parking Administrator and Principal Designer in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J by removing the titles of Parking Administrator and Principal Designer from Grade 22, and by inserting these same titles in Grade 22 of Section 3.K. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Departmenc of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine Itt Favor Maddox McMahon B Showaiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed b�� Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Vlavor. Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Councii_ By - - _ BY Do not detach this memorandum from the t , _re,solution so that this information will be available to the City Council. ���� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, 4� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: April 12, 1982 �.EC�.IV�'C� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATTMER MAY � - 1982 FR: Personnel Office MAYORS OFFICE RE: Resolution for submis�ion to Cit Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION Thi s Re solution amends the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s by removing tlie title s of Parking Administrator and Principal Designer from 5ection 3. J �Professional Administrati.ve Non-Supervisors Group) and placing them in Section 3.K;jProfessional Administrati.ve Supervisors Group). FINANCIAL ZMPACT None. ATTACI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. � ` 4 � . , �~� � J-- . f, �t � .M �' STATE O F ��i I N N��C3'i'A �� .BUREAU OF MED►A i!ON SE}�VICES VETERANS SERVICE BUiLD1NG ' SAINT PAUL 55'!55 • PHONE 612-296-2525 IN THE NIATTER 0 r: CLARIFICATION APTD/OR Ar�NDi�NT . OF APPROPRIATE UNIT: Professional Employees Association, St , Paul, Minnesota . - and - City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Ma.nnesota - and � � Management & Professional Supervisory Employees Organiza�ion, St. Paul, Minnesota �s� n*o. 80-PR-338-� UNIT CLARIFICATION . � On September 21, �97g, a petition was filed �rith the Bureau . of ASediation Services, req_uesting that the tit3es of Parking �ldministrator, Principal Designer and Real Estate Supervisor � of the City of St. Paul; be removed from the bargaining u:�!it currently represented by the Professional Employees Assoc�ation, St. Paul, Minnesota, and to place them in the bargaznir_g unit currently represented by the Management & Professional Su�ervisory Employees 0 rganization, St. Paul, Minnesota. Sa?d pe�i�ion vras si�ned by representatives of the Professional Employees Associ�.t?on, the City of St, Paul, and the Management 8c Professional Sugervisor�. Employees 0rganization. • _ • Inasmuch as the request for clarification has been agreed to by all pa�ties of interest, the reques� shall be granted. Z`here- fore, as Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services, S�ate of Minnesota, I hereby find and order that the titles of ?z�kin� �dmin:i�trator, Princi�al Desi�ner and Real Estate Su�P�visor shall be e�ccluded from.the b�,�gaining uni�c ce!�t�ified ta tiie =ro�"essionai � �npZoyees Assoc3ation, St. Paul, I!�innesota, on Dece_moer 11, 1973, under Case No. 7�}-PR-209-A, and be included in the ba�gainzng uni� eer'�iPied to the Managemen� & Profession�.l Supervisory �.�loyees Organization, St. Paul, P�innesota,, on December 7, 1977, ur_der Case No. 78-PR-500-A. BURF,AU OF MEDIATTOl�i SE�jTIC�S . STA�E 0 F MItn�'SO TA PE�O:c c . ��\����, cc: James Gag � L- Art �Terthauser PETER E. OBER��Y '_ , DIR�CTOR Pr��:: Martin A. Com.panion (2) -:.�v . - ;;.L;�:�:+� (Inc lude s Po s t ing) . r',7`h��:.,':_'� �'�•�=�„:;- Dated at St. Paul, i�inneso ta, . � October 10 , 197� AN �G1UA� OPPORTUNITY [MPLOYER r:�_�Q