278740 WHITE - CITY CLERK (1�[���o PINK - FINANCE n i ra CANA�2Y - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �U L COUIICII ��� v BLU� - MAYOR File N O. � cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative R,e solution e stabli shing the title and cla s s specification for Assistant City Engineer and starring ('�) certain titles in the Civil Service Rules. _ RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. K, Grade 28, by inse rting the title of As si stant City Enginee r; by placing a star (�) before the title s li sted below; and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: Bridge Engineer City Traffic Engineer Public Works Constructi.on Engineer Public Works Design Engineer Public Works Maintenance Services Engineer Sewe r Enginee r Superintendent of Lighti.ng and Electrical Engineer "This title is abolished except as to present incurnbents. The class specification shall remain in effect, and if an incumbent chooses to remain in this title, the incumbent shall continue to perform the duties described in the class specification and no employee in any other title shall perform such duties as long as the incumbent remains. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil 5e rvice Rule s be furthe r amended - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wiison Form pprove by ity y Adopted by Council: . Date — CertifiE:d Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By� � Approved by :Vlavor: Date _ Appr v d y Mayor for Su io to Co cil By _ _ B WMITE - CITY CLERK n�('y��O PINK - FINANCE / J� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COU[IC1I N �.� BLUE� - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - in Se ction 32 tI"ie re of by in se rti.ng, in prope r alphabeti cal orde r, the attached class specification for Assistant City Engineer. Approved: �� �� . a rm Civil Se i Commission COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Y Yeas Hunt Na s pERS NNEL OFF CE Levine In Favor AAeddsK. McMahon snowaiter - __ Against BY — redesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �Y � 7 1981 For A proved Cit or y Certified assed by unc� ,ecre ry r ,. By By. ,��� o ���1_s��.� Approved or: Date Ap o d y Mayor for s ion�o Council BY - - — BY PUBItS�IED JUN 51982 Title of class: • ���f.�`�� ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible engineering management work in planning, directing and evaluating the activities of a division or unit eugaged in the design; construction and/or operation of a public works system which involves complex engin�ering concepts; and performs related duties as required. � , Supervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of the Public Works Director or a division manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises with�n a division or other unit gene�al technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 posiCions in this class. Plans, implements and directs the activities of a division or unit which designs, constructs, inspects, maintains or otherwise provides municipa7. works for the City. Develops long and short range plans within departmental guidelir_es. Directs the preparation of designs, specifications and contractual agreements for municipal works projects. Directs the maintenance of pro�ect records. Prepares and recommends an annual unit budget. Coordinates projects with other Public Works units and other public, private and citizen organizations. Evaluates the effectiveness of unit performance in relation to its goals and good managemen.t practices. Prepares reports and makes recommendations. Makes feasibility studies of new methods and materials and implements changes to improve operations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of current principles and theories of civil engineering as applied to municipal works projects. Thorough knowledge of the met�� .'s, procedures and techniques of civil en.gineering and mathematics as applied to municipal works projects. Considerable knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. Considerable ability to p1an, organize, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectiveZy with City officials and employees, representatives of public and private organization.s and tfie general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in engineering and eight years` professional engineering experience, at least three years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer III or equivaZent in engineering fields utilized in the Public Works Department. (No substitution for education.) Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. • ���~�[�(! Title of class: � ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible engineering management work in planning, directing and evaluating the activities of a division or unit engaged in the design, construction and/or operation of a public works system which involves complex engineering concepts; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of the Public Works Director or a division manager. . Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division or other unit general technical and admin.istrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Plans, implements and directs the activities of a division or unit which designs, constructs, inspects, naintains or otherwise provides municipal works for the City. Develops long and short range plans within departmental guidelines. Directs the preparation of designs, specifications and contractual agreements for municipal works projects. Directs the maintenance of pro�ect records. Prepares and recommends an annual unit budget. Coordinates projects witIc other Public Works units and other public, private and citizen orgaaizations. Evaluates the effectiveness of unit performance in relation to its goals and good management practices. Prepares reports and makes recommeadations. Makes feasibility studies of new methods and materials and implements changes to improve operations. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of current principles and theories of civil engineering as applied to municipal works projects. Thorough kn.owledge of the methods, procedures and techniques of civil engineering and mathematics as applied to municipal works projects. Considerable knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. Considerable ability to plan, orgaaize, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with City officials a.nd employees, representatives of public and private orgaaizations and tfie general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in engineering and eight years' professional engineering experience, at least three years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer III or equivalent in engineering fields utilized in the Public Works Department. (No substitution for education.) Must be registered as a pro£essional engineer in the State of Minnesota. Title of class: ' ������ ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible engineering manage�nent work in planning, directing and evaluating the activities of a division or unit engaged in the design, construction and/or operation of a public works system which involves complex engineering concepts; and performs related duties as required. , Supervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and directioz� of the Public Works Director or a dtvisfon manager. Supervision Exercised: �ercises ur�thin a divis�an or other�anit-general _ technical and admi�tistrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned personnel. - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 positians in this class. Plans, implements and directs the activities of a division or unit which designs, constructs, inspects, maintains or otherwise provides municipal works for the City. Develops long and short range plans within departmeatal guidelines. Directs the preparation of designs, specifications and contractual agreements for municipal works pro�ects. Directs the maintenance of project records. Prepares and recommends an annual unit budget. Coordinates projects with other Public Works units and other public, private and citizen organizations.. Evaluates the effectiveness of unit performance in relation to its goals and good management practices. Prepares reports and makes recommendations. Makes feasibility studies of new methods and materials and implements changes to imprave operations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of current principles and theories of civil engineer3ng as applied to municipal works projects. Thorough knowledge of the m�thods, procedures and techniques of civil engineering and mathematics as applied to municipal works projects. Considerahle knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. Considerable ability to plan, organize, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with City officials and employees, representatives of public and pzivate organizations and the �eneral public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in engineering and eight years` professi.oual engineering e�erience, at least three years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer III or equivalenti in engin.eering fields utilized in the Public Works Department. (No substitution for education.) Must be registered as a professional engi�neer in the State of Minnesota. Title of class: �/ C�r��p ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Per.forms responsibZe engineering management work i�. planning, directing and evaluating the activities of a division. or uuit engaged in the design, construction and/or operation of a public works system which involves complex engineering concepts; and perfarms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction o� the Public Works Director or a division manager. Supervisioa Exercised: Exercises within a division or other uni� general technical and administrative supervision directly and through suoordina�e supervisors over all assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plan.s, implements and directs the activities of a division or unit which designs, constructs, inspects, maintains or otherwise provides municipal works for the City. Dewelops loag and short range plans within departmental guidelines. Directs the greparation of designs, specifications and contractual agreements for municipal works projects. Directs the maintenance of project records. Prepares and recommends an annual unit budget. Coordinates projects with other Public Works units and other public, private and citizen. organizations. Evaluates the effectiveness of unit performance in relation to its goals a�nd good management practices. prepares reports and makes recommendations. Makes feasibility studies of new methods and materials and implements changes to i.mprove operations. �OWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of current principles and theories of civiZ engineering as applied to municipal works projects. • T'hoxough knowledge of the methods, procedures and techniques of civil eagi�eering and mathematics as applied to municipal works projects. Consic3erable knawledge of administrative and managerial principles. Considerable ability to. plan, organize, direct and evaluate the work of prnfessional and techaicai emgloyees. � Gonsiderable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with City officials and employees, representatives of public and private organizations and tfie general public. MINIMiTM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation.ia eugineering and eight years` professional engineer3ng expe�ience, at least three years of which must have been as a Civil Eugineer III .or e.quivalent in .engineering fields utilized in.the Publ.ic Wr�rks Department. (No substitution for education.) Must be regzstered . gs a profession.al eng�aeer in the State of.Minnesata. � PINK - FiNANCE � COU[]CII � C""-""" - DEPARTMENT (�a '�'y OF . SAINT I�ALTL B`LUE��- MAVOR File NO. CITY CLERK ��'o��cil .�esolu�ion 2���`�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Assistant City Engineer and starring (�) ce rtain title s in the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K, Grade 28, by inserting the title of Assistant City Engineer; by placing a star ��) before the ti.tle s li sted belotiv; and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: B ridge Engi.nee r City Traffic Engineer Public Works Construction Engineer Public Works Design Engineer Public Works Maintenance Services Engineer Sewe r Enginee r � Superintendent of Lighti.ng and Electrical Engineer "This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. The class specification shall remain in effect, and if an incumbent chooses to remain in this title, the incumbent shall continue to perform the duties described in the class specification and no employee in any other title shall perform such duties as long as the incumbent remains. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended - 1 - COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMafion snowa�te. Against BY — Tedesco � Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: . Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by :1Qayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI BY - - — BY PINK - FINANCE , TT COUQCIL ��v � GANARY - DEPARTMENT �G I TY O F SA I I�T� ��V L BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council R�sal�tion Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - r in Section 32 t�"iereof by inserti.ng, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Assistant City Engi.neer. Ai�proved: _ _ �hai rman Civil 5ervice Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmerrt of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine (ct FBVOr IV18ddox � McMahon snowa�ter A ga i n s t BY Tedesco Nlilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date . Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B, Rppro�:ed by� �tavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 85' -- - �Y .. . . .. Title of class: ' 2���4Q ASSISTANT CITY ENGTNEER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible engineering manage�ent work in planning, directing and evaluating thz activities of a division or unit engaged in the design, construction and/or operation of a public works system which involves complex engineering concepts; and performs related duties as required. , Supervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of the Public Works Director or a division manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises withix� a division or other unit general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigaed personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, implements and directs the activities of a division or unit which designs, constructs, inspects, maintains or otherwise provides municipal works for the City. Develops long and short range plans within departmental guidelines. Directs the preparation of designs, specifications and contractual agreements for municipal works projects. Directs the mainteaance of project records. Prepares and recommends an annual unit budget. Coordinates projects with other Public Works units and other public, private and citizen organizations. Evaluates the effectiveness of unit performaace in relation to its goals and good management practices. Prepares reports and makes recommendations. Makes feasibility studies of new methods and materials and implements chan.ges to improve operations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of current pri.nciples and theories of civil engineering as applied to municipal works pro�ects. Thorough knowledge of the methods, procedures and techniques of civil engi.neering and mathematics as applied to municipal works projects. Considerable knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. Considerahle ability to plan, organize, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with City officials and employees, representatives of public and private organizations and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in engineering and eight years' professional engiaeering experience, at least three years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer III or equivalent in engineering fields utilized in the Public Works Department. (No substitution for education.) Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Councile PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION FINANCIAL IMPACT / ATTACHMENTS: � � , , - • uv i�vi uc�a:�n tr1�5 RI@Ct1QfS11C1Ut1"1 fi'Ot71 f�1G' � - -' r�s;i��tion so t�at this information wil! be _f ' _ �����������F������z�� 4�Egs, �'78'�40 RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Apsii 12� I982 ( � , , . I��C�I�I�L� : MAY'4 - 1982 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER Fx; Personael office MAYORS OFFICE , RE: Resolution for submission to Cit Council _ A�TION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City CounciL PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION , : Thie R�sol�tico �stsb�tlah�►,� tL� #,iller of A�rs�tstant Citp �ag�r ia C�►�c�+e ?.� oi SectEr� 3.K (Pro#issianal-Admtssfstsatiy� :�pes�risors Grcrnp� au�d, t3�a clans +�p�cifleatiaa tor th�s - title in Secttca 32 0� th+t Ciwril 5�rvlc.� Ru�es. xt al�►o A#ars (�batish.s e�ccept a• �o pressnt incambents) � fo�lic�v�g lisad tiltes in Seet3ou 3.I� tProfersiaaal-Admlaisl�►ttrro S�spervitors Groug) Grsde 28, ot the CivFil. _ Servlr,,� Rai�ss� bat the cias� spe�lfic�t�oas for �hs�e titlaa iia tha Giv1�1 aes�rice Rule� aha11 raxasta tn e�ot, �nd if a�e► is�ct�nbeat chooras to renaaia �a th� �tarred title, th3s iucunzbeat shalt ca�tian� to p�rfon�n !he dvtti�s deeerib�d ia t� clas• apeci�ca�o� for euch ttlls, and no emploree. in ariy atber title shall pssfarxn �,ch datiea arhiLo sa�id facumb�ent x+erna►ina: Hxhtdgr. Engiae�r ' � Cit� Traffic Eagineer Fabiic Woslc� Coe�strnetica E.ngi�eer _ Pnblia Works I�esig�e Eagi�ees► Pbblia Wor�s Msia�en�a�.s Serv�ces ragia�e�r . Sm�a+er Engta�aex � `_ , . :Supss�t�te�sisr�t ot Ltghti�g uts� E�ctr�c�3 Eagi�eer Ths bi-v�ee�ri,y salary sange for Grade ?8 �s athow►s� be�awr: - A $ � D E �+' G 10-yr. 25-Yr. 1282.80 133�. 14 I388. 10 1458.Zb 1532. 33 260?.73 ib8$.93 1?40.85 I791. 5fr $33,a4� an�oallg $�►.70b F'iNANCIl�.�. IMPA�T . N�ne. ATT�!CI�IENTS: Reeo�utic� a�ad copy for th� City Clerk. `