278729 WHITE - CITY CLERK [��{(((���(], PINK - FINANCE n �j� /�V�. CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �U L COUflCIl �J � �) BLUE - MAYOR � File N . Cou�ci Resolution Presented By .�--�— �. ! � , _ ____ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1982 General Fund Budget: From: Specified Contingent Reserve Transfer to Budget Fund 09061-536-000 $ 1, 800 , To: Community Services Parks and Recreation Town Square 03101-389-000 $ 1, 800 Ap roved, as to funding Approved ' ' rec�tor of Finance Budget i ctor � �0 ��rY' � COUIVCILMElV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowaiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson ��e� MaY z 5 � Form Approve by i ttorney Adopted by Council: Date — i Certified assed b Cou 1 Se tary BY i Bl' __ Approved :N vor: Date Approved or for Submission cil By� _ _ � — sY PUBUSHED JUN 5198� 2�8'�2� Sta�us Report ot the Eudgeted P,eser�es as of P�iay 21, 1982. 19 82 CEIANGFS/'1'�t�NSFF�2 P.�lopted - ------ Current Budget Council File Date Amount Fa].ance ��ii?II�,AL, corl?'Ir�GE��'r R�II�2vE {0�060� �,926,0&0 Salary Transfer 278668 5-11 3,792,222 1,133,838 pending -- 1,133,838 -0- �PECIFIID COr�TINGIIVT RESEL�JE (09061) � F7nployees' Health Insurance premi�un reserve -0- pendi,ng -- 1,133,838 1,I.33,838 5outhern tiinnesata Regional Legal Services Incentive Gran� Reserve 47,700 277896 2-17 -7,700 40,000 (LARC) ti:orkers' Campensation: Catastrophic Insurance Requirerr�ent of State 90,000 277896 2-17 123,000 213,000 ��?orkers' Comper►sation Reorganization: Consultant Services 25,000 0 25,000 911 S�s�em Installation and Building Remodeling 241,200 277896 2-17 -25,000 27854I 4-6 -216,200 . 0 .,�.�. , ,.-.� . . 2'��'��� - - �. �pril 15, 1932 " _ , : . :0: Gre� Itlees . . E'P.O�i: WiLiian �. Peter � S�uJ:CT: Re;;istered �ill i�A105=i4 - . Last. year ia .Tune th� City,�tas host to the Leaaue of ►iinnesot�. Citie� c�n=erence. .. . - � . Each dele;;ate to rhe conierence c�as oiven a cor,.:�e��rative .To�n Squ�r��� tile sirzilar to those Uiveu out aC the Town Square o�enin�. - �iark Senn an� John s�or assisted :�e and ti�e Conierence Co�uitte� in securing � the i�pzinte3 Ciles. Ron ::line indicated ti�at fund� �aoulci �e availa�IF� zor thi� type o� ,�zo�otivn if To�;n Square developinent funds cvu?d not tiar.�11�. Ca�:2:1L2'11t�J SE<<iIC�5 - Parl;s, has �aid fvr tlie tilea and is noa seenin;; r�iF'J.AilX�3E'L1G'�1� fro;a t?�e P*.�rchasin� Division per the at�acued. I•?e .�e� your :itlp. ?,�yrr�ent of Lt�.is iaill is not Purchasi��'a re�ponsibiiiLy. Ih shod�td �e aa advertisin� expense c:�argeable to ��rhere ever thasa iu�G� are � c�+ntzolle�l. : • Ycur wssistance in ua�ia� t�e a�ce�sary internal acjust�eats to covtr khi� � �ery :�li �ra:�sactian waul:l be ap��r�ciate�. . r;'j;� _ cc: P.on Y.liae ` � .�OI7�1 a�Or :iar;� S�:as Eo� Trudeau t ; . : • : , - - : ., . ` ,: _: ....�. ,,, _ , , .., ., • : .: � . . . , � . , , . , :,,. � .. . � i. . . ' . A l _ . .. . " , � ; :A' -a ._ ' ' ,� . � - . .. ` . iE � . .. . ... _ � _ �� � � . Rt)t�TI�IG ayn ,�ff'lAl!�tt�`i �ET ` ���` _: .. . ; � , � ' � � ;: (GRE�N SH�ET�. . ' r . {�1�� �i � �: ' <' Ft�rr Ad�aintstrative Or¢ers, Resolntions, ?OrdtnasiCes ��tt �� ., . . �, � , ; RQ,VT.�� O�DER — R ltTE BY AS�j,�B NtJMBER:' � � Jovel.lana D2�E�t�3R raf:#IA�iEN�Nt . �� _ 4 T rutde au .�.Z rtaxtut " , _ , _ �,,.` bEPARTMENT DiR�CTL?R ,,,�._„ D�R�GT€Mt�- aFt�-:`�r""1�7. �Ri��L`�8 6 CITY ATTORNEY �� .Ct`FY CLERK i� 2 �UDG�T DIRfCTOR �$,�_ i r�ar�,���emtnyt.�i.�� �a,;r , � .. . ' ' > � � ' , R„��TION.RF-~At�aT�T�..��.�.P lkt.Lrl.t�CAT.tbNS FOR .I�l�RBl..�S,1fi�lATl�.� _ The Ma�or!s signature, sig�ify�i�g appro�al fc�r� su�i�siori ta Coi�.�ii, �� .; reguested on t�e attached resol�ti�o�,. : ' : ;` . . .;. . � : ' � � . A .city' obligation for a >past d�bt .will be :fu�dec� ::�u�+�� we��a quarar�teed � ,.� " by the. Mayar' � t�ffice for a porti.on of th�. Tciw�n �S�a.r�a :pFd�tc�'t�a1� , conr�ected �ri�h the L+eague of- Minne�ot�::Citi�� -�;c�f������e h���l �n . ". St. P�;ul in June of 19 81'. F,.�,aur t,,,�►4.:, mr r R,v at�n �F so�.�J I�IS�.I�.�N7.7 c I par�: � .1�$00 tai11 b� appr-opri�ted to the Town� Sq�tare Pgrk. Ac'��iri�st��t�On_�fta�td. The �rc>ney �v�.11 li� transferred from the Specifi�ed Cont�,nc,�t ���rv�. . . ; . . , ._. Ns�'`p�r:�o:�ne]. F�'L' 5 will kae aftected. ' ' aTTIkGl�tENTS �LIST AI.L ATTAClfMHNTS): - ,,� I. : re�o�.uti,i�n . 2. LEatter f�om-:the '�urchasi:ng Agent : 3, R�s��v� Status R�port � � •tev.ceur rzeeeaa.c.�y �o.t tac er e o °auP1��� �ve�'r�tmvx�t: • c�y Aue�tay: :' ,, � _ ��..._._ :; 1. ` cocutc.i� R¢iso�wLi.o►i Requ,ited? X�ES NO ' r.:� Reaolufi.i.o►st � yES Mo 2. I��sw�a�tce Req;,ci,ted?_ VFS XXNO 2. 2�eat;itayece,S!,�b.cc�a�zt' yES i� 3. Irracvcartce A�L�clz2d? _ �+FS 3�I�tti ` `= ;=A�v�.�n .?�:�t,�B;�2 -.`